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I've got my collection but I'm tempted to get 2 more musketeers just for the sake of "The 3 Musketeers" (well from what I keep reading there's actually 4 of them but you get my point)...

Edited by Canada_7

I've got my collection but I'm tempted to get 2 more musketeers just for the sake of "The 3 Musketeers" (well from what I keep reading there's actually 4 of them but you get my point)...

In "The Three Musketeers" there indeed are 3 musketeers and along with them comes a new recruit who helps them out throughout the book, and at the book's end is made a musketeer for his service to the crown. :wink: So good plan, just give them different faces.

Completed mine today!

Thanks to SilentMode for swapping a Viking with me! Went to Tesco in Sunbury-On-Thames (TW16 7BB) today to do some food shopping and saw the minifigs out there! So felt my way to getting a Kimono Girl and now i'm all done.

Anyone find these at Target yet?

I received 10 of these today in an order from TRU.

1 x Hockey Player

1 x Ice Skater

1 x Soccer Player

1 x Geisha

1 x Skateboarder

2 x Frankenstein

1 x Sailor (YAY!)

2 x Garden Gnome

I don't really care for the Ice Skater, Hockey Player, or Soccer guy.

I love the details on the Skate Boarder's hat and board.

And I was very much so hoping for a Hazmat fellow, but I am sure everyone else is too and I can always buy more.

I received 10 of these today in an order from TRU.

1 x Hockey Player

1 x Ice Skater

1 x Soccer Player

1 x Geisha

1 x Skateboarder

2 x Frankenstein

1 x Sailor (YAY!)

2 x Garden Gnome

I don't really care for the Ice Skater, Hockey Player, or Soccer guy.

I love the details on the Skate Boarder's hat and board.

And I was very much so hoping for a Hazmat fellow, but I am sure everyone else is too and I can always buy more.

I received my 8 from TRU yesterday and got

1 x Soccer Player

1 x Punk Rocker

1 x Frankenstein's Monster

1 x Hockey Player

1 x Viking

3 x Gnome

I'm going to hit up target in the morning on my way to work to see if they got their shipment in yet. I really wanted the Surfer Girl, and the Skateboarder. I was happy to get the Punk Rocker for my fiance, she saw him in the pictures and was like, "Ooh I'd like to have that lego guy, and she wants the Geisha Girl also."

I can't believe you guys already own most of the S4 figs. I even haven't seen a single bag/sack not to mention a full box here in Belgium :cry_sad: I must to check it out, but it's my B-day....

Since there are so many useful figures in this series, I had ordered a full sealed box from a German BrickLink shop, which arrived today. (They cleverly extended the original shipping box to include the small parts I had also ordered, by the way.) It's batch number 351B0 which is printed on the brown shipping box and also embossed along with the dot bump codes on each bag, and it's got this distribution:

Batch 351B0
20      Geisha          Lawn Gnome      Musketeer
19      Geisha          Musketeer       Soccer Player
18      Soccer Player   Hazmat Guy      Mad Scientist
17      Musketeer       Guitar Punk     Skater Boy
16      Figure Skater   Artist          Guitar Punk
15      Werewolf        Soccer Player   Werewolf
14      Skater Boy      Sailor          Surfer Girl
13      Hazmat Guy      Skater Boy      Guitar Punk
12      Monster         Werewolf        Geisha
11      Monster*        Soccer Player   Hazmat Guy
10      Hockey Player*  Monster         Viking
9       Sailor          Figure Skater   Viking
8       Surfer Girl     Werewolf        Artist
7       Viking          Werewolf        Guitar Punk
6       Hazmat Guy      Geisha          Sailor
5       Guitar Punk     Hockey Player   Monster
4       Artist          Mad Scientist   Skater Boy
3       Lawn Gnome      Sailor          Hockey Player
2       Sailor          Lawn Gnome      Artist
1       Figure Skater   Surfer Girl     Surfer Girl
* I might have accidentally swapped these two

So I got the same amount as SilentMode got for his box (albeit placed quite differently):

2x Mad Scientist

3x Figure Skater

3x Hockey Player

3x Lawn Gnome

3x Musketeer

3x Viking

4x Artist

4x Geisha

4x Hazmat Guy

4x Frankenstein's Monster

4x Skater Boy

4x Soccer Player

4x Surfer Girl

5x Guitar Punk

5x Sailor

5x Werewolf

I took the dot codes from http://www.minifigcollector.com/ and modified it where necessary for this batch - there are differences for Werewolf, Surfer Girl, Hazmat Guy and the Gnome. I hope I got them correct since many where very hard to see clearly:


It is kinda surreal to have a full set of S4, when they're not even out in Lego stores yet. It feels fulfilling yet strange.

Anyway, it's great to see distribution figures from another box, which confirms they're being placed at random but with the same distribution of figures. Like Zeya mentioned earlier it's almost possible to get a complete set by taking the top or bottom halves.

I guess the next question is: will the stats change after the official release date?

Since Series 4 of the collectible minifigs has been available since Monday over here in Stuttgart I got myself 9x S4 minifigs today in a first run.

1 x Artist

2 x Punk

2 x Sailor

1 x Mad Professor

1 x Soccer Player

1 x Street Skater

1 x Surfing Girl

As usual I went for the touch & feel method and found it easy to pick my favourite figs. Especially the punk and the mad professor are easy to feel & touch due to their silicone hair piece.

I got the soccer player just to complete my Lego cups (bronze, silver, gold). Same goes with the mad professor, I got him just to own the Erlenmeyer flask with green liquid in it.

The printings of the punk and the artist are marvelous. :thumbup:

The printings of the street skater also look great though I wished he's also have printings on his legs as does the Max minifig (cargo pants). I think with cargo pants, just like the Max minifig has, the street skater would have been top-notch. :wink:

Tomorrow I'll go for another street skater, one geisha and two ice skater to complete my hunt on series 4 minifigs :sweet:

Oh, by the way, for those living in the Stuttgart area, here are some shops that already sell the Series 4 minifigs:


Drogerie Müller

Königstrasse 5

70173 Stuttgart

Tel.: 0711 - 72233930



Stuttgarter Strasse 46-48

70469 Stuttgart

Tel.: 0711 - 89050


Drogerie Müller

Wildunger Strasse 2

70372 Bad Cannstatt

Tel.: 0711 - 22040480


Drogerie Müller

Adlerplatz 2

71364 Winnenden

Tel.: 07195 - 5892690

Funnily Spielwaren Kurtz, THE toy shop in Stuttgart, won't have Series 4 minifigs until April 15th as their customer service just told me on the phone. :tongue:

Got my first series 4 a couple days ago!What I got is not so good though. Here is the haul:1 geisha,1 punk rocker and 4 SAILORS! I have a sneaking suspicion that the one packet I left in the store was also a sailor...

Well... since people are sharing. I got an order of 30 from TRU. I was five figures short of a complete set.

I did NOT get any:



Hazmat Guys

Soccer Players

Figure Skaters

Out of thirty, based on the characters I want several of, those top THREE really hurt.

I did, however, beat the odds and got 2 scientists... both of which my kids snatched up and now I have none. :hmpf_bad:

This is what I got (out of 30), in order they appear on the sheet:

1 Gnome

3 Geishas

0 Musketeers

5 Punk Rockers

2 Surfers

0 Vikings

4 Frankenstein's Monsters

2 Hockey Players

1 Skate Boarder

3 Sailors

0 Soccer Players

5 Wolfmen

0 Hazmat Guys

2 Painters

0 Figure Skaters

2 Scientists

I have a box of 60 coming, so while the two scientists were nice, the rest are bothersome, but that's what you get with random... I've gotten really lucky in the past, and I've gotten really screwed... I supposed it all evens out. The only one I wanted that many of were the wolfmen (mainly for the elf hair).

Does anyone that lives either in Belgium or the Netherlands have some S4 yet? And if so where did you bought them?!

Still haven't seen S4 (some stores even only sold S1 and S2).

Hi everyone, just a note. Michigan TRU now have series 4 for 2.99$; however, they are selling fast. Yesterday I went into my local TRU, and was told they'd get another shipment today (Friday 3/25/11). So I went in today in the afternoon and they had already sold all but 5 of them. I picked up the five, and got 2 sailors :( 1 frankenstein :( and two wolfmen :( I'm really wanting the Viking and Gnome ... Hopefully when they restock they wont sell out so fast.

For anyone in the north west of England Tesco in Bury have a good amount. One box which is mostly empty and about 5 unopened boxes. Plus it's located by the cookware (an odd location) at the back left of the store so you can rummage through at your leisure!

I got nearly all 16 only missing an Artist, Hockey Player and the Monster

Plus the still have 1 unopened box of Series 3! There are also another 6 unopened boxes in various other shops around Bury of Series 3. They do not seem to be in high demand here at all!

How much are the Minifigs in Tesco?

I went into 2 stores yesterday but apparently they they DO have them in stock, but didn't know the location of them as they weren't on the shelf.

They told me the price is £2.40 a pack which I thought was a bit much :(

Does anyone know when these will arrive at Argos and WHSmith? Could someone possibly ask a shop assistant? I'd do it, but my dad's taken the car with him on a business trip, and the town centre's quite a long walk from my house.

How much are the Minifigs in Tesco?

I went into 2 stores yesterday but apparently they they DO have them in stock, but didn't know the location of them as they weren't on the shelf.

They told me the price is £2.40 a pack which I thought was a bit much :(

I got them for 1.90-something each from Tesco. I hope it's not true that the price has been jacked up!

How much are the Minifigs in Tesco?

I went into 2 stores yesterday but apparently they they DO have them in stock, but didn't know the location of them as they weren't on the shelf.

They told me the price is £2.40 a pack which I thought was a bit much :(

£1.97 in Tesco. What stores did you went to?

I ordered 60 from toys r us online and to my surprise I did NOT get a sealed box!!!

I was talking to people on this forum and others and we were all in agreement that if you ordered 60 you would get a box (I also kinda wanted the actual box), although I understood the risk, I was still shocked to get a box in the mail with 60 packets thrown into it. I was kinda hoping they just took the contents of a full box and dumped it in, but these suspicions were ruined when I discovered THREE mad scientists. Heres what I got.

5 Punk rockers

5 Artists

5 Warewolf


4 Soccer

4 Viking

4 Surfer Girl

4 Skater

4 Sailor

4 Frankenstein

3 Figure skater

3 Gnome

3 Geisha

3 Hockey player

3 Mad Scientist

1 Musketeer.

Although it was nice to get 1 more HAZMAT, mad sci, and viking that I was supposed to, I was pretty sad I didn't get 3 musketeers....

and only one complete set.

I just got my 60 packs from TRU. Same story: they were all loose and not a sealed box. I'll report back on what I get.

In "The Three Musketeers" there indeed are 3 musketeers and along with them comes a new recruit who helps them out throughout the book, and at the book's end is made a musketeer for his service to the crown. :wink: So good plan, just give them different faces.

Exactly what I did. LOL!

Picked up five...one for the collection, three for the Musketeers (Athos, Porthos, and Aramis) and one to mod for D'Artagnan.

As usual I went for the touch & feel method and found it easy to pick my favourite figs. Especially the punk and the mad professor are easy to feel & touch due to their silicone hair piece.

I got the soccer player just to complete my Lego cups (bronze, silver, gold). Same goes with the mad professor, I got him just to own the Erlenmeyer flask with green liquid in it.

The 'flying v' guitar is also quite a dead giveaway for the punk rocker. LOL

I also got an extra soccer player just to have a full set of 'spare' trophies and that flask is VERY cool!

I have to say, most of these figs look even better in person than they do in the pics. I am THRILLED with having completed my collection (plus extras) and I'm very much looking forward to series five.

Does anyone that lives either in Belgium or the Netherlands have some S4 yet? And if so where did you bought them?!

Still haven't seen S4 (some stores even only sold S1 and S2).

None in the Netherlands so far. I ordered a box at a Dutch online store and they'll ship it on the first of April, so I guess that's the date when they will be available here.

Finally managed to find a box(that was only a third full :hmpf_bad: ) of Series 4 by chance at my TRU here in VA. Luckily out of the handfull that were left I managed to get my four favorites (punk rocker, artist, the monster, and geisha girl) and I also grabbed a werewolf, sailor, and skater out of what was left while they were on "sale" ($2.69 rather than $2.99 for today only, apparently). The only others that were left were several ice skaters, soccer players, and a surfer girl. I consider myself pretty lucky due to how ravaged the box was. :laugh:

I still wanna find a hazmat guy, garden gnome, and mad scientist someday though. But I'm more than satisfied for now!

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