October 26, 201113 yr What ive heard the theme went pretty well, but wasnt a great succes. But it was sure better than POP theme. And TLC wont make anymore sets or another wave of POTC. BP was the very last and final set for POBS. Captain Becker
October 26, 201113 yr It's hard to get hard sales data, but PotC has been conspicuously missing from listings of next year's sets. It could be that it was a flop. Or it could be that it was successful enough to continue, but not until the next movie is on the horizon. It could even be that the theme was hugely successful, but the theme is skipping a wave in order to prevent oversaturation of the theme.
October 26, 201113 yr And TLC wont make anymore sets or another wave of POTC. BP was the very last and final set for POBS. Captain Becker Is that speculation? Also, POBS = Pirates of the Burning Sea. I played that game for a little while when it launched. It was fun for about 3 weeks, lol.
October 27, 201113 yr I'm actually happy the POTC series is most likely ending. Bigger chance "real" lego pirates start appearing
October 29, 201113 yr I'm actually happy the POTC series is most likely ending. Bigger chance "real" lego pirates start appearing I think that it is a little early for POTC to just end. From everything that I have seen and heard on this forum and around my local toy stores is that POTC is selling as well as the Indiana Jones theme which, is pretty good. I think we may yet see some more POTC sets before we see classic pirates back. Edited November 1, 201113 yr by Jack Bricker
October 31, 201113 yr The Lego POTC product page has been updated with the new Black Pearl minifigures . Link! Also (to comment on some of the previous discussion), if the Lego POTC line continues its success, I see no reason for Lego to end it. Additionally, with the 5th movie's script in the works (though not fully confirmed) and production planned for summer 2012 (or so I've heard...), Lego will have a whole new movie to work off of. Also, if POTC continues its success, they plan to theoretically make a 6th movie as well. So, fortunately for some, but unfortunately for others, I do think that the POTC Lego line will continue so long as it remains moderately successful. Edited October 31, 201113 yr by Cad Bane
November 1, 201113 yr I think that it is a little early for POTC to just end. From everything that I have seen and heard on this forum and around my local toy stores is that POTC is selling as well as the Indiana Jones theme which, is pretty good. I think we may yet see some more POTC sets before we see classic pirates back. I was under the impression that Indy didnt sell well at all. Apparently POTC exceeded it's target but that doesn't mean it was a huge success, the question for TLG is, can they now produce more sets that will have as much or more appeal as the first. They could release The Dutchman, but that would no doubt be an expensive set with lots of new minifig moulds. They've already produced Davey Jones so I would think they werent expecting on releasing the Dutchman. you don't see enough of Tortuga to warrant it's own set and they've sort of already released Port Royal. I think this theme is dead now. I can't see what else they can do with it.
November 1, 201113 yr I was under the impression that Indy didnt sell well at all. Apparently POTC exceeded it's target but that doesn't mean it was a huge success, the question for TLG is, can they now produce more sets that will have as much or more appeal as the first. They could release The Dutchman, but that would no doubt be an expensive set with lots of new minifig moulds. They've already produced Davey Jones so I would think they werent expecting on releasing the Dutchman. you don't see enough of Tortuga to warrant it's own set and they've sort of already released Port Royal. I think this theme is dead now. I can't see what else they can do with it. There's still plenty of life left in this theme, and it's been my favorite theme in a long while. What I think would be prudent is smaller waves with more complicated/bigger sets. The Interceptor from P1 or the Providence from P4 would both be good mid-sized ships for TLG to produce, as well as the Hai Peng (P3 junk) or the Edinburgh Trader (P2 merchant ship); Will Turner's blacksmith shop is a set we should have. I'd like to see a playset based on Singapore too. The Dauntless or the Endeavour or the Dutchman would all be a fantastic choice for a big ship. ANYTHING from Shipwreck Cove would be totally awesome. We NEED a Keith Richards fig. There are tons of ships and characters and locations that TLG hasn't done yet, so I definitely want to see more. EDIT: I thought of one more great scene that could be done in LEGO form: the interior of Ponce de Leon's ship, the Santiago, from P4. I'd love to see TLG tackle the shifting weight in there! EDIT 2: Tia Dalma's shack. Edited November 3, 201113 yr by punkkid364
November 1, 201113 yr I felt like there was life left in the Indy line as well...but that did not pan out to well. I have a feeling unless we get a POTC 5, we are not likely to see any more sets in the near future. Wondering what the next big Disney release will be to see a lego product line?
November 2, 201113 yr i agree there is more stuff that can be done but would it appeal to kids? The ships yes although possibly a bit too high on the price point. Keith Richards would be cool to you and me but the average 7-12 year old probably sees him as a drunken tramp and not a particularly cool one.
November 2, 201113 yr i agree there is more stuff that can be done but would it appeal to kids? The ships yes although possibly a bit too high on the price point. Keith Richards would be cool to you and me but the average 7-12 year old probably sees him as a drunken tramp and not a particularly cool one. Kids would probably look at him as his character in the PotC movies, who is a total badass. AFOLs would be the ones who saw him as Keith Richards. So I don't think it'd be too hard to get kids to buy a set with Captain Teague in it. And I can picture kids buying sets based on other scenes, like Will's blacksmith shop. That scene just screams action features.
November 2, 201113 yr I think that there is a lot of life left in the theme for Lego to make that would be both appealing for AFOLs and kids alike. First of all a Tortuga scene with gipps, fighting pirates, and taverns would be great for the AFOLs. Second you could have a kraken set, a maroon set with jack and his rum cache, an undead pirates battle pack, the flying dutchman, the interceptor, a few chinese pirate sets, and a pirate lords meeting set. I think those and perhapes some bigger sets based on what has already been done would sell quite well. Also, I think that it is quite possible that the POTC sets already released would have sold even better if they had been completely finished. I mean the stern on the Black Pearl is pathetic and the fact that Lego did not release some of the main characters like pentel and regetti was a real shame but, perhapes if Lego does better with a second wave, POTC will sell a lot better. I also think the reason that the Indiana Jones sets did not sell so well was because the 4th movie was not all that great and because the second wave was kind of lame with no real tomb sets.
November 2, 201113 yr On the bright side, I think POTC4 was much more successful than Indy 4. Edited November 2, 201113 yr by Walt
November 10, 201113 yr On the bright side, I think POTC4 was much more successful than Indy 4. Oh yeah it was. I mean comparing the mermaids and the QAR to aliens in a Indiana Jones movie. Yeah I think that there still is some life left in POTC and I think that if Lego did come out with some better designed sets I there would still be a pretty good market for them too.
November 12, 201113 yr Oh yeah it was. I mean comparing the mermaids and the QAR to aliens in a Indiana Jones movie. Yeah I think that there still is some life left in POTC and I think that if Lego did come out with some better designed sets I there would still be a pretty good market for them too. I don't think Indy 4 was all that bad, if you can erase a few of the scenes from your mind it is a good homage to die hard indy fans. Although they really should have just made it the end of WWII and detail his duties as an intelligence agent that they hinted to in IJ4. I did like a lot of the sets, but I didn't buy any because they didn't fit into my lego budget. I was really tempted to pick up a few when they started to clearance during the last wave but I didn't. When they first came out I was still collecting Exo-force (god only knows why) and Castle, didn't really have enough for a third theme. Then I went to grad school and never had money again lol. Still, getting back to the point, I think the Indy sets were well designed for the most part, just too expensive. I also agree that the theme had more legs under it, and we could have seen some more sets. Fast forward to today, the POTC theme is poorly designed in parts and extremely expensive. the QAR should not be more than 99 dollars. No lego set geared towards kids should be over 99 bucks. To think of the days when only the Metroliner topped 100 American, I miss the pricing back then! Out of curiosity, did the SES debut at the $99 price point? I feel like it was $89. Which is another problem with PoTC, the original pirate sets for the most part had more play features and were much cheaper. Even the last wave of pirates was much cheaper. I want some pirates of the Caribbean, I just can't justify buying any of them without a sale. The minifigs are great, and some parts of the sets are really attractive. I do hope they continue with the line, at least for a few British ships. Does anyone know what the sales figures were like?
November 12, 201113 yr I don't think Indy 4 was all that bad, if you can erase a few of the scenes from your mind it is a good homage to die hard indy fans. Although they really should have just made it the end of WWII and detail his duties as an intelligence agent that they hinted to in IJ4. I did like a lot of the sets, but I didn't buy any because they didn't fit into my lego budget. I was really tempted to pick up a few when they started to clearance during the last wave but I didn't. I loved Indy 4! Their hands were kind of tied with Harrison Ford's age and all; it would have been hard to sell him as being in his 40's. I'm still kicking myself for missing out on the Indy sets...I'm determined not to miss out on the POTC sets the same way... TC
November 21, 201113 yr umm whats all this talk about indy? can we please get back on topic? at my local k-mart there are still alot of sets around, i think its because the sets were so expensive here.
November 25, 201113 yr is this theme getting discontinued? I see the sets on clearance quite often at stores.
November 25, 201113 yr Looks like it, we usually get some images or even a list by this time. Hopefully this theme may only release sets once a year. I know there are four movies and two more on the way but unlike Star Wars there isn't much potential for LEGO to be bringing out sets every half year
December 6, 201113 yr is this theme getting discontinued? I see the sets on clearance quite often at stores. Really? What stores, I've love to stock up on these. I see them fully stocked in Wal Mart and Target, all at full price, plus the Black Pearl barely came out.
December 6, 201113 yr Looks like it, we usually get some images or even a list by this time. Hopefully this theme may only release sets once a year. I know there are four movies and two more on the way but unlike Star Wars there isn't much potential for LEGO to be bringing out sets every half year The thing is that Star Wars is a franchise designed to sell toys, and to have releases like that. That's the whole reason why it exists. Pirates as a franchise is completely different; Disney has their hands in a lot of different franchises, all of which have their own licensing. Disney doesn't NEED to bring in the money every six months to keep their merchandising business going the way that Lucasfilm does. Lucasfilm lives on merchandising, and specifically Star Wars merchandising. That's their major revenue. Pirates, as successful as it has been, is not the make or break franchise for Disney. If we see more releases (I personally hope we do) it will be in the spring, just like it was this year.
December 8, 201113 yr Ahoy mateys! We're welcome! :) I have received a Lego email right now telling me that the Pirates of the Caribbean line will have another wave in 2012! Here is the email's extract: (sorry, it's Spanish) Estimado Miguel,Muchas gracias por ponerse en contacto con LEGO® Direct y por su interes en nuestros productos. Deseo informarle que la serie Piratas del Caribe sigue produciendose, hemos lanzado un nuevo barco en Noviembre que se llama La Perla Negra y seguimos produciendo otros barcos y juegos relacionados con Jack Sparrow y sus compañeros... Now in English: Dear MiguelThanks to get in touch with LEGO® Direct and for your interest in our products. I wish to inform you about the Pirates of the Caribbean line , that it's currently taking place, and we've launched a new ship in November called "Black Pearl" and now we're producing other ships and play sets related to Jack Sparrow and his friends... Sorry for my really bad English, but I think it's a good new! :) Edited December 8, 201113 yr by LegoIndy
December 8, 201113 yr Ahoy mateys! We're welcome! :) I have received a Lego email right now telling me that the Pirates of the Caribbean line will have another wave in 2012! Here is the email's extract: (sorry, it's Spanish) Now in English: Sorry for my really bad English, but I think it's a good new! :) Now that is interesting. There is so many sets that LEGO did not make that would be good for a second line. Hopefully now we'll see a UCS Black pearl or flying Dutchman.
December 8, 201113 yr Perhaps the deal with POTC was the same as Cars2....two big waves instead of one.....we know which has been more popular - pirates always outsell racing cars. But how is Lego going to support two live action themes from Disney ? We shall see if this is true or not next year ?
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