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Hmmm. I'm a bit suspicious of Becka Bulldog. She came to me in private asking all about my powder, comparing it to Booker's orb, saying it doesn't protect me from fire, like Booker's orb. Saying, not asking. I haven't been attacked by an arsonist, and though it would sure be handy to test if my powder burns arsonists as well as it burns Crows, I'd rather not have to test it. Y'know?

However, I reviewed Becka's voting pattern yesterday and it's all well and good, so I don't know.

Also, I'm convinced someone who's contacted me is scum. I'm paranoid. As far as I know everyone is scum. :tongue: Guilty until proven innocent, and all that...

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I'm really, really convinced of Edgar Elephant's non-scum position. He took a concrete position as the anti-arsonist, and the arsonist struck last night. So, he's borderline cleared. If you have a town role, particularly the investigator, please let Edgar know. He's very safe bet. And then true town can start to kill off the scum in our ranks.

And now, the Meta Report!

I've been doing a lot of PMs in the last few days, so I'll generally address them now:

1) I've been somewhat drunk this week. I'm finishing my job after seven years, and its been a weird emotional rollercoaster. Plus the disaster this week. So some PMs have been better than others.

2) I forgot, cause I'm hungover. Sunday, Sunday...

But, for today, I won't be voting for the lamb. I have no reason to.


Hmmm. I'm a bit suspicious of Becka Bulldog. She came to me in private asking all about my powder, comparing it to Booker's orb, saying it doesn't protect me from fire, like Booker's orb. Saying, not asking.

From the events and claims so far, it seems protection in this game is only from one source of evil (given the all-fur nature of this, I'm sure I'm not telling the evil forces anything new here :hmpf_bad: ). Booker's orb apparently didn't protect him from fire, although it was suggested it was a form of protection. And Edgar claims to protect from the arsonist only. So indeed it was merely an observation. I'm pretty convinced you're an innocent villager at this point and told you as much in our private conversation. And I sure hope that powder of yours burns the arsonists' skin off as well.

As to what happened around Edgar last night. I guess it's possible that only innocent villagers targeted him. I'm just surprised at the lack of coordination of efforts of those who apparently know more of the situation. The nexus of all of this, Edgar, is convinced by now that they're all innocent, yet Ms. Bunny has been going public with her suspicions. :wacko:


So there's all this talk and nothing conclusive, really. The only thing that pops out, for me, is Pennie Pig and his odd behavior. It could be nothing, but it could be something, too :look: . The other is everything with Edger, but I've nothing really to add there (yet)...

Well first off I am a girl, you can check my very wet pussy if you want. :devil:

I still don't believe Horace completely byt he made a convincing argument against my point so why is it un-usual that I unvoted him. Apart from that I don't know how to help when I have nothing to contribute, I have no information unlike the elephant and bunny. If I had anything useful to say I would say it, I can start spamming megablocks if you want but what difference will it make.

I really don't know if voting out Lauren Lamb is right but Brigit you are putting peoples lives in danger, the village are likely to have blockers and just because Edgar told people that he had a night action does not mean he is clear so at this stage a innocent blocker can still use his power on Edgar. Now he could still be scum and in which case I apologise but I just think that we need to stop bringing attention to people with night actions, especially these useful ones. So by no means am I meaning to defend Lauren, I just think you need to be more careful with what you reveal to the public.

I will wait to vote seen as my next vote is set in stone.


Well first off I am a girl, you can check my very wet pussy if you want. :devil:

*gasp* Mind your language, Pennie! :oh: We're all civilized and prudent animals here!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go moisten my flower.

I really don't know if voting out Lauren Lamb is right but Brigit you are putting peoples lives in danger.

Before I go, I just want to remind you that we're all in danger here. Somebody's most probably going to die next night as well, and the night after that, and every night until we either get rid of the evil-doers or are all dead ourselves.

We need to vote out someone, and of course that means putting someone at risk. We might make a serious mistake, but we won't know that for sure until we do it.

But if Edgar is really convinced that Lauren is innocent, then I will have to unvote: Lauren Lamb/Zepher.

Now, I sincerely hope you guys have some other name to vote for instead. :hmpf:


Well, so much for night actions. Unless someone counters Lauren, then I will assume she's telling the truth. Which is a shame as that means another useful power has been exposed. Brigit seemed like she was trying to be helpful however, so I feel she is trustworthy as well.

Horace's claim about being attacked is believable and while I can see a possible scum motivation, I feel that it would be too much of a bold move for one of the demon legion to make.

Wendell has done nothing to help the town to this point, and certainly deserves some scrutiny.

As well as Wendell, I would not have called Felix helpful over some of the people on that list.

We were worried about people causing distractions yesterday, so today we go after the observant ones?

I don't suppose you have any opinions on what you've observed?


Those people are Bristol Bunny, Bruno Bear, Cara Cow, Gabby Goat, Gilbert Goat, Lauren Lamb, Lazlo Lion, Marcus Monkey, Mindy Mouse, Pennie Pig and Sheldon Sheepdog.

With the lack of any other solid evidence to go on, I think Benji's idea is worth a shot. It's a tried and tested idea, after all, if Wendell's books are anything to go by.

With this in mind, I made a list of people who haven't said very much. It's no reflection on the quality of what they might have said. The people who have spoken the least, at this point, are: Bristol, Felix, Gabby, Kaley, Lazlo, Marcus, Sheldon and Wendell.

I then cross-referenced this list to the voting from yesterday. Here's where things begin to look interesting...

Bristol, Felix, Gabby, and Sheldon all voted for Edgar after he began making his defence. Of these, all but Gabby subsequently withdrew their vote when it was clear a majority wouldn't be reached. It was commented a number of times yesterday that the speed of the bandwagon and its refusal to take note of Edgar's pleas was suspicious.

I'll give the people listed here a chance to speak, but I would suggest we consider voting for one of these if something more solid doesn't come up.


Hey all,

Well, me and Cameron obviously think alike because I also decided to note down how many times each person has posted and here are the results:

Becka Bulldog (Rick)-4

Benji Bulldog (Walter Kovacs)-10

Brigit Bunny (Sandy)-9

Bristol Bunny (Bob the Construction Man)-2

Bruno Bear (Scouts)-3

Cameron Crocodile (Rufus)-8

Cara Cow (badboytje88)-6

Edgar Elephant (WhiteFang)-3

Felix Fox (Shadows)-2

Gabby Goat (Ricecracker)-1

Gilbert Goat (Fugazi)-7

Helen Hippo (def)-3

Horace Horse (iamded)-9

Kaley Cat (Lord Arjay)-2

Kenda Cat (I Scream Clone)-5

Lauren Lamb (Zepher)-8

Lazlo Lion (TinyPiesRUs)-1

Marcus Monkey (Inconspicuous)-2

Mindy Mouse (professor flitwick)-4

Pennie Pig (Eskallon)-7

Portia Poodle (Cornelius Murdock)-6

Sheldon Sheepdog (Quarryman)-3

Wendell Walrus (Stash2Sixx)-2

So Lazlo Lion and Gabby Goat both have only posted once today, so then I decided I would check how many times they posted yesterday and what they actually said today:

Gabby Goat:

What a shame Booker's dead! It's unfortunate that his orb didn't save him, though hopefully it'll be redistributed.

It appears that we do need to lynch someone today, but I'm no closer to knowing who. I'm definitely more convinced of Edgar's innocence, but I still trust no one.

Gabby Goat posted 3 times yesterday which isn't a lot but considering we had nothing to go on and no clue it isn't too bad. Her only post today was fairly useless and she doesn't seem to be contributing at all even though she has had enough time to listen in on what we have been saying. As Cameron also just said, she was the only one not to take back her vote after the defence was presented and made clear.

Lazlo Lion:

ROOAARR! This certainly is interesting. While the presence of an arsonist has now been confirmed, it is rather odd that he didn't choose to target Edgar, considering that Edgar implied that no other kind of protector would be able to stop the arsonist.

I'm inclined to believe Horace. ROOAAARRR!!! No one else has presented an explanation for the red and green flashes that occurred last night, and lying about those would be a too risky a move for scum to make.

Speaking of which, I'm still confused about these flashes. Do flashes occur every time magic is used? If so, it's rather odd we'd see so few of them. The implication I got was that the majority of our night actions are the result of the baker and his wife's magic gifts... ROOAARR!!!

Yesterday he posted once and today once again only once, seen as there are only two posts he has made the second can be viewed here. Both posts are utterly useless and he only asks questions. Yesterday he did buggar-all, that post was early in the day and it said absolutely nothing. Having only two posts in two days so far this makes him the most quiet and use-less person here. I think he should be the one to go.

Well, the evidence is here so you would be an idiot to ignore it, these two haven't done anything. I will vote but seen as I cannot Un-vote today I want to make sure that the vote will count for something so I want your opinion's first.


Pennie Pig


Bristol, Felix, Gabby, and Sheldon all voted for Edgar after he began making his defence. Of these, all but Gabby subsequently withdrew their vote when it was clear a majority wouldn't be reached. It was commented a number of times yesterday that the speed of the bandwagon and its refusal to take note of Edgar's pleas was suspicious.

I'll give the people listed here a chance to speak, but I would suggest we consider voting for one of these if something more solid doesn't come up.

Well, I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't say I unvoted once it was clear a conviction wouldn't be reached, if you go back and check you'll see I was the third person unvoting Edgar, which I did that after talking to him in private, Edgar can confirm this. So if anything I'd say I was a clear contributor to the fact that he wasn't convicted. At the time I unvoted there were 10 votes against him, 13 would have had him convicted so at that time it could easily have gone either way.


Well, I can only speak for myself, but I wouldn't say I unvoted once it was clear a conviction wouldn't be reached, if you go back and check you'll see I was the third person unvoting Edgar, which I did that after talking to him in private, Edgar can confirm this. So if anything I'd say I was a clear contributor to the fact that he wasn't convicted. At the time I unvoted there were 10 votes against him, 13 would have had him convicted so at that time it could easily have gone either way.

Fair point Sheldon, but it's not you I'm most suspicious of.


This doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere. I'll be blunt, I'm still not sold on Edgar's story, but there are a lot of you who aren't making much sense right now either, which I think is mostly a product of early confusion and attempting to conceal your roles, whether they are village, scum or 3rd party blah blah. I do find it suspicious when people defend each other despite having no apparent proof that they can trust the person they're defending. It seems a little like something the scum would do, since they should be aware of their allies and we aren't. :sceptic:

I really had hoped that today would dawn with some new information, and instead we lost a villager, got a stupid puzzle to solve with no point of reference to give us the slightest clue how to solve it, and a lot of speculating. As a result of not having anything new to add personally, I'm not saying much, it doesn't help the situation. I would suggest that those of you who don't have much to add do the same so as not to distract from the issues at hand.

Much like yesterday, I'll be here to vote if we get a semi-solid lead, and if we change our minds mid-day, I'll also unvote, but let's try to be careful with that. In the meantime, I'm going to take a nap. I get up at the break of day and have already put in a lot of hours tending to my delicious crops. I've brought big, juicy carrots for all of you, so enjoy a little snack and work hard thinking this out!


I appreciate you looking into me - I really do. It's that kind of inquiry we need to get the Demon Legionnaires. Unfortunately, you won't get any further by getting rid of me. I haven't contributed much, that's true, but I don't have anything to add to this conversation. I'd rather sit back and observe than add nothing while talking.

I was afraid of what would happen yesterday if we did not convict anyone, and it's clear that we got lucky. I now trust Edgar, but I was skeptical of his defence yesterday, and had nothing else to go on.

I'll be the first one to tell you that you won't lose much by getting rid of me; I have no special powers. It would still help the scum, though.


Right now, no one can proved their innocence for sure unless the normal investigator can prove it and I am assuming those who targeted at me and come forth to me with what they can do by explaining. I can said I trust their words for it, at least for now. I just need to put their night actions into test later tonight. Of course, I could be making a serious mistake if I wrong. I am not a good vivid player that can present the findings in an interactive manner. For sure, I can't reveal their names and it will endanger them. We need to keep all of the useful night actions together.

I know of the blocker, the watcher and the protector who have come forth. Of course, if they are bluffing me... Then I am in real deep shit but I highly doubt that at this stage and my stand may change in later days, provided if I am still around.

I am going to go with my gut feelings and put one of the fellow villagers in danger. Among the many suspicious people that I have in mind and listed by others, I am going to vote for Bistrol Bunny (note this is not an official vote) and I will probably do it in the next post, since voting and unvoting involved in some rules. I know this is going to be plain stupidly dumb but I am going to do it since I am already in danger and there is no point to risk my allies.

Of course, if I am wrong and I could be wrong, then I will be blamed for life. Some of you out there trusted me and instead of risking villagers' life who claimed to have useful night actions, I could rather go for the quieter ones, unless of course until the tables turned over with Bistrol's explanation, then I will re-consider my stand.

I have not voted yet but I need to get our discussion moving. Who shares the same sentiments like I do before I cast the official vote? If you guys have another specific person in mind, please share. I am going for my gut feeling and I know I will be rant and scream at for using my gut feeling. That gut feeling was actually looking at what God's illustration and I don't want to get mod-killed by pointing that out. :blush:


What's interesting is that so many in this town want to point a random finger...for the sake of just learning something after a vote? That makes sense; how about you start a vote for yourself?

And we are gonna base our votes on people who say little to nothing? Seriously, how did some of you ever get into this town?

Facts we know (please feel free to add to this...)

Basura Bear is dead at the moment.

There is an arsonist.

So until anyone has anything that can be confirmed by multiple people, then everything is speculation. We really know nothing.


That gut feeling was actually looking at what God's illustration and I don't want to get mod-killed by pointing that out. :blush:


Mod note: How do I put this? I stated that the pictures at the end of Day One were jokes. I'm just going to bang my head against a wall instead of saying anything more.

Vote tally

Eskallon / Pennie Pig: 1 vote (penalty)



Mod note: How do I put this? I stated that the pictures at the end of Day One were jokes. I'm just going to bang my head against a wall instead of saying anything more.

Sorry!!! Then, I will retract my above statement and quote that this ongoing conviction is based on mine gut feeling. I will shut up about those pictures.


Facts we know (please feel free to add to this...)

Basura Bear is dead at the moment.

There is an arsonist.

Random kill if there is not a conviction...


Facts we know (please feel free to add to this...)

Basura Bear is dead at the moment.

There is an arsonist.

Edger is not a night killer.


Edger is not a night killer

He said facts. Facts have proof. Right now, someone's word isn't proof. I'm not saying Edgar is a night killer, but it's not a fact.

And it's Edgar, not Edger.


So until anyone has anything that can be confirmed by multiple people, then everything is speculation. We really know nothing.

It is true. When I shared my story in Day 1, no one believes me. OK, half of the village believes me and half don't. I know of the arsonist's presence and how could I know because it was prior information. Apart from me and the arsonist, no one knew. They could rather grill me in public to reveal important info which is exclusive to me...

There was a party last night in my house and was verified by multiple hidden sources. I was blocked last night, protected and watched last night and I think all of these roles, of course someone could come forth and act innocent and actual scummy behind the cloak. In this case, last night the arsonist will prefer not to take me out and go for a random target. But since this is a cat and mouse game, no one knew who that person is. I won't know for sure... It will take me many more "days" for me to figure that out.

What puzzles me is why Horace's story is not featuring in the day's opening? Or am I missing something as I am too focused on my party last night.


Sorry!!! Then, I will retract my above statement and quote that this ongoing conviction is based on mine gut feeling. I will shut up about those pictures.

Mod note: :hmpf:

*time to throw down*

*bangs head against wall*

*Checks to make sure he's in All-Star game and not mafia school*

I posted jokes at the end of Day One and warned people not to find clues there. Any other pictures I post may have pertinent information or clues in them. I refuse to point out the difference. Don't make me cut all the jokes and fun. Differentiate, people. It really can't be that hard.


Sorry!!! Then, I will retract my above statement and quote that this ongoing conviction is based on mine gut feeling. I will shut up about those pictures.

I apologies and I stand by my earlier words and I misinterpret the mod's word. My statement above for Bistrol was based on Day 2 pictorial illustration opening.


He said facts. Facts have proof. Right now, someone's word isn't proof. I'm not saying Edgar is a night killer, but it's not a fact.

And it's Edgar, not Edger.

Thanks. Dumby lamb. Hahaha. Well, a NUMBER of people have said that Edgar was blocked last night, so unless they're alllllll lying, i think we know he wasn't out killing.

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