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8806 - available in December 2011

We haven't got a large picture of all 16 figures yet, but there are six all-new figs:

1) New Conquistador with Musketeer's cutlass.

2) New Arabic Dancer (with reversed hands).

3) New Native African with Spartan spear and new hair.

4) New Greenpeace-like-society activist with new poster against the LEGO Space Program.

5) New Prussian soldier with Pickelhaube.

6) New Russian Tsar with Caveman's beard.

Edited by -GZ-


I don't know about you, but this looks like a fan-made pic to me. The prints look like they were edited in, a few pieces look to be shots of physical LEGO, not the CGI normally seen in these shots, and portions of the image are poorly 'shopped, notably the white line around the edges of the Tsar.


I don't know about you, but this looks like a fan-made pic to me. The prints look like they were edited in, a few pieces look to be shots of physical LEGO, not the CGI normally seen in these shots, and portions of the image are poorly 'shopped, notably the white line around the edges of the Tsar.

Well, or they might be initial concepts :) (I'm a school teacher so I'm most aware of all jokes on a certain date ;))

I don't know about the anti-space-programme sign, but a protester with an anti-nuclear sign would make a good counterpoint to the bloke in the radiation suit in series 4. I am hoping for an Australian Aborigine in series 6, with spear and boomerang. The belly-dancer is not much use, since I already have a Princess Leia fig for that purpose, as I imagine most of you do, too. A conquistador is actually fairly likely, since they include at least one warmonger in each series.

(I'm a school teacher so I'm most aware of all jokes on a certain date ;))

Huh, somehow that possibility didn't dawn on me. :wacko: But if I were someone doing this for April Fools, I'd have done some really awful minifigs. The one's here all have at least one good part, and they all aren't bad choices.

Pity that is Aprils fools joke :laugh:

This soldier would be awesome.

The Brothers Brick said they found a list of series 6 minifigures:

• Panda suit guy

• Stunt man

• Greek philosopher (with cloth toga and scroll)

• Monk

• Barbie

• Skateboarder

• Cannibal (with internal organs)

• Athlete

• Surgeon

• Pimp

• Surfer

• Goth guy

• Ghost (with transparent clear minifig parts and ghost shroud)

• Alien girl

• Pirate captain

• Terrorist (with bomb vest)

But, this could be a joke.

Barbie, Cannibal with guts, Transparent minifig, and Terrorist. Not believing that for a minute.

Barbie, Cannibal with guts, Transparent minifig, and Terrorist. Not believing that for a minute.

A Greek Philosopher would be awesome though :D

Barbie, Cannibal with guts, Transparent minifig, and Terrorist. Not believing that for a minute.

Same here. Why another skateboarder?

  • Author

Of course it was my joke, but I don't think that the April Fool's joke pic must be really realistic. As for me, I always detect these jokes.) I did it just for fun at first at doublebrick.ru )

And CM-6 joke from Brothers Brick (I haven't seen it before) is rather... easy one.)

Edited by -GZ-

Same here. Why another skateboarder?

To go with the third surfer.

I'd love a Prussian soldier too. I doubt it will ever happen though.

Close, lock, delete...

Very funny joke, somehow I had a hard time seeing these as real anyway.....the giveaway - the Prussian soldier.....Lego wouldn't be as bold to do a character wearing a uniform that can be linked to WWI and in a way WWII ! :wink:

Good job photoshopping the images. :grin:

Keep on being creative '-GZ-' ! :grin:

This looks like a April fools joke to me... :tongue:


Haha, my wallet can't take anymore series.

Great April Fools joke, even though TBB's April Fools' list was a lot more convincing (if just as fake).

I reckon this should probably go in the Minifig Customization section, just like a lot of other custom minifigure art. However, obviously it wouldn't be a convincing prank at all, so it'd be cool if the staff left it here in other themes at least until the end of today.

Anyway, here's my evaluation:

[*]Conquistador is a great idea for a future series, but he'd be a lot better with an actual armor piece rather than printed armor. Is that a LEGO brick necklace? Very nice touch. In fact, although I'd prefer a physical armor piece, the decoration on him is very well done all around.

[*]The genie is cool, but a printed face (like Nya's from Ninjago) would be better for that veil or whatever. As a neck accessory, it feels a bit restrictive. And the pink with the red doesn't work all that well.

[*]The Native African, frankly, would not be done for a lot of reasons. First, LEGO doesn't do realistic skin tones in non-licensed themes-- just look at the Pharaoh, Tribal Hunter, and Tribal Chief (and, for that matter, any minifigure with bright yellow skin). Second, although fairly tasteful without any human bones or other features that mark him as a racial stereotype, he could still be perceived as racist (especially due to the idea of having a "primitive"-looking fig as the first realistically dark-skinned character in a non-licensed theme). So that's a no-no. On the plus side, he strikes me as your most realistic edit, really resembling a genuine fig and with no obvious "seams" between the edited portions and the original image.

[*]The protester is a cool idea, although I'd probably prefer one who fit a more obvious role like a hippie. Kids might not understand this fig, and it also might be seen by some as a political stereotype of modern environmental protesters. His shirt and hat also aren't very explicit as to what he's supposed to be-- when I first saw him, the first thing that came into my head was "a guy who works with a landscaping company".

[*]The German WWI officer is probably the best design here. However, while there aren't that many raw tensions today regarding the first world war, it could still be pretty controversial in some places. Still, he's the fig I'd most like to see a fan-made custom of in real life, and I'm sure companies like Brickforge could make a pretty penny off of some of those designs.

[*]The czar seems a little too much like a racial stereotype, even though I can obviously tell that he's merely meant to reflect the stylized Russian portraits during that time period. His outfit is very colorful, which I like.

[*]Lastly, I'd love to see purple packaging, even though since LEGO seemed ready to do it for Series 5 and then chose not to I'm unsure whether they'd ever be likely to. Which is a real shame.

Cool edit, and great work putting together your own April Fools' Day joke for this site!

Why would a tree-hugger hate on space? They promote world conservation and use future technology with clean, efficient fuels.

Edited by Draykov

Why would a tree-hugger hate on space? They promote world conservation and use future technology with clean, efficient fuels.

Some environmentalists are concerned about the environmental impact of rocket launches. Cape Canaveral where most of NASA's launches take place is very near wildlife-rich areas like the Everglades. There's some of it that's just paranoia, but it should be worth remembering that the history of space travel has not always been a story of environmental consciousness, and it's harder to convince some people that things have changed than others.

Barbie, Cannibal with guts, Transparent minifig, and Terrorist. Not believing that for a minute.

:laugh: but "pimp" is something that sounds like TLG would release, right?

Yeah... not real. Too bad, though.

Some environmentalists are concerned about the environmental impact of rocket launches. Cape Canaveral where most of NASA's launches take place is very near wildlife-rich areas like the Everglades. There's some of it that's just paranoia, but it should be worth remembering that the history of space travel has not always been a story of environmental consciousness, and it's harder to convince some people that things have changed than others.

So hate on NASA_meatball_small.jpg?1299499159, not on cslogo.png. Demz da good guyz.

Yeah, these aren't real. Especially not the Terrorist one!!! And if they do make a cannibal, it wouldn't come with internal organs. Is it just me, or is it getting kind of boring with all these (fill-in-the-blank)-Suit Guys. I love them, but they need to do something else.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some environmentalists are concerned about the environmental impact of rocket launches. Cape Canaveral where most of NASA's launches take place is very near wildlife-rich areas like the Everglades. There's some of it that's just paranoia, but it should be worth remembering that the history of space travel has not always been a story of environmental consciousness, and it's harder to convince some people that things have changed than others.

In particular, some protesters have expressed concern over the launches of certain unmanned vehicles with their own nuclear reactor technology electrical generators, specifically Galileo, with the thinking that some sort of launch or orbital accident might result in radioactive material being dispersed throughout the atmosphere. I think the Galileo protests would actually be the greatest part of the real-world basis for a minifigure like the one shown here, though I think that would be a little too specific and obscure for TLG to do even if the political content weren't already enough reason for them to want to stay clear of it.

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