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The crowd of townspeople stood outside the Town Hall, deciding on where to go. Suddenly, without provocation, a knife sailed through the air, and hit Mayor Ian Bradford / Walter Kovacs!


"Agh!" he said, falling to the ground, but he was not dead, and the knife only clipped his side, it kept flying...


Right into the stomach of Valerie Jenkins / Sok117 !


"She's dead." Doctor Lloyd said.

Mayor Bradford got up, after being bandaged up by Nurse Parker.

"Alright people, let's refer to the list from yesterday (Chapter One) to decide where to go next." Inspector Liebenston said, sometime later.



Government Workers


Ian Bradford (Mayor) played by Walter Kovacs


Will Ackerson (Town Councilman) played by iamded


Alan Cain (Judge) played by JCC1004


Ryan Phelps (Police Chief) played by JimButcher


Tim Fields (Police Officer) played by CallMePie


Louis Harrison (Police Officer) played by Brickme


Working Class


Dieter Schneider (Chef) played by Shadows


Simon Lloyd (Doctor) played by Burman


Patrick Jefferson (Lawyer) Played by Professor Flitwick


James Falzone (Dock Worker) played by CorneliusMurdock


Julie “Princess” Parker (Nurse) played by The Crazy One


Alan Simmons (Farmer) played by Fugazi




Dolores Jefferson (Housewife) played by Def


Gloria Jefferson (Student) played by Admiral Ron


Stevie Jefferson (Student) played by Legonater


Ralph Jenkins (Retired Salesman) played by Cralegoboy


Matt Liebenston (HUAC Investigator) Played by Dragonator


New Arrivals


Ted Harding (Captain of the Lakota) Played by Capt.JohnPaul


Jackie Harding (Ted's Wife) Played by Captain Becker


Frankie Daly (Deckhand) Played by Captain Genero




Valerie Jenkins (Housewife) played by Sok117





(Borrowed partly from Dragonator’s Mystery Manor)

1. There are 18 participants. If you commit to the game you are committing to contributing to the story and sticking with it to the end. I am trusting you all not to drop out halfway through, as that is never any fun.

2. You must search for clues. This means that an action must be specified. For example, you wish to search a room for hidden objects. The following is an example of how not to go about this:

"I wish to look for suspicious or hidden objects in this room".

Instead, you must be able to specify what you want to do. For example:

"I would like to open the drawers of the cabinet."

It is not required for you to specify exactly what you are doing and what you are looking for, but a generalized statement will not find you anything. Act like a detective and you will be fine.

3. This game is meant to be fun, so enjoy yourselves!

4. Please be patient with me between chapters, I will try to put up the chapter topics as quickly as possible, but, this might not be so all the time.

5. Please try to avoid editing your posts, as it can lead to suspicion against you. Just consider what you want to say before you say it, and you'll be fine.

6. Please remember that this is the early 1950’s. No iPods, digital cameras, cell phones, printers, computers, fax machines, or otherwise. No events past the current date either, or else people will view you as insane.

7. I won’t keep you in a certain room if you don’t want me too. You’ll always have the option of backtracking or researching the same place.

8. The host is usually always right. If you think I’ve made an error, then please discuss this in the discussion thread or feel free to PM me.

9. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning. A second failure will result in the death of your character.

10. Remember that although a chapter has ended, that doesn’t mean that the day has concluded, and night actions can be used.

10b. There are also chapter actions. Those of you with chapter actions have the ability to use them at the end of each chapter.

11. No Metagaming please. Also, don’t base suspicions on how the person looks.

Rules may be added or deleted as the game goes on based on game play.

12. This is the 1950’s, the middle of the Cold War. You’re under constant worry of potential nuclear Armageddon, so act like it. The Communists are your enemies in this game, don’t forget that. Also, anytime historical facts from the 1950’s are brought in is a big plus.

I would first like to console Ralph, using my knowledge of being a widower to try to cheer him up.

I would like to go to the Firestation; we should keep going straight down the list as possible.

I'd also like to ask what the three who didn't go down into the tunnel got up to.

I would like to examine the knife for any marks[/i

I would like to know which direction the knife came from and what buildings are in that direction

Good Lord! We lost someone! At least she doesnt have to worry about Commies anymore :sadnew:

I agree, we should go to the fire station

Oh my! Ian! Let me see what the damage is. It looks nasty. Poor Mrs Jenkins. Can we tell where the knife came from?

I forgot to say earlier-

I would like to go to the fire station

Mayor! Are you all right?

I would like to know if the wound is fatal.

I would like to go over to Ralph and console him also.

I would like to go to finish searching the town hall.

They tried to kill me! The Red Commie Bastards tried to kill me! And they've killed oneo of our loyal citizens. If I didn't hate them before, I certainly hate them now. I will not rest until we find these commies and they get what they deserve.

Perhaps I've gotten close with some of my questions. :hmpf_bad:

I asked some questions of some of you earlier today, and never received any answers. Here they are again:

Did anyone bother to check the Hotel registry while you were there?

What side of the hotel was the ladder on, and was it there before you went into the hotel?

Did anyone bother to check under the beds in the Hotel?

Dieter, yesterday you were saying something about being in a tunnel. Where were you when you found the tunnel? How did you get in? Where did it lead to?

Did anyone bother to open the crate that was floating in the water near the lighthouse?

Captain Harding, is the Lakota registered as an American vessel or does it sail under a foreign flag? Would you mind showing us the ship's manifest?

Should we get to know these newcomers a little bit better? Do you always bring your wife along on trips, Captain Ted, I thought having a woman aboard was bad luck for some reason?

Captain Ted, you mentioned that Jackie was your "new" wife. How long have you been married?

I would like to look for a few things in Town Hall, but I want several people to accompany me, given what just happened. It shouldn't take long, maybe 15 minutes, tops, and after that we can move on to the Firehouse. Does anyone want to join me?

Mayor! Are you all right?

I would like to know if the wound is fatal.

I would like to go to finish searching the town hall.

Yes, I'm all right, but I'm mad as hell right now. I think it's just a flesh wound.

Well, that's one for going back to Town Hall.

Valerie! No! My beautiful wife... Gone... Why? What did she do to deserve this? How am I supposed to go on now? Even my experience in The Great War couldn't prepare me for this... Damn you, Communist! I will find you, whoever did this! You will die a painful death, for taking my Wife away from me! Breaks down into uncontrollable sobs and weeping

Ralph, I'm so sorry.

Dammit! I should've been closer to the Mayor.

I'd like to examine the knife, and, using the direction it came from, determine who was standing at where the knife was thrown.

Well, we can tell a few things from what we see remember. Chief Phelps was standing directly behind (more to the side, I guess) me. Someone else is behind him, possibly James Falzone, but I can't be sure, as apparently I've never seen the front of his shirt.

Near the unfortunate Mrs. Jenkins, was Ralph, Matt Liebenston and Congressman Bob. None of the other figures are distinctive enough to make out.

I talked with four other people in private this morning. Perhaps one of them was our mysterious attacker, and what I said was too close for comfort. Those people were James Falzone, Patrick Jefferson, Will Ackerson and Alan Simmons.

Mr. Simmons, someone asked you this morning if you had heard any strange noises earlier today, and you never answered. Care to say anything yet?

  • Author

I would first like to console Ralph, using my knowledge of being a widower to try to cheer him up.

I would like to go to the Firestation; we should keep going straight down the list as possible.

I'd also like to ask what the three who didn't go down into the tunnel got up to.

Patrick consoles Ralph. He then asks what those at the farm did.

"Just stood around and waited, then we got nervous and came down here." Officer Harrison says.

I would like to examine the knife for any marks[/i

I would like to know which direction the knife came from and what buildings are in that direction

There's no distinguishing features on the knife. The knife came from the North, and Dieter's Grocery is in that direction.

Mayor! Are you all right?

I would like to know if the wound is fatal.

I would like to go over to Ralph and console him also.

I would like to go to finish searching the town hall.

The wound on Mayor Bradford is not fatal. Officer Harrison then consoles Ralph.

They tried to kill me! The Red Commie Bastards tried to kill me! And they've killed oneo of our loyal citizens. If I didn't hate them before, I certainly hate them now. I will not rest until we find these commies and they get what they deserve.

Mayor Bradford is pissed.

Valerie! No! My beautiful wife... Gone... Why? What did she do to deserve this? How am I supposed to go on now? Even my experience in The Great War couldn't prepare me for this... Damn you, Communist! I will find you, whoever did this! You will die a painful death, for taking my Wife away from me! Breaks down into uncontrollable sobs and weeping

Ralph Jenkins breaks down into tears, and he is also pissed.

Ralph, I'm so sorry.

Dammit! I should've been closer to the Mayor.

I'd like to examine the knife, and, using the direction it came from, determine who was standing at where the knife was thrown.

There's nothing distinguishing about the knife, and it came from the north. Nobody is standing over there now, and it's impossible to determine who was standing there when the knife was thrown.

This is horrid. Blasted commie scum. We've got two options, the fire station, or track down wherever this Non-Ninja went to. If we can't find Non-Ninja's attack spot, we might as well check out the station.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! My lord, how could this happen with all us around? What are our police doing? Why aren't they more alert? I'm so scared.

I'd like to go to the Town Hall as well. There are still things to discover there.

Since I was keeping such a careful watch over the Mayor, I'd like to know if I perhaps saw anything others didn't?

A death of an innocent in our town. Wasn't there a warning that if the Communists started killing, then more harsh action would be taken?

Now, I also vote we finish searching the Town Hall. I've said it once, I don't like unfinished business. We should wrap this up so we can move on to new places.

And, Mr Jenkins, may I pass on my condolences. Valerie was a fine citizen of this town. Her murder shall not go unpunished.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! My lord, how could this happen with all us around?

This is no time for going crazy. And who the hell is this lord?

I think the fire stations is a good option. We don't have any leads on the attacker, really.

Ralph, my god, I'm sorry for your loss. We've known each other for so long, and Valerie was almost like a sister to me. I'll do whatever I can to help you through these hard times.

We need to step up our investigation, we're losing time and we're losing ground.

Mr. Simmons, someone asked you this morning if you had heard any strange noises earlier today, and you never answered. Care to say anything yet?

I'm really sorry, I don't remember being asked. Do you mean any strange noises on the farm?

  • Author

Since I was keeping such a careful watch over the Mayor, I'd like to know if I perhaps saw anything others didn't?

A death of an innocent in our town. Wasn't there a warning that if the Communists started killing, then more harsh action would be taken?

You were watching the Mayor, not the area where the knife came from. No, you didn't see anything others didn't.

"I'll be addressing that second part at the end of the day." Congressman Bob says.

It was only a matter of time before the commies came after us. You have our deepest sympathies for your loss, Ralph. I know I won't rest until we solve this thing.

Yeah, I was standing behind the chief. It worries me that the murderer might be one of us who chatted earlier. I don't know what you might have said to warrant such an attack, though. It could just be that since you seem to be working hard to help the town and are in a position of authority that you make a tempting target for the communists.

I agree that we should finish searching town hall and I would be proud to accompany you, mayor.

I would like to ask If the captain knew the first Mrs. Jefferson and if he was in town at the time of her death.

Ian, which direction were you facing when the knife hit you and where did it hit you? ( what was the angle and area of penetration )

It is obvious the communists want to take out our leaders. We need to keep our guard.

I'm really sorry, I don't remember being asked. Do you mean any strange noises on the farm?

Actually, I just went back through my own memories. You were asked if you had seen anything strange, and you replied that you hadn't. But since you brought it up, did you hear anything odd at the farm in the last few weeks?

For those wanting to return to Town Hall, at the very least I want to find teh personnel records for the government workers. that would be the police, myself, Judge Cain and Will ackerson, I believe. There might be a clue there.

Plus we never made it to the congressman's office and there might be some things he hasn't told us yet.

Damn commies killing one of our own, they will pay dearly for this when we catch them. :angry: Someone here is not who they claim to be, I have a right mind to take you each aside one at a time and try out some of those new interrogation methods everyone is raging about back at the office.

Matt looks around suspiciously.

Now, I also vote we finish searching the Town Hall. I've said it once, I don't like unfinished business. We should wrap this up so we can move on to new places.

I concur, let us finish what we started at the town hall. A lot can be learned from the recent actions of public servants, I intend to discover exactly what they've been up to.

Oh! Mayor, are you alright sir? I looked away for a split second and the next thing I knew, a knife was flying through the air. We, uh, all need to be on our guard about this.

I'd like to collect the knife for safekeeping.

I agree with the plan to uh, finish searching the town hall.

I noticed the other day that both of our police officers came to town around the same time. Did you two know each other beforehand? Do you both come from military backgrounds?

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