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index2.jpg& Poll Added -TheBrickster


Once again I bought a new police set for a really good price. Anyway let's start with the review.


We get 3 instruction books. And a big sticker shead, I had already built the set so I don't have any pics of that,


The first book and bag gives us the police motorcycle and the thief's car. A lovely little red automobile which looks like it would fit perfect in the modern city style.


The two minifgs consist of a police man and the thief himself. They both look like all the other police and thief figures.


The back of the police figure is printed


The motorcycle, it looks also like most other police motorcycle's we got in the past 5 years so it's not that spectacular.


Back of the motorcycle


On the other hand we get the cute and really cool small red car. It's just so well designed that everyone loves it. It has doors and some extra small red slopes which (from what I've heard) are/were rare.


And like most City cars it has a stickered lisence plate at the front and back


One of the things I like is the inclusion of a gold bar. It's however, not the same chrome gold I'm used to (those were from the older World City line). But still it's clear what it is for. Here's a comparison between the two. The left one is the new one, so that means the right one is the older chromed version.


It seems the thief really loves all the gold (so do I), you don't want to know how many money tiles, diamonds and cristals I have so I am happy that we get a bank this year


Also new for me are these two new printed tiles with “police' them. I like the fact they made those printed despite I wouldn't mind them to be stickers


And here are the two in my city, I think they look great with the rest of the city sets.


We continue with the front of the truck. It's a nice looking one, but it reminds me strongly of the older version.


Side view, note the lights on top wich can me moved up and down


There is also a small door where you can store stuff.



Removing the roof is really easy so you can access the interior


We also get a new minifig. I really like him, and it adds some variety to the police theme with all it's normal policemenn and thief's.


His back has also some printing


And he can easily access the truck thanks to those good old doors.


Random page of the last instruction book


The trailer finished, it looks really good and it reminds me of the ones that I always saw in those classic town things


You can raise and turn the radar dish, there is also a door where you also can store some stuff. And this one actually contains some stuff


This, it's okay, I guess


At the underside is this standard which prevents the truck from tilting while it's not connected to the truck itself.


The two doors at the side of the trailer can be opened. It doesn't use any mechanism to hold it in place, so they swivel around sometimes when you hold it sideways.


The roof can also be opened which makes it really easy to see and access the interior. I have taken some close-ups because there are some many details.


A computer/tv screen with a map, and a wanted poster.


Some equipment for the police officer, The flashlight is made from a black lightsaber hilt, never seen it in this color.


And we get the middle part. Let's start with the top. Again two computer screens which are stickered. More lower are those two 'new' computer screens, those are printed (close up below). Also we get this nice black coffee machine thingy. Really adds all those wonderfull details.


The close up. The printed tiles are really over-detailed. Even if you look close you can see all the letters on the keyboard, like the real things. It really amazed me that they did this. The computer screen are also nice and a good variation of the other ones.


And at last we have the tv screen. A new reporter is shown with underlined text saying: 'breaking news...Bank robbery...dog'.



The last part is the small prison cell at the back. Idon't like it to much, but it adds some playability for children.


There is not to much to see inside.




And because I as a kid (and in secret also now, but don't tell that futher) loved those comics.

In the next couple of weeks I think the comic builder site will be online, so we can all make our own comics. I also got a code for some extra downloads ont he next page.


At the last page we have a picture of the new space sets, I like them so I will also buy them, now I only need to make some more room for the space sets.


In conclusion


-Much playability

-Really nice vehicles (red car!!)

-Nice minifigs

-Good price (I got mine for 35 euro)

-Gold bar

-Many new printed pieces


-Price normally is 45 euro which seems a little steep

-It has many stickers, but that's just a small con

-prison cell at the back looks a little out of place

-looks a lot like the previous one (but that one already looked great)

I can't see more cons for this set, it's just great and if you don't have the previous one I would recommend to get this set.

Thanks for the review 'Brickviller', at least some parts are printed ! :wink:

The bike is pretty much the standard 2005 one, but the little red sports car......NICE !

The prime mover is AWESOME and a way for the driver to get in and out with the hand rail...at last a real realistic truck ! :wink:

The rear section I like, the last one I found a little odd with the roof openning the way it did....this one I prefer with the side doors and hinged top plus the small cell....hey you gotta have somewhere to hold the crook while waiting for the prisoner transport to come the HQ ! :wink:

This one is ADDED to the list for 2011 and keep on policing ! :grin:

This looks like another nice mobile police station.

I must admit I'm not interested in buying one, since I already have an older model, but I can still admire the design.

What is that Black part in front of the spoiler of the red car? It is not a piece that I'm familiar with.

My brother commented on that the gold bar looks a bit like a frozen block of mustard, but it probably looks better in reality.

The jail cell is an interesting idea even if it is a bit odd.

The coffee machine is an interesting little detail.

Looks like things went a little pear shaped for the fruit thief in the comic (Sorry about the bad pun, but it was hard to resist).

In general this looks like a fine police truck.

Thanks for the review. This version is much better than the previous. The minifigure draws me to this set. All the little features are great, the cab is better and more spacious. I have to say that the back is the best improvement, it is more spacious and more features. The jail cell is also a nice touch. :classic:

The little red sports car is cool as well :thumbup:

Motorcycle is ugly. How do you get into the car when the windshield covers 2/3 of the door? The magnifying glass is as big as a guys head!

Awesome review! Have you considered joining the Reviewer's Academy? It seems you already possess the skill, all you need is some refinement. For example, you have a couple duplicate pics in the review :grin:

On to the set, I like it, although I think it's kinda redundant for Lego to keep releasing a Mobile Command Centre every time they do a Police line.

  • Author

Awesome review! Have you considered joining the Reviewer's Academy? It seems you already possess the skill, all you need is some refinement. For example, you have a couple duplicate pics in the review :grin:

On to the set, I like it, although I think it's kinda redundant for Lego to keep releasing a Mobile Command Centre every time they do a Police line.

Well now you've said that, I think I might consider joining, now I only need to find out how.. :classic:

Edited by Brickviller

Thanks for a good review - the pictures confirm my thoughts about this set. I bought the old one and I'm happy I did - I think it's better than this one. And like somebody else said in the 2011 sets topic, it's so strange that they just swap an old prisoner transport for a new one, an old mobile command center for a new one, an old police station for a new one... you'd think the Lego designers would have better imagination than that. Boring!

Thankfully, they're bringing out the police chase set and the bank set later. They look good.

On another note, I just got a couple of the other new police sets, and noticed something strange, that can also be seen in your pictures here: On the page where the new space sets are advertised, the shuttle seen two times in the main picture is the finished product - but the picture of the box art, on the bottom of the page, seems to be a preliminary without the black snout. Seems like a weird slip-up...

Thanks for the review! IMO, this set is a really bad value. The last one had more pieces and was the same price as the new one. :sceptic:

Well now you've said that, I think I might consider joining, now I only need to find out how.. :classic:

Right this way buddy! :classic:

Thanks for the review!

I love the little sportscar and all the details on the big police truck, but i think i have to pass this set. There are to manny new sets that i want :sad::classic:

I saw this set in stores but I decided not to get it. Overall the set looks nice and your review was great too.

Thanks for the review. I should mention, though, that some of the pictures are incorrect. The one that should be a pic of the trailer doors is instead a copy of the mechanism on the underside, and the one that should be an instruction booklet page is instead a copy of the police officer climbing into the door of the cab.

The new gold has been around since at least 2008. Its official material ID is 299 Lacquered Gold. Chrome gold has been used for many years, including sometimes alongside Lacquered Gold, but it is a lot less common in recent sets than back in the day.

I actually prefer Lacquered Gold to the chrome version, because in my opinion chrome gold is too shiny for most applications. Regrettably, neither version works on LEGO Digital Designer-- Chrome Gold can't because it doesn't have a material ID, while Lacquered Gold doesn't render correctly.

The piece for the new computer screens has been used frequently in the past for street signs. I have mixed feelings about its use as a flatscreen computer monitor-- on one hand, it works well in terms of thickness and angle, but on the other hand it can't be attached easily except by that bulky handle piece.

What an in depth review!! Thank you, I love a good review becasue it gives me the benefit of seeing everthing in the set before I buy.

Too bad about that gold piece no longer being chrome. Again, a great set of pictures.

I actually like this new set more than the old one which my kids have. What is the base piece this trailer is built on? The base of the trailer is the biggest problem I have with the old set, it prevent the prison area at the rear of the trailer from being useful since it is raised up. I like that on this trailer a prisoner can stand up in the prison cell. While the old set may have more pieces, the small toll station included with it wasn't as useful as the motorcycle and robber's car in this set. If I walked into Toys R Us today and had these two sets to chose from, I think I'd pick this one.

  • Author

I actually like this new set more than the old one which my kids have. What is the base piece this trailer is built on? The base of the trailer is the biggest problem I have with the old set, it prevent the prison area at the rear of the trailer from being useful since it is raised up. I like that on this trailer a prisoner can stand up in the prison cell. While the old set may have more pieces, the small toll station included with it wasn't as useful as the motorcycle and robber's car in this set. If I walked into Toys R Us today and had these two sets to chose from, I think I'd pick this one.

The base for the trailer is a train large plate base :laugh:

Thanks for the review. I should mention, though, that some of the pictures are incorrect. The one that should be a pic of the trailer doors is instead a copy of the mechanism on the underside, and the one that should be an instruction booklet page is instead a copy of the police officer climbing into the door of the cab.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, I always want to know on how to improve my reviews so thank you :classic:

Edited by Brickviller

Thanks for sharing this review Brickviller! :thumbup: Quite a nice set, with new police torso prints, gold bars (!), and the addition of the small prison cell at the back. But as good as it is, I think it would be better to purchase a combination of the smaller sets than this one.

nice review, thanks. Like the printing on the minifigures. A few less piece's on the motorcycle compared to previous ones, I suppose thats how they keep profits up.

The base for the trailer is a train large plate base

Thanks. I see the set was inventoried on Bricklink now. I think the "Dark Bluish Gray Train Base 6 x 28 with 2 Square Cutouts and 3 Round Holes Each End" is a much better base for the trailer than the old set's "Train Base 6 x 34 Split-Level with Bottom Tubes." Both the slightly shorter length and the single level of the new base make it a better choice.

I wasn't too keen on this set before reading this review (which is great, by the way), but I might be tempted - if I found a good deal on the price. The highlight of the set is easily the command centre itself, with all the screen and poster details. Call me nostalgic but I'd much rather have the old-style motorbikes, or at least similar-sized motorbikes, as part of this set.

I am rather disappointed in this set, as it has been released many times over. I still like 6348 the best, but I understand the need to refresh certain sets.

Other notes:

- Not a fan of the gold brick, would have liked chrome better.

- Don't like how the back axles of the trailer look. To simplified maybe?

- Motorbike is too bulky (but that's another discussion)

- I do like the cab of the truck and the addition of the jail cell in the back of the trailer.

- Love the red car. Might be the only reason I pick up this set in the future.

Looking more forward to the bank and chase sets coming out later.

Edited by legomaniac83

Thanks for the review. The great thing about this review is, that You wrote in a very interesting way - so it's some fun to read it. I think it's the most important thing :)

But I can't agree with You regarding Your thoughts about this set. How can You admire this red, small, funny car? It looks like a toy or something :) Allright, I know it's a toy but come on !

Second thing is that with the old set we got a small police station, and that's a good add to every town. You can for example put it somewhere on the road or before the entrance to the aiport or do many other things with it. With the new set - You are loosing a building, and getting an ugly ultra small red car - no sir, thanks but I'll rather stay with the old one. It's being overpriced in Poland now, we can buy it for something like 25 euro, I think it's a fair price for this set.



Thanks for the very nice review Brickviller. I'm not sure if I'm gonna buy this set but I must admit that there are some nice elements in it. The new police torsos (both the new black and the blue) and the small red car (I love it) are my personal favorites from it.

Also new for me are these two new printed tiles with “police' them. I like the fact they made those printed despite I wouldn't mind them to be stickers

Now that's a surprise. I didn't expect the tiles to be printed and that was great. To be honest though, the left tile in your picture looks like a sticker on a tile. The bottom left edge of it looks like a worn-off sticker and seems to be "out" of the tile. :look:

  • Author

Now that's a surprise. I didn't expect the tiles to be printed and that was great. To be honest though, the left tile in your picture looks like a sticker on a tile. The bottom left edge of it looks like a worn-off sticker and seems to be "out" of the tile. :look:

:classic: Yeah I know, I saw that t0o and when I checked it seemed it was a very, very small misprint. The ink came on the side of the brick, which makes it look like a sticker. You really have a great eye for detail :thumbup:

Edited by Brickviller

  • 6 months later...

I love the tone of this review, I'd describe it as... overly formal mild interest peppered with apathy.

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