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Given the terrible jobs they did on the '04 DVDs I wouldn't hold your breath.

I'm going to have to go with simonjedi on this one.

How about some new 3D scenes then? Live the thrill in Hans point of view as hes being shot at by Greedo 15+ times before Han shoots back!

Like this?


Given the terrible jobs they did on the '04 DVDs I wouldn't hold your breath.

Oh great here I go. (Sorry.) I got that 2004 DVD set for Christmas that year, and I'm still disappointed. I thought it was the original trilogy without the extra BS, but it wasn't. They have some but not all of the terrible "special edition" scenes with CGI. It's like a half baked bastardized Star Wars. But then I guess all the modern releases are messed up. Greedo shooting first and all that nonsense. My mom and dad probably spent a bloody fortune on that DVD set. Shame on you Lucas. I know they didn't force anyone to buy it, but still.

I won't go to see some 3D star wars. It's just not right. They need to just leave it be and stop fiddling with the movies once they're made.

The only SW news that intrigues me was hearing about them working on a live action TV show. But last I read, progress on that was going slowly or halted altogether. And who knows what the quality would be like anyway. But that's another topic.


Oh great here I go. (Sorry.) I got that 2004 DVD set for Christmas that year, and I'm still disappointed. I thought it was the original trilogy without the extra BS, but it wasn't. They have some but not all of the terrible "special edition" scenes with CGI. It's like a half baked bastardized Star Wars. But then I guess all the modern releases are messed up. Greedo shooting first and all that nonsense. My mom and dad probably spent a bloody fortune on that DVD set. Shame on you Lucas. I know they didn't force anyone to buy it, but still.

Yeah. My library has the '04 set, and I refuse to watch it. I ended up opening my set of Limited Edition DVDs just to watch the original theatrical versions.


Intresting ideas guys. I never actully got to see the original films on the Big screen, so I think I would at least have to go to see those.

Do you guys think there would be any chance of tickets being cheaper than usual, since the films have actully been out 30 years? I think that could lessen the hit to those who would like to see all 6 again.

As much as I personally hate 3D movies, I'm hoping Lucasfilm will bring a breakthrough to the 3D Generation of movies, and actully make them decent to the eye, rather than just over-digitalized. It isn't actully too out of the question knowing lucasfilm.

I haven't seen any SW in theatres either, so I'd like to go too. If anything, though, these movies will be more expensive due to the 3D, plus I the only movies that would look good in 3D IMO are Episodes II and III.


Actually, I didn't mind the 2004 release. Yes it had some things I didn't like- the ADR with Tamuera Mason, for one- but there was a lot of good thigns in it too. I love the addition to the dogfights, and the charecter footage replacements make the saga flow better, IMO.

Oh I agree. That opening scene is just too iconic to be replicated. I mean, they tried opening space battle again for RotS, and it's no where close to the Devastator fly over in my book.

Personally, I loved the opening RotS sceane. Agreed, it's nothing like the thrill of seeing the SD rumble over the screen- but their two completely different sceanes. If nothing else, I'd watch the RotS battle over and over again just for the music- John Williams really makes this saga come to life.


Personally, I loved the opening RotS sceane. Agreed, it's nothing like the thrill of seeing the SD rumble over the screen- but their two completely different sceanes. If nothing else, I'd watch the RotS battle over and over again just for the music- John Williams really makes this saga come to life.

So far as spaceships and music go, I really don't think you can beat the Executor fly over from ESB. I mean first it starts out with the Imperial March, and then you see an ISD bridge pass by, and you go, 'Oh, it's a Star Destroyer, that must be the Devastator.' And then you get a front shot, and you see another ISD. And you go, 'Whoah, there's more than one of 'em!' And then the shadow comes over the ISD and you see the Executor fly by in the middle of the peak of the Imperial March, and you have no words for that.

Bu anyways, back on topic.


How about some new 3D scenes then? Live the thrill in Hans point of view as hes being shot at by Greedo 15+ times before Han shoots back!

Maybe it will be something like this:

I like the idea of watching Star Wars on the big screen (like Legoman & prateek I didn't see any of them in theatres), but I find 3-D to be irritating and tiresome after a while.

At least we are likely to see more remakes and possibly some completely new sets from Lego! :thumbup:


So far as spaceships and music go, I really don't think you can beat the Executor fly over from ESB. I mean first it starts out with the Imperial March, and then you see an ISD bridge pass by, and you go, 'Oh, it's a Star Destroyer, that must be the Devastator.' And then you get a front shot, and you see another ISD. And you go, 'Whoah, there's more than one of 'em!' And then the shadow comes over the ISD and you see the Executor fly by in the middle of the peak of the Imperial March, and you have no words for that.

Bu anyways, back on topic.

Very true. Although the beginning of ROTS was more of a thrill for me. (Well I didn't see ESB in theaters.) The sole Venator flying by with just the drums is just epic if the sound is as good as in theaters, and then the Force theme appears when both Jedi starfighters fly in and gently fly along it. Everything seems quite calm until they fly down and that's when you see the giant battle going on. Masterful combiantion of music and scene.

Although I'd have to say, the scene that gave me the most 'chills' in terms of space scenes was at the end of ROTS. The Venators and V-Wings are stripped of their colours and you see the very start of the Galactic empire. The Jedi and clone crew have been replaced by uniformed naval crewman and officers, who only just began to learn how to handle the star destroyers. (one officer helps one of the crewman) The scene ends with the basic construction of what will be the Death Star, all the while playing a mix of the funeral theme and the Imperial march. (reflection of Darth Vader's thoughts at that time, the love that has died and the incarnation of fear he has become.)

I'm enormously looking forward to seeing this in 3D. About all the tweaking in the OT: yes, some of them annoy me (Boba Fett's voice change for example) but the point of view now is different now than 30 years ago: the OT formed one complete story, which in general was a bit 'light hearted' (less dramatic than now) and really showed the good vs. bad storyline. With the addition of the prequels, the OT has been integrated into the saga and the story isn't about Luke anymore. The main storyline of the Star Wars movies is that of Anakin Skywalker, as Lucas intended. But Anakin's story is different from Luke since a lot more dark elements are added in, which completely turns the atmosphere around.

Where the OT was a story with a happy ending, the prequels and all games and EU sources have shown that the OT is only a small part of the saga. The very essence of the Star Wars universe is that there is no 'happy ending' or victory for the good (the Empire wasn't destroyed in ROTJ) but that there will always be 'wars' amongst the 'stars'. In this way, Star Wars represents human life and history perfectly.

So I'd say, if you want the original story, watch the original versions. If you want to see the movies as a part of the entire Star Wars saga and universe (nostalgica aside) watch the newer versions, especiallly in 3D. :classic:

Any way, as long as the original versions will be included in the Blu-ray/DVD releases, there isn't much to complain about. One of the main reasons to keep updating the OT is to remove the imaginary line between both trilogies. (Personally, I agree since I don't want to see the OT as 'those old movies' but rather as a part of the bigger picture. One thing that always bothered me is the lightsaber duel in ANH. Those lightsabers are way outdated and don't even have the white line in the middle, which is included in every other movie though. I hope they'll standardize some of the effects in these 3D versions.)

One last note: the scene I'm most looking forward to in 3D... The Clone Troopers marching on Kamino. Blew me away the first time I saw it, imagine seeing that in 3D! :sweet:



One last note: the scene I'm most looking forward to in 3D... The Clone Troopers marching on Kamino. Blew me away the first time I saw it, imagine seeing that in 3D! :sweet:


Who cares about the clones! If massed troops are what you want to see, the MTT unloading should be epic. Not to mention all the chases.


Who cares about the clones! If massed troops are what you want to see, the MTT unloading should be epic. Not to mention all the chases.

The battle droids are just getting up and marching straight forward. (controlled by computer) The way the clones turn 45 degrees and switch their rifles perfectly at the same time is pure discipline. :grin:



I'm going to have to go with simonjedi on this one.

Like this?

It looks as if the guy who posted that on youtube just added that.

So far as spaceships and music go, I really don't think you can beat the Executor fly over from ESB. I mean first it starts out with the Imperial March, and then you see an ISD bridge pass by, and you go, 'Oh, it's a Star Destroyer, that must be the Devastator.' And then you get a front shot, and you see another ISD. And you go, 'Whoah, there's more than one of 'em!' And then the shadow comes over the ISD and you see the Executor fly by in the middle of the peak of the Imperial March, and you have no words for that.

Very true. Although the beginning of ROTS was more of a thrill for me. (Well I didn't see ESB in theaters.) The sole Venator flying by with just the drums is just epic if the sound is as good as in theaters, and then the Force theme appears when both Jedi starfighters fly in and gently fly along it. Everything seems quite calm until they fly down and that's when you see the giant battle going on. Masterful combiantion of music and scene.

I have to agree with both of you. That sceane in ESB was the best treatment of The Imperial March ever, the way the SSD seems to engulf the SDs in pure genious.

But ROTS was also great. Like TT I never saw ESB in theaters, but the Venator on the big screen with the drums and snare were just incredible. And like TT said, the Force theme with the SFs was great timing. And the great music while the two fighters dodged rubble and witnessed massive explosions blew me away. It'll be absolulty sweet to see both sceanes in 3D.

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