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The mill is indeed not what I was expecting, but chickens, goats and peasants are nice. I like the buckets in the sets as well. Anyone else have some bucket love?

I'm glad we can put the "Kingdom's isn't returning" speculation to rest. The sets look nice to me. It's nice to see that the Dragon Knights get mounted guys and horse barding (and maybe the visored helmet in their new dark gray like their weapons). The blacksmith set is very promising with the new weapons, the bucket, and a civilian in what looks to be a pretty cheap set. The new animals are nice too. The carriage is the only one I have to consider getting more than one of, the rest I will get in multiples. Since the windmill appears to be a retail set, I wonder if we are getting a new MMVesque set as an exclusive this year? Or if any retailers have any exclusives? TRU had 2 in the Fantasy line so it's not out of the question.

Hello - it's my first time around this part of the forum, but it doesn't seem anyone has pointed this out yet, and I thought you might like to know: I spotted #9349 Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set on lego.com today. Contains 227 pieces and 22 minifigs, including two skeletons. It's only available in Europe for now, and you can find it under the Minifigures theme in the Lego shop. Price GBP 39.99, NOK 407.50, EUR 47.50. This is probably DACTA stuff, but I'm guessing it will be of interest for a lot of Castle fans as well. For some reason the zoom doesn't work on the pictures in the online Lego shop, but here's a small picture for you:


There's much more than castle minifigs in there, but that does seem to be the main focus.

I really hope the dragon knights get a dark grey visor... that combined with the dark grey armor and the new barding would be lego castle nirvana! Judging from last years preliminary kingdoms pictures, quite a few things could change between these photos and what we actually get come summer. I will just have to cross my fingers until then.

As far as getting another MMV exclusive type set in 2011 I don't see that happening as the MMV is still out and we are getting another decent civilian set in this next kingdoms wave. We can always hope though!

I too am a fan of the new weapons. Swords, axes, I don't care. The more the better :laugh:

Thank you Coulette for that great Christmas Present. I will be buying 10+ Blacksmiths, 1 Dragon Tower Escape and probably like 3 Mills! Just fantastic! LEGO you have made me proud. Last years Kingdoms made me spend mucho amounts of money and now I will be doing it all over again, and I LOVE IT!

+ Goats

+ Double Sided Axe

+ Civilians

+ Houses

+ More Dragons Knights


+ More Castle Sets.

- My only Con is that I want Printed Horses or different colored ones. PLEASE make this adjustment LEGO before you make these final sets and start shipping them. Excellent, fantastic, I'm amazed!

Blacksmith Attack $9.99

Carriage $19.99

Dragon Set $29.99

Mill $59.99

I'd be surprised if they were higher!

Blacksmith Attack $9.99

Carriage $19.99

Dragon Set $29.99

Mill $59.99

I'd be surprised if they were higher!

More like a 20$ for dragon set and 25-30$ for king's carriage

the windmill village looks great :classic:

This is probably DACTA stuff, but I'm guessing it will be of interest for a lot of Castle fans as well.

Not only Castle fans, but non-Castle fans like me surely got my attention with this minifig set. This is the perfect opportunity for me to get these wonderful figs that I've been wanting to get before but couldn't (due to the impracticality of acquiring them through the regular sets). Now they're in one set, it's very convenient to buy them on a single purchase. :classic: Thanks for sharing this news L@go! :thumbup:


That looks almost like a very minifig-oriented advent calendar! Too bad none of the torsos or heads seem new... :hmpf_bad: I might skip on this one.

I think I prefer redcoats with white legs instead of blue ones.

But I also see a pirate holding a grey sextant. That's very nice.

There's also a very short knight and a woman with hinging legs..but they seem different than lego legs. Wonder what that could be..

Anyway, they al seem nice, but unfortunately I don't spot any new parts.

Thanks for the heads up 'ISC', my son will flip out over this collection - minifigs is his favorite thing in Lego....especially if he can tell a story with it - must get......even my wife would consider buy him that set for his birthday !

What is the price in AU ?

Keep on collecting minifigs ! :laugh:

That Mill will make a wonderful addition to my village (Made the mistake of showing it to my Mum, I think I will have to get it for her to help build. Those minifigures are also rather good :classic:

Man, why does 2011 have to be such a cool year for sets when I have loads of important (and expensive) things to do?

Thanks for the heads up, I just ordered 2 sets of 9349.

Hello - it's my first time around this part of the forum, but it doesn't seem anyone has pointed this out yet, and I thought you might like to know: I spotted #9349 Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set on lego.com today. Contains 227 pieces and 22 minifigs, including two skeletons.

Interesting, even if it seems there's no new torsos and probably no new faceprints either. Merman doesn't seem to have ribs á la CMF surfer? Is this the first time Lego has used normal 45 degree 2x2 slope for a kid's dress piece?

That minifigure set is basically a way of disposing of a ton of overstocked parts; I see old pirate parts a PoP outfit, and a whole bunch of castle and kingdoms parts. Even the pants of the soldiers aren't in the deep blue that the original color scheme contained. :thumbdown: It's like a grab-bag of parts, which i guess is good for those who never got the parts in regular sets, but honestly, even the name suggests for haphazardly it's been thrown together.

Oh, my,

Wait until July!

And that Dragon's "gate"

I must see more to discern its fate.

What the heck? There appears to be a Megabloks axe in the new Black Smith attack photos!? :wacko:


What the heck? There appears to be a Megabloks axe in the new Black Smith attack photos!? :wacko:


NOTE:This is PRELIMINARY pictures.Everything can change.

There was some speculation of kingdoms discontinuing because of a 4 set wave. This mini figure set popped out of nowhere, no pics, no rumors, no nothing, and it's on S&H. Obviously TLG is getting better at keeping their secrets. We have no idea what kingdoms has in store for us :sweet:

Hello to everyone

These are indeed great news to start a year :laugh:

Edited by Niku

There was some speculation of kingdoms discontinuing because of a 4 set wave. This mini figure set popped out of nowhere, no pics, no rumors, no nothing, and it's on S&H. Obviously TLG is getting better at keeping their secrets. We have no idea what kingdoms has in store for us :sweet:

I guess no one was really seeking out the minifigures set, as compared to the Kingdoms 2011. In any case, Kingdoms should have at least one more wave in 2012, because they haven't give us a Dragon Knight's castle yet. But I hope there will be 4 or more waves this time round. In the 80s & early 90s, classic castle and pirates have longer cycles. It makes the theme more valuable and complete.

Another thing, they can't just give us 2 civilian sets and stop there. We want to build a whole medieval town, with medieval farms and shops. I prefer to think that the mill and blacksmith are just the beginning of a medieval civilian theme. You see, MMV is more connected to the Kingdoms theme than the 2007 Castle theme. Reason: If you look at Kingdoms Advent Calendar, you see many of MMV's minifigures and accessories reappearing. The existence of the 2 Castle soldiers appearing in MMV doesn't mean much, I would say that TLG doesn't want to reveal Kingdoms' design at Jan 2009.

So, I am guessing & hoping that TLG will make Kingdoms a longer theme, with more civilian sets, maybe some TRU exclusive sets and one more 10xxx set. Seriously, I can't wait till July. My 4x (King's castle) wall needs to surround something, I can't have a magnificent castle wall without anything inside to protect.

Maybe, just maybe, we shall be able to find another Trade catalogue in June 2011, that show us a Winter wave for Kingdoms. I shall spy on my regular shops for future leaks. Oh man, I'm obsessed!

I guess no one was really seeking out the minifigures set, as compared to the Kingdoms 2011. In any case, Kingdoms should have at least one more wave in 2012, because they haven't give us a Dragon Knight's castle yet. But I hope there will be 4 or more waves this time round. In the 80s & early 90s, classic castle and pirates have longer cycles. It makes the theme more valuable and complete.

Another thing, they can't just give us 2 civilian sets and stop there. We want to build a whole medieval town, with medieval farms and shops. I prefer to think that the mill and blacksmith are just the beginning of a medieval civilian theme. You see, MMV is more connected to the Kingdoms theme than the 2007 Castle theme. Reason: If you look at Kingdoms Advent Calendar, you see many of MMV's minifigures and accessories reappearing. The existence of the 2 Castle soldiers appearing in MMV doesn't mean much, I would say that TLG doesn't want to reveal Kingdoms' design at Jan 2009.

So, I am guessing & hoping that TLG will make Kingdoms a longer theme, with more civilian sets, maybe some TRU exclusive sets and one more 10xxx set. Seriously, I can't wait till July. My 4x (King's castle) wall needs to surround something, I can't have a magnificent castle wall without anything inside to protect.

Maybe, just maybe, we shall be able to find another Trade catalogue in June 2011, that show us a Winter wave for Kingdoms. I shall spy on my regular shops for future leaks. Oh man, I'm obsessed!

Wow you have 4 castles¡

And I think that 2 would be superb.

By the way thanks for such a great info :thumbup:

Hello - it's my first time around this part of the forum, but it doesn't seem anyone has pointed this out yet, and I thought you might like to know: I spotted #9349 Fairytale and Historic Minifigure Set on lego.com today. Contains 227 pieces and 22 minifigs, including two skeletons. It's only available in Europe for now, and you can find it under the Minifigures theme in the Lego shop. Price GBP 39.99, NOK 407.50, EUR 47.50. This is probably DACTA stuff, but I'm guessing it will be of interest for a lot of Castle fans as well. For some reason the zoom doesn't work on the pictures in the online Lego shop, but here's a small picture for you:


There's much more than castle minifigs in there, but that does seem to be the main focus.

Whoa! :oh: That is marvelous. I hope it comes to the US.

That minifigure set is basically a way of disposing of a ton of overstocked parts; I see old pirate parts a PoP outfit, and a whole bunch of castle and kingdoms parts. Even the pants of the soldiers aren't in the deep blue that the original color scheme contained. :thumbdown: It's like a grab-bag of parts, which i guess is good for those who never got the parts in regular sets, but honestly, even the name suggests for haphazardly it's been thrown together.

Killjoy. :tongue: You might be right about it being a way to dispose of overstocked parts, but wow, what parts! A great many of us mere mortals haven't been able to get all the Castle, Kingdoms and/or Pirates sets (among others) these figures come from (among others; I see elements from City stuff in there, too), and it's quite cool to be able to get them all at once.

Actually, another thing this looks like to me is a fantasy / historical equivalent of 9247 Community Workers. It has more "regular bricks" and fewer minifigure elements and accessories, but on the whole it looks pretty much like the same kind of thing. You could still be right about it being just a way to dump inventory on parts they don't need as many of right now, but whether it is or not it seems quite cool to me. I just hope I can get it...

Those upcoming Kingdoms sets are pure magnificence! Many thanks to TLG for finally listening to its most devoted fans.

I have no problem with any of the four sets, they all add up to the existing line perfectly (even making a bond to the MMV). Loving the goats and the hen (even though the brick-built birds were cute as well).

The minifigure collection mentioned above is nothing special, in my opinion, since it consists of only pre-existing parts, but of course it offers a great variety of fantastical and historical minifigs to those who lack them.

The minifig collection thing looks okay. I might get it depending on the price.

Edited by lego40k

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