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General Pirate of the Caribbean Theme Discussion

The following discussion should be in this topic:

  • The previous 2011 wave of POTC sets.
  • Upcoming sets with no official images, potential sets.
  • Wish lists - what sets you hope will be in the next wave.
  • Discussion solely about the story, character, and other movie related information belong in the relevant movie topic in the Culture & Media Forum.

Silent Mary?

Set Number: 71042


A close up of the likely shark in the set.


Edit by Admiral Croissant (30.08.2011) (Thanks to OKY:)

Queen Anne's Revenge


Set Number: 4195

Set Name: Queen Anne's Revenge

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean

Sub-Theme: On stranger Tides

Year Released: 2011 (April)

Price: $119.99 (USD) €119.99

Purchased at: Toys R Us (Western US)

Pieces: 1,097

Minifigs: 7

Extras: Blackbeard Card and Poster

The Fountain of Youth


Set: 4192 The Fountain of Youth

Theme: Pirates of the Carribean ~ On Stranger Tides

Figures: 3

Parts: ???

Price: £20.99 €27.99

The Cannibal Escape


Set: 4182 The Cannibal Escape

Theme: Pirates of the Carribean

Price: £26.99 €39.99

Figures: 4

Parts: ???

The Captain's Cabin


Set Number: 4191

Set Name: The Captain's Cabin

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean

Sub-Theme: On Stranger Tides

Release Date: April 2011

Pieces: 95

Minifigs: 3

Price: $11.99 (USD) from TRU €14.99

Special Pieces: Globe, Round Map Tile, 2 Ships in the Bottle, Sword Sling

Isla de Muerta


Name: 4181 Isla De Muerta

Theme: LEGO System / Pirates of the Caribbean

Year: 2011

Pieces: NA

Minifigs: 4 minifigures

Price: USD$19.99, GBP NA, SGD$50.90 €27.99

Resources: Brickset, BrickLink

The London Escape


Set Number: 4193

Set Name: The London Escape

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean

Sub-Theme: On Stranger Tides

Release Date: April 2011

Pieces: 463

Minifigs: 5

Price: $49.99 (USD) retail €64.99

The Mill


Set Number: 4183

Set Name: The Mill

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean

Sub-Theme: Dead Man's Chest

Release Date: April 2011

Pieces: 365

Minifigs: 5

Price: £40.99 UK €49.99

Whitecap Bay


Set Number: 4194

Set Line: Pirates of the Caribbean

Release Date: April 2011

Detail number: ???

Minifigures: 6

Links: Brickset; BrickLink; Peeron; Bricker.

Price: $99.99 (Can. dollars) €79.99

Black Pearl

black1.jpgName: Black Pearl

Set Number:4184

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean

Pieces: 804

Minifigures: 6

Ages: 9-16

Year: 2011

Price: 99.99 U.S. Dollars

Mini Black Pearl


Year Released: 2011

Set Name: MINI Black Pearl

Set Number: 30130

Number of Pieces:[/b] Actual 47+2, Bricklink 47+3

Minifigs: 0

Price: FREE with The Sun paper

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean

Jack Sparrow's Boat


Name: Jack Sparrow's boat

Theme: LEGO System / Pirates of the Caribbean

Year: 2011

Pieces: 22

Minifigs: 1

Price: USD N.A, GBP N.A, SGD N.A

Resources: Brickset, BrickLink

Voodoo Jack Sparrowsparrow_in_wood3.jpgName: Voodoo Jack Sparrow

Set Number:30132

Theme: Pirates Of The Caribbean

Sub-theme: On Stranger Tides

Number of parts: 4

Minifigs: 1

Is this Disney's new theme? it was posted at FBTB which was taken at ComicCon.


New info:

On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2010 at 7:52 AM, Jaymercury said:

I found these

Whitecap Bay

At White Cap Bay, Captain Jack Sparrow and the other pirates must capture a mermaid. Spot them using the searchlight and shoot the net from the boathouse cannon. But beware! If the whale oil tips over the whole lighthouse is sure to go up in flames!


Fountain of Youth

Barbossa, Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow are battling it out for the fabled spring that gives the gift of eternal life. As they clash cutlasses, can Captain Jack tiptoe past them and make it to the fountain first?


Queen Anne's Revenge

From the captain's quarters perched high on his magnificent ship, Blackbeard secretly looks on as Captain Jack Sparrow and the motley crew attempt mutiny against Angelica and the zombies. Will our heroes be able to take control of the ship before Blackbeard reveals himself?


The Captain's Cabin

In the dead of night, Captain Jack Sparrow sneaks into the captain's cabin to steal a coveted ship-in-a-bottle. As he turns to leave, two pirates jump out of the shadows. With nowhere to run, will he be able to fend them off and escape with the loot?


The Cannibal Escape

Ruuuun! Captain Jack Sparrow and Will Turner have escaped from the cannibal village and are being chased by their hungry foes. Can they reach the safety of the Black Pearl before their guests really do have them for dinner? Set includes roasting spit, bone cage, chief's chair and cannibal hut.


The London Escape

Captain Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs escape the hangman's noose only to be captured again by King George's soldiers. Can Jack escape through the busy streets of London and find refuge at the Captain's Daughter?


Isla De la Muerta

Pirate Lord Hector Barbossa needs to capture the descendent of Bootstrap Bill to rid himself of the curse of the Black Pearl , and he believes it to be the beautiful Elizabeth Swann. As Barbossa turns into a skeleton, can Captain Jack Sparrow defeat the Pirate Lord and gain control of the Black Pearl?


The Mill

At the mill, Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Admiral Norrington duel it out for the key to the Dead Man's Chest. Suddenly the mill wheel shakes loose with them inside! Can they manage to stay upright and still stop Flying Dutchman Pirate Hadras from scuttling away with the prize?



4194 Whitecap Bay Review #2

4195 Queen Anne's Revenge

8141 Isla de Muerta Review #2

4191 Captain's Cabin Review #2

4193 The London Escape Review #2

4182 The Cannibal Escape Review #2

4192 The Fountain of Youth

4183 The Mill Review #2

30130 Mini Black Pearl

30131 Jack Sparrow in Boat Review #2

30132 Voodoo Jack Sparrow Review #2

4184 Black Pearl

Better pictures of all the sets

LEGO PotC Video Game Trailer

Special sets

Jack with wooden head

Jack on a raft

Mini Black Pearl

Link to LEGO PotC X-Box game demo/ Game Review

New sets

4184 The Black Pearl

30133 Jack Sparrow

Is this Disney's new theme? it was posted at FBTB which was taken at ComicCon

It well could be. For those that wonder what he's doing on a camel, he's pictured next to what looks like Dastan from PoP in another pic on fbtb, unless there's something with camels I missed in the movies.

Lego having PoC sets does seem to fit very neatly with Lego stopping the pirates line after just one year as they and Disney wouldn't want the two competing against each other. The Jack Sparrow fig looks very impressive.

I think everyone expected this to come. :wink: What I don't get to understand is what happened to the other figures. Just typing that made me anxious to see Davy Jones! :sing::cry_happy:

Not surprising.

Oh come on, you hardcore Pirate fans couldn't deny it. It fit in perfectly. It had to come at one time or another. I think we've come to both Prince of Persia and Pirate's replacement.

Nice-looking Jack.

I hope not... I really like the classic pirates stuff, especially the line from 88-97. If POTC is produced, I think that it could be the end of classic pirates. Plus, I feel like Lego has covered anything they can think of piratey, I almost feel like we would be paying premium dollar for some new figs and different colored pieces.

Also, that looks custom to me. The hair and hat don't look like plastic, but a mold instead but who knows. I guess we will find out! Either way it will all be very interesting and honestly I think it would sell very vey well.

Edited by Cpt. Dan

Also, that looks custom to me. The hair and hat don't look like plastic, but a mold instead but who knows. I guess we will find out! Either way it will all be very interesting and honestly I think it would sell very vey well.

The hat has the look of all the new molds before they're finalised, I remember the camels from the PoP line had this look when the first pics came out. For me this is stronger evidence that it's not a custom or fake.

  • Author

I hope not... I really like the classic pirates stuff, especially the line from 88-97. If POTC is produced, I think that it could be the end of classic pirates. Plus, I feel like Lego has covered anything they can think of piratey, I almost feel like we would be paying premium dollar for some new figs and different colored pieces.

Also, that looks custom to me. The hair and hat don't look like plastic, but a mold instead but who knows. I guess we will find out! Either way it will all be very interesting and honestly I think it would sell very vey well.

It looks like the same plastic that the camel and ostrich looked like when Prince of Persia was first announced.

The hat has the look of all the new molds before they're finalised, I remember the camels from the PoP line had this look when the first pics came out. For me this is stronger evidence that it's not a custom or fake.

Yep, my thoughts exactly. Maybe they're made by a 3D printer? The torso and face, on the other hand, look printed.


I'll be surprised if they don't do PotC next year... They might continue Toy Story and Cars if they've been selling well, but Prince of Persia is done for sure. So next year's big movie license is bound to be PotC.

That Jack minifig is sweet! Nicely printed torso and highly-detailed hair/hairpiece. From a general lego fan's standpoint, I hope they do release this new theme. And from the looks of the minifig, it does pretty much point in that direction.

Yup. I knew this was gonna happen as soon as they discontinued the Pirates line and rumors of a PotC theme started popping up. That Jack fig looks great. It really looks the part. His hat and hair seem to be one piece, so it's probably one of those painted, separately bagged Chinese parts. Can't wait to see other figs and of course the sets!

His hat and hair seem to be one piece, so it's probably one of those painted, separately bagged Chinese parts.

It does look like one piece, which I'm not really a fan of. I still prefer detachable hats and hairpieces. Sadly, that's the compromise of highly-detailed heads.

Yeah, unfortunately. But just like with Toy Story, I prefer it this way.

Do you think we'll get a new, smaller compass piece? Or will it just be a printed 1x1 tile? How about new, more accurate guns? :sweet:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

I, personally, can not wait to see Mr. Davy Jones. How will they do his crab arm?.

I took some close-ups so that we can see the fig better (click the pic for large version):


Why did they have to put him on a camel, dammit! I wanna see his leg printing!

Pretty nice. The only gripe I have is that I hate when torso printing continues directly onto the legs, a it prevents customisation, but that's minor compared to the good points.


I'm praying for this to be true. PotC isn't the best movie series, but it is one of my favourites. That Jack is fantastic. :pir-grin: Plus, this fits in very well with PotC 4: On Stranger Tides which is scheduled for release next year.


  • Eurobricks Emperor

Wait, why did this get moved to ClassicPirates? This is clearly a Disney licensed theme! :pir_wacko:

Because we decided to put this in the pirates forum. I agree it could also fit very well in licensed, but our pirates forum has an established group of pirates fans and is linked with our Classic-Pirates.com blog, so it makes sense having all pirate discussion (and MOCs) in one place.

OMG my dream came true- i love potc i love legos potc legos- yippee :pir-classic: - i just fixed my Black Pearl's bow- Jack looks excellent- i hope his hat is removable- he could have been darker though but anyway he is almost just like he should be :jollyroger:

If this is true, I'm not surprised at all. I knew this was gonna happen when they got Disney license and discontinued Pirates - when this happened, I was like "OK, so they're making room for POTC"...

PS. I think it deserves being blogged...


You'll find it there soon...

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