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So, the people voting for the "hasn't done anything so far" HUAC investigator have started to see their mistake and recalled their votes for him, but all the votes for me still stand?

Oh well, even if I survive this vote, I'll be targeted by the pinkos tomorrow, so it doesn't make much difference.

(In case it wasn't clear before, I did actually unvote Dragonator. :wink:)

I've tried to communicate with the people voting for me, and some seem reasonable, but one in particular doesn't. He is the chief of police.

Simply looking at today's discussion, he's accused me of killing Patrick's first wife, a case he ruled as an accident. The body disappeared. At that time, I was still new in town. I did not have access to the police station, the hospital, wherever the body was being kept, and I still don't. This implies it was an inside job. As the mayor said, chief Phelps is one of the few who had access to the body. (linky!) Why he would declare it a murder, then 'lose' the body, then, when it gets reopened by other people, he all of a sudden, five years later, declares me guilty? I don't know what he had to do with the murder, but it is clear that he's trying to shift the blame away from himself.

That map had a circle around our house. That does not imply anyone in our house is guilty, it implies we are targets. As I said earlier today, nobody circles their own house on a map, they circle targets and objectives.

I've been trying to figure out how it is that everyone's pointing at me today, other than the fact that my husband's first wife died. Possibly we shouldn't have taken Chief Phelps report that it was an accident at face value. After reviewing the what the mayor said earlier today, and in taking my interactions with Phelps in private today into consideration, specifically the pleasure he seemed to take in his conviction of me, while ignoring the fact that there is zero evidence against me, I can't find anyone more suspect than him.

If anything, he is the most suspicious, and after considering the tone of things today, I hope those that vote can see that the chance that a police chief could get away with commie activities is far more likely than a house wife could.

Unvote: Ted

Vote: Chief Phelps

Stevie, what are you talkin' about? If you're referrin' to the notes that were written for Ted in the Hotel, we know who wrote those. The hotel is owned by Franklin White and he signed the notes himself. There was no mystery about that. It's a completely different set of notes that the mayor was talkin' about. Pay attention, kid.

Oh... oops... uh... you can go about your business, guard. You're not the writer we're looking.

This implies it was an inside job. As the mayor said, chief Phelps is one of the few who had access to the body.

Actually I

This implies it was an inside job. As the mayor said, chief Phelps is one of the few who had access to the body.

Actually I was the first to suggest that someone in the government would have to pull it off- yesterday, I believe.

I'll unvote: Matt Something/Draggy

But I'm hesitant to vote Delores or the Chief. Both have little evidence against them.

Hmm... Delores you do bring up some good points so I guess thats worth an unvote.

UNVOTE Delores/def

However the Chief? You might want to watch where your accusitions fly.

Simply looking at today's discussion, he's accused me of killing Patrick's first wife, a case he ruled as an accident.

I've been trying to figure out how it is that everyone's pointing at me today, other than the fact that my husband's first wife died. Possibly we shouldn't have taken Chief Phelps report that it was an accident at face value.

I didn't. If you recall correctly, young lady, I was against the closing of the case, but my superior wanted to. I knew there was something fishy going on, but he insisted it be closed.

I did not have access to the police station, the hospital, wherever the body was being kept, and I still don't. This implies it was an inside job. As the mayor said, chief Phelps is one of the few who had access to the body. (linky!) Why he would declare it a murder, then 'lose' the body, then, when it gets reopened by other people, he all of a sudden, five years later, declares me guilty? I don't know what he had to do with the murder, but it is clear that he's trying to shift the blame away from himself.

Really? That's quite interesting. I thought that maybe the body might've been hidden somewhere in these secret tunnels, or maybe even buried under that "fallout shelter" of yours? Which is why I wanted to dig it up yesterday. In fact, I suggest we go there right now and start digging. Even if Ms. Jefferson deteriorated corpse is not there, I still highly suspect you.

After reviewing the what the mayor said earlier today, and in taking my interactions with Phelps in private today into consideration, specifically the pleasure he seemed to take in his conviction of me, while ignoring the fact that there is zero evidence against me, I can't find anyone more suspect than him.

The pleasure? Are you kidding me, young lady? I listened to your argument, and I didn't buy into any of it. That must make me a communist, right? default_hmpf.gif

Oh, ad while we're on the subject, why don't you tell everyone what you told me? Yes, that's right folks, Delores claimed a night action, different than what was already said. Apparently, she's not a blocker anymore. And why wouldn't she share this now, to everyone? If she's being lynched, then why doesn't she claim her action? Probably because at least one person knows better.

Also, what do you mean, "what evidence"? Forensic reports aren't going to fall into our laps. Re-listen to what the Mayor said. That's not enough evidence for you.

I'd like to go to the Jefferson property and start digging in the fallout shelter.

  • Author

I didn't. If you recall correctly, young lady, I was against the closing of the case, but my superior wanted to. I knew there was something fishy going on, but he insisted it be closed.

I'd like to go to the Jefferson property and start digging in the fallout shelter.

"Chief Phelps, you've been in charge of the Police Force for fifteen years. You were the superior back then." Mayor Bradford says.

"Look at my copy of the Case File." Inspector Liebenston says.

Detective Notes:

-I believe that it could be more than an accidental death, but there's no evidence to support this. Family seems to believe that it was accidental, except for Steven Jefferson, the son. Chief Phelps was urging me to get this solved, but he seems to believe that this was accidental too

Chief Phelps cannot go to dig up the Jefferson property today. However, the fallout shelter wasn't even started yet.

Edited by Bob the Construction Man

Unless you're saying you were working for someone else on the side? What superiors are you referrin' to, Chief?

Hmm... The Chief is looking awfully suspicious right now.

Unvote: HUAC Investigator Matt Leibenston (Dragonator)

That's as far as I'll go at the moment, but I have my eyes on you, and my dog is trained.

Unless you're saying you were working for someone else on the side? What superiors are you referrin' to, Chief?

Yes, that's what I meant. I had assumed he was my superior since he made the decision to close the case.

I didn't. If you recall correctly, young lady, I was against the closing of the case, but my superior wanted to. I knew there was something fishy going on, but he insisted it be closed.

Already established, Chief.

Really? That's quite interesting. I thought that maybe the body might've been hidden somewhere in these secret tunnels, or maybe even buried under that "fallout shelter" of yours? Which is why I wanted to dig it up yesterday. In fact, I suggest we go there right now and start digging. Even if Ms. Jefferson deteriorated corpse is not there, I still highly suspect you.

Please search. There's nothing there, as far as I know. I am 100% cooperative here.

The pleasure? Are you kidding me, young lady? I listened to your argument, and I didn't buy into any of it. That must make me a communist, right? default_hmpf.gif

I told you there was no evidence, and to let me know when you found some. You replied, and I quote, "Will do. In the mean time, the votes are piling up. Oinky oinky." So, you 1) acknowledge there is no evidence and 2) seem to be positively gleeful about railroading a woman out of town. It doesn't mean you're a communist, but at the least, it makes you a terrible police chief. And it looks like you're out to scapegoat me.

Oh, ad while we're on the subject, why don't you tell everyone what you told me? Yes, that's right folks, Delores claimed a night action, different than what was already said. Apparently, she's not a blocker anymore. And why wouldn't she share this now, to everyone? If she's being lynched, then why doesn't she claim her action? Probably because at least one person knows better.

I've never claimed to be a 'blocker'. Not once. You're confusing what someone else thought of me. My role is different, and I have said so much to those I talked to in private.

Also, what do you mean, "what evidence"? Forensic reports aren't going to fall into our laps. Re-listen to what the Mayor said. That's not enough evidence for you.

Then maybe you don't understand what the word 'evidence' means. I know you're just a small town police chief, and maybe you're a little rusty, but there is no evidence at all.

I'd like to go to the Jefferson property and start digging in the fallout shelter.

Go for it, I'll make the lemonade.

I urge the few that voted for me to unvote me. It seems obvious to me that we can't take the words of the police chief at face value.

Already established, Chief.

Well then why did you accuse me of closing the case, and declaring the death a suicide? It wasn't me.

And it looks like you're out to scapegoat me.

How so? I haven't been targeted before this.

And I admit I was out of line in our private conversation, but you taunted me as well.

? There's no evidence piling up, just supposition that people are buying into. But, if you find any evidence, be sure to let us know :laugh:

Also, you said,

You'd have to do something wrong to have evidence

Why is that? Quit complaining about lack of evidence when you're saying things like that. I'll quote ahead and quote what Mr. Mayor has provided in terms of "evidence", whether you want to call it that or not:

Well, I have a few things to say. This is going to take a while, so bear with me.

When Congressman Bob first told me that HUAC was sending an investigator from Washington, I asked "Why". I knew the good people of Alabatha, and knew that we were smart enough and talented enough to find a few communists hiding in our town. But, the decision had already been made, so I welcomed Matt here. I expected him to help us root out these reds quickly. I expected him to show all the expertise and skill of a hotshot HUAC investigator, someone that could lead us to finding the clues we needed to find the Red bastards.

Instead, all I have heard from Matt Liebenston is a bunch of Grandstanding BS, a lot of "I will not rest" rhetoric, and absolutely no investigative skills whatsoever. This town would be better off without him. All he's going to do at this point is add to the body count.

But that is no proof of his guilt. Proof of his utter incompetence, yes, but not of his guilt.

What other evidence have we found? Well, there's the Laura Jefferson case. Delores, in her statement to the police, claims to have overheard Laura talking with another woman about an affair. By her own statements, 5-10 minutes later, Laura threw herself off of the Department Store roof. That would suggest that Laura was distraught, and that it was a simple suicide.

But why then did Laura's body disappear afterword? That seems to suggest something more than suicide. Like perhaps the body was taken away, to prevent a coroner from discovering some incriminating marks. Also, we have seen how difficult it is to access the roof of the Department Store. Surely, in the middle of the day, a housewife carrying a 12 foot ladder up to the third floor of the store is going to attract some attention, right? Even assuming that Laura KNEW where the access to the roof was.

But Ian, I can hear you say, she could have accessed the Department Store roof from the Firehouse. So I ask you, If she really wanted merely to end her life, why would she climb to the roof of the Firehouse, cross to the Department Store, and then jump. When jumping from the Firehouse roof would accomplish THE SAME THING?

Does anyone else find it interesting that the only witness to Laura's death, and the only witness to the alledged conversation prior to it, was Delores, a newcomer to town? And that a short time later she was wed to the widower? Or that the Jefferson household was circled on the map that we found? I certainly do.

Now, what about the fact that Laura Jefferson's body disappeared? That implies complicity with someone who had access to the body. While there are a lot of people who are not in our current group that could have accomplished this, there are five people present that also could have been involved. IF (and that is a big if) Laura Jefferson is tied to this Communist plot, then it is possible that one of those five is one of the Communists we are looking for. Those five are Nurse Parker, Doctor Lloyd, Officers Harrison and Fields, and Chief Phelps.

What about other evidence we have seen? On the second floor of the Hotel, you found a knife and a bloody rag. On the third floor, you found a bloodstain that was a few days old. Officer Fields commented that perhaps someone was stabbed that day. Tim Fields is a veteran police officer, surely he knows the difference between a bloodstain that is a few days old and one that is fresh?

While you were on the second floor of the hotel, you heard a sound of breaking glass coming from the room upstairs. And what was Chief Phelps' response? "Are we done here? Should we go to the Department Store?" Surely the sound of someone breaking glass on the floor above should have piqued the Chief's interest? Or am I way off base here.

In the third floor, the glass was lying on the floor. Everyone assumed that someone was breaking out. But that implies that the person in the room had the forethought to put a ladder up ahead of time. And why would he need to break the glass, when the window can be opened from the inside? The answer is that he didn't. Someone broke into the room from the outside, hence the reason that the glass was inside the room. Someone was taking key evidence from the room before you could get to it.

What else have we found. We have two notes, both written by the same hand. One said "I needed this. We are all on the same side here." or something to that effect. The second said "Beware the newcomers." We all assumed the notes were meant for the group as a whole. But what if it were meant for the communists in our party. Any CIA operating inside the town would have free access outside the perimeter. They wouldn't need to borrow a rifle from the town arsenal. But commie spies inside the boundary might.

And Captain Ted and Jackie were married recently, or so I assume. He did call her his "new" wife. How long had you been married again? Is it possible she was a CIA agent, brought in to observe us up close and personal? Maybe, maybe not.

And what about Chief Phelps. Since the beginning of this ordeal, he has been collecting the weapons we have found. For our safety. He promised to put them in the weapons locker. But when we actually checked the weapons locker, he "conveniently" forgot to leave any of the weapons there. Isn't that interesting? I think so. No one actually looked at the knife that killed Valerie Jenkins. I wonder if it was the same one found at the Hotel. Or at the Lighthouse.

None of this is direct proof of anything. But I thought we should get as much evidence as we can out in the open, before we make a mistake in the voting.

...in any case, I ought to think about this a little more carefully before rushing in headfirst. For now, I will

Unvote: Delores Jefferson/ Def

...and mull this over.

Well then why did you accuse me of closing the case, and declaring the death a suicide? It wasn't me.

Established that you were the head honcho, I meant, in what was said before, sorry.

How so? I haven't been targeted before this.

Not yet, but nobody was snooping around the case you signed off on over the last five years, until this week. The easiest thing to do would be to point the finger at the new wife and call this suspicious death case closed. Wouldn't that be convenient :sceptic:

And I admit I was out of line in our private conversation, but you taunted me as well.

I'm trying to find levity in the fact that you claim to have evidence, despite there being none.

Look at the final quote of what the mayor said before:

None of this is direct proof of anything.

That's your 'evidence'.

Also, you said,

That sounds about right. "You'd have to do something wrong to have evidence" Are you implying that you can get evidence of something without doing something wrong? :wacko:

Why is that? Quit complaining about lack of evidence when you're saying things like that. I'll quote ahead and quote what Mr. Mayor has provided in terms of "evidence", whether you want to call it that or not:

Funny, that's the exact same thing I referred to when pointing out my suspicions about you.

Again, don't buy into what this guy is selling you. He has no basis, and the more he pushes against me, the more it seems like he's just doing a cover up of something he did in the past.

Ah, I see he's unvoted me, maybe he's not so desperate to take me out after all.

Not yet, but nobody was snooping around the case you signed off on over the last five years, until this week. The easiest thing to do would be to point the finger at the new wife and call this suspicious death case closed. Wouldn't that be convenient :sceptic:

Not at all. I knew there was something suspicious at the time, and now it's resurfaced, and is even more suspicious. You think I could concoct this to cover up "something from my past"? I have nothing against you, but the evidence does.

Look at the final quote of what the mayor said before:

That's your 'evidence'.

Alright, but now look at the final quote of that:

But I thought we should get as much evidence as we can out in the open, before we make a mistake in the voting.

Evidence. Not proof. There's no hard proof of anything, we'd have to either call in forensics for that or witness events with our own eyes. And no proof is going to appear anytime soon.

That sounds about right. "You'd have to do something wrong to have evidence" Are you implying that you can get evidence of something without doing something wrong? :wacko:

Huh? default_wacko.gif I'm just as confused as you are. What the hell do you mean by that? That we'd have to get evidence by accident? That makes no sense.

Again, don't buy into what this guy is selling you. He has no basis, and the more he pushes against me, the more it seems like he's just doing a cover up of something he did in the past.

I'm not selling anyone anything. I voiced my opinion, and it's becoming more apparent now. I'm very close to re-voting you, because you, too, seem more suspicious as you further you defense.

  • Author

Vote Count:

Matt Liebenston (Dragonator): 2; (Shadows, Legonater)

Dolores Jefferson (Def): 4; (Captain Genero, Walter Kovacs, CorneliusMurdock, Capt.John Paul)

Chief Ryan Phelps (JimButcher): 1; (Def)

No Vote Placed: 12; (Cralegoboy, Flitwick, JCC1004, The crazy one, iamded, CallMePie, brickme, JimButcher, Burman, Fugazi, Adm.Ron, Dragonator)

Hosts Note: Dear Players,

It's been brought to my attention that I've been a bit biased and unfair in this chapter, and looking back I have to agree with the complainant. I was completely out of line, and I apologize deeply for this. There's nothing more that I can do other than apologize, so once again, I am sorry. I'd post this in the Confirmation Thread, but no one goes there so it will get more attention here.

I've been trying to be a very good host, and I feel I've slightly let a few of you down.

I unvoted Matt...

Okay, we need to vote someone out today. I'm not quite sure who to vote for yet, but I'm thinking back(looking in the old chapter topics), and I encourage you to do the same.

Since you moved the time back, can you tell us how much time we have left?

Unvote: Dolores/ Def

I have some considering left to do.

After some deliberation, I believe that Chief Phelps is the best candidate for voting out.

Vote: Chief Phelps (Jimbutcher)

Oh well. I tried to be reasonable.

Vote: Delores/ Def

Oh my, so much has happened since I last got a word in. I really am lost for ideas I'm afraid. I am just going to take a break and examine my notes. I don't think I can bring myself to blindy vote unless I can see anything suspicious in my notes.

  • Author

Vote Count:

Matt Liebenston (Dragonator): 1; (Shadows)

Dolores Jefferson (Def): 4; (Captain Genero, Walter Kovacs, Capt.John Paul, JimButcher)

Chief Ryan Phelps (JimButcher): 2; (Def, Cralegoboy)

No Vote Placed: 12; (Flitwick, JCC1004, The crazy one, iamded, CallMePie, CorneliusMurdock, brickme, Burman, Fugazi, Adm.Ron, Dragonator)

Firstly, allow me to apologies for being late. All the stress has caused me to have migraines, something I haven't had since Law School.

And not to worry, Patrick, we only talked. :blush:

I should hope so, unless you want someone to rearrange your suspenders. :hmpf_bad:

I say we start with the Jeffersons. Why? 'Cause your suspicious and I hate sudden death! vote: Stevie Jefferson Long live capitalism!

I'd like to kick Teds wooden leg from underneath him.

:angry: How can you say that? What exact feature of our abode caused you to think we’re communist? Was it our fireplace, our kitchen tiles, Stevies indecent magazines?

You’ve known us but a day, and you’re throwing around accusations like these? We’ve been here for years, any sane member of our community can vouch for our loyalty for the good ol’ U. S of A!

As my dear husband seems to be a little under the weather this morning, would it be fair to cast a vote for him? I'm sure he would be equally appalled that his son is being blindly targeted.

You quite right Dolly, I would've done the very same had I not been ill.

Ted? Why are you pointing out kids and accusing them!? They're our children for God's sakes! Why try to destroy our families? If Valerie were still here, she'd be just as appa-

Realizes that he just spoke of Valerie, his murdered wife. Chokes up.

*sob* Vote: Ted *sob*

*Shakes head to clear it.*

Thank you, Ralph, it's good to know there is still some sanity here.

As the townspeople stood, confused, one thought came to their minds. What had just happened?

Aw! My bloody head! Those shots had better of hit a Commie!

But Mayor, you make a good case. Which is why I'm going to vote for Delores. As I previously stated this morning, I thought that there might've been a love affair between Ms. Jefferson, Delores, and Mr . Jefferson. And Delores being a newcomer could definitely pass as a sleeper cell.

Impossible; I met Dolores in a bar a year after Laura died.

Vote: Delores Jefferson / def

Big mistake, my friend. :angry:

And I've got 60 some years, son. And yeah, uh, I do think we should look at the newcomers. The note did say "Beware of the newcomers", so that's what I'm doing. Delores just happened to be there for a poor, saddened man who recently lost his wife? Sounds like a communist plot to me. How about this.

'Beware Newcomers' means Dolores is a communist? There have been numerous additions to the town since her, such as Mr. Liebenston, Captain Harding, and Frank Daly.

Would it be possible to have a list of people who have been here the most years, from longest to shortest?

Alright, fine! I didn't want to say anything in front of Patrick or his children, but I think it's fairly obvious what happened last night, and with you constantly pressing the point... I'm sorry Patrick, I had no choice in the matter! Dolores is a tricksy, sly minx. :hmpf_bad: So okay, but I don't see how this screams Communism...

No! Dolly would never commit such a sin, you lying bastard!

However, the fact that Dolores is a damn fine liar, along with this idea Chief Ryan Phelps has constructed about Dolores being a sleeper agent, coupled with the fact that Dolores can block night actions... well, it's just all too sneaky for me!

Unvote: Matt Liebenston, HUAC Investigator (Dragonator)

Vote: Dolores Jefferson, Sneaky Seductress (def)

You sleep with my wife, and you attempt to drive her away from the life shes built for herself?

A vote for my wife is a vote against America. I don't believe the Mayor is a communist; he's been helping us far too much. I can't decide whether the two newcomers from the Lakota are Communists, or just foolish. I am instead choosing to side with my beloved, and vote:Ryan Phelps/JimButcher.

This rough. As much as I dislike Delores, there's no proof on her. And though the chief has been suspicous, there's not a whole lot of evidence on him either. But we have no other suspect, besides Ted's little outrage. In that case, I'm afraid I'll have to vote for the Chied

Vote: Chief Phelps.

Impossible; I met Dolores in a bar a year after Laura died.

You're sure about that? I don't remember hearing that before, not even your beloved wife mentioned it in her arguments.

Big mistake, my friend. :angry:

And why is that, pal? You weren't even around to defend your own wife, I can't believe you have the audacity to come out of nowhere and vote for me.

'Beware Newcomers' means Dolores is a communist? There have been numerous additions to the town since her, such as Mr. Liebenston, Captain Harding, and Frank Daly.

No. I've quoted the evidence multiple times, why don't you slow down and actually listen to what's being said? default_hmpf.gif And, notice, I'm not on that list. I've been here my whole life, over 60 years, I'm certainly not a communist.

Look, folks, I cast a stone, I argue, and now I'm the target. When I go to Washington, and my loyalty to my country is confirmed, look at the fools who voted for me. At least one of them is likely a communist.

Would it be possible to have a list of people who have been here the most years, from longest to shortest?

I've been here the longest.

This rough. As much as I dislike Delores, there's no proof on her. And though the chief has been suspicous, there's not a whole lot of evidence on him either. But we have no other suspect, besides Ted's little outrage. In that case, I'm afraid I'll have to vote for the Chied

Well then, if there's just as little evidence on me as there is on Dolores, then why vote for me? Do you have some sort of secret agenda?

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