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Cad Bane's - The Thief of Fortune

Since the death of Jango-Fett, Cad Bane has finally got the recognition he deserves as the galaxy's most notorious, ruthless, and fearsome bounty hunter.

As such he needs the technology and firepower to match his reputation,

We all know about his heavily modified ship - The Slight of Hand, but it was his Personal speeder - The Thief of Fortune that was often the Ace up his sleeve.


Cad Bane's character was inspired by the great Lee Van Cleef and his role as Angel Eyes in The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Thus giving him a very distinct western theme.

It was very important for me to incorporate some old west flavour to his speeder


I tried to get several key features into my design - The seat to be inspired by a saddle complete with saddle bags and a blaster rifle holster with easy access

I wanted it to have Heavy fire power, Cad Bane is famous for wielding his twin LL-30 blaster pistols and i wanted to carry that over to his speeder with duel - double barrel laser cannons


The skeletal design was inspired by the 80's saturday morning cartoon Brave Star, the villain Tex Hex would ride around on a chicken like walker with a cow skull atop it

I wanted to go one step further and take the skull and vertebrae from a kryat Dragon and incorporate it with state of the art speeder technology.


Now with any small speeder with such heavy weaponry , it needed the engine power to haul it, and haul it faster than its prey

The speeder propulsion unit was a custom design by Republic Sienar Systems (who later went on to design and manufacture all the of the Galactic Empires fighters,shuttles, and capitol ships)

They didn't usually deal with the underworld, But after Bane found out they were behind the Sith Infiltrator he persuaded them to create his personal project.


Finally, I chose the name The Thief of Fortune as it was quite fitting for a bounty hunter, putting an end to many a smuggler or even jedi's fortune and lining his own pockets in the process

Also as a homage to Van Cleef, who's final motion picture was titled The Thieves of Fortune.

I hope you guys like it , any feed back appreciated

That's a very nice speeder bike, great job :thumbup:

Brilliant entry - love the skull and wild west theme going on. Very appropriate design for Cad Bane. Good luck in the contest!

This is a cool speeder , to say the least . The whole thing is awesome , but what I like the most is the skeletal part . Good luck !

Awesome. Period.

This is a cool speeder , to say the least . The whole thing is awesome , but what I like the most is the skeletal part . Good luck !


Really nice speeder. The back looks very clean, and goes well with the skull in the front. Good luck.

Great job :thumbup:

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Thanks for all the kind words :sweet:

It was a fun build, and i wanted to do justice to such an awesome character in the SWU

I felt let down by the official set 8128: CAD Bane's Speeder, as it was just a civilian transport, and really wanted to give Cad a vehicle he could call his own

Again thanks for all the views and comments

Very interesting and well done speeder, especially the skeletal detail in front. I initially thought the white doesn't go well with the rest of the dark-colored body, but upon a second look it does highlight the skeleton part pretty well. Nice work and good luck with this entry! :thumbup:

That is truly magnificent :classic:

Nice, really nice.


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