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Interesting, but it's hard tpo judged them without pictures. With most figures in these series I like the accessories or the hairpieces and faces. So this is a "wait and see" for me.

PS The viking and the musketeer sound good though.

Yea the list sounds very Plausible, but there are things wrong with it...(I do acknowledge the source seems to be credible)

There are a lot of sports theme in it, but it was inevitable for a soccer player/football player to be released, so I'll buy that.

The number of female figures seems spot on too.

The re-release of skater and surfer seem curious, but they were very neat accessories and very popular, so perhaps

I think my biggest problem is the horror theme. Warewolf seems possible, especially after the vampire in series 2.

A monster also sounds cool, hopefully something like Frankenstein, but I don't know how they'll get around the copywrites for that. The problem I see is releasing a MONSTER AND MAD SCIENTIST, they seem to pair together WAY to closely. but then again the life guard and surfer in series 2 was also a match made in heaven.

The sailor I am not too sure about. It's obvious TLG has steered away from any real WAR type themes, and I think a Sailor (if its like a traditional guy in a white navy suit) is getting too close to war themes...Maybe it is an older sailor, kinda like a pirate?

And the Safety suit guy? I really hope its a Hazmat suit, seems a little "Mature" for the average kid lego fan... But who knows? maybe he'll have a cylindrical mask with a clear visor, and maybe even an air tank! Those two accessories would definitely boost him to a fan favorite.

Nonetheless I would be very pleased if this list is correct.

Definately looking forward to Musketeer Viking, warewolf, monster, Hockey player and soccer player.

This list sounds pleasing to me. A few sound really good like the Kimono girl.

Many people seem to think the monster fits into the horror theme, though I think it could just as easily be a space monster.

The sailor doesn't necessarily have to be military, there have been sailor figures released in the past in the town theme with little anchors on their chests.

In all it sounds for me there may not be any particular figure want lots of, but I'll probably want a couple of each. I'll wait and see how useful the torsos and accessories are for train and town uses.


A monster also sounds cool, hopefully something like Frankenstein, but I don't know how they'll get around the copywrites for that.

Shelley's book has been in public domain for a long time, so no problem with copyrights at least if they stay far enough from the more recent film versions. TLC has done Frankenstein's monster once before, after all.

Space monster is certainly possible (especially as the series otherwise lack space theme), but I suspect it would then be called just that (space monster) contrary to a horror monster, which could more instinctively be called just a monster.

Edited by Haltiamieli


-Surfer Girl


-Kimono Girl



-Speed Skater

-Hockey Player


-Man with Safety Suit




-Mad Professor

-Soccer Player

-Garden Gnome

It seems a fine selection to me (except the garden gnome, WTF?) although too much sports perhaps. I'm probably not getting any unless some new way to identify the bags comes up, but if I do then at least 5-6 of them will be worth checking out.

I don't mind the re-hash of the surfer and skateboarder themes, and I bet the second one is female too, so neither will be non-sense. Probably the surf and board are the same pieces as in series 2 and 1, but with a different colour and print. I also wonder if the mad professor will have a grey or white version of the Clown/Disco hair.

Besides the concept, it's way too hard to guess how cool these will be. Some obvious new parts will be the hockey stick and the skates, and presumably some kind of mohawk for the punk. If the artist is a painter then he should have a nice hat (but could be just the same as the mime), a palette and a brush.

There probably was a list drawn up somewhere with all the new accessories/parts in Series 1 and 2, but I can't find it right now. But as far as I can tell, there were roughly 12 new parts in Series 1 (not including new prints, just the moulds), perhaps 17 in Series 2 and about 12 in Series 3. Even if some parts from previous Series are reused and/or recoloured, it's quite likely that we will keep getting a good dose of new moulds in every future series just to keep things fresh.

And since I'm not the collector type, I'm quite happy to see some of the 'exclusive' new parts being reused in normal and licensed sets. I always thought it would be a shame to have all those great new parts removed from the catalogue once the collectible minifigs stocks are exhausted. Or having to introduce two different parts to represent the same accessory just because the previous was 'exclusive'.

There probably was a list drawn up somewhere with all the new accessories/parts in Series 1 and 2, but I can't find it right now. But as far as I can tell, there were roughly 12 new parts in Series 1 (not including new prints, just the moulds), perhaps 17 in Series 2 and about 12 in Series 3. Even if some parts from previous Series are reused and/or recoloured, it's quite likely that we will keep getting a good dose of new moulds in every future series just to keep things fresh.

And since I'm not the collector type, I'm quite happy to see some of the 'exclusive' new parts being reused in normal and licensed sets. I always thought it would be a shame to have all those great new parts removed from the catalogue once the collectible minifigs stocks are exhausted. Or having to introduce two different parts to represent the same accessory just because the previous was 'exclusive'.

Actually, all collectible minifigure parts are new. Here's a list, and it only includes the parts Blondie-Wan and I could identify the part numbers for. There are several others that are too small to have the part numbers printed. Still, many of these are just subtle redesigns of already-existing parts.

I doubt LEGO will ever start creating new versions of the collectible minifig accessories just to keep the parts "exclusive"-- that would be pointless, and as we've already seen with Atlantis 2011 (the Spartan Warrior helmet) and Harry Potter 2010 (the "skater hair" for Ron Weasley) it's simply not going to happen. It's pretty obvious at this stage that not only will the collectible minifigs continue reusing older collectible minifig parts wherever it's appropriate, but sets other than the collectible figs will start using the collectible fig parts where they make sense. This is not to say that LEGO will stop making new parts for the collectible figs, but they won't use a new part when an old part fits the task better (unless they want to refine the texture of the mold or a similarly subtle detail).

New parts will not be "removed from the catalog", so to speak, unless A) the part becomes obsolete, as is the case with many older-style hinges, or B) LEGO never again finds a place where the part would make sense in a set-- something extremely unlikely IMO due to the ingenuity of set designers.

Actually, all collectible minifigure parts are new. Here's a list, and it only includes the parts Blondie-Wan and I could identify the part numbers for. There are several others that are too small to have the part numbers printed. Still, many of these are just subtle redesigns of already-existing parts.

Yeah, I know that in terms of part numbers all parts are new, but you're splitting hair now. It's hard to argue that these parts for example are truly different, functionally and aesthetically:

5026444382_12087dcec6_m.jpg or 5026428610_86fe83dee8_m.jpg

If there is any dimensional difference, I doubt that it was even intended in the first place. And aside from the part number -- when it's even present on the mould -- I would be hard pressed to tell them apart (assuming the colour is the same, of course). To most people, introducing new part numbers is not much of an improvement in terms of part selection.

Anyway, why I brought up the subject was that at some point before Series 1 was released, there was a general(?) consensus in the community -- apparently based on official word from TLG -- that the prints and accessories introduced in the collectible series would not be brought back in normal sets. Also, some people seem to feel that the reuse of accessories from previous minifig series is detrimental to the quality and variety of the upcoming series -- again, while many accessories and parts are reused, it would seem that there are plenty of original moulds (as opposed to retooled moulds) introduced nevertheless in each new series.

A few of them sound interesting, but it doesn't really appeal to me since I'm more of a Space/Star Wars builder...

Which means that space armor/suits, new species etc. would be more useful to me. I'll just hope the monster and the werewolf would be of use as alien species..

~ General Magma

Yeah, I know that in terms of part numbers all parts are new, but you're splitting hair now. It's hard to argue that these parts for example are truly different, functionally and aesthetically:

5026444382_12087dcec6_m.jpg or 5026428610_86fe83dee8_m.jpg

If there is any dimensional difference, I doubt that it was even intended in the first place. And aside from the part number -- when it's even present on the mould -- I would be hard pressed to tell them apart (assuming the colour is the same, of course). To most people, introducing new part numbers is not much of an improvement in terms of part selection.

Anyway, why I brought up the subject was that at some point before Series 1 was released, there was a general(?) consensus in the community -- apparently based on official word from TLG -- that the prints and accessories introduced in the collectible series would not be brought back in normal sets. Also, some people seem to feel that the reuse of accessories from previous minifig series is detrimental to the quality and variety of the upcoming series -- again, while many accessories and parts are reused, it would seem that there are plenty of original moulds (as opposed to retooled moulds) introduced nevertheless in each new series.

True, and yes, I'm just splitting hairs. There are likely no differences in the listed parts besides subtle things-- textural differences, for example, have been noticed with certain parts that are otherwise identical. But it has to be considered that a "new part" from a functional perspective is not the same as a "new part" from a budgetary perspective. Even a subtle change like in the parts you showed will cost money for the production of new steel molds (although, to be fair, 2x2 tiles have had various molds over the years despite keeping the same part number until the collectible minifigures-- just comparing the undersides of one from the 2009 set Gold Heist and the 2010 set Lunar Limo reveals obvious differences).

This is just one reason why it makes sense for LEGO to try and reuse the parts that are introduced in the collectible minifigures. They want to get as much use out of that investment as possible. And in my opinion, as long as the overall fig doesn't feel like a rehash of an existing fig, the reuse of parts is perfectly OK and may even add to the quality of the design. Whether in a set or a MOC, using a part for a purpose other than the one for which it was originally intended shows a great deal of creativity.

Here, too, saying a set that reuses a part is good from a design sense is different from saying it's a worthwhile set to purchase. I have no problem with people saying "I'm not the least bit interested in Series Whatever because most of the parts are reused." That doesn't bother me at all. When people start saying "LEGO's designers are lazy" or "LEGO's designers are running out of ideas", though, it upsets me considerably more.

Also, I always disliked that statement from LEGO that emphasized collectible minifig parts not being used in other sets, partly because it was so vague. For instance, does it mean the molds in general would not be used in regular sets? If so, we've seen that not to be the case, but perhaps they just scrapped that policy entirely. But there's also the possibility that it referred to the parts not being reused with the same colors and prints. That would be a lot more specific and in-line with what we're currently seeing with the reuse of collectible minifigure parts. Still, it limits LEGO's options and I'm sure in some cases they'd gladly do away with that policy if this were what it meant. I foresee collectible minifig faces and torso prints being "one-shot deals", so we won't be seeing the Disco Dude's torso (for example) being used in a City set. But it would be a huge leap to assume that because this is the most logical policy for LEGO to adopt, it is the one that whatever LEGO rep originally made that statement was referring to.

I agree with you completely on all these points-- I just tend to pick apart everything this way. Just tell me if I become annoying and I'll probably be willing to drop whatever conversation I'm on and move on to a different subject.

Edited by Aanchir

I don't think I'd have any issue with prints being really exclusive to the collectable series, but at least some accessories could pretty damn be re-used in regular sets because they would make excellent standards for fairly should-be common parts. On the top of my head I'm thinking about the skies, the nurse syringe, the mic... would be useful in sets. Of course they could use different moulds to represent the same accessories, but why throwing away a good mould that can work for years to come? (assuming they do, maybe they are using different technologies for these series...)

Personally one of the main reasons I bought a bunch of these was the new hair and headgear pieces, just to add some variety to my civilian population. I would be happy if they later re-used them in regular sets so that they become more easily available, and also in more colours. But generally speaking, no single hair or hat is necessary, so we aren't losing anything if this doesn't happen.

Hockey Player, I am guessing that it will be an Ice Hockey player.

Sailor sounds good especially if he has a new hat of some sort.

I am hoping "Man with Safety Suit" means someone inside some sort of full-body-suit like firemen use in dangerous situations or like is used to protect against toxins/biological agents/chemical weapons/etc (or like they use in clean-rooms to keep dust etc out)

Mad Professor sounds cool especially if he has a new hairdo and maybe some lab equipment

Speed skater sounds interesting, are we talking ice skates or roller skates...

I'm hoping its one of those silver thermal protective suits, or maybe a bomb squad one :cry_happy:

theres lots of great possiblities with that one.

I also assume the speed skater will be olympian type.

Knowing TLC they might make the Mad Professor Hair like Dr. Inferno from Agents sets :wacko:

The idea of not reprinting pieces is probably because of the collectible aspect of the minifigure series. If a piece is reprinted, it lowers the value of the original. It's a fine balance between pleasing those who bought them because they are collectibles, and pleasing those who bought them to use in their MOCs. While a skateboard would be a great piece for a city set, printing one in a set could hurt the value of the collectible skater. I've played collectible card games which have this same problem. A rare and valuable card might sell for hundreds of dollars. There may be a huge demand for that card among players of the game, yet they won't reprint it because it would lower the collectible value.

It's too soon to tell how big of a deal this will be with the collectible minifigures, but we'll see in time. It may very well be that people don't care about the collectible value and just want unique pieces, in which case we may eventually see the pieces printed in standard sets. On the other hand, if it takes off as a collectible, TLG will have an obligation to collectors to keep the value high by not reprinting unique pieces. Either way, some people will be happy with the decision, others will not.

Hmmm I typed in the list from the link on babelfish and it gave me this:A serial with 16 entirely new mini characters. Each figurine sits in an untransparent small pocket, therefore you cannot see immediately which mini figurine gets you. And every character has own accessories, standard and forager notebook be. The collectie has been inspired on films, sport, history and living everyday, and contains: The monster, Surfmeisje, sailor, kimono little girl, punk, Viking, skater, hockey player, Skateboarder, man in security package, musketeer, wolf, artist, crazy professor, footballer and garden gnome. As from 5 years.

The difference is the wolf (not werewolf, could just be translation), and skater, not speed skater. We can assume they will do the wolf like the series 3 ape, and I'm guessing for the skater they'll make skates that the fig can hold in one hand, same technique that the series 2 skier used to hold his skies.

EDIT: Didn't see this was already done :look: sorry, anyway I'll just keep my insights on the list here :wink:

Edited by brickartist

I just hope that the punk will have a guitar!

I've been waiting for one for ages and a lot of you guys will have too

and I really need three of them musketeers :D

another childhood lego dream: musketeers

It seems some people don't like the idea of another skateboarder being released. I don't mind as I like the idea that more than one type of each figure becomes available. E.g, a different clown for a better circus act or perhaps a baseball player from an opposing team so they can play against each other (same for cheerleader, tennis player, etc). It would also be cool to see some male/female couterparts for existing figures like a male lifeguard, cowgirl, cavewoman... The Series 2 chief adds to the western theme started with the series 1 native and I'm pretty sure people would like to have other elves.

We should, however, bear in mind this may not be the final list, as like last time we thought series 3 was due to include a doctor/pirate/artist. As always, there appears to be a good mix of themes so there is something for everyone, although there are quite a few sports-orientated figures but I'm certainly not complaining! I am sure Series 4 will be just as good as those before so keep these series coming Lego and let's have some more musicians too!

There are so many possibilities for new figures still and I'm sure Lego will be aware of this and will keep producing new series as long as they continue to sell. I'm just wondering how possible it would be to have real characters, as the Series 3 gorilla-o-gram made me think of an Elvis Presley impersonator which would be brilliant and news of the mad scientist automatically reminds me of Einstein with crazy hair! The lifeguard in series 2 also clearly resembled Pamela Anderson so I'm hoping there will be future opportunities for iconic figures such as Cleopatra, Abraham Lincoln and Charlie Chaplin.

Edited by lifeinplastic

I am very excited for the hockey player! Looks like an ice hockey arena is next on. My build list :)

Is it my imagination, or has TLG done a great many minifigs based on the suggestions in the EB forums a while back? They seem to have been extremely responsive to that thread, unless it just happens that AFOLs all over the world were asking for hula girls and men in haz-mat suits.


Hmmm... a Lego Athos?




These two sound cool to me, I would like to see some photos of them next year! :thumbup:

Imo we shouldn't put our hopes for the "man with safety suit" to high since I fear that this "safety suit" will be a regular warning vest and not a bulletproof vest.


Imo we shouldn't put our hopes for the "man with safety suit" to high since I fear that this "safety suit" will be a regular warning vest and not a bulletproof vest.


I agree with Klaus, its more likely going to be like the orange vested figures in the Construction City sets.

Edited by Flare

In this series we will have up to five sports-themed figs (Surfer Girl, Speed Skater, Hockey Player, Skateboarder, Soccer Player), which is a major turn-off for me but surely a reason to celebrate for some. There will be some historic and such figures: Musketeer, Kimono Girl and Viking, maybe even Sailor and/or Artist. Then there's Monster, Werewolf and Mad Professor for the horror/fantasy/weird/etc. fans - and of course Garden Gnome, ha! For the normal city scenes (sans sports) there's at least Punk and Man with Safety Suit (well, not exactly normal), probably Sailor and Artist too. So, this time we have no space and no obvious musical figure either (you might count Punk, maybe).

I'm interested in the enigmatic Monster and hope that the Werewolf turns out better than previous Lego werewolves, which have been more or less horrendous (in a wrong way). Musketeer and Kimono Girl sound very good too. Hopefully Garden Gnome will have a great red cap!

To me, the 'gnome' sounds like it might be part of a 'fairy folk' fantasy subset, like the elf.

Hmmm... a Lego Athos?


I'd be more impressed by a LEGO Porthos. :laugh:

Also, I'd like to see some figs with T-SHIRTS! Almost all minifigs have long sleeves. Those that don't, are either bare-chested, or have something like a tank style shirt (aka 'wife beater').

Edited by Ogre

something that occured to me thinking about the safety suit dude is that we could get a beekeeper in a future wave. a shot in the dark I know, but some of these minifigs have been very leftfield and it occurs to me that a beekeeper would be cool. while his suit wouldn't need much in the way of decoration his accessories could include a honeycomb and smoke pump. Or even bees. Given the oversizing of Lego insects such as the spider and ant I can't see why we couldn't get a bee too.

It would fit with the Farm sets and the bees would fit in the medieval village with a hive. And I'm sure a brick built hive wopuld be relatively easy with snot techniques. A bee proof suit could be utilised in any science based MOC. I imagine the beekeeper hat could be cast in clear plastic and then printed white with a mesh pattern on the mask part. even a very light dusting of paint could work to give a mesh-like look.

Edited by Brickenhead-town-dweller

Also, I'd like to see some figs with T-SHIRTS! Almost all minifigs have long sleeves. Those that don't, are either bare-chested, or have something like a tank style shirt (aka 'wife beater').

I agree! Back before LEGO was making minifigures with shorts, this was OK with me. But now that several minifigures have shorts or skirts printed on their legs, the lack of short-sleeved shirts seems odd.

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