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  1. 1. Whose is your favorite X-wing MOC?

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I have chosen(poll) that this moc needs work, because it is a wip. And when I think of a x-wing, then I think off a very clean and sleek ship. So in my oppinion you should have less studs shown. I have chosen marchal_babanas x-wing(poll), I think that his x-wing is the best i have seen. It is very sleek. In my oppionion a x-wing doesnt have to be a 100% accurete, but it must have the sleek and clean look is it has in the movies. Good luck with your moc!


Looking very good so far fallenangel :thumbup:. The nose looks really well done and it has just the right detail for an X-Wing. I look forward to seeing the finished version soon. :thumbup:

In my oppionion a x-wing doesnt have to be a 100% accurete, but it must have the sleek and clean look is it has in the movies.

I haven't decided upon my own favorite of these yet, but what you've said here fits some of my own personal philosophy with regard to Star Wars MOCs - for me, getting to the "essence" of a vehicle is more important than a slavishly accurate recreation of the exact lines and dimensions and proportions (a slightly lost cause anyway if it's going to work with minifigures, given their inherently different proportions from real people), and indeed I can personally find a LEGO X-Wing (for example) better if it doesn't try to be absolutely screen-accurate, but instead tries to capture the qualities of the X-Wing while also remaining true to the LEGO aesthetic. But perhaps that's just me.


Well just so you know Im not exactly an "Advice God" but I think that this is coming out great. Sorry If I sound pushy but these are just my pinions and Im absolutely in LOVE with this MOC and I understand your brick collection may not be able to handle the advice Im gonna give you but Im just saying where the MOC needs work.

So my reccomendations for making this MOC better start with the nose problem. I think you said that you had trouble with getting it round or watever (Im sorry my brains rusty!). SO try usig the inside of the nose. I saw the pic where I could see through the nose so that made me think the inside of the nose need work. Try filling it in with different peices. Im not sure how much you can fit in there but its worth a try. Also Im wondering if you have or will put transparent parts on the back of the four engines. Try to make its as un studdish as possible because the X-Wing is very smooth and sleak. The wings should be about maybe 2 plates thick. I reccomend putting plates on every studdy part but leave like a 1x6 space in there (prefferably the wings)and put a 1x6 plate with studs in that space becayse that type of stuff just makes me fall head over heels. Also Im wondering about the coppit but I cant say anything about that because its hard to pick one out and I theres no picture showing it so Ill leave that mainly up to you. I also dont know if youre doing the function of the wings but I suppose you could take LEGO's and make it bigger but I suppose thats playgerism... so I guess maybe If you are doing the function you have to find a new route. LAst thing is landing gear. I think I have a good idea for the landing gear if your going to add it. The part is called- Undercarriage 2X2x2 , according to LEGO Pick a Brick online. Not sure how accurate it is and if it has been used on official LEGO X-Wings before but all I know is that it looks good for landing gear on a ship like this.


I have chosen(poll) that this moc needs work, because it is a wip. And when I think of a x-wing, then I think off a very clean and sleek ship. So in my oppinion you should have less studs shown. I have chosen marchal_babanas x-wing(poll), I think that his x-wing is the best i have seen. It is very sleek. In my oppionion a x-wing doesnt have to be a 100% accurete, but it must have the sleek and clean look is it has in the movies.

My thoughts exactly...

Your last x-wing looked great, but I like the clean look of marshal_banana's X-wing better. Your angles/proportions may look better, but the overall look isn't as good as it could be with more SNOT or tiles. The cockpit of your last one looks much worse than marshal's solution, are you going to use this piece again?

Anyway, your x-wing does look very good, but if you want to make it look as much as possible like the fighters seen in the movies you have to make it more clean and sleek.


I think you need to ditch the macaronis and slopes.

They make the wing section waaay to bulky.

Plus studs are a pain - tile and SNOT are prefered solutions in my opinion.

Posted (edited)

Now I'm no expert on the x-wing, but I thought (along with many others as well) that marshal_banana's x-wing was the best/sleekest. From what I can see from the WIP pics, your heading in the right direction. I'm not sure I love the black colored gun base-tips (R2 bodies), but the white looks fine. It might be just me, but the black is a bit strong and stands out in that location.

I can't wait for the final product! Good work!:thumbup:

Edited by Cad Bane

I'm assuming you're not using these or something similar on the engines because you consider it to be too <insert that tiresome argument>?

Having viewed the various samples you've linked too I'm struggling to pick a favourite, they all seem to have positive points. I'm looking forward to seeing this completed.


I’ll probably address that in version 10; at the moment my primary concern is the forward fuselage.

I don't understand why you just keep posting one average version after another instead of putting a lot of effort into making one great MOC. You're not working on a time limit, nobody really likes your negativity, so why don't you just concentrate your effort for a significant amount of time before calling a "version" done?

Obviously, if you make a great MOC and then think of a lot of revisions, then that certainly makes sense for you to post a second version. But that is not what you are doing. You recognize that there are many crappy aspects to your work, but instead of fixing all the problems you just work on some areas, call it a day, and then start up a new thread later. Why not just give it more time?

Your negativity is seriously irksome. You do not sound as though you really want suggestions at all; it seems as if you know exactly what you want out of your MOC and when many other people disagree, you just argue with them about why they are wrong. Since that is the case, I do not see why you don't just finish your MOC before posting at all, and skip the thin charade of wanting suggestions on your WIP. You cannot force people to agree with you, just as you cannot force people to tell you why they pick the poll options that they do. I can imagine that plenty of rational people would pick a worse option on the poll just because they have had enough of your criticisms and negativity.

I can tell that you obviously have strong opinions about what an X-Wing MOC should look like (or a MOC of any other SW ship for that matter), but you are going about presenting those opinions in a terribly brutish fashion. I think the best way to show how you feel would be to complete a full working version of your MOC, post it, and then have a polite and courteous discussion about it. You also have to understand that many people do not share your view that a LEGO model has to perfectly accurate to the studio model, and many people probably do not want to hear you criticize details such as a certain angle being several degrees off. A lighter attitude would certainly be appreciated.


So cavegod and brickartist, care to share with me whose X-wing you think is the best?

On my way :grin: I'll PM you later, when I get the chance. More pics by any chance? I also would like to build this in my bricks, will you make an LFX for it? I would like to have this on my shelf :blush:

I'm sorry Cloney, but that's just rude :thumbdown: As a non-MOCer(To my knowledge) you won't fully understand that the effort and time that is invested into these models. The angled plates, proportions, details, and concepts that have been employed here are off the charts. Fallen has taken so much time and effort to make this I'm bewildered by it. Likely one of the best(Which reminds me, why no poll option to vote for yours?) X-Wings out there. It is near impossible for all details to be captured in a single version. If it's 'annoying you' then just don't reply on this topic. This is a WIP thread, not a bash Fallen and his style thread. As a fellow...I would think you would have handled that better, considering you didn't mention his MOC at all. If you want to, send a PM to KimT requesting that he be banned because he annoys you, I'm 99.99% sure I know what the answer will be.


I am sorry if what I said seemed too blunt to you. Honestly, it was my intention to be blunt. I was and continue to be ticked off by the poll in this topic as well as some of fallenangel's responses to suggestions, and I do not see the reason for multiple somewhat "unfinished" versions of a MOC.

I have a lot of respect for amazing MOCs. I have a lot of respect for the amount of work and close attention to detail that fallenangel puts into his X-Wing, and I insinuated as much in my above post. But I would like to see a certain level of respect reciprocated, and at times I have been very annoyed.

But let us not start an argument here. It was not my intention to do so with my above post, and I do not at all wish to clutter this topic up with a pointless back-and-forth.


It’s fun you're always bitching about my model :sceptic:. It’s the first x-wing I’ve consructed and I really hope you come up with a fantastic model in your 9th version!

The inaccuracy of the to small engines is included in the most MOCs on your list and also in all official models.

You have forgotten one of the best x-wings in minifigscale of all times (from psiaki):


He has a really different and interesting technique for the nose and also the windshield is working better then your and LEGO’s version.

The good point in your WIP:

-the angles of the nose are spot on. :thumbup:

Things to work on:

-the nose is to big compared to your engines (but this was already sad)

-the intakes are clunky and ugly. This is probably better

-maybe you can come up with a more advanced wing folding mechanism as just hinges.

So keep up your good work, I'm looking forward to your finished model.

Cheers MB

Posted (edited)

Sorry marshal_banana. It's not that I don't like your model (it has many good points to it, something I mentioned earlier), I just think that there's more to an X-wing than not having studs. Not to mention that your model got a lot more Net publicity than any of the other five did (it made it to The Brothers Brick, for example...)

Anyway thanks! It's great to hear from an MOC Expert.

Edited by fallenangel309

Sorry marshal_banana - If you want I'll nitpick the other five as well...

And there's the problem.

Perhaps you need to stop constantly ripping into the work of other builders. I'll be honest here; your criticism is typically condescending and unpleasant. It's one thing to offer constructive criticism, but your comments can hardly be considered constructive. You are constantly knocking into others for failing to achieve perfection and are overtly negative about work which is not yours. If you want constructive criticism, that's understandable but why do you always feel the need to drag other people's efforts through the mud?

There are several wonderful X-Wings out there which are built with some amazing techniques. None of them will ever be perfect but listening to the way you describe them makes it sound as if these models are absolute rubbish. In the future you may build the greatest LEGO X-Wing we have ever seen; it still doesn't mean that you should go out of your ways to criticize or discredit the work of other builders.


Boy is it ironic that people on a LEGO forum are telling me to have less studs

Well, maybe it is ironic that you dont want youre x-wing studless, because you are the one who wants every star wars vehicle to be a 100% accurete. (I dont remember a x-wing in the movie to have studs)

Accurate = sleek, in case you haven't noticed. The sleekness of the ship falls within accuracy. And the rear fuselage and wings on my model at present are actually slimmer than marshal_banana's.

I ment that you dont have to be a 100% acurete to have the perfect x-wing, but if you keep saying whats wrong with all the other x-wings, why not start looking at youre own.

Those would be nice but they’re not compatible with the 33 slopes. I suppose I could SNOT the slopes, but the wings are flimsy enough as it is. I’ll probably address that in version 10; at the moment my primary concern is the forward fuselage.

Why dont you take youre time, and do it all in version 9, if you make a moc that you want to be perfect it will take a lot of time. After a few versions you will have enough ideas and tips. So I suggest that you take youre time and do all you can to make version 9 youre perfect x-wing.

Anyway let us not forget its still a great moc.

Good luck!

Posted (edited)

Why dont you take youre time, and do it all in version 9, if you make a moc that you want to be perfect it will take a lot of time. After a few versions you will have enough ideas and tips. So I suggest that you take youre time and do all you can to make version 9 youre perfect x-wing.

That's what I'm intending to do, at least until I can pull enough parts together to build a UCS rendition. In fact, this SNOT nose is more or less the last big step.

Edited by fallenangel309
Posted (edited)

Woo, this model from psiaki is really impressive. It has nice colors, shapes, details, and a good mix of studded and tiled surfaces.

It is IMO the best model from all those shown in this thread, by far. :)

@ Fallenangel : you should focus on more obvious things first instead of pitnicking.

Here are few things I can see from the pics you posted in the first message :

- the way it is built seem very weak. :/

- too many studs

- get ride off these ugly and blocky engines

- a "plate" design is not viable in such a small model. Do it with solid bricks. Like other people did on the X-Wing you've shown.

Good luck !

IMPORTANT EDIT : Fallenangel, please, keep in mind this golden rule : a Lego MOC has to look good, which doesn't mean that it has to be correct.

A good MOCer has to understand that building things in Lego requires to build things differently from what they are in reality. Not because the builder lakes skills or whatever. But because the model looks better with small Lego adaptations.

And what is hard for a MOCer or a set designer (who is actually an official MOCer :grin: ) is precisely to find these adaptations.

And other few word about the criticism : I do not think that Fallenangel is brutish or negativ. He is polite and express his feelings well, with pictures of real ship (studio model), etc.

BUT IMO, what Fallenangel has to understand is that this kind of criticism is not what MOCer are expecting. Cause MOCers are not model maker (see what I just wrote above).

Edited by Anio

I'm not pretending my own X-wing is perfect; that would just be stupid. Dare I say Brickdoctor knows how I feel?

I know how you feel regarding imperfections, but I don't post every single version of an MOC, especially if I'm not happy with it. If I ever did something like that, it would be as a WIP thread for a single version.

IMPORTANT EDIT : Fallenangel, please, keep in mind this golden rule : a Lego MOC has to look good, which doesn't mean that it has to be correct.

A good MOCer has to understand that building things in Lego requires to build things diffrently from what they are in reality. Not because the builder lakes skills or whatever. But because the model looks better with small Lego adaptations.

And what is hard for a MOCer or a set designer (who is actually an official MOCer :grin: ) is precisely to find these adaptations.

I agree. I do strive for accuracy in shaping and detailing, but when it comes down to a small angle or measurement, I will always choose the better looking option over the more accurate but ugly one.

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