February 13, 201213 yr I recently purchased both the Tie fighter and the Jedi starfighter and am very happy with both sets. The Tie is a beautiful design IMHO. The Jedi starfighter is a much improved and welcome update for me. It kinda makes me want to purchase a couple more, but I have to be patient for the summer sets.
February 14, 201213 yr Today I found the Droid Escape and X-Wing sets. I built the Droid Escape as soon as I got home, but left the X-Wing, partly because of the gorgeous box and partly because I want to savour the build. I'm now half way through and it's spectacular. The techniques!!! It is like nothing I've seen before! Building upside-down (and officially, too!) is loads of fun and they use loads of really novel techniques. I am very happy. Droid Escape is packed with useful and cool parts that make me forget that the mf printing was slightly off... C-3PO has gained the ability to "roll" his eyes!
February 14, 201213 yr bought the Imperial Shuttle last weekend. Not yet started on it - its sitting there just teasing me. I think i'll start with my Venator first though, as a starter to whet my appetite
February 15, 201213 yr Got the new Geonosian Cannon set yesterday, finally Barriss in the house and my Geonosian army slowly building up
February 15, 201213 yr Got the new Geonosian Cannon set yesterday, finally Barriss in the house and my Geonosian army slowly building up Same here. I also picked up the Death Star planet.
February 15, 201213 yr My white Boba arrived today. Promo and not-from-a-set figs are probably my favourite part of this complex LEGO theme.
February 15, 201213 yr A few days ago I found a General Grievous Starfighter set on clearance for $25 at Target. That really made my day since I was looking to buy it, but the price keep turning me away.
February 17, 201213 yr I may not have been able to get a deal on the new Elite Clone Trooper Battle Pack, but the excellent savings on the very nice Obi Wan's starfighter were too good to pass up.
February 17, 201213 yr I bought Geonosian cannon and elite clone trooper pack several weeks ago - both very good but now my clone army is about 40% commanders and elites. Today Sebulba's and Ani's Podracers arrived for only £50! Really like this set!
February 18, 201213 yr Army building time! Took advantage of the TRU sale for the Geonosian Cannon (9491) so I got six of them and two of these free! Hurry up if you want to take advantage of this offer as it only lasts this weekend. AC
February 18, 201213 yr I just got Ewok Attack, Endor Battle pack and the Droid Escape. Next up i am setting my sights on a Death Star when it becomes available again in my local store.
February 18, 201213 yr I´ve just bought 7914, Mandolarian Battle Pack. I´m buying mainly to my son, and he picked this one over the 9489 Endor Battle Pack. To my surprice, this battle pack is quit good.
February 18, 201213 yr I just picked up the Clone VS Commando droid battle pack which is just outstanding! I also recently got 9494 Anakin's Starfighter and I have to say, for minifigs, this IMO is the best set of the year so far.
February 18, 201213 yr I've recently picked up the new TIE Fighter and the Imperial V-Wing. The TIE is a beautiful model, and I really like the V-Wing as well. Both on sale too which definitely helps!
February 22, 201213 yr Picked up the new Droid Escape @ Target using the current $5 off coupon to make this set 25% more affordable.
February 22, 201213 yr My most recent purchase was the 7877 Naboo Starfighter from Langleys in Norwich. It was slighlty reduced from 41.99 to 37.99, not a huge price difference, however, it being lower than most of the other outlets for buying it caused me to snap it up, besides...I really like that fighter and I had the original 7141 Naboo Fighter.
February 22, 201213 yr Just got a Bib Fortuna and Sugi on ebay for around 10 pounds between them. Mini Bib is so cute, unlike the real life version.
February 22, 201213 yr Just picked up a replica 4483 AT-AT in new greys for NZ$80 (US$65) in an auction. God bless the common AFOL desire for sets to come with boxes and instruction manuals.
February 23, 201213 yr Got 7674 (v-19 torrent) from Bricklink for a decent price, and completed the new y-wing, tie fighter, and x-wing sets. The v-19 is my favorite ship so far. It's just an ingenious design and looks spectacular.
February 24, 201213 yr Recently picked up the Imperial V-Wing. I actually can't remember why I did though..!
February 24, 201213 yr Got 7674 (v-19 torrent) from Bricklink for a decent price, and completed the new y-wing, tie fighter, and x-wing sets. The v-19 is my favorite ship so far. It's just an ingenious design and looks spectacular. I really want the V-19 to be reissued...I would love to get my hands on that ship..but anyone who sells it sells it at an extortionate price.
February 25, 201213 yr Plo Koon's Starfighter for me. Ever since I heard about the new UCS R2-D2, I have been on a major droid buying spree.
February 25, 201213 yr I just purchased (9490) Droid Escape from Asda for £17. Even with a 15% discount this set is expensive, so unless you want it urgently I'd wait for a decent sale!! I quite like the pod, some nice touches, but the swoop bike is fairly pointless. I'm still not sure if I like the detailing on the Stormtroopers, perhaps I'm getting old. C-3PO is the best part of the set by miles ; he's very cute although the dot printing of his eyes are high & right so he looks really puzzled!
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