June 14, 201212 yr I'd also recommend using a site like PicResize.com to get the pictures to this size guideline of 800x600 or smaller. Then upload the resized photo to one of those sites listed above. HERE is a list of tutorials, including how to deeplink your photos from the host site, for further help. Finally, Welcome to EB!
June 17, 201212 yr I have had problems posting images of my MOC in the train forums. When I try to post it, it says that the image is too large to upload. In the Member Guidelines for Eurobricks it says; Don't post images that are over 800x600 or are LEGO confidential. Images rarely need to be over 640x480, and any that are over 1MB (including GIFs) are not allowed unless there is admin approval. I tried resizing the image to 640 x 420. It still said that the image was too large. There was an image in my first post, and it worked back then. In the meantime, you can see my MOC at; http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/326733 If you know the solution, please tell me how I can solve this problem, or solve the problem yourself.
June 17, 201212 yr I'm quoting from a similar thread Eurobricks isn't intended to be used to host pictures for normal members, so you should first upload your pictures to another site, such as Brickshelf, flickr, or Photobucket, and then embed the pictures on EB. (there's a tutorial on embedding from Brickshelf here and there're instructions to embed from flickr here) There, BD said it best!
June 18, 201212 yr Yes, Foog is correct and the thread he pointed out is only 4 topics below this one. Be sure to search for your answer in the future. I'll merge this thread with the existing one.
August 28, 201212 yr ive been trying so long just to post some pics,this is a hard site to work with,image size problems,got that sorted then have to add 5 replys before i can start a topic,what size pics can u normally upload?ive resized all of mine but still only very few work,can anyone help?
August 28, 201212 yr ive been trying so long just to post some pics,this is a hard site to work with,image size problems,got that sorted then have to add 5 replys before i can start a topic,what size pics can u normally upload?ive resized all of mine but still only very few work,can anyone help? Most of your questions are answered in the Eurobricks FAQ (link in my signature) which is where you should start if you run into any problem on EB. In particular, see here for upload problems. Are you trying to upload your photos directly to EB? We can't host your pictures so you need to upload them to an image hosting service such as Brickshelf or Flickr first. You will find links to relevant tutorials in the FAQ. By the way, please try to check your spelling, use capitalization and avoid writing 'u' instead of 'you'. Let me quote the Member guidelines: English skills and Clarity: Try to be clear and precise when posting and use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. We do tolerate bad English as we are a site that welcomes users from all around the world, but we don't tolerate laziness. No l33t sp34k or "texting language". We don't criticize international users who are non-native English speakers, but are trying to post in English. You probably couldn't do as well in their language. Bear this in mind.
September 17, 201212 yr Hey guys, I was wondering: "How do you post pictures in a topic in the MCW Forum?" I want to post some pictures of my new custom minifig right into a topic but, whenever I click on the "insert a photo/image" icon in the 'Topic Toolbar' it asks me to enter a URL for the image in order to post it in the topic, but the images I want to post are on the Desktop of my (Mac OS X) computer, so I don't have a URL adress (or link) to enter. So far all I'm able to do with regards to posting images is to use the "insert a link" icon and post the link to my Flickr photostream, but I really want to be able to post pictures straight in the topic, (article) like I've seen many other users do, when they post custom minifigs and images of their decals. All comments, replys and feedback are welcome (and appreciated). Thanks again for all the help. ~Jake Burklin Edited September 17, 201212 yr by RoyalBrickCustoms
September 17, 201212 yr Eurobricks is not an image hosting site, and as such, you'll have to host your photos externally. See my signature for links on tutorials.
September 30, 201212 yr Hi, I just registered yesterday and now I'm trying to post a new topic in sci-fi about my MOC. I used the insert image tool to link to my flickr where I uploaded the pictures of it (originally in png format, because I made them with LDD's built-in photo tool). When I try to upload the topic I get an erro saying "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board.". By my count, I already had the 5 posts required to be able to post links (there is one in my topic), so that shouldn't be the problem. Might it be the original png format? My other (lesser) problem is that I can't watch other people's profiles. When I try I get this message: "[#10245] You are not permitted to view member profiles.". Is this another restriction for new members I don't know about or is this something else? Thanks in advance for any help.
September 30, 201212 yr Welcome to EB, JayLogan. You will be able to see profiles (including your own) once your reach 10 posts, this is detailed in the Eurobricks FAQ (link in my signature). I'm not sure if you can post images before your 10th post either. The board does allow PNG file embedding:
September 30, 201212 yr Posting images before ten posts shouldn't be a problem. I think if you weren't allowed to, you'd get an error message along the lines of, "You don't have permission to post images". The message you got, "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board," usually occurs when you use a URL other than that of the image. Image URLs should end in an image file type, like '.png', '.jpg', or '.gif'. Which URL are you trying to use with the Insert Image tool?
September 30, 201212 yr Posting images before ten posts shouldn't be a problem. I think if you weren't allowed to, you'd get an error message along the lines of, "You don't have permission to post images". The message you got, "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board," usually occurs when you use a URL other than that of the image. Image URLs should end in an image file type, like '.png', '.jpg', or '.gif'. Which URL are you trying to use with the Insert Image tool? I was trying to link this for exmple, I thought it would work with the simple flickr link, but it doesn't so I think I'll grab it from the html/bbc code and thanks for the help guys, I'll report back if it works.
September 30, 201212 yr I was trying to link this for exmple, I thought it would work with the simple flickr link, but it doesn't so I think I'll grab it from the html/bbc code and thanks for the help guys, I'll report back if it works. Yeah, you'll need the URL of the image itself. There're instructions for embedding flickr photos on EB here.
September 30, 201212 yr Yeah, you'll need the URL of the image itself. There're instructions for embedding flickr photos on EB here. I just figured out if I simply embed the flickr image's BBCode it will appear as a picture in the post, at least it did in the preview, so I'll do that. Once again, thanks for the help :) It worked fine with the BBCode, and thanks for all the help, here's the topic posted if you're interested.
October 25, 201212 yr I am brand new to Eurobricks and need some help in understanding the rules for uploading pictures. I have read all of the tutorials but can't find the answer to my dilema. I apologize up front if this is answered elsewhere. I understand the 800x600 picture size limit. Howeve, what I need clarification on is the total upload limit. I posted one reply and was warned that the limit was 100kb. Is this the total limit for that specific post? That is pretty small because I was limited to one picture that was 51kb. I ask that question because I tried to post another reply and the message I got was that I have exceeded my attachment limit. I want to post additional pictures of MOCs but I seem to be very restricted. Or, maybe I am just confused. Please help.
October 25, 201212 yr The up loaded limit is really only to be used when uploading files on Eurobricks and not pictures. When posting pictures here on Eurobricks you should use a photo hosting company: Flickr,Photobucket,Brickshelf etc..... Both Flickr and Photobucket are popular because they have a built in photo editing suite. Edited October 25, 201212 yr by Alasdair Ryan
October 25, 201212 yr Eurobricks is not an image hosting site. Upload your photos to dedicated image hosting sites, like flickr, Brickshelf or Photobucket, then deeplink the photos into your post. Information on deeplinking can be found in the tutorials in my signature.
October 25, 201212 yr Eurobricks is not an image hosting site. Upload your photos to dedicated image hosting sites, like flickr, Brickshelf or Photobucket, then deeplink the photos into your post. Information on deeplinking can be found in the tutorials in my signature. Thanks. I now go to study the art of deeplinking. I did see it discussed in the tutorials.
March 25, 201311 yr Sorry if this is in the wrong place or anything but i would like to learn how to post MOCs please. Thank you!
March 25, 201311 yr Check the FAQs for more details. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=71241 Find the theme you think your MOC belongs to (eg Star Wars, History, Town etc), create a topic (you seem to have worked out how to do that) and using the above tutorials to figure out about cropping, resizing, hosting etc your photos - link to them in your post and tell us a bit about it!
March 29, 201311 yr Lots of times on EB I notice I can only upload a small amount of memory. Do I need to move up ranks? Right now I don't have enough to post a thumbnail.
March 29, 201311 yr Lots of times on EB I notice I can only upload a small amount of memory. Do I need to move up ranks? Right now I don't have enough to post a thumbnail. Please refer to the Eurobricks FAQ, specifically this index post. Short answer: Because Eurobricks is not an image hosting site, you'll need to host your pictures elsewhere (e.g., flickr or Brickshelf) and embed them in your posts. Tips on how to do that can also be found in the FAQ.
May 21, 201311 yr Just noticed that Flickr has changed its limit, non-paying users can now store up to 1TB of photos! (Still unlimited for pro) I know many members were avoiding using Flickr because of the limit of 200 photos for free accounts, so there you go - Brickshelf becomes less "compulsory-ish" as an option.
May 21, 201311 yr Just noticed that Flickr has changed its limit, non-paying users can now store up to 1TB of photos! (Still unlimited for pro) Great news! Although I feel sorry for the people who recently purchased a pro account. I had the feeling Yahoo would do something like that, it was only a matter of time.. this 200 pic limit was becoming absurd in view of the competition.
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