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However the movie scene depicted alongside will probably be on Stranger Tides :pir-hmpf:

I doubt it for a couple of reasons: first, there is not yet any confirmed appearance of the Pearl in OST, and in fact the Sunset which is the "real" Pearl has been redressed as the QAR since before shooting began - meaning that if the Pearl appears at all in OST, it will probably be a short cameo courtesy of digital manipulation, and not a full action scene. And second, I suspect that on a set that is central to the entire movie series, they will prefer to make it "universal" with elements from multiple movies. Something along the lines of the latest Hagrid's Hut set that had elements from Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban.

TBp isnt gonna appear in this new movie because the QAR is actually modifeded version of Pearl, other words: The QAR is the pearl.

About the printed glope, i really cant say for sure if that truly i the glope, or is it just something else round object in those pictures. In case at it would be, i think at its gonna be the same part as used to R2 and else SW droids head piece, whit world map printing.

Captain Becker

I can't wait this to be out for sale! However I have one worry and that is the minifigs: will they suit together well with the older ones? Somehow right now I just can't imagine Johny Depp minifig along with my crew :pir_wacko:

Hello everyone!

Images still with "Preliminary" stamp, but a larger than a old. And - i'm sorry for my enlgish.

Here's the link for the one of russian e-shop.

Enjoy! :pir-blush:

Hello everyone!

Images still with "Preliminary" stamp, but a larger than a old. And - i'm sorry for my enlgish.

Here's the link for the one of russian e-shop.

Enjoy! :pir-blush:

Best quality pictures till now. Thanks.

The picture keep on getting bigger and bigger but you can still see that see are the previeuws and not the official pieces. Althougt the headgear of jack sparrow looks pretty good for his first stage.

I really cant wait to see the pictures of the official minifigures.

Its a good find. :D

I'm trying to figure out what figures we are likely to get with the sets we've seen so far...

8 x Jack Sparrow (7 normal wardrobe, 1 Cannibal chief)

3 x Barbossa (1 skeleton, 1 original wardrobe, 1 new wardrobe)

1 x Elisabeth Swann

2 x Gibbs

2 x Cannibals

1 x Will Turner

1 x Norrington

1 x Conch Head Man

4 x Generic Pirates

2 x Blackbeard

2 x Generic Soldiers

1 x Stagecoach Driver

2 x Mermaids

2 x new character?

2 x Zombies

1 x Angelica

Some of these I'm pretty certain on, some are just fuzzy guesses. No cheap set with the Generic Soldiers in it, ha ha, going to expensive for those army builders.

No cheap set with the Generic Soldiers in it, ha ha, going to expensive for those army builders.

As is the price we pay for licensed sets under a very popular movie title. :pirate_sad2:

But hey, larger pictures! Still very preliminary, but at least we can get a better look until the finals appear.

Some of these are very big! They've been resized on the website, download them and you'll see how huge they are.

Those preliminary images are a mess... :pir-tongue: Mixture of yellow and fleshtones, sometimes within one minifig, I see a lot of torsos from 2009 Pirate line which will be eventually switched to some new ones, and they go with fleshie heads here... Some of them do look like a MOCer's bad dream. :pir-classic:

No wonder LEGO doesn't want them to go public.

Some of the sets themselves look weird too. 4181 looks like some random bricks thrown together and called an island. I do hope the final product will be WAY better. For now, the Queen Anne's Revenge certainly stands out as the best of the bunch and I actually wouldn't mind if this was the final thing.

I'm trying to figure out what figures we are likely to get with the sets we've seen so far...

8 x Jack Sparrow (7 normal wardrobe, 1 Cannibal chief)


What? 7 x normal wardrobe and no skeleton. :pirate_sad2:

Why not?

TBp isnt gonna appear in this new movie because the QAR is actually modifeded version of Pearl, other words: The QAR is the pearl.

Captain Becker

Thats right i looked it up

So yeah there wont be a black pearl in OST and the original Black Pearl they used in the films was modified

YAY that means awesome minifigs that we know and love (hopefully) lol

and i just hope, even though it is highly doubtful, that it will (fingers crossed) come with Davy Jones :pir-wub:

I thought there were at least two Black Pearl hulls built between the first three movies. One for actual sailing on location and one built upon a gimble for the Black Pearl/Flying Dutchman battle scene. There may have been more. Someone really should check the bonus features on the special edition versions of the DVDs or BluRay. Remember that the Black Pearl has supposedly been through multiple battles and subsequently been repaired. It is quite possible the Queen Anne's Revenge was built upon the original Black Pearl hull and an updated version of the Black Pearl was built or modified from the gimble version.

Hello everyone!

Images still with "Preliminary" stamp, but a larger than a old. And - i'm sorry for my enlgish.

Here's the link for the one of russian e-shop.

Enjoy! :pir-blush:

Thanks for those pictures! They're so much bigger and clearer than the other ones. Thanks!

Like I said earlier in this forum , one of the shops said in description its the skeleton pirate version.

Nice leak. Looking at the "effects" on the gun fire, lamps, etc., my impression is that these are almost the finalized pictures, with only the pieces count missing.

Nice leak. Looking at the "effects" on the gun fire, lamps, etc., my impression is that these are almost the finalized pictures, with only the pieces count missing.

It's still the same prelim pictures with "stand-ins" for the final minifigures. Cannibal Island for example looks like it's made in LDD, the minifigs there look very CG. Nothing about these pictures final yet.

Even though I am glad to have some higher resolution pictures I really don't think that these are the final set pictures. I wonder if Lego released some earlier than usual prototype pictures in order to keep fans from seeing what the final sets are going to be.

One of the reasons I think this is because there are random white pieces all over the Queen Anne's Revenge and it appears some of the windows are missing as well. Some figures in the pictures have yellow bodies and heads and other figures don't even have a face. Also, none of the jack sparrow figures have any of the fancy headpieces that we saw earlier last year in the teaser images.

Now when we had preliminary pictures of the Prince of Persia sets the sets were almost finalized, or at least to the point were the minifigures were finalized; Daston had the new hairpiece, the assassins had the new turbans, etc...

All of this leads me to conclude that these pictures are not the finalized sets.

Even though I am glad to have some higher resolution pictures I really don't think that these are the final set pictures. I wonder if Lego released some earlier than usual prototype pictures in order to keep fans from seeing what the final sets are going to be.

One of the reasons I think this is because there are random white pieces all over the Queen Anne's Revenge and it appears some of the windows are missing as well. Some figures in the pictures have yellow bodies and heads and other figures don't even have a face. Also, none of the jack sparrow figures have any of the fancy headpieces that we saw earlier last year in the teaser images.

Now when we had preliminary pictures of the Prince of Persia sets the sets were almost finalized, or at least to the point were the minifigures were finalized; Daston had the new hairpiece, the assassins had the new turbans, etc...

All of this leads me to conclude that these pictures are not the finalized sets.

Interesting theory, however i think that most likely the only thing thats not right is the figures themselves

I'm no fan of flesh minifigs (or POTC for that matter), but The London Escape and to a lesser extent The Mill looks pretty awesome. White Cap Bay looks like it could have potential as well, but I'm waiting for final pics of that.

The final pics can be seen on a french store, but I'm not sure whether I should post the link seeing that TLG has asked to keep confidential pics a secret. I share a few details instead:

-Barbossa has the same hat as the musketeer (minifig series 4) and he's got an apple :pir_laugh2:

-Jack has a different facial expression in at least one set (maybe the head's double-sided)

-The Mermaids have new "fins"

-Elizabeth has a new hairpiece

-Jack's compass appears in the Isla de la Muerta set (printed on a 1x1 tile)

-Blackbeard's hat and beard are both new moulds and his sword is new as well :thumbup:

Edited by Lego-Freak

These sets feel a little ... "skimpy" to me. It seems like they rely heavily on the background artwork to convey the sense of setting. I had the same reaction when I bought a couple of Prince of Persia sets last year. Once I built them, and had them sitting alone on my desk, I couldn't help but be disappointed at how small and empty they seemed.

The Queen Anne's Revenge looks nice though, and I love that printed globe in the Captain's Cabin.

The final pics can be seen on a french store, but I'm not sure whether I should post the link seeing that TLG has asked to keep confidential pics a secret. I share a few details instead:

-Barbossa has the same hat as the musketeer (minifig series 4) and he's got an apple :pir_laugh2:

-Jack has a different facial expression in at least one set (maybe the head's double-sided)

-The Mermaids have new "fins"

-Elizabeth has a new hairpiece

-Jack's compass appears in the Isla de la Muerta set (printed on a 1x1 tile)

-Blackbeard's hat and beard are both new moulds and his sword is new as well :thumbup:

PLEASE POST THE LINK! :pir_bawling:

you can find this pictures on this web site : link. just click on picture. There's real picture for some set like 4195. very interesting

you can find this pictures on this web site : link. just click on picture. There's real picture for some set like 4195. very interesting

Thank you so, so much for these pictures! Elizabeth looks great, and all the sets look amazing! It seems the globe is a new piece, and the Isla de la Muerta has a lot more gold. Also, new mermaid tails and new hairpieces, like Angelica's and balckbeard's! The pictures could be bigger, but they're still excellent. Once again, thanks a million for these!

Edited by Gregorovich

Yay, fnal pictures. I must say I'm positively surprised.

I'll have to buy the isla de la muerta, as it contains lotta gold, a great Elizabeth, two of the new musceteer hats and do I spy a new compass in Jack's hand? :pir-cry_happy:

The captains cabin set is already bought as well, as I always need dark tan and black figures, bottles and a globe, that looks prettier than any preliminary pic could make me imagine. The ship in the bottle seems to be printed, but I don't mind.

The cannibal set might be great for many pirate fans, dreaming of growing islander tribes, but not for me. It's well done, but not well enough for €39.99.

The mill is a nice set, although I'm not sure I like Hadras. It's a bit small, and doesn't contain globes, compasses, red coats or anything else that is interesting to me. Edit: I forgot the heart. Beautiful, butdoesn't tip the scale.

The fountain looks far better than in the preliminary pics, but I'm not sure. Blackbeard and especially his sword look a bit too comic-like to me, but Barbossa has a great new hat and a blue coat commander uniform. It also contains the round map.

The whitecap bay is of no interest for me (since the mermaids ain't topless :pir-tongue:). It makes a nice pirate hide-out, but not with that price.

The QAR is a bit high toward the stern, but I like the color. Let's look.

And no picture of the London escape :pir-cry_sad: I want to see red coats :pir-sing:

Edited by Peanuts

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