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Just got 9495 Gold leaders Y Wing and love it

Also got the 8099 Midi-scale Star Destroyer. Both sit on a tower on opposite ends of my desk

Ok, not quite exactly what I bought, but what I for a heck of a big surprise, received...

Monday just gone, I went round to my mums, and there was a present on the floor for me. Its not my birthday or anything, she just bought me a surprise present.

I opened it, and it was the 7964 Republic Frigate! I was totally stoked!

Anyways not wanting her to feel left out and me take it away to my girlfriends to build it, I decided to build it at Mums another day when I was free so she could see the excitement and joy she had brought to me.

So today was that day, and I got to building it. Then half way through the build, there was a knock on the front door. I opened the door and on the floor was a BIIIG present on the floor with a note on it saying 'may the 4th be with you' (I know, a little early)... I was shocked. Surely it couldn't be Lego, at this size? It could only be one of 2 sets... The Deathstar or the SSD... and I hadn't done anything great to receive such a huge gift!

I brought it in, opened it in awe, and low and behold!

It was the 10188 Deathstar!

Oh My God!

I still have no idea what is going on, but I am one VERY lucky person at this moment, money is tight and I had written this set off as being unobtainable! Just wow!

I could swear I'm in a daydream!

Apparantly, at the time this got delivered to Mums front door, she was out and it got left with the neighbours... the 2 little children who live there saw the Lego logo on the parcel and thought it was for them, they were hugely disappointed when they found out it wasn't :look:

Edited by Fuppylodders

It was the 10188 Deathstar!

Oh My God!

I still have no idea what is going on, but I am one VERY lucky person at this moment, money is tight and I had written this set off as being unobtainable! Just wow!

I could swear I'm in a daydream!

Good for you. You have a great mom.

Bought the new Tie-Fighter the other day :)

This goes really well with the new Y-Wing I have

And found 2 second hand Midi MTT's in a pile of old lego I bought from a mother selling her kids old toys :)

Fuppylodders, you are quite lucky my friend. I practically have to threaten my parents for them to buy me LEGO, let alone $$ the DS is. :hmpf_bad:

Edited by Legocrazy81

Ok Went out and found 7931 the T-6 Jedi Shuttle at Toys-R-Us today. :)

Found a brand new 8015 Assassin's Droid Battle Pack set at a Salvation Army today for $1.19. Even better? It was during a 50% off sale so walked out thee door paying .60 cents for it. Time to bulk up the inhabitants on my Death Star by a bit more.

Edited by moop

While not a purchase per se, I got a Shadow ARF at this Lego con thing over by where I lived. Since I doubt I'll ever use it, I'm not sure what to do with it. :/

Built my recently acquired 8038 Battle of Endor today - found sitting atop a John Lewis shelf at Westfield Stratford; a set I'd long thought discontinued (and thus I'd missed out on). Pleasantly surprised by the size of the AT-ST, and the whole setup looks great :thumbup:

Not sure why Han has pupils where none of the other figures do though...


I was finally able to get away from my busy schedule and pick up the SW sets that I ordered through K-Mart.

9492 Tie Fighter @ 28.74 x2

9493 X-Wing @ 32.49 x2

7930 Bounty Hunter Gunship @ 18.99 x2

Got 42 more battle packs. Should have been more patient and waited for May. But I did receive a discount on them ranging from 20-30%.

I was finally able to get away from my busy schedule and pick up the SW sets that I ordered through K-Mart.

9492 Tie Fighter @ 28.74 x2

9493 X-Wing @ 32.49 x2

7930 Bounty Hunter Gunship @ 18.99 x2

How did you manage that? That's an impressive sale!

How did you manage that? That's an impressive sale!

About a month ago, K-Mart had a BOGO 1/2 off sale. If your order totaled over $125.00 and you used your VISA card, you saved an additional $25.00. Luckily they used the total before the discount. I threw in a couple planet sets and battle packs to fill in my orders. I got pretty lucky as the sets were sold out online but I was able to use the Mygofer option where I could pick the items up in store.

Debating on a new set to buy for May the 4th which would be better the Imperial Shuttle, I plan on motorizing the wings, or the New R2D2?

Debating on a new set to buy for May the 4th which would be better the Imperial Shuttle, I plan on motorizing the wings, or the New R2D2?

As a playability fan I personally would have the Shuttle as it is a beautiful set that certanly looks grand on display. although if you want a model that will sit ok a desk or shelf all its life then get the R2 as it looks like a nice display peice. :classic:

Not to many sets this month. Another 400 parts for my Endor project.

3 9488 Elite Clone & Commando Droid BP

3 9491 Geonosian Cannon

2 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle's (used)

7 Senate Commando

17 Geonosian Warriors

2 Shirtless Darth Maul polybags

Couldn't decide whether to buy 7965 Millennium Falcon or the old 7190. So I bought both via eBay/Bricklink! Combined about £140. I await in anticipation for their arrivals! Strangely I'm looking forward to the original version more :sweet: My brother has the UCS but I'm afraid that's now out of my league so I thought, why not get two? :thumbup:

UCS R2-D2 from S@H with the May 4 bonuses

Like your style. As soon as it's live in the UK, I'm on the case. Gotta get me a couple of those TC-14 figs! :sweet:

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