February 16, 201114 yr This is what Jones looks like in the game (thanks to sologuy369 who provided a link in the videogame thread): Now I really hope he's included in the BP set
February 16, 201114 yr I think the mods goofed and overwrote the thread title. This should be the culmination of any and all POTC information. I doubt there are 91 pages of NY Toy Fair.
February 16, 201114 yr This is what Jones looks like in the game (thanks to sologuy369 who provided a link in the videogame thread): Now I really hope he's included in the BP set Davy Jones looks brilliant, I don't care if he comes with the BP set, just any future set would be ok with me
February 16, 201114 yr I think the mods goofed and overwrote the thread title. This should be the culmination of any and all POTC information. I doubt there are 91 pages of NY Toy Fair. Yeah, Captain Blackmoor accidently merged the topics before he saw that I said we'll leave it. I'll see what I can do to separate the two, but otherwise I'll just rename this back to POTC Discussion. EDIT: I got the two separated again, I'll rename this back to what it was.
February 16, 201114 yr Hmm might wait for the BP then As for figs here is my guesstimation Davy Jones Captain Jack Sparrow (possibly covered in Kraken goo or something ) Elizabeth Swan in Man attire Gibbs Now the reason I think Davy Jones is in these sets is a)We already have his hat with the Black Beard minifig b)The BP is the one in Dead Mans Chest c)With most sets kids want someone to fight in it (a goody and baddy) d)An exclusive figure or 'rare' figure would make the set highly sought after
February 16, 201114 yr Do you guys think Davy Jones(when we eventualy get him) will get a new claw hand or use this, I hope he gets A new thing cause this one looks abit too MASSIVE. thanks for the screenshot whoever provided it!
February 16, 201114 yr Do you guys think Davy Jones(when we eventualy get him) will get a new claw hand or use this, I hope he gets A new thing cause this one looks abit too MASSIVE. thanks for the screenshot whoever provided it! I think he will have that (In the BP) because why make a new mould?
February 16, 201114 yr I hope we get a Tia Dalma figure in the BP, because we don't have any black females yet. I really hope we get her, but I don't think we will.
February 16, 201114 yr I doubt Davy Jones (as much I as want him the most) will come in the Black Pearl. TLG is most likely to save the captain of the Flying Dutchman for the Flying Dutchman. I think it is more likely to come with Jack, Pintel and Raggettti, and a couple of Davy Jones's crew, and a jar of dirt!
February 16, 201114 yr I hope we get a Tia Dalma figure in the BP, because we don't have any black females yet. I really hope we get her, but I don't think we will. No she wont come in that set as she wasn't on board the Pearl in that film. If she is going to be in any set it would be a set of her hut or a scene from Worlds End. They havn't yet made any sets for the 3rd film, so they might be in a second wave.
February 17, 201114 yr YES! This halfway confirms that we'll get a new beard-piece for Davy, and also a possible new crab-claw-hand! "Do you fear death-ah?"
February 17, 201114 yr YES! This halfway confirms that we'll get a new beard-piece for Davy, and also a possible new crab-claw-hand! "Do you fear death-ah?" This doesn't really confirm anything. Remember Lego Star Wars? Most of those characters don't even exist.
February 17, 201114 yr This doesn't really confirm anything. Remember Lego Star Wars? Most of those characters don't even exist. Well, yes that is true, but taking the fact that Davy Jones is such an important bad-guy as he his I'm very sure we'll get him in the future
February 17, 201114 yr This doesn't really confirm anything. Remember Lego Star Wars? Most of those characters don't even exist. And some that we did eventually get are really different from how they appear in the game (I'm looking at you Ki-Adi Mundi. You were not ugly in the game!)
February 17, 201114 yr i think Blackbeard's hat confirms that releasing a Davy Jones is planned, otherwise they would have chosen a way diferet design for hes minifig hat.
February 17, 201114 yr If the Black Pearl does have villians it will probably be Davy Jones Crew the fish people ,also I wish lego would make cannon packs . P.S. I wonder if the BP will come with Tia Dalma ?
February 17, 201114 yr I was wondering if this set was going to be a single wave shot of TLC, so I started to search around the internet for possible rumors about PotC part 5 and found the following: I can still remember when the third installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean seems to be the last for Captain Jack Sparrow. But when On Stranger Tides was being produced, I said "Oh there's fourth!" Now that the fourth installment is in post-production, Disney gives as a hint that Pirates 5 and 6 may be a sure go. HitFix reports that "Disney has begun quietly telling cast and crew to set aside a major block of time in the very near future so they can shoot" the films. As with the second and third sequels, the plan apparently is for these latest installments to be shot back to back. Of course, you can't make a Pirates movie without Captain Jack Sparrow himself, Johnny Depp. But the actor is committed to shooting Dark Shadows (with Tim Burton) and The Lone Ranger (with original Pirates director Gore Verbinski) in 2011. So when would parts five and six get made? HitFix points out that a shoot like this could take a good chunk of a year. WHOOHOO part 5 and 6 I found some more rumors to support this message. So with this in mind (if this wave is a success), we can expect a lot more Jack Sparrow figures in the future. Edited February 17, 201114 yr by narbilu
February 17, 201114 yr Yeah it was confirmed long time ago that they're doing a new triolgy. Even I knew that like 2 years ago, and I don't care much for POTC.
February 17, 201114 yr Think of this though for the BP, it will surely come with some form of villain as the sets each have to have some action, whether or not it follows the movie as the sets are mainly aimed for kids. So with that in mind we may have our hand son some awesome figures (if not a kraken )
February 17, 201114 yr I was wondering if this set was going to be a single wave shot of TLC, so I started to search around the internet for possible rumors about PotC part 5 and found the following: I can still remember when the third installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean seems to be the last for Captain Jack Sparrow. But when On Stranger Tides was being produced, I said "Oh there's fourth!" Now that the fourth installment is in post-production, Disney gives as a hint that Pirates 5 and 6 may be a sure go. HitFix reports that "Disney has begun quietly telling cast and crew to set aside a major block of time in the very near future so they can shoot" the films. As with the second and third sequels, the plan apparently is for these latest installments to be shot back to back. Of course, you can't make a Pirates movie without Captain Jack Sparrow himself, Johnny Depp. But the actor is committed to shooting Dark Shadows (with Tim Burton) and The Lone Ranger (with original Pirates director Gore Verbinski) in 2011. So when would parts five and six get made? HitFix points out that a shoot like this could take a good chunk of a year. WHOOHOO part 5 and 6 I found some more rumors to support this message. So with this in mind (if this wave is a success), we can expect a lot more Jack Sparrow figures in the future. The thing is that Disney has hired Terry Rossio to write a script for Pirates 5, but he himself says: The idea that a 5th and 6th pirates film is being planned by Disney, and that they're planned to shoot back-to-back, is utter nonsense. The notion that "key cast members should block out their schedules" is an absurd statement, and shows that whomever started the rumor doesn't know how studio pictures work. (Actors do not "block out their schedules" unless they've been offered a role, which means the film is written, approved, green lit, and budgeted, and scheduled, which means a director has been hired, and a screenplay is done, etc. None of that is even possible to happen without many complex deals for key players having been completed, and not even any of that is done.) Also, the studio would *never* plan to shoot back-to-back sequels. There isn't any cost savings, and it creates the problem that the films have to be released too closely together (P3 came out a scant 11 months after P2). Here's the reality of further sequels. If On Stranger Tides does well, then the studio would be inclined to want to produce another sequel, if they liked the screenplay, and if Johnny Depp wants to do it, and if the economics of it all worked out and made sense. You can always find someone somewhere to speculate that it's a good idea -- but that doesn't mean anything is actually happening. While the studio might be thinking about it, and we all might toss around ideas for another movie, nothing will be decided for certain until after May 20th of next year, at the earliest. And nothing would be decided for anything other than a single next movie. (originally posted on keeptothecode.com)Temper all that skepticism with "But they HAVE a script underway." Also, 4 is costing some 100 million less than 3, and will probably make just as much money, so there's no real worries on the financial front. I for one would love for them to keep making them as long as Johnny Depp wants to and they remain entertaining. EDIT: I finally found the quote I was looking for. Edited February 17, 201114 yr by punkkid364
February 17, 201114 yr If i know hollywood they will be at least another pirates movie after 4 (depending on how well it does) they are just a big cash cow. Take avatar for example how much money did that gross? now we are getting the avatar sequels...i just hope they don't ruin the pirate genre by flooding it with pirates of the caribbean movie. But i have heard Steven Spielberg is wanting to turn Michael Crichton's "Pirate Latitudes" into a movie, i finished reading the book the other day its pretty good.
February 18, 201114 yr I know these pics are no different then the ones that MTV released! But they are larger and show more details. All pictures link to larger versions! 4181 Isla De La Muerta 4182 The Cannibal Escape 4183 The Mill 4191 Fountain of Youth 4191 The Captains Cabin 4193 The London Escape 4194 Whitecap Bay 4195 Queen Anne's Revenge Enjoy! :jollyroger:
February 18, 201114 yr Brickbeard's Bounty only has 592 pieces, whereas the Black Pearl has 800 odd, hopefully even though it is smaller than QAR it still has an extra deck like IFS and an actual door into the cabin. Remember most of QAR's pieces are skele heads and bones.
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