December 29, 201113 yr *Finally* picked up my first 8089 Hoth Wampa Cave today (!), along with one copy apiece of the OT Hoth battlepacks, all on clearance for half price - huzzah! I think I shall get a few more shortly.
December 29, 201113 yr Took advantage of the current 50% clearance going on at Walmart. Picked up the following: Rebel Trooper BP x4 Snowtrooper BP x4 Hoth Wampa Cave x2 Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle x2 Slave I x2 PLO Koon's Starfighter x2 SW Advent Calendar x2 Pretty happy with what I was able to find. The only thing I wanted and couldn't find was the Mace Windu's Starfighter set.
December 29, 201113 yr 9488 Elite Clone Battlepack & 9490 Droid escape, both are beautiful sets. Exceptional minifigs in both.
December 29, 201113 yr I just bought set 7133, Bounty Hunter Pursuit on a Dutch site, in great condition (missing Obi though), for 31 euro It's quite a good deal, considering Zam Wesell is being sold there for 20 euro (and that does not include shipping ) Edited December 29, 201113 yr by commdr_neyo
December 29, 201113 yr Got the Naboo Fighter, Republic Frigate, and the LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars video game for the Wii for Christmas this year. Then the day after Christmas I picked up Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter on clearance at Walmart. WAY overpriced at it's original $40, but for $20 it was an easy buy.
December 30, 201113 yr Going to order 7959 Geonosian Starfighter and 8086 Droid Tri-Fighter. Still looking for 7869 Battle For Geonosis but at 50€ plus about 6€ transport on most websites (can't find it in a store) it's just waaaay too expensive. Suggestions for a cheaper online store are more then welcome
December 30, 201113 yr Got the orange creamsicle Clone Troopers Battle Pack and Hoth Rebel Troopers Battle Pack in the mail today from Amazon.
December 30, 201113 yr I bought the Geonosian Starfighter just before Christmas for just under £15 from Tesco. Really nice model of the fighter, Geonosian and Cody are cool, Ki Adi's face is pretty poor though. Will probably substitute it with an alternate, appropriate head. Yesterday I picked up two of the new Elite Clone Trooper & Commando Droid Battlepack and one Droid Escape. As seen in Mutley's review the battle pack minifig selection is damn fine. I was a little disappointed with Droid Escape though - I was dazzled by the minifig selection and bought it on impulse. Unfortunately my C3PO has half his eyes printed across his face! The sandtroopers are really fantastic though but once the minifigs are out of the way you're left with a fairly unexciting escape pod and a basic swoop. I'd recommend it only if you want the minifigs - like me. Hopefully you won't get a poorly printed C3PO - like me.
December 31, 201113 yr Bought used 6211 Star Destroyer -complete 6207 A Wing -complete 7659 Imperial Landing Craft -complete 7264 Imperial Inspection - which was only missing the Hanger Base, but it is ok because I have a Hanger Base my first 7624, which I bought incomplete due to missing a couple mini figures. I got all the sets for $140.00. I think I got a really good deal and was pretty excited to find this deal on Craigslist. I also got the 7964 Republic Frigate for Christmas. Not a bad way to end the year.
December 31, 201113 yr Bought used 6211 Star Destroyer -complete 6207 A Wing -complete 7659 Imperial Landing Craft -complete 7264 Imperial Inspection - which was only missing the Hanger Base, but it is ok because I have a Hanger Base my first 7624, which I bought incomplete due to missing a couple mini figures. I got all the sets for $140.00. I think I got a really good deal and was pretty excited to find this deal on Craigslist. I also got the 7964 Republic Frigate for Christmas. Not a bad way to end the year. That is a very sweet deal indeed. The star destroyer alone goes for at least that. I've just purchased the new X-wing.
January 1, 201213 yr Well December ended up being a busier month than I thought it would for SW buys. Apart from the 2012 sets the others were all on sale! figs 20 Mini droid fighters 5 Wolfpack clone troopers 5 hoth Rebels 2 hoth rebel officers 3 CW Clone pilots sets 3 Clone trooper BP 1 Endor BP 1 Elite clone & Commando Droid BP Geonosian Cannon Droid Escape 3 planet sets 2 Geonosian fighters
January 1, 201213 yr I just ordered the 2012 SW sets Y-Wing 9495 Droid escape 9490 Naboo starfighter & naboo 9674 Sebulba's podracer & tatooine 9675 Tie interceptor and Death star 9676 I passed on the new TIE and X-WING since i have some all ready :thumbup:
January 1, 201213 yr Due to financial liquidity issues, I'll only be getting 1x each of the BPs anytime soon. I'll hold out for a sale on the rest of them. To keep this on topic, I picked up two of the mini polybagged Venators (ok, I know it doesn't say Venator, but that's what it is) from another forum member who scored them at 90% off. 39 cents is a fantastic price to pay for LEGO.
January 1, 201213 yr I just ordered 4 of the new Clone battle pack. I'm really low on money, but I plan on getting the X-Wing in the near future.
January 1, 201213 yr I bought two 7959 Geonosian Starfighters yesterday and recieved a Mandalorian Battlepack for Christmas. I just have to hunt myself down a Bounty Hunter Assault Gunship and an Imperial V-WIng and I'm all done for the 2011 sets. OK, maybe a second Clone Battle Pack too.. Edited January 1, 201213 yr by Rocketbilly
January 1, 201213 yr I recently got Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle. Nice craft, wish its wings could maybe change according to postion or maybe just a mechanism to lower them, but oh well. It has nice landing gear, and you can simply pluck off the cockpit because it's secured by only two technic pins.
January 2, 201213 yr Don't know if I am the only one here but I keep a track of all my purchases in a doc file. I have all the sets and figs I have bought since 2006 listed by year. I find it keeps me up to date with what I have and don't have. The (U) is for unopened sets. This was 2011. 2011 lego purchaces 5 8014 Clone walker BP 39 7913 Clone Trooper BP 5 7914 Mandolorian BP 4 8083 Rebel trooper BP (Hoth) 4 8084 Snowtrooper BP 1 7868 Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter 1 7869 Battle For Geonosis 2 7915 Imperial V-Wing (2U) 1 7930 Bounty Hunter Gunship 1 7931 T6 Jedi Shuttle (U) 1 8089 Wampa Attack (U) 9 7929 Battle of Naboo (8U) 2 20019 Mini Slave I (1U) 6 30053 Mini Republic Attack Cruiser (5U) 8 30054 Mini AT-ST (7U) 23 30055 Vulture Droid (22U) 3 30052 Mini AAT (2U) 1 7681 Homing spider droid 1 7679 Republic Fighter Tank 1 8091 Republic Swamp Speeder 3 8016 Hyena Droid Bomber (3U) 2 7749 Echo Base (2U) 1 UCS Imperial Shuttle (U) 1 20006 Mini Clone Turbo Tank (U) 1 20007 Mini Republic Attack Cruiser (U) 2 20021 Mini bounty Hunter Gunship (1U) 1 Mini ARC-170 (U) 2 Separatist Proton Cannon (From 7869 Battle For Geonosis) 1 7676 Republic Gunship 1 7662 MTT 1 7264 Imperial Inspection 8 7956 Ewok Attack (7U) 1 7675 AT-TE 3 7964 Republic Frigate (1U) 1 7877 Naboo Starfighter 4 7959 Geonosian Starfighter (3U) 1 7961 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator 1 7962 Anakin's Skywalker and Sebulba's Podracers 1 7965 Millennium Falcon 2 8085 Freeco Speeder (2U) 1 7879 Hoth Echo Base (1U) 2 7958 Star Wars Advent Calendar 2 8099 Midi Star Destroyer (1U) 1 7260 Wookie Catermaran 1 9488 Elite Clone & Commando Droid BP 1 9489 Endor Rebel Trooper & Imperial Trooper BP 1 9490 Droid Escape (U) 1 9491 Geonosian Cannon 1 9674 Naboo Starfighter & Naboo Planet 1 9675 Sebulba's Podracer & Tatooine Planet 1 9676 Tie Interceptor & Death Star Minifigs 200 CW Clone Troopers 2 R4-P44 2 R7-D4 1 R7-A7 2 Chief Chirpa 2 Paploo 1 Wicket 1 Senate Commando 1 Anakin Skywalker LULS 11 ARF Clone Toopers 11 Horn Company Clone Troopers 16 Shadow ARF Trooper 18 WolfPack Clone Trooper 8 Clone pilots 6 Rocket Battle Droids 6 Geonosian battle droids 2 Hoth Rebel Officer 5 Hoth Rebel Trooper
January 2, 201213 yr Don't know if I am the only one here but I keep a track of all my purchases in a doc file. I have all the sets and figs I have bought since 2006 listed by year. I find it keeps me up to date with what I have and don't have. The (U) is for unopened sets. This was 2011. [snip] Okay, and now some pictures of your storage.
January 2, 201213 yr I just finished building the UCS SuperStar Destroyer. I was really lucky to find it for CAD300 in Montréal so I jumped right on that deal. I have to say I really like it. It's obviously nowhere near the awesomeness of the UCS ISD but that's only because that one is just too far out of reach. Although I have to admit I don't think I would have ever bought it for the full price. One thing I don't quite understand, though, is why people keep complaining about the flat bottom. From what pictures I found of the model from the movie, I find it actually ok. It's got the big hangar bay with a change of color and some indentation to give it an illusion of detail and depth and the engines look fantastic. I admit, it could have done with a little more greeble to break the surface but it doesn't need much considering the scale of the thing. And when you think about it, the bottom of the ISD was lacking quite a bit as well, the hangar bay being just a hole in the hull that let you see the inside frame and there wasn't even the shield generator dome at all. So all il all, I definietely don't see that as a deal breaker (to me, that would be the original price). It's still a really good UCS model. Now I just need to find where to display that beast...
January 2, 201213 yr 7956 Ewok Attack, that means my first Ewok set. For 22€ it seemed an OK price.
January 2, 201213 yr good idea mutley, could probably muster a decent list myself given the amount of 2011 sets and ebay purchases i made last year
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