February 2, 201114 yr Things I noticed include the '09 soldier's torso in London Escape (is that prelim, or will it be final?) a skeleton face on Jack in the Isla de Muerta set and, of all things, the old school feather in Angelica's hat. Shame about the weird zombie pirate faces being in every set...I wonder if that will make more sense once we see the new movie. Overall, the sets look very nice, even better than the leaked pictures made them out to be. May cannot come soon enough! Edited February 2, 201114 yr by punkkid364
February 2, 201114 yr Shame about the weird zombie pirate faces being in every set...I wonder if that will make more sense once we see the new movie. Hmm. It looks like the same two pirates appear in Captain's Cabin and QAR. And one appears in Whitecap Bay but not the other. They must be part of the QAR crew. But it's too bad that they're the same exact figs in the Cabin and QAR sets; it would have been great to have the smaller impulse set provide additional crew for the ship. I've also noticed that the Jack figure is the same in each set, except for the face printing, which seems to be different in almost every set. Edited February 2, 201114 yr by Zeya
February 2, 201114 yr I'm getting more and more hyped for several of these sets. Fortunately for my wallet, the QAR really doesn't appeal to me - I hate that cartoon stern a little bit more every time I see a new picture of it - but the London Escape and Whitecap Bay are screaming at me to buy them. I think both of them will be nice for Kingdoms mods. Cannibal Escape looks great for minifigs and assorted parts, and Isla de la Muerta is a cute little set that I'm hoping won't cost more than $20. Edited February 2, 201114 yr by Gryphon Ink
February 2, 201114 yr Whitecap Bay looks much more substantial than I expected from the prelims. Nice. London Escape looks good, they've made the house bigger since the prelims! Are those window shutters new pieces? It seems there's not many new torsos where switching to yellow would be possible. Expectable but unfortunate. Not completely sure about Elizabeth Swann fig though.
February 2, 201114 yr One thing that annoys me on the QAR, aside from the fifty bazillion skulls and the unseaworthy stern - why in Beelzebub's name did they have to make up a new flag for him? Historically, we really don't know much about Blackbeard. We don't know what his ship really looked like, or how many people he killed. We don't know if he was a zombie or a ninja. Etcetera, etc. But we DO know what his flag looked like. He designed it, and it looked like this:
February 2, 201114 yr 27 unique figures IF QAR whitecap and london escape is the same jack, And captains cabin, aqua de vida and the mill is same jack. Black beards sword is jsut wrong, with the rest im pleased! Thanks for the link :D EDIT: As for the flag, i like that they took the elements from the flag and put them on the (whatever its called in front of the ship) ! I am all for creative freedom, However if i think the new flag is better, eh. Edited February 2, 201114 yr by deskp
February 2, 201114 yr Close up Hi-res pics. Holy wow look at the new pieces! http://www.mtv.com/photos/legos-pirates-of-the-caribbean-toys-exclusive-first-look/1657056/5651605/photo.jhtml Wow, some of those sets just keep getting more and more impressive. In spite of it's steep price, I'll have to get London Escape at some point. It's awesome, and will fit brilliantly in my Castle collection! None of the minifigs really interest me, however.
February 2, 201114 yr Cool photos, i'm curious to see what all those other characters are from the sets based on the new movie. I still don't get this whole nit picking about "historical accuracies" nonsense.
February 2, 201114 yr I noticed a few things: The bottle is printed with a tiny ship, but its a silhouette so it could pass for a label. Penelope Cruz's hat is new and sweet! New redcoat torso in London Escape! And there are bottles, barrels, a painting and a new bucket in there as well! And the tri-cornered hats have a white stripe! Lastly the whitecap bay turned into a great set for greys and browns and the sirens/mermaids look great!
February 2, 201114 yr Alright, that settles it - I have to have them all! All of these sets look fantastic! So many great pieces and minifigs! I'm especially surprised by the awesomeness of the smaller sets which are usually not that great. The Fountain of Youth has changed quite a lot from the prelim, which is too bad since the prelim had some useful pieces, but this certainly isn't bad either, so I'm not complaining. Don't hate me for saying this, but I hope the ships on the bottles are stickers because I don't want all of my bottles to have a sideways-ship on it, but it doesn't look like it. I like the game trailer too. Jack's animation is spot-on and the way his ship falls apart rather than sink is a nice Lego twist on that classic scene. And since these pics are final, I don't think there's any harm in deeplinking them, so here it goes:
February 2, 201114 yr I still don't get this whole nit picking about "historical accuracies" nonsense. Maybe I'm just too much of a geek. When I see stuff that I know is inaccurate, it annoys me. It totally ruins my suspension of disbelief. When I hear Han Solo talking about the Falcon making "point five past lightspeed", I can't help laughing at the fact that it would take him decades to travel from one system to the next. When I see a guy in an action movie firing a handgun fifty times without reloading, it makes it that much harder to take the movie seriously. It's just the way I'm wired. POTC is basically a series of fantastic impossibilities from start to finish, even before you get into the supernatural stuff. I enjoy it (I've got all the movies on DVD, and watch them pretty regularly), but in every movie there are a couple of scenes that just make me groan because they are so stupid it makes it really hard to keep going. In Blackbeard's case, it's just the fact that he was such an interesting character in reality, it seems really cheap to throw in things like an unimaginative made-up flag. His real flag was awesome, unique and full of symbolic meaning. The POTC version is just a skull. And no, it doesn't bother me that they made him a zombie.
February 2, 201114 yr And the tri-cornered hats have a white stripe! Uhm, I'm pretty sure that's just reflected light.
February 2, 201114 yr That globe is lovely. These sets are looking very good. Pirates are not my favorite LEGO theme, I didn't really like PotC as a movie and I avoid licensed sets like the plague, but the designs of these sets are just excellent. Specially like that Mill. And the Castle-thing is going to be so useful even for Historic guys, and fantasy as well due to the mermaids. I think this theme is going to be a classic license like SW, Indiana Jones and Batman. And it is great to see that it didn't take LEGO much time to find a new chance to use those column pieces. Edited February 2, 201114 yr by vexorian
February 2, 201114 yr In Blackbeard's case, it's just the fact that he was such an interesting character in reality, it seems really cheap to throw in things like an unimaginative made-up flag. His real flag was awesome, unique and full of symbolic meaning. The POTC version is just a skull. I have to admit that even though I'm the first person to not worry over historical inaccuracies, I was also disappointed that the POTC Blackbeard isn't flying the flag he was said to have in real life. (Although mostly because a LEGO version of this flag would have been AWESOME.) I think the main reason they didn't go with that flag is that it actually appeared already in POTC, along with a whole lotta other historical flags used out of context at the end of At World's End. It's seen ever so briefly on the Spanish Pirate Lord Eduardo Villanueva's ship, and linking that lesser pirate with Blackbeard is probably outside the narrative scope of the movie. It's not good, but it's a reason. I guess if this theme sticks around long enough, we might see Villananueva's ship, the Centurion, in which case we might still get Blackbeard's flag...hey, I can dream. :) TC
February 2, 201114 yr Very cool. All these sets look very very nice, with the exception of Isla de Muerta. London Escape looks most interesting IMO.
February 2, 201114 yr Thanks for confirming that. I thought I had seen Blackbeard's flag on a ship in that scene, but I wasn't about to go hunting for screenshots to confirm it. And you're right, that's probably the real reason they didn't use it this time. Still sucks, though.
February 2, 201114 yr Holy crap....there's a bucket....a real bucket with a handle - look on the second floor of the building in London Escape ! That's it I'm getting them all ! Brick On Everyone ! Just noticed the ships in the bottle.....AWESOME....wine bottles....I like wine ! Edited February 2, 201114 yr by lightningtiger
February 2, 201114 yr has anyone noticed in the captains cabin the guy far right has around his torso almost looks like a sword holder ?
February 2, 201114 yr Well guys, it looks like I'll be broke again this year. I'm back in the Pirate game after a year and something off. I still have around $400 in unopened sets from the 2009 run of Pirates. POTC is my favorite film series ever. I don't even care what people think of 2 and 3. I love em, and that ride is my favorite ride at Disneyland. At any rate, Lego POTC is a win for me. I went to the local TRU and they had a 2011 catalog with a digital rendition of Jack Sparrow in it... pics?
February 2, 201114 yr Holy crap....there's a bucket....a real bucket with a handle - look on the second floor of the building in London Escape ! Sigfried will surely be happy. Anyhow, I really like the look of the conch-head monster! I didn't like him in the prelimes but now he almost looks like the Atlantis gatekeeper with a shell on his head.
February 2, 201114 yr Anyone else notice the new window pieces in the London set? This is the day you almost catch Cpt Jack Sparrow!
February 2, 201114 yr Well guys, it looks like I'll be broke again this year. I'm back in the Pirate game after a year and something off. I still have around $400 in unopened sets from the 2009 run of Pirates. POTC is my favorite film series ever. I don't even care what people think of 2 and 3. I love em, and that ride is my favorite ride at Disneyland. At any rate, Lego POTC is a win for me. I went to the local TRU and they had a 2011 catalog with a digital rendition of Jack Sparrow in it... pics? You Sir, made me happy! I LOOOVE the movies. I am a pirate re-enactor so I am all about pirates of any kind. I've grown up with these movies and know my pirate stuff, so of course it makes me mad it is the wrong teach flag, and of course I hate that the hat he is wearing in the sets is completely wrong, or that everyone is having a hard time using the word baldric. I will own multiples of all of these sets and I plan on making a minifig scale version of the QAR when I can get my hands on the right shape of gold bricks. None the less, I do not know anyone more excited than I am. My Lego store where I work I'll be dressed up as a pirate for the kids club meeting in may that is relevant to POTC coming out.
February 2, 201114 yr I guess not everyone has been following the Castle theme this year - the bucket has already been seen in the windmill and the blacksmith sets. The soldiers torsos should be perfect for Classic Yellow minifigs. Unfortunately there are only two new ones, one in the London Chase set and one in the Aqua da Vida set, so it's going to be quite expensive to build armies out of them. Although if you think about it, if they've created these new soldier torsos with deliberately no flesh colours on them, it might be a sign that they intend to use them when they bring back classic pirates... (Or it could just be that soldiers don't have exposed flesh on their torsos. But you could humour me if you want) Also, I think some of the tricorns do have a white stripe on them, it isn't just a reflection. Look at the London Chase - three black tricorns, two with a white stripe and one without it. If it was a reflection it would probably be on all of them. I can't believe they still haven't made the tricorn in dark brown yet. Tan is good though. Hopefully there will be enough baldrics in these sets to make them cheap on Bricklink. Edited February 2, 201114 yr by David Thomsen
February 2, 201114 yr I still can't figure out what kind of piece the globe is. I don't think it's a Zamor sphere because it's resting on a stud. It could be a Technic ball joint, but it almost looks too big for that... Holy crap....there's a bucket....a real bucket with a handle - look on the second floor of the building in London Escape ! Obviously you haven't seen the 2011 Kingdoms sets. They're full of those new buckets. has anyone noticed in the captains cabin the guy far right has around his torso almost looks like a sword holder ? Not just looks like, it is. And there's at least one in every set. There are ones in brown, black, and white.
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