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The frail-looking maid Raquel had lasted longer than Mr. Crusoe had expected. After she had finally passed away, the owner of Isla Paradisa went for a walk on the beach to empty his mind of the horrors of the night. Upon gazing at the aquamarine ocean, Mr. Crusoe remembered the countless times he had lied on the soft sand with Sunday, speaking of their dreams and making love.

Suddenly he noticed that he was not alone. Claudia Toscana, the lifeguard he had hired from an Italian beach years ago, was seated on her chair.


Mr. Crusoe took a few steps before he noticed Claudia's signature sunglasses smashed in a pool of blood.


The lifeguard was long dead. During the night, the seagulls had pecked away her entire face so that the bare skull shone under the dyed red hair.


Mr. Crusoe gathered everybody to the beach. The reality struck the remaining residents of the island hard: the threat letter had been real. They really were going to die one by one unless they caught the Mafia goons hiding among them in time.


Mr. Crusoe told them that he was confident that the maid Raquel Benito Juarez had been a member of the Town as well, and of course Claudia had been too, or else she wouldn't lie there on their feet in such a state.

It was now time to leave doubt behind and take the matter seriously if anybody wanted to leave the island alive. The next time the ferry would arrive was in one and a half weeks, so there was ample time for the Mafia goons to kill each and every one of them before that.

Mr. Crusoe told he would again return to them at noon to start the voting.


The Rules:

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the
or the
. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Mafia, while the Mafia needs to outnumber the Town.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format;
Vote: Character (Player)
. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format;
Unvote: Character (Player)
. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty against you on your first offence, and the death of your character on your second offence.

The Cast:

ava-danielle.jpgDanielle Barrie, the Janitor (Dan the Brickman)

ava-dreo.jpgDreo Jacmel, the Bartender (dr jones)

ava-geert.jpgGeert Rotterdam, the Personal Trainer (Gregorovich)

ava-bridget.jpgBridget Darwin (Brickdoctor)

ava-casey.jpgCasey Roswell (Capt. Redblade)

ava-colette.jpgColette LeMans (KielDaMan)

ava-cruz.jpgCruz Fortaleza (CommanderFox)

ava-erin.jpgErin Ennis (Euvor)

ava-keith.jpgKeith Worthing (KartoffelViking)

ava-kylan.jpgKylan Ise (Cutlass Iz)

ava-panda.jpgPanda Panjin (Pandora)

ava-siegmund.jpgSiegmund Freiburg (smittyfan)

ava-vanya.jpgVanya Livny (Baylego)

The Deceased:

ava-ravi-dead.jpgRavi Bombay, the Chef (RvB) - Town - convicted on Day One - Failed

ava-raquel-dead.jpgRaquel Benito Juarez, the Maid (Raven Brickroft) - Town - convicted on Day Two - Passed

ava-claudia-dead.jpgClaudia Toscana, the Lifeguard (Captain Tamamono) - Town - killed on Night Two - Passed


The voting starts 24 hours from now. There are 13 players in the game, so it takes 7 votes to convict someone.

Noooo! That's not true! That's impossible!

Not Claudia! :cry_sad: Now who will protect me from the sea monster er, really big fish that our janitor's obsessed with?

Well, now, fellow Townies, we cannot delay! We must take action, in memory of our lifeguard, who evidently was murdered in cold blood, yet we must hear everyone out, lest we repeat the mistake we made with our poor maid.

This is so shocking...the note was true. They're going to kill us off 'till either Mr. Crusoe gives back whatever he stole, or there's none of us left to kill. Quite frankly, I'd prefer the first option.

We really need to take a lot more care when we convict people. That's two innocent people dead, and it's our fault. Unless I see 100% solid evidence today, I'm not convicting anyone.

Problem is, we realised Raquel wasn't scum, but, alas, it was to late, man.

But I do wonder, man. How will we find evidence?

I suggest to drink something to calm yourself a bit...

Drinks on the house!

Problem is, we realised Raquel wasn't scum, but, alas, it was to late, man.

But I do wonder, man. How will we find evidence?

I suggest to drink something to calm yourself a bit...

Drinks on the house!

Thanks for the offer, but I only drink protein shakes. You know, to keep me in shape.

Buya!! ...ka...

Both Raquel and Claudia were townies?! Reality can be such a harsh mistress :sad:

I'm surprised to see Claudia was a townie, she had been coming at me pretty hard trying to pry information out of me. She begged me to tell her if I was a cop or doctor, and even told me she would give me mouth to mouth if I told her. She seemed like a piece of scum to me. A buxom and pretty piece of scum, that is :wub: At least before those seagulls had their way with her :sick:

And Raquel... I knew I should have listened to my gut feeling. I feel even worse now :sick: Excuse me while I go to my room and try to wash the blood off my hands.

By thw way, anyone else noticed that only staff members have been killed so far?

And Raquel... I knew I should have listened to my gut feeling. I feel even worse now :sick: Excuse me while I go to my room and try to wash the blood off my hands.

I think at the end of the Day, we all felt like you. Unfortunately, Mr. Crusoe evidently has really sharp ears and knew we had already reached a conviction. :sad:

This is terrible, two innocents in one night?! :oh3: We must avenge Raquel and Claudia!

Excuse me while I go to my room and try to wash the blood off my hands.

By thw way, anyone else noticed that only staff members have been killed so far?

What blood?! :wacko:

Yeah, I noticed that as well.


What blood?! :wacko:

I think he means that figuratively, since he was one of those of us who sentenced Raquel to death.

Claudia! :cry_sad: No!! She was my friend! :cry_sad:

And Raquel, I wish you had sent out your notes sooner, rather than leaving them on our pillows with the little chocolate mints :sadnew:

Please people, no more lying, it allows the scum to confuse us and turn on each other.

This is too much to deal with.

Dreo, I'm gonna need a drink, and I don't care what, just make it a double.

I am in too much shock to process all these deaths. But I see that the note prophesy has come true. I guess they forgot to say "We will kill one of you each night, starting.... NOW!" :tongue:

We sure are running out of innocent people fast, I think we need to sit down and really concentrate our memories on everything that has been said and look for patterns, or slip ups or signs. There is really not much to go on.

I can't believe that Claudia was killed! And our poor maid too. I am glad that I was right in taking my votes back, but it was too late. We really need to root out the killers before more innocent people die.

I think he means that figuratively, since he was one of those of us who sentenced Raquel to death.

Oh, okay. :classic:


This iz really depressing... :cry_sad: Two days after and we're already three men/women down, and we haven't got any nearer in identifying ze killers.

Claudia! :cry_sad: No!! She was my friend! :cry_sad:

Claudia was on one of my closezt friends here too, I'm really gonna misz you buddy. :sad: We will try to honor your death by putting ze killers to justice.

Racquel, it's really such a shame that she wazn't able to defend herself better like Mr. Bombay. It's a tough pill to swallow convicting a fellow innocent, but we just have to live with the consequences and move forward.

I'm surprised to see Claudia was a townie, she had been coming at me pretty hard trying to pry information out of me. She begged me to tell her if I was a cop or doctor, and even told me she would give me mouth to mouth if I told her. She seemed like a piece of scum to me. A buxom and pretty piece of scum, that is :wub: At least before those seagulls had their way with her :sick:

With all due respect Keith, I think she juzt acted that way since she really feared for her life, even during the first night. I've had ze pleasure of conversing with her regularly and there wazn't any doubt in my mind and heart that she waz innocent.

And now the queztion on everybody's mind is how shall we go from here? We only have a short time to identify ze killers before another takez one of us again.

I think a good place to start would be to think back to what happened yesterday. Many of us tried to unvote Raquel, but there were some that did not. Since Mafia members would know who is innocent, they would try and kill an innocent. I think the players who attempted to unvote are definitely innocent since no Mafia member would miss a chance to vote out an innocent, and the players who kept their vote are most likely Mafia members. This would, of course, not be a perfect solution because an innocent still might have voted out Raquel because of the evidence against her. I think that this could be the only course of action right now to find some evidence.

Thanks for voicing out your opinion Vanya, that iz indeed a good way to investigate and possibly interrogate other people. Following your suggeztion, I tried to recall back what happened yezterday, and as far as I can remember, those who didn't unvote for Racquel are: Kylan, Panda, Erin, and Geert. I know thiz is in NOT in any way stating that they are scum, but we'd juzt like to hear their side regarding thiz one.

That is indeed a good place to start. With that in mind, do we have any info against one of these four? Not evidence, obviously, but behavior typical of Mafia members that you can read about in books.

Thanks for voicing out your opinion Vanya, that iz indeed a good way to investigate and possibly interrogate other people. Following your suggeztion, I tried to recall back what happened yezterday, and as far as I can remember, those who didn't unvote for Racquel are: Kylan, Panda, Erin, and Geert. I know thiz is in NOT in any way stating that they are scum, but we'd juzt like to hear their side regarding thiz one.

Hmm, yes, hearing what they have to say sounds like a good cause of action for now. :thumbup:


The only one that I have an opinion on yet is Panda. I think that she is innocent. However, I would also like to see statements from them all before I make an opinion on any of the others.

Oh no! ANOTHER DEAD BODY!!!! *huh*

I think I might just swim back to canada at this point!


*deep breath, calming down* :sadnew:

Poor Claudia! Even though we were rivals at times, she was still really nice to me. (Even if she didnt believe me about the sea monster)

This is depressing, losing a friend I have worked with for quite a while now... :sceptic:

...I'll have a drink too, make mine triple. :sick:

By thw way, anyone else noticed that only staff members have been killed so far?

I am starting too. It makes me worry, as, we only have a few staff left....including me! :oh:

and as far as I can remember, those who didn't unvote for Racquel are: Kylan, Panda, Erin, and Geert.

...as we have seen, lying or covering up things has had...negative results for people. So, before anyone goes back and realizes it,I'll go ahead and add myself to be fair to the list. I have nothing to hide. Like I said before, Crusoe was going to take someone, we had nothing else to go on, and she DID lie.... :sadnew:

Wow.. *oh2* Claudia had been a nice person... It's also unfortunate that Raquel was innocent.. :cry_sad:

Thanks for voicing out your opinion Vanya, that iz indeed a good way to investigate and possibly interrogate other people. Following your suggeztion, I tried to recall back what happened yezterday, and as far as I can remember, those who didn't unvote for Racquel are: Kylan, Panda, Erin, and Geert. I know thiz is in NOT in any way stating that they are scum, but we'd juzt like to hear their side regarding thiz one.

Agreed. It does give us something to work with...

Also, if you want to be technical, then neither Keith nor Danielle tried to unvote either. Dreo did unvote, but then revoted... The fact that he unvoted does show he has a heart, so I think it kind of clears him for the time being.

I still did not change my vote because of the evidence against her and I said as much at the time, I must have missed the posts that convinced anyone who unvoted her, to do so. She was the only one at the time that had anything on her and did not do a convincing job or making me think otherwise. If she was innocent she should have come out and stated that properly, instead of just trying to shift the blame.

Unvoting then voting again does not clear at all. That could have just been a very smart move to make you think so. :oh: With that reasoning it is no wonder that all the townies are getting killed off. :oh:

Unvoting then voting again does not clear at all. That could have just been a very smart move to make you think so. :oh: With that reasoning it is no wonder that all the townies are getting killed off. :oh:

Word! The viking king has spoken! And I think you make a very interesting point. The sudden shift in the voting yesterday confused me, and I will make sure to go over it again with a fine comb to find any clues worth pursuing.

Honeztly, I'm really getting worried by the general lack of 'leads' and the seemingly passiveness of most of the people here in finding ways to identify ze scums. I think it'z a bad sign that we look passive while ze scums are significantly gaining on us. :sceptic: But just to let you know, I've been talking privately to people who I really trust as innocents and trying to get their opinions so we could somehow have a collective decision on who we think are ze scums. Right now I've gathered some useful info and I'll reveal it as soon as I've talked to everybody.

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