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Hmm. :sceptic:

You do understand that I was in a similar position to yourself yesterday, having presented information, and I was believed only after I had shown evidence (that the conversation between myself and the late Mr. Bombay did occur as I had described it) to some of the other people on the island. So with all due respect, why should we believe you when you have no evidence, when I was not believed until I presented the evidence?

Good point, although if we do take Raquel at her word that it was indeed someone with long hair, it would only be right to add her to the list of 'long haired' suspects, as well, because her hair does have to be of considerable length to be able to twist up on the sides of her head... :wink:

I agree with Bridget, it is eazy to accuse someone, but without any evidence it just makes you suspicious Racquel. Juzt a reminder to everybody, ze killers amongst us will likely divert the attention away from them, and can easily confuse us with false accusations. And if someone is really a concerned innocent he/she will not do anything that could hurt the majority. Unless you Racquel could provide some solid evidence, your statement will just put you in a precarious position. If you really have good intentions, then you would do things in favor of the innocents.

if we do take Raquel at her word that it was indeed someone with long hair, it would only be right to add her to the list of 'long haired' suspects, as well, because her hair does have to be of considerable length to be able to twist up on the sides of her head... :wink:

I concur. I saw a movie once of someone who had a similar hairstyle. I recall that that character had hair that extended past her shoulders.

Oh, dear guests.

I wasn't accusing someone. I merely said "I saw someone slip away". It was a simple observation.

if we do take Raquel at her word that it was indeed someone with long hair, it would only be right to add her to the list of 'long haired' suspects, as well, because her hair does have to be of considerable length to be able to twist up on the sides of her head...

I must've been staring at a mirror then. :laugh:Ai, dios mio.

Oh, dear guests.

I wasn't accusing someone. I merely said "I saw someone slip away". It was a simple observation.

I must've been staring at a mirror then. :laugh:Ai, dios mio.

Admiring yourself in the mirror when you should be working? What would Mr. Crusoe say? :grin:

Whoah, it's early morning still and I'm suffering from information overload already. Dreo, a drink or two to wake me up, please :wacko:

Chef was innocent, let that be a lesson to us all that we should not be so eager to judge. But if the bad guys did not kill anyone last night, perhaps Mr. Crusoe came to his senses and gave back whatever he stole, so now we can enjoy our vacation again and get into the romance :tongue: No..? Bummer.


I wasn't accusing someone. I merely said "I saw someone slip away". It was a simple observation.


Indeed, but I guess the question everyone is asking themselves now is why would you say such a thing? I saw a lot of things yesterday, but I don't go around announcing it to the world. Hell, after my drinks and chill-pill yesterday I think I even saw the sea monster that Danielle keeps warning us about, no diggety :wacko:

Woo! Keith's right! I get out of my bed and the discussion is already rolling!

It's terrible that Ravi was a townie, makes me scared we are going to lynch another one and the real culprits will not be caught. I think we should dwell on the happy side though, no one killed in the night. Lets hope we have lots more nights like that, its bad enough with us lynching people to die under mister Crusoe's torture.

Im going to have a nice chai latte now. I can see its going to be hard for meals now that we don't have a chef.


Im going to have a nice chai latte now. I can see its going to be hard for meals now that we don't have a chef.


We'll just have to learn how to fish... Maybe that would also help with the sea monster problem. :wink:

We'll just have to learn how to fish... Maybe that would also help with the sea monster problem. :wink:

I'll go fishing with you! This time you can catch and cook me dinner instead of just taking me to the restaurant. :sweet:

Indeed, but I guess the question everyone is asking themselves now is why would you say such a thing? I saw a lot of things yesterday, but I don't go around announcing it to the world. Hell, after my drinks and chill-pill yesterday I think I even saw the sea monster that Danielle keeps warning us about, no diggety :wacko:

That is the question. Why would Raquel openly accuse people with long hair, then say she wasn't accusing anyone? :wacko:

I'll go fishing with you! This time you can catch and cook me dinner instead of just taking me to the restaurant. :sweet:

That works for me! :sweet:

Why would Raquel openly accuse people with long hair, then say she wasn't accusing anyone? :wacko:

Maybe she just made a mistake. Or she made it up. :sceptic:

That works for me! :sweet:

Great! :sweet: So... I guess we'll have to fish of the pier since the only boat is at the bottom of the ocean?

But if the bad guys did not kill anyone last night, perhaps Mr. Crusoe came to his senses and gave back whatever he stole, so now we can enjoy our vacation again and get into the romance :tongue: No..? Bummer.

I hope it was eazy as that, but we still have to remain vigilant even if no one got killed lazt night. I still believe someone among us protected ze target of ze killer, we really need him/her for all of us innocents to survive this ordeal.

We certainly don't want another innocent to be convicted, and I know I somehow failed you guyz by leading the vote against Mr. Bombay, zo I'd like to know how shall we proceed then with finding out ze killers? I'd really like to see more participation from those who are really concerned.

I hope it was eazy as that, but we still have to remain vigilant even if no one got killed lazt night. I still believe someone among us protected ze target of ze killer, we really need him/her for all of us innocents to survive this ordeal.

We certainly don't want another innocent to be convicted, and I know I somehow failed you guyz by leading the vote against Mr. Bombay, zo I'd like to know how shall we proceed then with finding out ze killers? I'd really like to see more participation from those who are really concerned.

Well, we haven't much to go on. All we have is behavior at this point... :look:

I know I somehow failed you guyz by leading the vote against Mr. Bombay, zo I'd like to know how shall we proceed then with finding out ze killers? I'd really like to see more participation from those who are really concerned.

It was I who brought forth the bad information concerning him, so I wouldn't consider you responsible.

But unfortunately, I too have nothing to go on today.

Oh no! I can't believe that the chef was loyal. He told so many lies that we couldn't believe him anymore. I really hope that we can find some reliable evidence to convict a Mafia member.

Oh wow. so much has already happened. Sigh, yes, be careful fishing guys. I'll come with you, as long as I dont have to get too close to the water edge.... :look:

I doubt that Mr Crusoe will give back whatever he stole. :angry: I mean after all, he did just kill one of us in anger, assuming one of us is the murderer.

Sorry I got mad at you Raquel, its good to see that Im not the ONLY one cleaning up this dump. :grin:


So, where to from here indeed.... *huh*

Long hair you say? hmmm... I'm so glad I don't have long hair... :wink:

As for me, I don't think I have any hair. :tongue:

As for me, I don't think I have any hair. :tongue:

Lemme see under that cap!




I understand your pointz Kylan, and they sound valid to me. So what do you propoze to do? We question Mr. Crusoe? Is it even possible to convict our host? Well, he iz indeed a former member of the mafia so he knowz ze ways of ze killers...

I feel that this is the closest thing we have to an idea at this stage. I would like some answers from him for sure. I do believe it is possible to convict the host.

The rest of you can go off fishing and complain about food like nothing has been happening around you, but when my life threatened I want answers.

As for Raquel and her careless or leading comments. I do believe she is trying to shine a suspicious light around just to make people bite. Maybe cleaning up the blood of Ravi just isn't enough work for her. :hmpf_bad:

I would like some answers from him for sure. I do believe it is possible to convict the host.

I don't think so. If you look at The Cast list the list of people on this island for us to choose from to vote, Mr. Crusoe is not listed.

Of course, I'm pretty sure that list is from Mr. Crusoe, so...

I've also read books on this subject, and convicting the host is something that really isn't done. Besides, Mr. Crusoe does the interrogation and killing of the people we convict, so how could we know his allegiance and then dispose of him if he were Mafia?

Maybe she just made a mistake. Or she made it up. :sceptic:

Great! :sweet: So... I guess we'll have to fish of the pier since the only boat is at the bottom of the ocean?

That'll work! :sweet: Why did that killer have to wreck our only boat? :hmpf_bad: I guess we could make fishing poles out of the broken wood... No killer is going to stop us from having a great time! :sweet:

I don't think so. If you look at The Cast list the list of people on this island for us to choose from to vote, Mr. Crusoe is not listed.

Of course, I'm pretty sure that list is from Mr. Crusoe, so...

I've also read books on this subject, and convicting the host is something that really isn't done. Besides, Mr. Crusoe does the interrogation and killing of the people we convict, so how could we know his allegiance and then dispose of him if he were Mafia?

Good point there, and it's because he stole something and hid from the Mafia, that this problem has come up. It couldn't of been Mr. Crusoe, but I think he knows more than he says... :wink:

We'll just have to learn how to fish... Maybe that would also help with the sea monster problem. :wink:

Fishing sounds good, but we can't get to distracted. Remember we need to keep fishing :grin: finding information so we can vote someone (and hopefully it will be one of the killers!) off in the next few hours.

Good point there, and it's because he stole something and hid from the Mafia, that this problem has come up. It couldn't of been Mr. Crusoe, but I think he knows more than he says... :wink:

Yeah, it would be nice if Crusoe would give us more information.


So let'z analyze ze possible ways we could do to move forward:

1.) Zero in on those who have done or said something suzpicious, especially that iz against normal innocent behavior. Each one of uz might have someone in mind, and right now Racquel saying something without concrete evidence is either scummy or head-scratching ala-Mr. Bombay.

2.) Explore on thoze who are eerily silent, which is normal (but not conclusive) scummy behavior. If someone iz really innocent, they wouldn't hurt their co-innocents by remaining silent on the sidelines.

3.) Questioning our host, Mr. Crusoe, might help shedding some light on thiz confusion, but lynching him out iz like wasting our precious votes, and I think it'z too risky of a move. We're already one man down, and it'z criical for us to correctly convict ze killer this time.

4.) Remain silent, like go fishing or play baseball, and just wait for something to happen, which most of uz seem to want to do. :hmpf_bad: That is scummy behaviour IMO, so I suggezt to read the actions of thoze who usually veer away from finding ze killer and would rather 'wait, wait, and wait' until nothing happens...

1.) Zero in on those who have done or said something suzpicious, especially that iz against normal innocent behavior. Each one of uz might have someone in mind, and right now Racquel saying something without concrete evidence is either scummy or head-scratching ala-Mr. Bombay.

I agree. Right now suspicious behavior is our only lead.

2.) Explore on thoze who are eerily silent, which is normal (but not conclusive) scummy behavior. If someone iz really innocent, they wouldn't hurt their co-innocents by remaining silent on the sidelines.

It's still early in the day, and some of the people are still in bed. I don't think we can reliably use this information to convict someone until at least noon time.

4.) Remain silent, like go fishing or play baseball, and just wait for something to happen, which most of uz seem to want to do. :hmpf_bad: That is scummy behaviour IMO, so I suggezt to read the actions of thoze who usually veer away from finding ze killer and would rather 'wait, wait, and wait' until nothing happens...

Just trying to stay occupied. I have discussed our situation, such as why we shouldn't convict our host or why it's strange of Raquel to act the way she has.
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