July 12, 201212 yr Where? It's a zoomed in pic of that big Lego prototype room. All of the AC sets are on a counter in the middle left. Am I right in thinking those two unknown boxes look like an ADF fighter, and maybe some sort of an Alien Robot?
July 12, 201212 yr Those prototypes also have some weird red banner at the bottom, which could of indicated theme being in a themed second wave...
July 12, 201212 yr What's surprising to me is how near-final they look. I remember reading that there was a second wave for Alien Conquest in development, but it was ditched because there was no room in this year's line-up. For LEGO to release a second wave of sets a full year after the first wave would be highly unusual. I wouldn't get too optimistic here. Still, they certainly look to have had potential!
July 12, 201212 yr What's surprising to me is how near-final they look. I remember reading that there was a second wave for Alien Conquest in development, but it was ditched because there was no room in this year's line-up. For LEGO to release a second wave of sets a full year after the first wave would be highly unusual. I wouldn't get too optimistic here. Still, they certainly look to have had potential! It sounded like they got cancelled very late in the development process. They obviously had packaging and prototypes. If I am seeing the ADF one right it looks kind of like a larger version of the little VTOL from the Agents Robo Attack set. Forward swept wings and pivoting lift fans in the rear. The Alien set looks confusing.
July 13, 201212 yr What's surprising to me is how near-final they look. I remember reading that there was a second wave for Alien Conquest in development, but it was ditched because there was no room in this year's line-up. For LEGO to release a second wave of sets a full year after the first wave would be highly unusual. I wouldn't get too optimistic here. Still, they certainly look to have had potential! Agents and Kingdoms both had such a release pattern.
July 13, 201212 yr We thought we beat them... thought they were gone forever... assured ourselves we could beat them IF they came back... That the small amount of scavenged tech was enough... But what if its not? Just something I made up in hopes of another year of alien invasion!
July 13, 201212 yr Hey, the set that the pic is focusing on appears to be the final design of the alien mech that appeared in that AC wave 2 concept art! They changed the shape a bit, but it's definitely a mech- notice the trans-bright green cockpit, multiple legs reminiscent of a spider's, and trans-green tubes attaching from the body of the vehicle to its outer limbs? What's interesting also is the size of that box- it's the same size as 7052 UFO Abduction, meaning that the set probably would've been around $20-25 dollars if it was released. Man, seeing the concept art and this small peek of what could've been makes me rue the loss of AC even more.
July 13, 201212 yr Yes yes yes! Now I'm going to buy all of these Alien Conquest set as soon as they come out.
July 13, 201212 yr Yes yes yes! Now I'm going to buy all of these Alien Conquest set as soon as they come out. Heh... if they ever do. (Which they won't. :P EDIT: Series 8 has a female Commander! xD -Sci Edited July 13, 201212 yr by CM4S
July 13, 201212 yr Heh... if they ever do. (Which they won't. :P EDIT: Series 8 has a female Commander! xD -Sci Oh man! I need that female commander fig! That is awesome! I heard there would be a "female alien" in series 8 but this is the first pic I've seen. As to the hope of a second wave of AC sets, I remember reading something somewhere (I cannot remember where) in which one of the AC designers was asked about the future of the line and he was cagey with his answer. If anyone else remembers reading this and knows where it came from, please remind me. Could that be an indication that there might actually be more to come? I know that it would be highly irregular for such a gap to occur in a theme but I would certainly be the first in line to buy any new sets should they be released. AC is at the top of my list of favorite themes and I was very sad to hear there wasn't going to be a second wave. Here's hoping that maybe there will be a surprise for us AC fans in the future. **EDIT** Did some digging and remember where I read the above. It was the AC thread at FBTB and the author was talking about an interview with designer Mark Stafford in issue 17 of BrickJournal. Edited July 13, 201212 yr by Brickscape
July 13, 201212 yr Alien wallet apocalypse 22 December 2012, here we come ! Edited July 13, 201212 yr by DraikNova
July 13, 201212 yr After reading through several pages of back posts, it seems like I've finally found "my people." It's nice to find other folks who love Alien Conquest like I do. I got absolutely hooked on the theme about a year ago when I broke down and bought the Earth Defense HQ set (it just looked too awesome to resist). After that, I made several MOCs because I felt there were just too few ADU vehicles in the official line. Here's a link to my AC MOCs. Hope you like them and would love to see any other AC MOCs, too (like that huge display from a few pages back).
July 13, 201212 yr They all look AWESOME! I can see the thought process behind the helicopter; in an alien apocalypse, you use whatever you can. Edited July 13, 201212 yr by DraikNova
July 13, 201212 yr It would be pretty cool of Alien Conquest got an post-mortem release. The theme has a ton of potential and any LEGO Space is a good thing. Still... the rumored Ice Planet reboot has me far more excited.
July 13, 201212 yr Who said that the fig from series 8 is a female ? It could be a male alien that is rocking the purple suede.
July 13, 201212 yr Who said that the fig from series 8 is a female ? It could be a male alien that is rocking the purple suede. If you look at the closeup on the bag, you can see lipstick.
July 13, 201212 yr I'm going to say that's either a purple blood stain or a sensory organ part of her brain protruding.
July 13, 201212 yr I'm going to say that's either a purple blood stain or a sensory organ part of her brain protruding. What.
July 13, 201212 yr Why do you expect me to know what I'm talking about? Oh yeah, right. Well, let's just say that her brain is sticking out there so the nose and bit of the brain that processes smell are connected. Scratch that. It's a heat-sensing organ. Edited July 13, 201212 yr by DraikNova
July 13, 201212 yr In reality, all the Aliens in this theme were female. The Alien in the CM series 8 is male. In their planet, male Aliens are the ones that use lipstick. After getting my first queen, I will use brasso on each of the duplicates to remove lipstick so I finally can make my army I couldn't make because of Alien Conquest not coming here.
July 13, 201212 yr Well, I'm definitely going to combine her purple brain part with the rest of the head of the Cyborg alien.
July 13, 201212 yr I'm just psyched that the female alien is an official part of Alien Conquest with the proper logo on the chest and everything. Bring on series 8!
July 13, 201212 yr I'm going to say that's either a purple blood stain or a sensory organ part of her brain protruding. It's obviously a Hitler-esque Brain-stache. I love that figure! I can't say how much I want to see those two prelims released, or at least a little closer! That Alien-tank-like one especially! Please Lego! That ADU plane thing would be amazing too! They really needed a cheaper plane! These two sets are honestly, the perfect continuation of a near perfect theme. It would be a shame for them not to get released. ~Insectoid Aristocrat Edited July 13, 201212 yr by Dannylonglegs
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