July 9, 2024Jul 9 1 hour ago, The Reader said: I used the swimmer's torso to build two of Achu's jungle warriors: Nice! I would recommend using either this plume, the short Mohawk piece, or the Minions tuft for their hair instead of just studs; that would look more natural and less blocky/robotic.
July 10, 2024Jul 10 22 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said: Nice! I would recommend using either this plume, the short Mohawk piece, or the Minions tuft for their hair instead of just studs; that would look more natural and less blocky/robotic. Thank you. I tried the plume you mentioned but think it's too big/large. I will try the other two pieces but actually I like the classic look this stud has.
July 11, 2024Jul 11 I know that this is a random question, but does anyone know what the 2021 brown teddy bear figures official accessory was? I’m seeing an equal number of pictures of him with a croissant vs no accessory, and sometimes an umbrella. Jays Bricks shows him with nothing while PromoBricks shows him holding a croissant, but with more bears with other accessories in the background. Does anyone know the official build?
July 11, 2024Jul 11 3 hours ago, fuzzy_gray_koala said: I know that this is a random question, but does anyone know what the 2021 brown teddy bear figures official accessory was? I’m seeing an equal number of pictures of him with a croissant vs no accessory, and sometimes an umbrella. Jays Bricks shows him with nothing while PromoBricks shows him holding a croissant, but with more bears with other accessories in the background. Does anyone know the official build? Do BAM figures have any official builds?! It is basically minifig-parts that go more or less well together released at the same time
July 11, 2024Jul 11 11 hours ago, fuzzy_gray_koala said: I know that this is a random question, but does anyone know what the 2021 brown teddy bear figures official accessory was? I’m seeing an equal number of pictures of him with a croissant vs no accessory, and sometimes an umbrella. Jays Bricks shows him with nothing while PromoBricks shows him holding a croissant, but with more bears with other accessories in the background. Does anyone know the official build? My first thought, relying on my memory, was the black umbrella. I then googled the bear costume minifigure and saw a few examples of the croissant that you had already discovered. Going back to the discussion in 2021 when this was first released I found this post: On 2/25/2021 at 5:23 PM, makoy said: In my region, these BAM does not come pre-packed. However, here's my findings.https://www.instagram.com/p/CLbHTN8JY6Y/https://www.instagram.com/p/CJyLBdvpItG/ Looking at these 2 photos... one from Italy, and the other one from Australia, there's a good chance the the blue head is indeed the appropriate head for the bear suit guy, along with the umbrella accessory. I would lean towards it being the umbrella, but both the umbrella and croissant are not pieces that are hard to come across so you could cover both options and place one in each hand And when you say 'official' do you mean 'prebuilt configurations' like those in the prebuilt packs frequently seen during Covid? I think that's a better description since there can be a bit of variation with the costumed and other character configurations between different stores and different countries and you could go crazy trying to adhere to one true official configuration. Apparently stores receive some sort of guide but a random employee on the day could get it wrong. I found this example of a bear costume with a lasso in a store display: On 7/24/2022 at 8:07 PM, RichardGoring said: edit: I forgot that this instagram account by @cacacolito documents the BAM character builds, so yeah I'd say it's the umbrella. Edited July 11, 2024Jul 11 by rebelpilot
July 11, 2024Jul 11 1 hour ago, rebelpilot said: My first thought, relying on my memory, was the black umbrella. I then googled the bear costume minifigure and saw a few examples of the croissant that you had already discovered. Going back to the discussion in 2021 when this was first released I found this post: I would lean towards it being the umbrella, but both the umbrella and croissant are not pieces that are hard to come across so you could cover both options and place one in each hand And when you say 'official' do you mean 'prebuilt configurations' like those in the prebuilt packs frequently seen during Covid? I think that's a better description since there can be a bit of variation with the costumed and other character configurations between different stores and different countries and you could go crazy trying to adhere to one true official configuration. Apparently stores receive some sort of guide but a random employee on the day could get it wrong. I found this example of a bear costume with a lasso in a store display: edit: I forgot that this instagram account by @cacacolito documents the BAM character builds, so yeah I'd say it's the umbrella. Yeah, maybe official wasn’t the right word to use! More like “suggested build”. But I have this weird thing about keeping figures together as they’re shown, so I’ve been trying to figure out what the bear is usually shown with and it’s making my head spin haha Thank you for all the effort you put into that! I’m relatively new to BAM figures, so I wasn’t sure what sources would have the recommended builds posted.
July 11, 2024Jul 11 I could see the croissant being the "official" accessory for the teddy bear...it's the closest thing we've got to a bearclaw...
July 11, 2024Jul 11 On 7/9/2024 at 3:06 PM, The Reader said: I used the swimmer's torso to build two of Achu's jungle warriors: Not bad, I like it! Nice work.
July 12, 2024Jul 12 I've been in two LEGO stores recently (Boston and Washington DC) and asked about the new BAM figures. Both said they were delayed by a few weeks and one said they'd been told that stores in the US with minifigure printing stations were getting them first as a priority (she also said that she didn't know why, nor why there was an apparent limit on stock). So if you have a regular store, then it may be a while before you see the figures. In other news, I found 26 of the older blue butterfly, so combined with other acquisitions and a Pick a Brick order that's arriving at the weekend, I'll do a butterfly themed bonsai tree
July 12, 2024Jul 12 10 hours ago, fuzzy_gray_koala said: Thank you for all the effort you put into that! I’m relatively new to BAM figures, so I wasn’t sure what sources would have the recommended builds posted. No problem, you're welcome. The Lego BAM instagram I linked to is a pretty great resource for future reference. Also as you've probably discovered jaysbrickblog covers a lot of these. Quote Yeah, maybe official wasn’t the right word to use! More like “suggested build”. I think I like "suggested build" best. Quote But I have this weird thing about keeping figures together as they’re shown... Don't worry it's not that weird, if you go back through this topic you'll find that you're not the only one.
July 14, 2024Jul 14 On 7/11/2024 at 11:12 AM, fuzzy_gray_koala said: Yeah, maybe official wasn’t the right word to use! More like “suggested build”. But I have this weird thing about keeping figures together as they’re shown, so I’ve been trying to figure out what the bear is usually shown with and it’s making my head spin haha Thank you for all the effort you put into that! I’m relatively new to BAM figures, so I wasn’t sure what sources would have the recommended builds posted. You can also find a BaM Flickr reference here:https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzSCeu
July 14, 2024Jul 14 6 hours ago, Armothe said: You can also find a BaM Flickr reference here:https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzSCeu Thanks for that link, I had not seen that before. It exemplifies my point about various pre-built configuration of BAM figures differing from region to region. I've not seen the Valentines Elephant with anything but the heart-shaped sunglasses (flickr on the left, bricklink on the right): And what's going on here with the Halloween pack? There's no jack-o-lantern head for the skeleton and also there are only 14 parts, even bricklink is wrong on this one, they've got the jack-o-lantern as an accessory for the Tiger Cub. I know this because I ordered this same pack online during Covid from a certified store and this is how it was supposed to be packed. Warlock dark green witch hat head skull medallion torso brown skirt gold trident Tiger Cub Suit Girl tiger stripped head piece tiger face paint head tiger torso tiger stripped tail orange short legs Skeleton jack-o-lantern head skull head skeleton printed torso skeleton printed legs long white bone Edited July 14, 2024Jul 14 by rebelpilot
July 16, 2024Jul 16 On 7/14/2024 at 3:58 AM, rebelpilot said: Thanks for that link, I had not seen that before. It exemplifies my point about various pre-built configuration of BAM figures differing from region to region. I've not seen the Valentines Elephant with anything but the heart-shaped sunglasses (flickr on the left, bricklink on the right): It's really just based on parts availability at each LEGO store.
July 17, 2024Jul 17 Speaking of parts availability (kind of), I found this misprinted head in Penang, Malaysia last week while on holiday. Looks like it's Christina Hydron from 2014! What adventures has she had over the past 10 years?? All other parts I saw at the stores were either the current pieces or ones from a few months ago. Edited July 17, 2024Jul 17 by bdw typo
July 30, 2024Jul 30 Did anyone's store get the new ones in yet. Every time I call they say they haven't gotten them yet.
July 30, 2024Jul 30 1 hour ago, Capybara554321 said: Did anyone's store get the new ones in yet. Every time I call they say they haven't gotten them yet. My friend was able to get me a Greek/Green Queen when they visited the store, so there are at least some out there.
July 31, 2024Jul 31 I was able to get the Green Queen a few weeks ago. I couldn't find any of the Store employee, or Swim guy torso and wasn't really looking for any of the others. Haven't been back to the store since then.
July 31, 2024Jul 31 On 7/17/2024 at 11:37 AM, bdw said: Speaking of parts availability (kind of), I found this misprinted head in Penang, Malaysia last week while on holiday. Looks like it's Christina Hydron from 2014! What adventures has she had over the past 10 years?? That isn't misprinted. It is worn out.
August 1, 2024Aug 1 On 7/31/2024 at 6:21 PM, MAB said: That isn't misprinted. It is worn out. I'm not sure. It was in the Bam tower. Bit odd. Anyways, I saw hundreds of tan Labradors in the Bam there and a few newer torsos. No Green Queens that I remember. I live in Vietnam (English teacher) and no Bam at all here, from my observations, unfortunately. But they are building an actual bricks and mortar Lego factory here so there's hope yet
August 2, 2024Aug 2 19 hours ago, bdw said: Je ne suis pas sûr. C'était dans la tour Bam. C'est un peu bizarre. Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai vu des centaines de labradors bruns dans la tour Bam et quelques torses plus récents. Pas de reines vertes dont je me souvienne. Je vis au Vietnam (professeur d'anglais) et il n'y a pas de Bam du tout ici, d'après mes observations, malheureusement. Mais ils construisent une véritable usine de Lego en briques et mortier ici, donc il y a encore de l'espoir Are there any exclusives in Vietnamese stores? My friend is leaving for 15 days in Vietnam starting tomorrow, he will spend a few days in Hanoi.
August 2, 2024Aug 2 14 minutes ago, alpinesman said: Are there any exclusives in Vietnamese stores? My friend is leaving for 15 days in Vietnam starting tomorrow, he will spend a few days in Hanoi. Hi. I haven't seen any exclusives here. No official Lego store either as far as I know. That's why I went to 5 or 6 of them in Malaysia to see what BAM figs were available (not the main reason why I went to Malaysia of course) :) Hopefully things improve after the factory is built. Lego is very expensive here. My only advice is to look at stores such as "MyKingdom" which often has unsold CMF figs that your friend can try to feel or scan for the ones they want. Bit off topic but tell him to eat a bowl of Bun Cha in Hanoi :)
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