April 26, 201113 yr Spartan for sure... Even though I only have one, not much of an army. He's currently the figurehead of my Imperial Flagship.
April 26, 201113 yr The elf and spartan by far are crowd favorites; for myself I have to say the elf because it is a callback to the fantasy line, offers unique accessories and is the only one of the 4 that has never been in a theme/set (Counting the POTC line as musketeer lookalikes, the spartan helmet in the Atlantis temple and the good old forest men) I believe that if LEGO released either: A) A Roman Legionary B) A conquistador C) A black falcons knight Then we will have an army builder figure that will surpass all of the ones so far. Here's hoping! Good call S-o-T! Everything in your post rings true to me! As for my personal tastes: I just love the hoplite (NO! For the love of the universe, I'll never call him Spartan!) and often stated so in various topics all over EB. The elf, as S-o-T did so rightly put, is a perfect addition to the fantasy era of castle, which is still by far my favourite iteration of castle up to now. And I strongly concur, again ;-), with S-o-T that would LEGO release any of his proposed figures above demand for them would skyrocket! Especially if it'd be a re-imagined/updated black falcon knight. I could so see me hunting them down and adding them to my existing little troupe of old, which would subsequently be updated to post-2004 greys and chromed helmets. So here's me sitting with fingers crossed ^__^. Also I'd like that roman legionary. And a conquistador to remake the opening scene from on of my favourite movies: The Fountain. Be well all! Cutty
April 26, 201113 yr I only army the Zombie and the Werewolf, and to a lesser extent the Space Villain. Are there really more Forestman armiers than Zombie fans? I gave the Spartan a skip because I figured I'd wait and go for the Elf. Then I saw how obnoxiously popular and expensive the Spartan turned out to be and knew that the Elf would be exactly the same, so I saved myself the trouble and decided to army less popular, more common guys. The Werewolves actually look nice sprinkled in with the Zombies. If the Vampire had been less traditional (i.e. less aristocratic and solitary) I'd have armied him, too.
April 26, 201113 yr Great topic! I voted for the Elf, mainly because of the fact that it is more versatile, as you can use the bow for archers, and the shield for pikemen. I gave most my elves hats, so the 'same haircut'-problem does not arise.
April 26, 201113 yr I only army the Zombie and the Werewolf, and to a lesser extent the Space Villain. Are there really more Forestman armiers than Zombie fans? No idea. I have four apiece of the Forestmen and Zombies myself, and would love more of both, but for the Zombie I'd prefer to have more variation. I don't really want zillions of zombies that all not only have the same head/face, and wear the same clothes, but even have the same rips in their clothing (I therefore really hope they do more zombies in future series). I'd still love at least one or two more, though, and lots more forestmen.
April 26, 201113 yr There are some zombies in the Pirates of the Caribbean sets. They're voodoo zombies rather than virus zombies but they'll probably do alright for creating variety.
April 27, 201113 yr Yeah, I'm thinking about it. I believe I may also use the torso from the Studios Werewolf, since it's another one with gray hands and printed with torn clothing. I just wish I had more than one of that one, too... If the Vampire had been less traditional (i.e. less aristocratic and solitary) I'd have armied him, too. Yes, I have three of the Minifigures Vampire and have sometimes considered getting one or two more, though as designed it's not really a "horde" figure, as you note. I've been thinking I could at least use some of the components, though (mainly the head/face) to MOC some others. I do at least have the Studios Vampire as well, but that, too, is more of a singular, aristocratic type.
May 3, 201113 yr This evening, I've decided to choose one "Army Builder" or "Elite" minifigure in each of the LEGO Minifigure Series to identify as the "Fabulous Four". Based on feedback from many of you here on EB and how many LEGO fans have been army building with these figs, they certainly make a "Fab 4". BUT, which is your favorite for army building? Personally, I love the Forestman from a Classic Castle perspective, and the Elf is equally nice as a new fantasy Castle-related fig, but a Spartan Army is pretty impressive as well. Lastly, the new Musketeer is just beautiful with his ornate fleur de lis and can be incorporated in Pirate as well as Castle themes. All things considered, who among the Fabulous Four would you most enjoy army building with? I went ahead and included an Other Option for those of you don't like any of the Fab 4. I think Elf is the best because there are not enough fantasy elements. I hope Lego will create more fantasy creatures and characters for the future! I don't understand why the Castle line of this years don't have nothing... after we had dwarves, skeletons, trolls...
May 3, 201113 yr Spartan.....all the way ! Though I do also favor a second to the musketeer....though he is missing his name sake....a musket !
September 18, 201113 yr I prefer the Grenadier Guards for army building I'm adding them to my British army.
September 18, 201113 yr Yeah, the Royal Guard should probably be added to the list, as should the Roman Soldier from Series 6, who is sure to win over a lot of the votes. The question is what do we call these army builders then... The Sexy Six?
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