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C-canon, or Continuity Canon, includes all books and video games that aren't in one of the other categories. (not considered Non-canon, not from the period of publication that comprises S-canon, not in CW [T-canon], and not in movies [G-canon]) Force Unleased, Legacy, and the Thrawn Trilogy can all be considred C-canon. Video games are a special case in that generally, only the primary storyline is considered canon, and many objects and actions are only game mechanics. (in TFU's case, there are novels and comics telling the same story as the game, cementing the story's position as C-canon)

The way I see it is that the Current cartoon series is either non canon, or takes place in an alternate universe. It makes so much more sense that way.

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This seems to be vering well off topic but...

The way I see it is that the Current cartoon series is either non canon, or takes place in an alternate universe. It makes so much more sense that way.

Well there are very few parts of it that adversely contradict with the older CW series or the films so to me it's canon.

It seems anybody who doesn't like the show for whatever reason, will always have the solution of declaring it non canon.


Ah, but Darth Lucas announced that both the dark side ending of TFU and the light side ending of TFU 2 are something like the same canon as TCW. Then again, I read that on Wookiepedia, and sometimes their info is less than accurate. :sceptic:

Sources, sources…

The way I see it is that the Current cartoon series is either non canon, or takes place in an alternate universe. It makes so much more sense that way.

Nope. THE Clone Wars is T-canon, which ranks higher in canon than all other Expanded Universe material. It may not make any kind of sense, but that’s the way Leland Chee has it organized.


Sources, sources…

Nope. THE Clone Wars is T-canon, which ranks higher in canon than all other Expanded Universe material. It may not make any kind of sense, but that’s the way Leland Chee has it organized.

I know that is how it is organized, but I don't accept that show in my personal canon.


Actually, I've never been a fan of that canon. Sometimes it may serve well as an argument for something, but in the end, the whole SW universe is fiction, and nothing of it is more real than something else. And as a customer, there are things I enjoy and things I don't. I don't have a private canon, because there are things TCW changes, which I still enjoy, such as the interpretation of Mandalore. And things I don't like, well, I just don't like them. No need to make things complicated IMO.


Actually, I've never been a fan of that canon. Sometimes it may serve well as an argument for something, but in the end, the whole SW universe is fiction, and nothing of it is more real than something else. And as a customer, there are things I enjoy and things I don't. I don't have a private canon, because there are things TCW changes, which I still enjoy, such as the interpretation of Mandalore. And things I don't like, well, I just don't like them. No need to make things complicated IMO.

In that case, there isn't much point in bringing up canon in the first place and thus no point in having this discussion at all.


The way I see it is that the Current cartoon series is either non canon, or takes place in an alternate universe. It makes so much more sense that way.

Nope. THE Clone Wars is T-canon, which ranks higher in canon than all other Expanded Universe material. It may not make any kind of sense, but that’s the way Leland Chee has it organized.

I know that is how it is organized, but I don't accept that show in my personal canon.

I'm with Tanma here. I don't care how it's organised, TCW has messed up so much that it's nearly impossible to mix with C-Canon, which was perfectly layed out, with few flaws.


This whole canon conversation is becoming really off topic, so all I'm gonna say about TCW canon is this:

It is George Lucas's universe. He created it, and he can mess it up as much as he wants. TCW show is not as much to provide more insight into the story of Anakin Skywalker, but more to explore parts of the SW universe that haven't been explored yet. I mean, yeah, they screw with some stuff along the way (I hated it when Even Piell died, I liked his previous death better) and Lucas is just exploring adventures in his universe for fun. Now, I know that there are a lot of fans out there who really get upset when something is distorted by this show, but I guess I just don't get so upset. I myself have my own personal canon. I think TFU 2 is not true, but the first game is. I also have not read many books or comics, so I have no say in those matters, and whatever is considered true in that respect, is true.

Anyway, this canon talk should probably stop soon, and hey, we have another great episode to look forward to tomorrow! :sarcasm:



Replying to Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion

3. Ventress is going to fight Grievous, and thus get Lucas an easy way out of one of the characters that he doesn't need. By making her die at the hands of Grievous, he not only makes Grievous look badass, but also makes sure that he doesn't need to tie up her story. :hmpf:

But I like this thinking... You gotta love to hate her, and Grievous really needs some powerups...


But I like this thinking... You gotta love to hate her, and Grievous really needs some powerups...

Let's hope that it doesn't turn into a "Not die, SACRIFICE!" moment. :hmpf_bad:

And here I will dive into the twisted mind of Darth Lucas:

How about this storyline? Savage hates how Maul is, so he kills him and goes to hunt down Ventress, while she hunts Grievous. Then Savage stabs her and Grievous impales them both. That would work!

....... :hmpf_bad:


I know that is how it is organized, but I don't accept that show in my personal canon.

'Personal canon' is irrelevant. There’s nothing wrong with having preferences, but one shouldn’t use the term ‘canon’ to describe them.

Ah, but "levels of canon" (which is a ridiculous concept) seem to play a factor. Where Star Wars is concerned, some people choose to disregard certain "canonical" events as apocryphal.

And they are free to do that, but their personal decision to do so does not qualify it as "canon", as I understand the meaning of the word.

My point was that if you need to have "levels" of canon, clearly it's a divisive issue where many do not see eye to eye. With that in mind, the type of works one accepts does become something of an individual preference. Some fans accept one group of works (e.g. the films) in favor of another (e.g. the EU).

The definition of the term "canon" is not in question (defined by Merriam-Webster as a sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works, an accepted principle or rule). I suppose what is in question, if you go by that definition, is whether or not the term can truly apply to anything in Star Wars (or any work of fiction, for that matter) that doesn't come directly from the original creator (in this case, Lucas). Revisionist creators complicate the matter further.


One final point, because the following comment is one of my ultimate pet peeve statements...

It is George Lucas's universe.

It's not anymore. It stopped being his universe not long after ANH came out and Alan Dean Foster wrote Slinter of the Mind's Eye. SW is a shared universe, the output of dozens of writers who have fought and thought long and hard for these ideas. It's their universe too. They should have a say of whether their work is tossed out the window, especially if it's for no reason.


It's not anymore. It stopped being his universe not long after ANH came out and Alan Dean Foster wrote Slinter of the Mind's Eye. SW is a shared universe, the output of dozens of writers who have fought and thought long and hard for these ideas. It's their universe too. They should have a say of whether their work is tossed out the window, especially if it's for no reason.

There exist two universes in the franchise – Lucas’ universe and the Expanded Universe.

"There are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don’t intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don’t get too involved in the parallel universe."

"G" canon and "T" canon comprise George Lucas's vision of the Star Wars universe.

"C" canon and "S" canon comprise the vision of the Star Wars universe held by Lucas Licensing that goes beyond George Lucas's vision. This material is collectively referred to as the Expanded Universe.

This is another reason why we can’t toss in things like ‘personal canon’ into discussions. Without set parameters, sources are refuted and people trying to make points get frustrated since everybody appears to have their own definition of what is and isn’t Star Wars. There’s an official hierarchy of canonicity so that everybody will be on the same page – for the purposes of a discussion like this, it’s necessary to take this official canon as the definitive canon and save the bashing of the Expanded Universe, The Clone Wars, and the Prequels for more appropriate situations (or at least keep in mind that one’s personal opinions on the matter don’t alter what is actually canon – that right goes to Lucasfilm).


Wow, now that was a bad episode :sad: . However, I can't help but appreciate it from a story-telling standpoint. The narrative was abysmal and they jumper around way to much, but it kinda worked with C-3PO in a weird way. Overall though I'm a bit disappointed after a long line of lame episodes. What did you guys think?

I swa wizard of OZ and Gullivers travel, were there any other references that you guys picked up on?


I felt this episode was okay. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. Although Wolffe and his men should have been in longer, it just seemed like Wolffe was there just to see C-3PO. It was very rushed as well, but for an adventure episode, it wasn't that bad, unlike "Mercy Disaster"...

The next four promise great episodes. The 4-part Umbara arc! Where we will see a night-time planet, new species, 501st Clones, Rex in phase 2, named clones (Jesse/Kix/Hardcase/Dogma/Tup) and last, but certainly best: General Krell! :thumbup:

The first of the Umbara arc airs October 28th. There is no episode this coming Friday...


Sorry for the double-post, but I found new episode names!

‎'Plan of Dissent'

'Carnage of Krall' (Source *Star Wars Insider* states Krall, but it most likely means to say Krell).


'Slaves of the Republic'

'Escape from Kadavo'

Episodes 9-13 of season 4...

The first two complete the Umbara arc, "Kidnapped" must be the episode with Lux and Ahsoka. "Slaves of the Republic" and "Escape from Kadavo" most likely are the "Slavers" arc on Shili episodes...

Posted (edited)

I felt this episode was okay.

*huh* what? It wasn't at all, it had a plot (GG attack on the Jedi ship, GG capturing Adi, Plo mounting a rescue) all of which took up 5 mins in the actual episode :hmpf_bad:. The whole thing with 3PO and R2 getting into a fix should be a B plot of an episode not a A plot. How did Adi escape anyway?

Edited by Mr Man

I think that this season has so far been the best for episodes that are funny in a way that they didn't intend. I'm sure many people wanted to see a full on fight between Grevious and Galia take center stage, but it was so much more hilarious to see it half happening with the focus being something else. I mean really, didn't anybody else laugh when you see Galia go flying across the background while the Droids are doing something or other?

And then there's R2 squishing the "Big Whateverthing." I couldn't believe they actually put that into the show; it was so gross, but also funny. Was that Felucia by the way? It kind of looked like it, but I wasn't sure.

This episode felt a lot like the different "Tales of…" books that came out some time ago. It was just a window into a few different societies, although of course much more poorly developed than the stories in those books (which are mostly quite good). Absolutely nothing about this episode made a shred of sense, it's true, which isn't really a good thing. But it is good for a condescending laugh.


That episode sucked, not funny at all, still this season has been better than last year Lucas view on Iraq stuff.

I think Wolfe is the first clone I do not like.


But it is good for a condescending laugh.

A very irreverent episode. Unstable government situations created with no remorse, hideous death/grievous bodily harm (no pun intended) by slapstick humour...

Well I saw the funny side. :blush:

And good to see Grievous looking tough. I too laughed at Adi Gallia sweeping the droids around. It looked like Felucia to start with, but not quite similar to the S3 visit - and they weren't Felucians.

For once I agree with Darth Sion, I don't really like Commander Wolffe at this point.


For once I agree with Darth Sion, I don't really like Commander Wolffe at this point.

Why is that? The impression I've gotten of him so far is that he's gruff and he doesn't like Droids. But would you like C-3PO if you met him? He may not be a nice Commander like Cody or Bly, but I haven't seen enough of him to make me actually dislike him. I appreciate that he actually has a distinctive personality.


Why is that? The impression I've gotten of him so far is that he's gruff and he doesn't like Droids. But would you like C-3PO if you met him? He may not be a nice Commander like Cody or Bly, but I haven't seen enough of him to make me actually dislike him. I appreciate that he actually has a distinctive personality.

You've pretty much summed it up, he's very gruff, not as nice as Cody etc from first impressions. I don't dislike him, I just don't care for him much. Not yet anyway. Most clones I do like. Regarding C3PO, I would send him off to be deactivated permanently... but I admit he's a likeable character to watch from the distance of this galaxy.

As to not liking droids, who does he think he is? Ellen Ripley? :laugh:

Posted (edited)

Strange. 35% of Season 4 is already over, and I still have the impression that it has not yet begun. If I remember correctly Felloni announced that this season would be darker since the show approaches its end and episode 3 is getting closer. I do not feel, however, that it's getting darker. Most of what I've seen so far seems pretty irrelevant for the ongoing war, the characters, and, last but not least, the audience.

Edited by Brickadeer

This episode felt a lot like the different "Tales of…" books that came out some time ago.

I think it was like the Droids TV series from ages ago.

Posted (edited)

Why is that? The impression I've gotten of him so far is that he's gruff and he doesn't like Droids. But would you like C-3PO if you met him? He may not be a nice Commander like Cody or Bly, but I haven't seen enough of him to make me actually dislike him. I appreciate that he actually has a distinctive personality.

Commander Wolffe is gruff?, I suppose that is the way to say it without getting in trouble on this site.

Yes, 3 million ways to swear lol.

Either way 2 droid episodes back to back is just too much, its not so bad when its just R2D2, like when he got taking by Grievous, and fun to see him get kills, but this was just too stupid, and too random.

I see they don't seem to be jumping around lately, like with the 2 episodes with 99 in season 3 being before season 1.

I do find it curious they are developing Ahsoka in an almost mirror image of Galen Marek.

Edited by DarthSion

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