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Post your most funny/unusual subject lines found in your junk/bulk mail folder. Try to keep it reasonably clean...

I'll start you off:

marysj.prices@virgil... says: "THE UK INTERNATIONAL LOTTREY PROGRAM"

I personally like how they misspelled lottery... Maybe I'll when lotz of monie?


None of my junk e-mail titles are repeatable on a family thread. All I'll say is "enlargement"!

Buuuut.... is'nt it a "family" product? Those pills also help to "enlarge" your family! *y*

My favourite spam mail:

From "Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken AG": "Internet-Banking [Wed, 21 Jun 2006 18:12:16 +0400]"

Weird, I don't even have an account at that bank! Maybe I should try typing my other banking accounts login data! X-D

It's so weird that still some people share their highly sensible data willingly because they are too dumb to care for their security...


stragely enough the only junk emails I get are from LEGO :-| . I don't share my e-mail address alot but I gave it S@H so they could notify me if something goes wrong with my shipments. But now they send me ads too :-| . Except twice "The Dansettes" sent me a very confusing email that told me I was invited to a relaxing evening of soul music at some nightclub without really telling me that directly, assuming that I knew something that infact I didn't know.

no idea how they got by address.

I was invited to a relaxing evening of soul music at some nightclub

Didn't you attend Shop@Home's LEGO Chillout Night??? Dude, it was great fun! There was beer, girls and a free buffet all over the evening! ;-)


These two emails I am talking about were not sent by LEGO, they were sent by "The Dansettes", who ever they are, I'm not a fan of soul music.

I was invited to a relaxing evening of soul music at some nightclub

Didn't you attend Shop@Home's LEGO Chillout Night??? Dude, it was great fun! There was beer, girls and a free buffet all over the evening! ;-)

what??? if this is a joke I don't get it. *wacko*


Ahh, I can contribute to this forum in the right way, I just remembered a couple of days ago I recieved a message on my house phone answering machine that consisted of about a whole minutes worth of a woman talking in Spanish at lightspeed and then a short "bye"

and then the corny automated voice *end of message*

:-D Oh god, it was soooooooooooo funny, as no one in my family knows more spanish than si, no, senora, etc. and words like taco, burrito, quesadilla, etc.


The only real junkmails I receive are sent by my e-mail services THEMSELVES (for german internetiers: web.de anyone?!)! Almost accordingly the same service registers wanted ad-mails of a society for scientific books as spam... go figure!

Post your most funny/unusual subject lines found in your junk/bulk mail folder. Try to keep it reasonably clean...

I'll start you off:

marysj.prices@virgil... says: "THE UK INTERNATIONAL LOTTREY PROGRAM"

I personally like how they misspelled lottery... Maybe I'll when lotz of monie?


I got the same one!


I didn't deleye any unwanted mail for a while, so here goes (well, I'll skip out on the nasty ones :-P)

Riplys On-Line: Riplys Record (who?)

Jacklyn4959@hotmail....:" FWD: iPod-Nano forFree (yeah, sure...)

FantasticCasinoGamin...: enter theHi-Roller zone andWIN big

Affordable Meds: TheBest PricesFor ED_DrugsOnline (why would I buy them online anyway?)

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