July 25, 201014 yr 3: A possibility of getting back Lego Conquistadors! I mean really, the fountain of youth, most often shown in Florida, home of the Spanish back then? If they don't get involved I'll be shocked. At the time of POTC, Spain was past the days of Conquistadors. They wore yellow uniforms I believe.
July 25, 201014 yr I'm a bit surprised at all the people speculating on whether or not this is fake, and "if" there'll really be a Pirates of the Caribbean theme and so on, so that I'm wondering whether I'm misunderstanding the SDCC teaser image we're being shown here. Isn't this image from TLG's own official presence at Comic-Con - something they have displayed at their table or booth or whatever? If so, I don't see how there could be any uncertainty - they wouldn't put out a teaser like this for a what is obviously a theme based on an a licensed property unless it were actually in the works.
July 25, 201014 yr 'On Stranger Tides' is the name of a pirate themed novel - it probably gives some good clues as to the story. I've never read it, but it was apparently the inspiration for my all time favourite computer game, Monkey Island. Any pirates is better than no pirates in my opinion. I'd love to get a few more ships to add to my fleet, and it'd be great if they did a Tortuga or something with a few mid sized ships as well (like the old Imperial Trading Post). It's a bit of a shame we'll have to pay the Disney tax (maybe not as high as the Star Wars tax if Prince Of Persia was anything to go by). Actually, the Prince of Persia stuff all looked pretty good to me - it definitely bodes well for the next Disney franchise... I've read "On Stranger Tides" by Tim Powers. Its very good, but very random. The main character, John Chandagnac, was on a ship that got attacked by pirates. The crew were shot by there own men, two passengers aboard the ship were killing the men and it was planned out. John eventually was forced to join the crew under the new name of "Shandy" or "Jack". So we can judge by the nickname whos going to be the main character. Davies, the captain, eventually routes up with Blackbeard shortly after the Charleston blockade happened. The herbs weren't actually for his crew, they were for sorcery. The main of the book is based around sorcery and magic, as well as pirates. So expect alot of special effects. The story eventually goes to the fountain of youth and unfolds from there, that's why Jack stole the map in the last movie. Theres also some ghost galleon ships thrown into the book, Voodoo, gun & sword fights. So all in all it looks to be a good movie. Oh and there should be a new female charecther in the movie if its following the book, Beth Hurwood.
July 25, 201014 yr At the time of POTC, Spain was past the days of Conquistadors. They wore yellow uniforms I believe. True, sorry I was just so excited about the possibility of Spaniards that I spaced a bit on historical fact, I mean after all, with all the Redcoat/Bluecoat talk I wouldn't mind having a few Spaniards in the mix
July 25, 201014 yr True, sorry I was just so excited about the possibility of Spaniards that I spaced a bit on historical fact, I mean after all, with all the Redcoat/Bluecoat talk I wouldn't mind having a few Spaniards in the mix Then again, at this point in time I believe the Louisiana area was owned by the French, who at this point in time wore White Coats. Thats sure to be fun!
July 25, 201014 yr Just like PoP, I have little interest in the film but the sets are sure to be a treasure. Here is hoping that the license includes the previous films.
July 25, 201014 yr Didn't mega blocks do PotC. And maybe there's a camel in the new fourth movie. No, theres not a camel in POTC 4, its based on Atlantis, or so i have heard so i dont think at theres a camel in 4th movie.. but we`ll see it then Captain Becker
July 25, 201014 yr The only reason that he's on a camel is that it was put on a "Prince Of Persia" showcase, so that camel is nothing but the tan camel from the PoP set.
July 25, 201014 yr Didn't mega blocks do PotC. And maybe there's a camel in the new fourth movie. Aw, don't say MB - MEH ! Now the camel - there might be or might not be we'll just have to wait until Lego decide to leak a few set shots to tease the you-know-what out of us ! Anyway, what's wrong with a camel with the title being 'On Stranger Tides' what's more stranger eh - a camel ? I'm a conformist! !
July 25, 201014 yr Camels or no, I can honestly say that I have never been more excited about a theme! Not only does this have a chance of greatly expanding the pirates line, but we can have a few of our most loved movie heroes in Lego! I love the look, and can't wait to buy my first set (though camels would be nice)
July 25, 201014 yr I mentioned about the POTC sets earlier this year as it was mentioned at a licensing convention I attended. You will see POTC sets based on early films this Jan followed by POTC 4 Sets in May. I saw a brief glimse of some art work for the Jan sets a few weeks ago and all I can say is that they rock.
July 25, 201014 yr 'achris' just gave us more information than that one minifig shot did.......Disney and Lego are doing another TS/TS3 release set up......earlier in the series sets first, then the ones for the latest movie closer to the release date. If January is the release date.....then we should see the first pictures in about oh, lets say two months or so ? I'm a conformist! !
July 25, 201014 yr Two waves? That's already more sets than PoP gave us, or the 2009 Pirate series! I say, this sounds great! Can't wait for more details.
July 26, 201014 yr 'achris' just gave us more information than that one minifig shot did.......Disney and Lego are doing another TS/TS3 release set up......earlier in the series sets first, then the ones for the latest movie closer to the release date. If January is the release date.....then we should see the first pictures in about oh, lets say two months or so ? I'm a conformist! ! That's what I said (about the release setup) back in post #76 of this thread, though I didn't have any knowledge from a licensing convention and was just going by what TLG did with both Indiana Jones and Toy Story (for that matter, other licensees on both of those franchises used the same approach - with both series having new movies after long waits, licensees helped prime the market with toys based on the original movies several months before the new movies' releases, then released waves based on the new movies just before those movies' releases). TLG also issued press releases concerning those themes quite some time before we saw even the first leaked prototype images. I'm guessing we'll see a press release soon talking about the Pirates of the Caribbean theme in more detail, hopefully letting us know what the initial wave will cover.
July 26, 201014 yr I think the deeper question here is whether or not we should take to posting about PotC Lego in this forum or if we should move to the "Lego Licensed Themes" forum. I say that only in a slightly tongue-in-cheek manner. :-)
July 26, 201014 yr Author I just can't wait for the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Video Game from Traveler Tales.
July 26, 201014 yr I think the deeper question here is whether or not we should take to posting about PotC Lego in this forum or if we should move to the "Lego Licensed Themes" forum. I say that only in a slightly tongue-in-cheek manner. :-) It's a good question. Whilst POTC is a licensed property, EB's Pirates forum *is* the pre-eminent LEGO Pirates community, and taking into account the long-standing fan base and types of discussions this license is likely to generate, at the moment it seems better suited to keep the threads here rather than split discussion.
July 26, 201014 yr I just can't wait for the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Video Game from Traveler Tales. Hehehe! Indeed, that would be a great game! Here's to hoping! Edited July 26, 201014 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
July 26, 201014 yr Davy Jones will probably be the best fig. He also has a crab pegleg, so maybe we'll get one in dark green or dark red.
July 26, 201014 yr I'm no MOD or anything but my humble opinion is that POTC LEGO should be discussed in Pirates subforum (and as I see many others agree with me on that). LEGO Star Wars isn't discussed in licensed themes either, it has its own subforum because of the large fanbase. I can't see why a similar exception couldn't be made with POTC - only this time by mingling it with classic pirate stuff. I think we might see some MOCs from our users mixing POTC and classic pirates anyway, I for one would love to see a 'Jack Sparrow vs Captain Red Beard' MOC, with Sparrow dying a terrible death. Perhaps one day I'll make it myself.
July 26, 201014 yr SW is the oldest of the licensed themes and to think POTC won't move to Licensed forum - then what about Batman (action), Harry Potter (sci-fi) and Indi (action) they are all in the Licensed arena. Anyway, is there any thing new yet (info and/or pictures) ? I'm a conformist! everyone !
July 26, 201014 yr The other factor is... where would Batman and Indiana Jones and Harry Potter go, if not the Licensed forum? The Action Themes forum? That doesn't quite fit... POTC on the other hand is clearly a Pirate-based theme, so it belongs here as much as it does in the Licensed forum. And of the people who are excited by this range, a large proportion of them have no interest in the film, just the fact that it is Pirates, which seems to imply that the discussion belongs here... BTW thanks 'achris' for the info. January? That's much closer than I expected... are there any more upcoming conventions they might be planning to reveal the new sets at?
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