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Set Name: Whirl N’ Wheel Super Truck

Theme: Model Team

Set Number: 5590

Year of Release: 1990

Number of Pieces: 1031

Recommended Age: 10-16

Number of models: 2

Price: $80.00

Price on Bricklink: A complete set will run around $130-160

Note: This is my first review of a set, I know some of the pictures are a little blurry, im still trying to learn how to use the camera.

The Box:


The box looks nice, it has the main model and a airport hangar and helipad in the background.

Box Insert:


The insert shows the alternate model which is a pushback along with a few close-ups of the two models.

Sticker Sheet: There is one small sticker sheet with 10 stickers, four of which go on the train doors and the helicopter goes on the radar dish piece.


Instructions: The instructions for both models are included, the booklet is 47 pages total.


A shot of the build for truck from the main model. The number of pieces per step was a lot higher in 1990 than today’s sets.


A shot of the instructions for the alternate model. Note there are no piece callouts for this model. I had to pay close attention when building it to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Sorry for the dark/blurry picture.


This is the picture on the back of the manual, it’s a flatbed truck you can build with the pieces from the set. Unfortunately, no instructions are included.

Interesting Pieces:


Included in this set are:

1. 19 Model Team tires! – Ive never seen a set come with so many tires before.

2. Model Team windscreen 3x10x3 in transparent blue- Only appeared in two other sets (5550 and 5581)

3. Windscreen 5x8x3- This is the only set that this part comes in transparent blue.

4. Four Black train doors and 4 train windows, two in red/black

5. Printed parts: 3 sloped bricks with 3 gauges/knobs and 2 sloped bricks with some white dots on them.

6. A nice assortment of Technic beams, including 6 1x16 beams.

The Build

Main Model: We start by building the helicopter first.


You can see the interior starting to take shape. Most of the printed parts are used in the cockpit.

The completed interior:


The helicopter has two yellow seats. You can see some of the detail work like the faucets on the back and the gray antennas.

The completed helicopter:


This is the part of the set I was looking forward to the most, I think it’s a nice model overall. One problem I had was that the rear rotor does not spin very well. I’m hoping this is just a result of the parts being old and not bad set design on Lego’s part.

There are also two red hinge pieces by the rotors on the helicopter used to prevent the blades from spinning while the helicopter is on the trailer.

The Truck: Next up is the semi truck used for hauling the helicopter around. It’s main features are working steering and opening doors.


Here you can see the frame of the truck made from Technic bricks and how the steering system works, which is eventually controlled by turning a model team tire on the back.


Here is the completed interior before the roof goes on, It has two red seats and two antennas as gear shifters. I didn’t really like the use of blue window panels next to the macaroni bricks. Unfortunately you cant control the steering from the steering wheel either.

The completed truck:


The completed truck looks nice, I really liked how they used eight tires on the rear axles.

The rear of the finished truck:


You can see the rear bumper, steering mechanism and exhaust pipes.

The trailer:We start out by making the bed where the helicopter will sit.


There are two gray hinge pieces which lift up. I'm not sure why they are there, I found the helicopter sat in the trailer fine without having to lift them up.


Here is the completed trailer, there are two wheels which can be extended down from the trailer so it can sit upright without the truck being present. Overall it has some nice details like the hoses and bumper, it also uses 8 wheels on the two real axles.

Alternate model- Pushback - I built this model first not expecting a whole lot but the model is pretty cool and well detailed like the main model while only using around 60% of the parts. Ive never been up close to a actual pushback before so I cant comment on how accurate this model really is but is has some nice features regardless.


Here you can see the cabin, steering mechanism and the rear bumper taking shape.


The steering wheel has been added, and also some levers next to a control panel in the rear. I’m guessing that would be used for moving the airplane somehow?


Seats have been added, steering mechanism is nearly complete. Rear doors are added and some detailing on the outside.


The completed model. It uses four hubcaps for what im assuming is some kind of engine or air intake. Some pipes are added that connect to the compartment in the back of the model.


Inside the back of the pushback.


Overall this is a excellent set! You get two great highly detailed models and lots of nice parts. Personally I enjoyed the alternate model more. A pushback has not been done outside of this set. This was only the fourth set to come from the Model Team theme when it came out back in 1990. I think they did a great job with the parts available at the time. You could probably improve upon it some with newer curved/sloped elements but the model still looks great.

If you have the chance to get this setI would highly recommend it.

Parts: 10/10: Great assortment of Technic and system parts, and also 19 tires!

Playability 8/10: The helicopter is swooshable and is fun to fly around. The steering on the two models goes a long way to making them fun to play with as well as nice display models.

Design 9/10- Both models are well designed and use a good selection of parts. Props to Lego for the pushback, a very unique alternate model.

Pricing 10/10- When it was released for 80 dollars, it comes out to 7 cents a piece which is a great deal.

Overall 9/10- This is a great set from the Model Team era, well designed and lots of cool parts.

Edited by FROGG

Awesome review! I love the Model Team series, but I don't have any of the sets unfortunately. I'd say I would love to see this theme revived, but I'm sure Lego will find one way or another to mess it up :hmpf:

You said the tail rotor didn't spin as well as you'd hoped. You might want to replace the blue pin it's on with a grey one.

Edited by mahjqa

Great review. I recently picked up both 5590 and 5591 for $150. The stickers for 5590 were not even used, altough on 5591 they were and also some yellowed pieces on that set. Still, $75 for both was a a heck of a deal.

Model Team was a great series, but I I don't think the series will ever come back. Creator has kind of meshed into it with some releases like 4896 or 4404 from the Make and Create line.

I have 8 of the 16 total Model Team sets and they are all favorites. I will complete the series hopefully!

The set is great and the truck with trailer was as long as I was tall when I got it.

I do, however, have two complaints about the set.

The first is that removing the tires for the secondary model is nearly impossible for a small child.

The second is the lack of details in the truck. Where is the engine? It is steered from behind the cab, so you would assume that they could add an engine line in all other Model Team trucks.

Aah, this is a great set and my first big set back in the 90s..

Thanks for reviewing it, mostly for them who hasn't seen it/acquired it.


Aah, this is a great set and my first big set back in the 90s..

Thanks for reviewing it, mostly for them who hasn't seen it/acquired it.


I feel obligated to share my history with this set...as this is my first post.

When I was 6 my parents bought this for me. I completed it in 2 days...which was apparently a problem for them as they didn't like how quickly it was finished. Because of this they vowed to never buy me large set ever again because they were not getting their monies worth. Truth be told....I was in heaven with that set. Fast forward to age 20, I had just had a brief period of maybe getting back into legos (technic primarily)when I was told to "box them up". In that process I finally threw away the box for 5590 which I had kept in perfect condition after all these years because I always loved that set and wished I could still build it (the pieces had long been cannibalized for MOC's). Fast forward to age 26....I somehow discovered bricklink because I wanted to have 5590 again and I couldn't keep ignoring the urge. Suffice to say I now have 6 5590's and over 200,000 pieces of Technic models acquired in the last year making up for all my lost time.

Take that parents....(little did they know those legos would still be worth more than they paid all these years later).

Oh and that blue 5590 kicks a$$

...I now have 6 5590's and over 200,000 pieces of Technic models acquired in the last year making up for all my lost time."

So that's why some Bricklink parts are getting scarce! :classic: Welcome to Eurobricks. Be sure to check out Blakbird's Technicopedia to see what you've missed!

Edited by DLuders

When I was 6 my parents bought this for me. I completed it in 2 days...which was apparently a problem for them as they didn't like how quickly it was finished. Because of this they vowed to never buy me large set ever again because they were not getting their monies worth. Truth be told....I was in heaven with that set. Fast forward to age 20, I had just had a brief period of maybe getting back into legos (technic primarily)when I was told to "box them up". In that process I finally threw away the box for 5590 which I had kept in perfect condition after all these years because I always loved that set and wished I could still build it (the pieces had long been cannibalized for MOC's). Fast forward to age 26....I somehow discovered bricklink because I wanted to have 5590 again and I couldn't keep ignoring the urge. Suffice to say I now have 6 5590's and over 200,000 pieces of Technic models acquired in the last year making up for all my lost time.

Your story sounds familiar, not so different from mine. Now that you've told us how big your collection is, you are obligated to show it to us!

WARNING!!!...the following post sounds like I am gushing (which frankly I am), but I am unable to PM given my rookie status so this gets to be public.

Oh wow Eric...you don't even realize it but it is all YOUR fault. About a year ago when I discovered bricklink and started collecting I stumbled across Technicopedia. Hours and hours later I realized that I had quite a bit more collecting to do to "catch-up". So I started buying...skulking around for the best deals and working on both collecting raw pieces for MOCs (which oddly enough I haven't done any since before the dark ages) and collecting all the significant sets from the last 20 years. If it were not for your influence I would have never known so many unique technic creations had been produced. I sit here now and next to me is a 8660 set I just got in perfect condition on ebay for 35 bucks (box and instructions flawless) and I remembered something interesting. I emailed you last year asking about your policy on the the old style friction pins and if it was acceptable to replace them with the new style since they make it so un-enjoyable to rebuild sets from that era. You responded that no general consensus actually exists but for good measure you keep your old sets fully original. Anyway, I blamed you then and I will blame you again now....you did this.

...and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Random factoid: I have to be one of the few Technic Collectors in Manhattan...and the reason is SPACE. I luckily am blessed with plenty of it to fill with this obsession.

As far as pictures go...Much as Eric can confess...it takes a VERY long time to build this many sets. Also, I just moved 2 months ago so my collection, youthful as it is, will likely take years to build.

Anyway, I blamed you then and I will blame you again now....you did this.

I accept both your praise and your blame with equal parts honor and pity. There's no way out for you now. Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

Random factoid: I have to be one of the few Technic Collectors in Manhattan...and the reason is SPACE. I luckily am blessed with plenty of it to fill with this obsession.

The fact that you actually have space in Manhattan and have amassed 200,000 pieces suggests that the resources you have for LEGO are considerable. This is an enviable position in which to be. It is now your responsibility to collect wildly and with abandon, sharing the joy of your collection through images, poetry, and song.

If you suck at the latter, we'll settle for images.

Great review of a prohibited childhood dream of mine.

Recommended Age: 10-16

Here, in Europe, except for some local market, from 9 to 90 :laugh: . Easy to understand why :cry_happy: .

You're welcome, NYchase. The day I'll come in your beautiful city, I hope you'll invite me in your house/flat/suite/loft ( :tongue: ), surely facing on Central Park or the 5th Avenue (double :tongue: ), and let me share your own LEGO collection :devil::tongue::laugh: .

*/disappointed discovering that he lives in an old building next the Bronx/*

(just jockin')

Edited by Plastic Nurak

New York has its good sides and its bad. I actually own a building management company here in manhattan so for a while all I had were basements to store this stuff. I just finished gutting a building which is now the home to both my office and my home...and of course my lego collection. I will certainly make sure to upload my fair share of photos from time to time but only when I feel like everyone will be ready for it.

I JUST (minutes ago) closed a deal with a guy for his entire collection which was absolutely brimming with pneumatics, motors and complete suspension assemblies (multiple) from 8466...including the wheels!! He was blissfully unaware of the value of those wheels/suspension components. Like most of you though, I have very little desire to sell/profit from this hobby so "value" is a subjective term. I will leave my money making to NY real estate.

One area I need to improve on is the computerized lego stuff to build others MOC's. I have an absolute love affair with Jennifer Clarks stuff and would pay big bucks to build it myself but lack the knowledge of creating the instructions. This is very odd of course as I am actually quite the computer nerd (2 miles of Cat 6 alone put into this "small" building). Hopefully I start to learn so that I can start having the collection of not just authentic legos but also the honorary mentions MOC's by some of the greats.

You lucky dog! LEGO Technic Offroaders are now going to rule Manhattan! :tongue:


Edited by DLuders

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