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Perhaps if I was a werewolf I would be able to think of something to add, or change my story, or something, but when the truths been said by a mostly powerless town member, that's that.

You say you don't have anything to add, but what do you mean that you're "mostly powerless"? If you have some power that can help us, please tell about it before it's too late.

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We're in a bit of a fix now. I think we do need to start voting to find clues, but it could be just a slip up. Then again, we have nothing else to go off of. What a pickle. :sadnew:


I've just always been against first day votes. Chances are always higher of killing someone important to the town than killing an enemy. I was against voting even before I was accused. But nothing I say matters, you folks aren't listening to me and killing off someone who, at the very least, could help your numbers. And I would never say I have a night action. That would make me a target if I survive, which seems unlikely. People vote blindly on no evidence first days, always. What about the stuttering cop who was almost voted out in the play that I wrote a few years back? He was almost voted out for a stutter. That was silly. You get an idea, and the mob follows. And they don't read defenses. But whatever.


We're in a bit of a fix now. I think we do need to start voting to find clues, but it could be just a slip up. Then again, we have nothing else to go off of. What a pickle. :sadnew:

I have given this some more thought and I think we are going to be voting out a villager. Think guys and dive deeper into the information given, we cannot convict a man because he said "what factions", I didn't even pay any attention to that part of my role till it was pointed out by Harriet so who is to say that Zed is lying to us.

The thing is though, this careless voting is what has constantly lost innocent lives in many other games so we must think harder. If anyone we should vote out those not participating much, because on the first day the werewolves always lye low.

I have now decided what i will do with my vote and I hope you now know what to do with yours.


I've just always been against first day votes. Chances are always higher of killing someone important to the town than killing an enemy. I was against voting even before I was accused. But nothing I say matters, you folks aren't listening to me and killing off someone who, at the very least, could help your numbers. And I would never say I have a night action. That would make me a target if I survive, which seems unlikely. People vote blindly on no evidence first days, always. What about the stuttering cop who was almost voted out in the play that I wrote a few years back? He was almost voted out for a stutter. That was silly. You get an idea, and the mob follows. And they don't read defenses. But whatever.

*Ahem* Not to intrude, Mr. Philips, but I remember that play watching that play (one of the few occasions where I left the Barons manor), and they actually voted him off because of the evidence. And besides, we have a better chance at voting of somebody who may be against the town, than we do waiting for the faction numbers to reveal themselves in the night, likely with a couple of victims too.

Sorry, I didn't properly finish my first sentence. They voted off the stuttering police man based on evidence provided by a teacher of some exotic Martial art. Though I have seen plays where the first convictions have no grounding what so ever.


*Ahem* Not to intrude, Mr. Philips, but I remember that play watching that play (one of the few occasions where I left the Barons manor), and they actually voted him off because of the evidence. And besides, we have a better chance at voting of somebody who may be against the town, than we do waiting for the faction numbers to reveal themselves in the night, likely with a couple of victims too.

Okay so from now on we don't need reason to vote, okay lets start by voting out every single person with a hat on, or everyone with the colour brown hair.

Can you guys not see that we are voting because of a stupid reason, I could come up with better reasons to vote off other people in two minutes. I would do if I wasn't so tired. Come guys and think about wheather you really want to convict an innocent who could be a vitally important member of the village.


Can you guys not see that we are voting because of a stupid reason, I could come up with better reasons to vote off other people in two minutes. I would do if I wasn't so tired. Come guys and think about wheather you really want to convict an innocent who could be a vitally important member of the village.

So your telling me it's a worse idea to try and vote out one of these Hedons, and that we should just let them ripe us apart during the night? Sorry for speaking out of turn Mr. Hewitt, but I just can't side with you, especially with argument skills like 'I would do if I wasn't so tired'. :sceptic:


It simply isn't fair to vote out a scatter brained man. You have made the case of voting on no evidence. The stuttering cop was innocent, set up by a member of a gang. The poor maid was innocent. The big man in that other play was innocent. We can not vote off without losing people that we can not afford to lose. But I will vote for someone if it comes down to a vote off. I know for a fact I am innocent, whereas another person I can never be sure of. I honestly wish it had not come to this, but I refuse to die on no evidence.


okay the way I see it we have two options

1. Lynch Zed

pros: could possibly be a werewolf, could reveal information as to who was accusing him and who was defending him

cons: could be member of town, could have night action that is useful


2. Wait and do not vote

pros: we can ensure there is no innocent blood on our hands, may reveal new information tomorrow

cons: Wrath of God could be less then favourable

So really it's just a toss up, on the one hand we can get useful information that is open to everyone no matter if Zed was good or bad, but still it's a loss to us if he is good, and a gain if he is bad, but the odds are not in our favour. On the other hand we sit and wait for tonight, to see if any new info comes to light. I'll let you guys look over the options, both have there ups and downs, but I think option 2 may be the way to go for now.


Ah, the police to the rescue with some reason. Thank you for your support. We can not force people to not vote if they don't want to believe me, but every single person who doesn't vote for me, well, I thank you. I promise to dedicate my next book to all of you. :cry_happy:


I am not feeling very comfortable with voting with no evidence. Zed, is there anyone you might know anything about? If we do not vote, however, God will come down on us, which could be worse, what if He just started picking off more people at once?


And I would never say I have a night action. That would make me a target if I survive, which seems unlikely.

So you'd rather get lynched then try to survive with a revealed night action? :wacko: What kind of priorities are those? Regardless of whether you're a werewolf or not, that's just stupid.

People vote blindly on no evidence first days, always.

This is true, and it is possible that you're telling the truth. It seems like many are afraid of the consequences for not voting, and desperately looking for even a scrap of 'evidence'.

I'm not quite sure if that was a mental slip or an actual mistake. Personally, I think you're just a pathetic writer who doesn't even bother to read carefully.


I am not feeling very comfortable with voting with no evidence. Zed, is there anyone you might know anything about? If we do not vote, however, God will come down on us, which could be worse, what if He just started picking off more people at once?

I feel that it is a common misconception that the accused should accuse someone else. I haven't exactly had time to investigate others, but rather have had to defend myself. I guess if you held a gun to my head, which I suppose you metaphorically are, and asked me for suspects, I'd say Benjamin has been quiet, as has Terrance. BUT I'm not really for voting them out either, I don't ever support a first day vote, and evidence would be just as non-existent for them as for me. Maybe they also have other responsibilities that have stopped them from speaking, just as my other responsibilities stopped me from stopping to properly read. The only other thing was...

I am most likely to vote for Zed as well. I am one of the Villagers and thus I received information that we need to eradicate all other factions in order to prevail.

...which seemed a little formal and direct to me. I'm a villager. I have that information too. Not too subtly trying to fit in. But alas, again not a case, and I certainly would not vote for him on that alone.


Well, I am not sure about the rest of you, but I shall abstain from voting today. I do not think we should kill someone for just a small mistake. (To be honest, I was tired when I read my letter too, I missed that detail). I will await to see what our Heavenly Father will do to us.


The only trouble is that if even one person votes for me, and everyone else sustains, I will die. But we shall see what happens when voting starts I suppose. If someone would be so kind to pass me another sausage, I'm a little tired after all of this and need to refuel.


It's been nearly 24 hours, you may now vote.

The person with the most votes by the end of the day will be convicted. You will have 48 hours to decide.


Yet another thing I misread. I could have sworn the person with the most votes would be killed. :wacko: I clearly need to stop writing so much and get some sun. I wouldn't want to end up like the main character in my best selling book of all time Wacko: The Story of an Over-Worked Novelist, who died because he worked so hard he lost his mind and was able to communicate what had happened when he swallowed that poisoned jelly. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why that book is my best selling.


BUT I'm not really for voting them out either, I don't ever support a first day vote

Well that's just ridiculous and narrow minded. For a novelist, you obviously don't read much. I've read about similar situations to ours, and statistically, when we have an even number of us to start with, we the villagers have a higher probability of winning when we vote on the first day, even random voting, than if we don't vote. So, I'm all for a vote on the first day sir, and if we have a possible lead like we have in this situation, then all the better. Waiting for evidence is what they do in detective books, and this isn't a kids story, sir, this is real life.

Man am I glad they forced us to do that probability paper in the Academy.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm keen to get this situation cleared up as soon as possible so we can all go back to our every day lives. I'm not going to stand by and wait for them to come kill us in the night, nor am Igoing to wait for "evidence" to fall out of the sky. That is simply not going to happen. No, I agree with Madame Harriet, we must follow our gut instincts in this matter.

Thus, to get things moving, I'm going to Vote: Zed Phillips (Zepher). As an officer of the force, we are taught to act decisively and to set an example for the public good. Well, the Chief has instructed us to vote, so that is what I will do.

Plus I never liked your damn freaky novels anyway. :sceptic:


Plus I never liked your damn freaky novels anyway. :sceptic:

That's alright. The town fool in Dragon's at Dawn: How I Learned to Live, Nacius Dathans, was based on you. Bet you never caught that! Also, if YOU took time to read, you'd see the chief said expressly that he trusts me and does not want you to vote for me... you'd also see a well reasoned defense. Two people also said they missed that bit of their information the first time through. They just didn't say it first. Are they werewolves too? As for the probability, unless you think the werewolves are half of us, there is more than a 50 percent chance you will kill an innocent with a vote, and then have another one killed tonight, which loses you two opposed to just one.


As for the probability, unless you think the werewolves are half of us, there is more than a 50 percent chance you will kill an innocent with a vote, and then have another one killed tonight, which loses you two opposed to just one.

Oh I never said it was a good probability, I just said that in general, we have a higher probability of winning when we start with an even number of players than when we start with an odd number. Hurray for mathematics. Of course we're more likely to convict a fellow Villager, but if you can't handle a bit of innocent blood, then this really wasn't a good situation to get yourself caught up in, sir.

Ah well, if you're just going to insult an Officer then I have nothing further to say. :sadnew:


I'm tempted to vote for Officer Nathans, simply for creating such a fuss early morning by mistaking my title, and insulting how I present myself. Because of his ludicrous accusations, a handful of people are actually beginning to believe vampires are real. It's quite obvious we have a mutual disliking and lack of trust, but I shall try resolve this in private.

Onto the situation at hand, I'm not confident that Mr Phillips is afflicted with lycanthropy. His defence, no matter how simple it is, seems believable enough, and he is sticking with it to the end. It's obvious he fears death, as any normal man should. I will not sentence him to that fate. I believe voting for him is a mistake, and if he is convicted, I believe he will be exposed as a regular, unafflicted human. That is all I have to say on the matter.

And Penelope, to answer your inquiry that it is too early for alcohol... well, I think it would be good to calm the people's nerves.


Yea...I still don't feel right with voting someone off off a shred of evidence. It's also pretty unlikely he's a werewolf.

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