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Fleet Listing? Army Listing?

EDIT Bonaparte: This thread should be used for Fleet and Army listing only.

All discussions can be done in the Fleet Listing? Army Listing? Discussion thread.

I used to maintain a fleet listing page for AFOL's and their fleet sizes... that was a long time ago and not many participated in it :) however I am always wondering what other people's pirate colections look like. I remember one guy that had sent me his fleet discription had something like 10 SES, 10 BSB, 25 RBRs and MANY more ships... LOL. I also used to have a math formula to work out who would win a battle... it was bogus really and it was just theory but it was fun. needless to say that guy's fleet could take on the next 5 biggest fleets LOL

Also Mister Phes, if there is a post like this please direct me to it, but I think this may be original. EDIT: i just realized you had something like this in the essential links page... however, I think I ask some different questions, and this can put numbers all in one place. Also this is different then just asking what sets people have...

So here are a few questions for you guys:

Note: You may divide your total fleet up into things like Imperials, Pirates, Armada, French, Etc... or you may keep them all together, or answer all the questions for your multiple fleets!

Also, these do not refer to just pirate theme minifigs and constructions, if they are used in conjuction with your pirates then list them... (ie: i use my blue soldiers from WW to man some ships)

and lastly, these are Fleets, Armies, and Constructions that are displayed or used :) No MISB navies please (there is a section at the bottom for all of you who can refrain from getting your hands all over your new plastic.

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

3) How many fortifications do you have?

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

8)Do you wargame with your army?

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships

b) Men

2)What is your collection goal?

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future

4)favorite set?

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

9) Where are you really from?

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

Let's limit this thread to answering the questions. This could be a good way to get a profile of the members of this board, and be a quick reference for people.

I would be the first to post, but i have to go home from work and perhaps start counting LOL.

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships

b) Men

2)What is your collection goal?

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future

4)favorite set?

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

7) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

8) Where are you really from?

9) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

1 ship half done.

50 pirate themed men and 4 women.

2 large ships, 3 merchant ships, 1 port, 1 fort, same amount of men, many more women, and a Swiss family type tree house.

No sets unless LEGO starts a new pirate theme.


Working on a ship now and will be starting one in August.

None yet.



I am a castle, mecha/scifi, and pirate collector in that order. Pirate is really just an extra little thing I enjoy because of the many sets I had as a child. It is a nice diversion for when I am in a piratey mood.

  • Governor
If we could limit this thread to just answers to the questions, that would be great. This could be a good way to get a profile of the members of this board, and be a quick reference for people. Perhaps creating a second thread to discuss stuff in this thread would be in order?

Yes, a second thread would be definitely useful for asking questions because I have no shortage of them. I'll let you create it since this is your idea. You'll probably find some users will still post questions in this thread regardless of having a dedicated questions thread so brace yourself.

I'm going to begin answering these questions slowly, so I'll come back and EDIT some more in from time to time. Anyone else who doesn't have time to answer them all at once can do the same.

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)

No name as yet.

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)

1 x Skulls Eye Schooner

2 x Renegade Runner

2 x Crossbone Clipper

2 x Imperial Flagship

2 x Caribbean Clipper

1 x Armada Flagship

2 x Cutter

3 x Harbor Sentry

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?


5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

3) How many fortifications do you have?

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

8)Do you wargame with your army?

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships

b) Men

2)What is your collection goal?

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future

4)favorite set?

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

9) Where are you really from?

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

  • Author

Since I started the thread I suppose I should post to it! This is the fleet I have at my current school housing (the vast majority of my fleet is still at my moms house, no room here) for simplicity I am going to lump all i have here together, in the future perhaps I will seperate them when I go home and count what I really have.

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? I think I will entitle this fleet "The Backwater Fleet" or perhaps "backup" fleet... lol

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)

8 craft

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?


5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

Skull Eye Schooner (1)

Imperial Flagship (1)

Emperors Ship (1)

Viking Longboat (1) Hey they are all pirates too! :P

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

HMS Inventive - a 7 guns a side (technicly could hold 14 total, but only has 8 cannons on it) brig. The size of the SES

Unnamed Pirate Ship build from the hull of 7075

2 Unnamed Pirate Craft converted from 7072

The Christine - 18 gun ship. small hull, but with 4 midsections.

1 unnamed Brig - bored for 16 guns

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet? I will update when I count

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet? My friend customized a pirate with a turban... he leads atleast a ship.

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

I have around 10 hulls of various sizes laying around and masts for only a couple... I think i have two 7075 hulls, 4 or five wide hulls at atleast 2 centerpieces a piece and a couple small hulls (don't know the exact number off hand)

10) Do you wargame with your fleet? Yes, or atleast try, Have been using Evil Stevies system.

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

I dont have any fortifications built right now, and dont have a count of men... so i will have to come back to this.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

3) How many fortifications do you have?

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

8)Do you wargame with your army?

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships 8

b) Men ?

2)What is your collection goal? To be able to field fifty ships a side in a massive armada game where i have to rent a conference center to play!!!! HAHAHAHA

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future? Eldarado Fortresses, cheap. Or any cheap SES

4)favorite set? SES

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future? There is plans in the works for an overhaul on HMS Inventive, or to lay down boards for a new pirate ship.

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share. Unfortunately I am ashamed of my MOCs LOL

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? At the house i have about 14 more emperor's ships lying on my shelves.

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...) I have been kicking around a back story but not ready to reveal it just yet

9) Where are you really from? PA, USA

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)

Her Majesty's Caribbean Patrol -- Port Royal

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)

1 Royal Navy Frigate

1 French mid-sized ship

1 Pirate Vessel

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)

1 Durstrang..

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?

2, the HMS Atlantis and the La Liberte

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

HMS Atlantis- built on "Red Beard Runner" base, but much larger 21 guns

La Liberte- built on the smaller base.. not sure which set it's from 6-10 guns

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

Royal Navy-

1 Governor

1 Commodore

1 Captain

2 Lieutenants

8 Royal Marines

12 Royal Navy Crewmen

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

My Sigfig, Admiral Matthew

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

1 new hull is coming in!

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?


Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships - 3

b) Men -30+

2)What is your collection goal? 4 or 5 ships

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future- not really

4)favorite set? The old Imperial ones

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future? I'm getting a new hull in the mail, so something with that

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

The Caribbean

9) Where are you really from?


10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection? ~Later

I won't write it all at once, I'll edit this post in the future, and every time I add something, I will inform about it in the Fleet Listing Discussion thread, because I don't want to make a mess here.

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)

No name yet.

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)

7, but many more are yet to be assembled.

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?


5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

1 Black Seas Barracuda (very slightly modified), 1 Imperial Flagship (very slightly modified), 1 Viking Longboat

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

There are a few subfleets (Pirates, British, Dutch, Spaniards) so there are several commanders.

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

2 in the process of building, plus 4 small and 1 big hull lying around

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?


Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

3) How many fortifications do you have?

None yet.

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)


5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?

None yet.

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))

No land sets yet, only watercraft!

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

8)Do you wargame with your army?


9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns?

Not yet, but I'm planning it.

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships


b) Men

2)What is your collection goal?

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future

I don't think so, but you never know...

4)favorite set?

Black Seas Barracuda.

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

My pirate creations.

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!


8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

Caribbean, I think.

9) Where are you really from?


10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)?

None so far

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)

3 Ships

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?

2 ships

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?


5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

Black Seas Barracuda

Imperial Flagship

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison.

Small merchant ship. No mid-section added

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

12 so far

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

An Imperial Admiral with feather on top of his hat

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships?

None. Though i may fix up my small merchant ship

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

Not yet but i will

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?


2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

5 Imperial Gaurds

2 Admirals

1 Imperial Sailor

3 Piraes

3) How many fortifications do you have?


4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)

Imperial Out post

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do youhave?


6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size.


7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

Imperial Admiral

8)Do you wargame with your army?

not yet but soon

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?


Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships ( sort of a strenght )

b) Men (Strenght)

2)What is your collection goal? (As much as i can afford)

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future ( no )

4)favorite set? ( Imperial Flagship )

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future? ( none)

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share ( not yet )

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here! ( nope )

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...) (Not sure yet )

9) Where are you really from? ( U.S. background from Portugal )

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection? ( My collection is small but in time it may get a tad bigger )

Sorry but there is more than this i have. I will come back and edit this.

  • 3 weeks later...

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? I don't know, I'll think about that and post it later.

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? 4

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? 2 (Carribean Clipper, Armada Flagship)

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet? Two The lotus and some other ugly ship for ESPG

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number. (Carribean Clipper, Armada Flagship) Clipper doesnt have real sails

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. 2 the size of a carribean clipper (1 center piece large hull)

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet? about 6

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet? Evil Willy!

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made) Hmm some hull pieces but not enough to make a ship.

10) Do you wargame with your fleet? Ohh yah

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)? Dunno

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts) 12 gaurds in the imperial tradepost(With 2 officers) 5 in the clipper (1 officer) 10 ish spanish people in the Armada flagship. and then about 70 pirates stationed all over the place.

3) How many fortifications do you have?About 4 2 mocs, Imperial trading post and imperial outpost.

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts) 3

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have? 8 but some are just islands with trees for ESPG

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example)) Dont feel like doing this

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander? Evil Willy

8)Do you wargame with your army?YEs

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ? Not really...I'm on the low with LEGO right now

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships 4

b) Men 120ish

2)What is your collection goal? Dont have a goal, just wanna be happy.

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future. Nope

4)favorite set? Probably the Skulls eye Schooner, but I dont have it...Ill get it eventually

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future? No

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share. look at the lotus.

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here! NO I dont care for MISB, I just want LEGO

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...) Lol in Legoribean

9) Where are you really from? Canada, Quebec

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection? Evil Willy rules the sea, yet sometimes he is destroyed in ESPG's.(Evil Stevie's Pirate game)

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)?

I generally refer to the whole collection as

  • 3 weeks later...

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)

Royal Navy

2) What is the size of your fleet

5 large rbr type, 5 smaller ships, one to minifig scale frigate (44 guns) and one ship of the line to minifig scale with the keel 40% complete.

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?


5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

5 rbr's, 3 cc's, 2 armada flagships

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

HMS Challenger 44 Gun Frigate, based on HMS Indefatigable. HMS Agamemnon 64 Gun Ship of the Line

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

80 sailors, 28 red soldiers, 40 blue soldiers, 3 blue officers, 2 red officers

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

Got a masters mate with a han solo head a kinda like, Got a Post Captain on the Frigate

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

One ship of the Line, eta till completion 9 months.

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

Would love to but nobody will paly with me.

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

not yet.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?


2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

28 red soldiers, 40 blue soldiers, 3 blue officers, 2 red officers

3) How many fortifications do you have?


4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)

own quite a few of them but none are made up, bought about a dozen kits years ago when they went discontinued.

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?


6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))


7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?


8)Do you wargame with your army?

again would love to...but.. :(

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?

not yet

I'm from Fredericton NewBrunswick Canada. Hi!

  • 1 month later...

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)?

Well I guess it would be just the USS Constitution since i now only have one ship :-D

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)?

1 partial

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?

1 partial

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.


6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison.

The USS Constitution Mini-fig scale, 44 studs wide and the main gun deck is going to be about 170 studs long

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

180ish total

20 Imperial Soldiers

5 Other Imperials

6 Chinese :) 4 are "MOC" Chinese

14 ninjas

12 islanders

9 vikings

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

Evil Captain Phred (Z's idea X-D )

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock?

the USS Constitution

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

i will muahahaha!

Your Army and Fortifications

1 Sentry Box :-D

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) NOTHING 8-o

b) Men 180ish

2)What is your collection goal?

infinity :)

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future set:

#6250 The Cross Bone Clipper (that set is sooo kool!) :-P

4)favorite set?

by far the Black Seas Barracuda

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

finishing my frigate

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

Nothing right now

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army?


8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

Boston Harbor

9) Where are you really from?

Wisconsin, USA

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

um i have about 30 gallons of lego bricks, or 120 liters

Thumbnail Links to some of Me old vessels:

bowstarboardbow.jpg_thumb.jpg * xebecbow.jpg_thumb.jpg * finishedjunkstarboard.jpg_thumb.jpg

Updated as of 07SEP07

Edited by phred

  • 3 months later...

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)?

I�d like to claim to be England

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)?

14 complete, plus 3 docked

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?

4, but only one is complete. One is barely started.

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

1 Imperial Cutter

2 Emperor�s Ships

1 Cross Bone Clipper

1 Renegade Runner

2 Armada Flagships

1 Imperial Flagship

1 Caribbean Clipper

1 Red Beard Runner

2 Black Seas Barracudas

1 Viking Ship

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison.

1 MOC complete and is 12 studs wide.

2 MOCs using 16 wide hulls in dry dock

1 that I am planning to model very closely to the HMS Victory in minifig scale, in dry dock

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

544 total

155 Red Soldiers

128 Blue Soldiers

7 Red Admirals

2 Blue Admirals

135 Red & white striped shirt sailors

27 Blue & white striped shirt sailors

18 Red & black striped shirt sailors

31 Blue shirt with golden horizontal bars sailors

11 Armada Soldiers

8 Females

13 Pirate Captains

9 Other various figures from the era

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?


9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock?


10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

I will be soon!!

Your Army and Fortifications

1 Imperial Trading Post

1 Eldorado Fortress

1 Lagoon Lockup

1 Cannon Cove

1 Sabre Island

1 Viking Fortress

1 MOC fort with 27 cannons

1 Fort Legoredo

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

I have over 100 Lego cannons, plus about 40 MOC cannons. I also might have a strength in men and ships.

2)What is your collection goal?

Pretty much unlimited, but I�d like to have at least one of every ship plus eventually a 1st rate ship of the line to proper scale with the correct sized harbor to hold it.

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future set:

More Emperors� Ships

1 Armada Flagship

1 Imperial Flagship

1 Caribbean Clipper

1 Skulls Eye Schooner

1 Enchanted Island

1 Islander Catamaran

1 Imperial Outpost

1 Pirates Ambush

1 Shanghai Surprise

4)favorite set?

Imperial Flagship and the Imperial Trading Post

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

Finish MOC ships

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

These are both my brothers, but I made them.


http://eurobricks.hosting.ipsyn.com/eurofo...?showtopic=6762 (the catamaran)

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army?


8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)

The Mediterranean and the Caribbean

9) Where are you really from?

Wisconsin, USA

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

I have a huge box completely filled with Lego sets I haven�t put together yet. They are mostly Castle and Western though. I also have quite a few castle sets, including all the Dragon Masters and some others. I also have several Western sets, but mostly just the big ones.

Edited by dukeschunke

  • 4 weeks later...

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)


Aldea de Ensada Protection Fleet

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? 5 Brick-tish (or maybe they are French), 2 Pirate, 1 Ghost Pirate and 3 Spanish

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?

2 Pirate

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?

5 Brick-tish

1 Ghost Pirate

3 Spanish

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.



6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison.


Arbiter II- 40 Gun Frigate. more than 2 times longer than an SES, 74 studs in the midsection (9 midsections!?)


New Covenant- 18 Gun Brig. Length similar to SES, but 2 decks


Sienna- 6 Gun Xebec (on one side, probably too narrow for guns on both sides) Length, a little longer than an SES


Fortune- 1 Gun Sloop treasure ship like Renegade Runner

Adventure- 1 Gun Hoy treasure ship like Renegade Runner

Ghost Pirates.

No Name 1 Gun Sloop


Venganza 24 Gun Firgate. 7 narrow midsections


UnNamed 1 Gun Sloop

UnNamed 1 Gun Sloop

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

No Idea. Lots. The Arbiter II actually carries some ordinary sailors.

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

Recently knighted Admiral, Sir Buress (see if you figure that one out ;) )


9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock?

2 Both looking to be matching Schooners. One will be named 'Charon' and the other will be name 'Rachel'.

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

I in fact have not.

Your Army and Fortifications

1)The name of your Army(s)?

The garrison at Fort Brighton

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have?

Unknown. Several at least!

3) How many fortifications do you have?

1 Very large Brick-tish fortification known as Fort Brighton


4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)

None in use.

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?

Non in use.

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size.

Fort Brighton. At leas 8 times the size, in term of area, as an Elderado Fortress.

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

The Commander is Governor Adams

8)Do you wargame with your army?

I have not

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?


Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships

11 (including dry dock)

b) Men


2)What is your collection goal?


3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future


4)favorite set?


5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

2 Schooners

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!


8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)


9) Where are you really from?

Minnesota USA

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?


  • 6 months later...

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)

no clue

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats

please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)


3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)


4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?


5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

1 small pirate ship

and a viking ship thats been changed

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)

they both have 8 cannons

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?

2 soon to be when i get decal stuff more

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

not sure

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)

1 galleon that will have 38 cannons 8-o

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

nah who with?

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)

5 soon to be 17 yay and with pirates 22

3) How many fortifications do you have?


4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)


5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?none

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))


7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?


8)Do you wargame with your army?


9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ? yes a dock to hold my ships and galleons

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships


b) Men


2)What is your collection goal?

depends how much money i have

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future

no just imperial officers

4)favorite set?

black seas barracuda

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

one big galleon and a dock

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

no photos soz

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!


8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...)


9) Where are you really from?

Sydney Australia

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?


  • 6 months later...

Howdy me Hearties

:-) It be Captain Pegleg Blockbeard Here, Captain o' the finest fleet floating in the blue bricks. I be just coming into your ports and like what i see. Hope the way i talk dont get under ya skin, but a pirates life tis for me. Hav'ya heard of a pirate game? its like warhammer if ya know what that is, pretty good fun ta sink others ships. check this page i find out, it may have been talked about already, but i didnt see any signs.

http://www.io.com/~sj/PirateGame.html also http://home.wi.rr.com/lego/PWars.html

Why dont ya sit and have some rum, and discuss what boats you got out sitting in the harbour. Myself and me crew, have no lego, not as such, but found me a treasure in eBay. Not lego branded but by design i found myself crusing two BSB. (its called the 'black pearl' by bricks operates out of hong kong) now on its way is my 5 other ships as well as its crew.

52 imperial soldiers have turned to my side, as well as 96 pirates to crew the ships.

The fleet be seven ships strong (i hope pics work)


One basically a bsb with midsection doubled (Black sails) (4 mid sections)


two bsb (Red sails) (3 mid sections)


two small sized bsb (Yellow sails) (2 mid sections)


two single mid sectioned ships (Blue sails) (1 mid section)

So What fleet ya be floatin?

  • Governor

Greetings Captain Pegleg Blockbeard!

I can't help but notice most of your links lead to pictures of ships which aren't genuine LEGO.

We do already have a Fleet Listing thread which I think has the same purpose as the thread you're proposing.

Greet'ns warmly felt Mister Phes

Aye my fleet not be genuine lego, its not even arrived completely yet. To get a fleet this size in genuine LEGO would cost 5 times as much. For the game these boats do fine. I am try'n me hardest to get the real deals but eBays just not presenting me the treasure.

Aye again me hearty, that was the proposed purpose of this thread, The other thread listing was hidden well, It didnt show on me map and im sorry for makin another.

May the wind always be in ya sails.

Edited by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard

  • Governor
Aye my fleet not be genuine lego, its not even arrived completely yet. To get a fleet this size in genuine LEGO would cost 5 times as much. I am try'n me hardest to get the real deals but eBays just not presenting me the treasure.

Ah yes, I know your peril all too well!

For the game these boats do fine.

You play Evil Stevie's Pirate Game?

Aye again me hearty, that was the proposed purpose of this thread, The other thread listing was hidden well, It didnt show on me map and im sorry for makin another.

I can merge the two together and that way your post will be a continuation of the existing thread.

Your Fleet

What is the name of your Fleet?

Well, it's really two seperate ships, not a fleet at all.

What is the size of your fleet?

Two ships.

How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?

None (yet)

How many MOC ships do you have in your fleet?


Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison.

HMS Charity - 16-gun Sloop of War (wide hull, 6 midsections) (Royal Navy)

Vrijheid - Dutch pirate brig, two guns (narrow hull, 1 midsection)

Number of sailors and officers in your fleet?

HMS Charity - Captain, 2 Lieutenants, 6 Midshipmen, 6 Warrant Officers, 35 Able Seamen

Vrijheid - 4 Captains (three as passengers), 10 pirates

Your Army

What are the names of your armies?

224th Light Infantry Company


His Majesty's Royal Marines, aboard HMS Charity

How many Officers and Troops do you have?

224th - 1 Captain, 1 Standard-Bearer, 1 Drummer, 3 Lieutenants, 3 Sergeants, 9 Corporals, 45 Privates

Marines - 1 Lieutenant, 1 Sergeant, 1 Corporal, 16 Privates

How many fortifications do you have?

None (yet)

Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

My Infantry commander is nothing too special, but the Marine commander is one of my favorite minifigs to date: Gilderoy Lockehart's head and hair on the Imperial Officer torso, with a red cape...I'll put a picture up eventually.


Out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships


b) Men

149 (156, if you include my ever-growing Les Mis�rables minifig group...they'll be embarking on the Charity for a world tour eventually)

What is your collection goal?

More ships...I am now addicted to MOCing.

Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future?

Black Seas Barracuda. Again.

What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

I'm going to turn those RBR hulls into another ship. Eventually.

Edited by The Daphne Blue Strat

  • 4 months later...

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)? the jammey army

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts) 2 officers, 14 troops,2 special units

3) How many fortifications do you have?1

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)0

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?1

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))port charles(8and a half impoerial flagships)

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?my favorite minifig is the comander sir jami344

8)Do you wargame with your army?no

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?yes

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:my men

a) Ships 2

b) Men 18

2)What is your collection goal? to build a army like bonapartes

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future. yes all of them

4)favorite set?imperial flagship

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future? a new ship

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share. nope

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here! nope

8) Location of your Lego Universe: (ie: the legoribean...) on a small island on the carribein.

9) Where are you really from? northern ireland

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection? nope

  • 5 months later...

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)?

The French fleet of the Caribbean

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)?

The size of my fleet is 4 vessels.

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet?

I have the Armada Flagship 2x and the Redbeard Runner 2x, both destroyed to make room for MOC ships.

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?

All four ships are MOC ships.

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.

I have no standard ships in my fleet.

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison.

"La Formidable": five midsections 24 guns exclusive swivel guns.

"San Pedro" three midsections, 8 guns exclusive swivel guns.

"Red Tooth" none midsections, 4 guns.

"La Fourgeux": one midsection, 4 guns.

7) number of sailors and officers in your fleet?

35 crewmembers in total.

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?

That will be me! Admiral Villenerva is commanding my fleet.

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock?

Two ships are currently under construction...

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?

No, but I'm planning to do!

Your Army and Fortifications

1)THe name of your Army(s)?

Second regiment of the French army settled in the Caribbean.

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have?

20 men are guarding the coast, containing artillery, cavalry and infantry.

3) How many fortifications do you have?

One fortress keeps a sharp eye on the waters around my port.

4) How many are Standard Lego sets?


5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?

One, and it's strong.

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size.

One fortress, and lots of town buildings. The fortress is two times bigger then the Eldorado Fortress. The entire port is currently under construction so I have no sizes of it yet.

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?

General Pierre Domestique is my favorite minifig, he's also commanding my army.

8)Do you wargame with your army?

A little with friends.

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?

I am!!

Final Tally

1) out of all your collection combined, what is your strength in:

a) Ships

four vessels.

b) Men

65 men.

2)What is your collection goal?

A lot, bluecoats in the new pirate's line.

3) Are there any sets that you are hunting for in the near future

New Bluecoats.

4)favorite set?

Medieval Market Village

5) Construction plans? What have you started or planning to start in the near future?

Finishing my port!

6) Links to any of your creations or something you would like to share

Expect some nice pictures soon!

7) Do you have a MISB Navy or Army? if so go ahead and list it here!

I have opened everyting when I was young. :pir-sceptic:

8) Location of your Lego Universe:

The Lego Caribbean.

9) Where are you really from?

The Netherlands.

10) Any sort of brief discription you want to give of your collection, small backstory, or other about your collection?

New bricks are expected this week: Lots of yellow & black tiles for "La Formidable", a lot of bricks for the port. Can't wait!

Edited by Cap'n Blackmoor

Your Fleet and its Size

1) What is the name of your Fleet(s)? (ie: The Golden Tresure Fleet)- Spade Fleet

2) What is the size of your fleet (s)? (just the number of watercraft in your fleet (minus standard rowboats please, though if they are modified and you want to include them then go right ahead)- Soon to be one War Brig and Merchant Ship. Possibly modified rowboat.

3) How many standard LEGO ships do you have in your fleet? (IE: Skull Eye Schooner, or other lego sets)- Zero.

4) how many MOC (my own creation) ships do you have in your fleet?- About to be two.

5) Please list your Non-MOC ships by type and number.- Meh.

6) Please list your MOCs and tell us a relative size comparison. (ie: it is the size of the Imperial Flagship, and carries 4 cannon, or something like that)- War Brig: Carries about 10 cannons. Size is 2 center hulls. Merchant: No center hulls. 2 cannons.

7) number of sailors and officers (pirates have officers too!) in your fleet?- Bound to be 12. (10 German Spade Regiment 1 soldiers) (Two German Spade Regiment 1 Captains.)

8) your favorite mini-fig in your fleet, and who is the commander of your fleet?- Commander: Captain Villam Heer. Favourite: Liem Heer.

9) How many ships to you have up in dry-dock? (Ie: in the process of building, and or what kind of parts do you have just lying around to build ships? for example I may have 2 small hulls and 2 large hulls lying around... and have one ship in the process of being made)- All in process.

10) Do you wargame with your fleet?- Nope. Possibly with brother.

Your Army and Fortifications

note: this again can be divided by army if you wish.

1)THe name of your Army(s)?- Spade Heer (Heer means Military in German)

2) How many Officers and Troops do you have? (If you are counting pirates, i suppose you would list the number of captains that you have and the number of pirates based at forts and hideouts)- 12. All on ships.

3) How many fortifications do you have?- None. Yet.

4) How many are Standard Lego sets? (ie eldorado fortress or any other standard lego hideouts or forts)None.

5) how many MOC forts or hideouts do you have?- None.

6) Please list what kind of sets you have on land, if they are MOC, please let us know a comparitive size. (Ie: my MOC fortress called Fort henry is two times the size of the eldarado fortress. (jsut an example))- None.

7)Who is your favorite minifig in your army, and who is the commander?- My favourite: Liem Heer. Commander: Villam Heer.

8)Do you wargame with your army?- No.

9) are you in the midst of any Army construction, hideouts, forts, or towns ?- Possibly a fort. Incoming supplies from MN.(Minnesota) on Bricklink. x40 2x1 brown logs, and x20 4x1 brown logs.

  • 2 years later...

Your Fleet and its Size

(1) Name: The Fighting Cornishmen

(2) Size: 2 ships

(3) Standard LEGO Ships: None

(4) MOC's: 2

(5) Non-MOC ships: Not Available

(6) MOC ships: HMS Galahad (Close to the Emperor's Ship)

HMS Quicksilver (Close to the trading boat in Imperial Trading Post)

(7) Sailors and officers: 2 captains

2 midshipmen

3 generic sailors

(8) Favorite minifig & commander: Captain Marius Gloriosus, simply known as Captain Marius, not to get mixed up with his brother Miles.

(9) Ships in dry-dock: 0

(10) Wargame with fleet? Occasionally I have tiny battles, but mostly they sit in Mouthvan harbor.

Army and Fortifications

(1) Name: 17th Cornish Field Rangers

14th Cornish Footmen

(2) Officers and troops: 1 Captain

2 Sergeant Majors

4 Privates (Two under each sergeant major)

(3) Fortifications: One

(4) Standard LEGO Forts: None

(5) MOC forts: One

(6) Fortification Size: Around that as the front of the 2011 Kingdoms Castle

(7) Favorite Minifig: Sergeant-Major Bill Marty

Commander: Captain Miles Gloriosus, simply known as Captain Miles, not to get mixed up with his brother Marius.

(8) Wargame with Army: Sometimes, as maneuvers for the soldier boys.

(9) Midst of building forts: Just finished my only fort this afternoon.

Final Tally

(1) Strength in

(a) Ships: Weak :pir-hmpf_bad:

(b) Men: Moderate :pirate_sad2:

(2) Collection goal: An actual LEGO hull ship and at least four more men and a Lieutenant.

(3) Sets hunting for in near future: Maybe one of the old LEGO Imperial ships

(4) Favorite set: None at the moment

(5) Construction plans for near future: Get some more guns for the army and build some more ships.

(6) Links to creations: HMS Galahad

HMS Quicksilver

(7) MISB Navy: No

(8) Location of Universe: Mouthvan, Cornwall County, U.K.

(9) True Location: Cuming County, Nebraska, U.S.A.

(10) Backstories, Anecdotes, etc: The ships in my fleet have figures in their backs to show their name. Galahad's back has a Castle-esq. sword on it. Quicksilver's back has a pickaxe.

Edited by efullner

Your Fleet and its Size

(1) Name: No offical name

(2) Size: 6 ships

(3) Standard LEGO Ships: Brickbeard's Bounty, Two Imperial Flagahips(2010), Queen Anne's Revenge, Armada Flagship, and Black Pearl

(4) MOC's: 1

(5) Non-MOC ships: I have a few small models

(6) MOC ships: USS Essex

(7) Sailors and officers: Varies

(8) Favorite minifig & commander: Commodore Hiawatha

(9) Ships in dry-dock: Currently only three are together as the others were used to build the uss Essex

(10) Wargame with fleet? I have two friends with an old Imperial Flagship so maybe I will someday have a battle

Army and Fortifications

(1) The French Army (Also used for Americans), British Army, Hawaiian Army, and Spanish Army (small)

(2) Officers and troops:

French: 40 men and four officers plus three Mamelukes

British, 40 men and six officers

Islanders: 6 men and four officers

Spanish: 2 men and one officer

(3) Fortifications: Two

(4) Standard LEGO Forts: Two Soldier's forts

(5) MOC forts: working on one

(7) Favorite Minifig: Napoleon or Wellington (I also really like the Armada captain)

(6) Fortification Size: Moderate

(8) Wargame with Army: Hopefully

(9) Midst of building forts: In the process

Final Tally

(1) Strength in

(a) Ships: strong

(b) Men: Strong

(2) Collection goal: Army is great, I would just like to get my hands on some of the classic saling ships

(3) Sets hunting for in near future: Black Seas Barracudda

(4) Favorite set: Imperial Flagship (2010)

(5) Construction plans for near future: Make a larger and heavier gunned Essex

(6) Links to creations: See my Brickshelf

(8) Location of Universe: Anywhere there is water

(9) True Location: Pennsylvania, United States of America

(10) Backstories, Anecdotes, etc: Someday a large battle will occur between all of my forces

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