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  On 11/1/2010 at 7:49 PM, headlessroland said:

I don't have any physical Lego to hand to test, but are you sure? I know if they're against a wall, you have to bend them forward because of the head, but I'm sure they stand up straight as long as just the head goes above the wall or can go into some form of recess? i.e. with the back of the legs and the back of the torso perfectly upright? (I'm ready to stand corrected, but I'm 99% sure...)

Well, I tried it with a minifig against a wall just now and there is a small off-set that forces the torso to tilt forward a few degress if you press the legs firmly against a wall. So, I'm also 99% sure (:laugh:) that the way it is in LDD now is the correct modelling, since that is how it looks with the physcial minfig.


Superkalle - I stand corrected :)

  On 11/1/2010 at 11:21 PM, prateek said:

I'm pretty sure that's not gonna support a 20,000 piece model. I have a similar system, and I can barely handle 10,000 pieces.

Fair enough then, but apart from those 2 crashes when searching, it's been fine - no slowdown or anything, whatever I do, as long as the parts aren't all fully connected together (then it's very slow to build). That of course points to a specific bug when searching, though depending on the extent of the bug, perhaps most people won't get the problem anyway.

Edited by headlessroland

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  On 11/1/2010 at 11:36 PM, headlessroland said:

Fair enough then, but apart from those 2 crashes when searching, it's been fine - no slowdown or anything, whatever I do, as long as the parts aren't all fully connected together (then it's very slow to build). That of course points to a specific bug when searching, though depending on the extent of the bug, perhaps most people won't get the problem anyway.

Well, if you can reproduce the error, it could be interesting to report to TLG. Sometimes these sort of problems with huge files can pinpoint stack overflows or other nasty-to-spot-and-debug errors.

Anyway, old graphics drivers is often a cause of problems on the Win platform, but I assume those are all up to date :classic:

In LDD3 it was possible to shuffle around with element 6019, and to create impossible combinations with misplaced bricks.

See bottom misplace brick. This bug is fixed in LDD4, but if you load the old file into LDD4 the brick is not removed as it should.

Another new bug is the placement of a tile (element 3069). It moves into the stud of the neighbour element. See top

Error 003 - Part 3069 LXF


Jono.rocky seems to have found a new brick error in this thread, it seems that the gear part 6542 can't be rotated. I tried it out myself and can't get it to rotate at all with the hinge tool.

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  On 11/2/2010 at 9:20 AM, Daedalus304 said:

Jono.rocky seems to have found a new brick error in this thread, it seems that the gear part 6542 can't be rotated. I tried it out myself and can't get it to rotate at all with the hinge tool.

OK, I see it. Thanks to you both :classic:

Boundry error of element 74784.

When building a bogie for my train, I used 72587 (small antenna). It should be able to rotate until it nearly touches the wheels.

Apparently the boundries of the wheels 74784 are to big, so the antenna can't get close enough.

The colours are fake to improve vision.

Error 004 - part 74784.lxf





  On 11/1/2010 at 11:19 PM, headlessroland said:

Further to Bojan Pavsic's post earlier about the crash to desktop, and my post saying it did it when I tried to search for a piece, with a large file open.

It's just crashed again immediately after I started to type into the search field (a great addition to LDD, when it works!), with that same 20,000+ piece file open, but this time it did give error messages:


followed by:


and lastly:


I don't know why the search would cause an error in the graphics driver. I know it's redrawing just the matching pieces, but still, it's always redrawing the pieces while I'm looking for the ones I want. Specs, in case it helps: Core 2 Duo E6600, Geforce 8800GTS 320MB, 2GB RAM, Windows XP.

This same error has happened to me occasionally. Never got a specific cause nailed down, but I can tell you that those three error messages are the ones that came up for me upon starting LDD before I updated my graphics driver. Nowadays, they're only occasional, and certainly not frequent.

I thought I also ought to mention something else: back with 3.0, I used to occasionally get a message that "A script on this page is causing your computer to run slowly. Do you want to abandon this script?" This happened when the internet sidebar had trouble loading, and there was a "yes" or "no" selection. If I clicked "yes", the internet sidebar would not load, not as though I cared. If I clicked "no", oftentimes LDD would freeze up and I'd have to end it manually with my task manager.

Fast forward to today with 4.0. Again, this seems to happen at random times when the internet sidebar isn't loading properly (oftentimes when I download an LXF to my temporary files and open it with LDD). However, nowadays, when the "Yes" and "No" options appear, neither one is clickable and I have to close my LDD with the task manager no matter what. Thankfully, since I use Firefox with its convenient little downloads tray, I can just double-click the file I downloaded, and usually the second time it will download without any hassle-- the internet sidebar works and everything. But it's still frustrating in any situation to be given options that aren't really options at all.

Boundary error: part 6589 cannot sit flush underneath part 3738 or other plates. The "ring" on the underside of 6589 should be able to fit around the central anti-stud/technic hole of bricks and plates. This means that that "ring" would rise above the bottom edge of the brick or plate. This is probably why LDD does not allow it, even though it should.

Also, piece 2440 (snow plow) cannot attach to hinge piece 6134 as it should.

EDIT: Here's one more error: The bed of part 54091 (which should be a single plate thick) is in fact too thick, making it so that anything built inside the bed will be out-of-system with parts attached elsewhere. Here's an image comparing the height of two plates with this size gap between them and a brick that should be the same height if the gap were a single plate thick.

Edited by Aanchir

The crank (2853) doesnt allow an axle to go in deep enough, therebye with the combiantion of missing engine blocks makes it impossible to make the engine asemblies.


A note for bug fixes:

Something Ive noticed after opening LDD3 LXF's in LDD4 is that if one or a group of pieces does not work or align you need to delete the part and rebuild that section.

Ive found this error with simple brick alignment and most notably groups of hinges that refuse to rotate.

Another error Ive come across is sometimes the paint bucket will only colour one surface instead of the whole brick.....which is kinda cool but not legal :laugh:

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  On 11/4/2010 at 4:21 AM, Shroud said:

A note for bug fixes:

Something Ive noticed after opening LDD3 LXF's in LDD4 is that if one or a group of pieces does not work or align you need to delete the part and rebuild that section.

Ive found this error with simple brick alignment and most notably groups of hinges that refuse to rotate.

Another error Ive come across is sometimes the paint bucket will only colour one surface instead of the whole brick.....which is kinda cool but not legal :laugh:

Which brick does color only the surface. Is it the 1x1 tile?

  On 11/4/2010 at 8:23 AM, Superkalle said:

Which brick does color only the surface. Is it the 1x1 tile?

It does it with the 1x2 Slope as well, I've found.

Yes with 1x1 tiles but so far 4 or 5 times with different bricks but i didn't note them down. Each time its happened to a brick that is connected with more bricks and it doesn't colour the sides that are connected with the others.

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  On 11/4/2010 at 2:46 PM, Shroud said:

Yes with 1x1 tiles but so far 4 or 5 times with different bricks but i didn't note them down. Each time its happened to a brick that is connected with more bricks and it doesn't colour the sides that are connected with the others.

Please make a note next time and post here. :classic:

Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but in LDD4 for Mac, they seem to have disabled Backspace to delete the selection.

VERY annoying as Mac's largely don't have Delete keys (We use Backspace instead :P). We now have to hold Function + Backspace to delete.

Why'd it get removed? Is it just a bug?

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  On 11/4/2010 at 6:22 PM, Mr Hobbles said:

Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but in LDD4 for Mac, they seem to have disabled Backspace to delete the selection.

VERY annoying as Mac's largely don't have Delete keys (We use Backspace instead :P). We now have to hold Function + Backspace to delete.

Why'd it get removed? Is it just a bug?

Good point. I'll see if I can find some info about this.

I dont know if this has been mentiond and I dont feel like looking through 6 pages. In LDD 4 on my dell laptop with windows 7, LDD was working great then I chedked the "outlines on bricks" option in the prefferences and when I opened LDD a few days later, NO bricks were visible (even in the palette). Very annoying until I read in the LDD$ released topic something about outlines and it dawned on me to try unchecking that option and it works fine now.



I am building a Scrambler amusement ride and in the red surround, the technic half-beam, although it's sitting on the studs should stay attached. On the other hand, the technic beams, half beams, lift arms, etc. don't connect to studs.


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  On 11/4/2010 at 6:22 PM, Mr Hobbles said:

Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but in LDD4 for Mac, they seem to have disabled Backspace to delete the selection.

VERY annoying as Mac's largely don't have Delete keys (We use Backspace instead :P). We now have to hold Function + Backspace to delete.

Why'd it get removed? Is it just a bug?

Hey there.

I've got some info from the LDD Team about your problem. Is is a confirmed bug. Don't know when and if they will fix it, but hopefully in the next release. But rest asure you are not alone longing for the lost backspace. Jakob who mailed me wrote: "We Mac users at LEGO also misses it :-)"

PS: For the future, please post errors or issues that does not have to do with brick errors in another, more appropriate topic, or create a new one. Thanks. :classic:

Here's an interesting one.


The grey arm (4735) cannot be rotated when connected to this particular piece (30236). At first I thought my hinge tool was just being a pain but with repeated testing, I've found no way to get it to rotate. These pieces are also both in the DBM theme too.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 2:01 PM, Daedalus304 said:

Here's an interesting one.

The grey arm (4735) cannot be rotated when connected to this particular piece (30236). At first I thought my hinge tool was just being a pain but with repeated testing, I've found no way to get it to rotate. These pieces are also both in the DBM theme too.

well spotted. Concider it reported.

EDIT: It will rotate if it the clip end is not placed all the way flush to one side. But still a bug.

Here's one that's notable, and in DbM mode: parts will not go flush against the top (semicircular open end) of the cement-mixer shell. There are no parts protruding from this end that should cause this, and it applies whether you're connecting with Technic (for instance, a Technic rod through the center of the 4x4 round plate 60474) or with system.

Also, we have the perennial problem with part 6587 (3M axle with stud and stopper) not fitting completely into a Technic hole by the stud end. The "stopper" part will always stick out, which interferes in the construction of various sets (such as 8637 Volcano Base, a set my brother tried to build yesterday).

Also, many connections between a System stud and Technic hole are still not possible, and the reasons don't seem to have anything to do with legality of the connections. A 1x1 plate can attach by the stud to the Technic holes of parts 6541 and 32013, for instance, but not to part 6632. All of these problems are able to come up in DbM mode.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 2:16 PM, Aanchir said:

Here's one that's notable, and in DbM mode: parts will not go flush against the top (semicircular open end) of the cement-mixer shell. There are no parts protruding from this end that should cause this, and it applies whether you're connecting with Technic (for instance, a Technic rod through the center of the 4x4 round plate 60474) or with system.

Typical collision boundary error. Reported!


Also, we have the perennial problem with part 6587 (3M axle with stud and stopper) not fitting completely into a Technic hole by the stud end. The "stopper" part will always stick out, which interferes in the construction of various sets (such as 8637 Volcano Base, a set my brother tried to build yesterday).

Well, it will fit into the hole in the the most important direction. But you are right, there is a bug with this when trying to put in in with the stud direction first. It has been reported a long time ago, but from what I understand it's not that easy to fix because of how the stud is placed on at the end this element.

BTW, how common is the connection where the stud end goes into a technical hole? Are there any more examples then the Volcano Base?


Also, many connections between a System stud and Technic hole are still not possible, and the reasons don't seem to have anything to do with legality of the connections. A 1x1 plate can attach by the stud to the Technic holes of parts 6541 and 32013, for instance, but not to part 6632. All of these problems are able to come up in DbM mode.

I belive the studs will not fasten to any half-width technic beam because of some problem that in LDD, that if studs would be allowed in both ways there will be no collision in the middle, which would geneate other potentially equally bad problems.

  On 11/5/2010 at 3:42 PM, Superkalle said:

BTW, how common is the connection where the stud end goes into a technical hole? Are there any more examples then the Volcano Base?

I've experienced this in a lot of recent sets too, but I don't remember any specific sets. All I know is that they are recent :grin:

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