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Posted (edited)


When I first heard that there was going to be a new Geonosian starfighter, I was quite happy. I love the geonosians and there fighters. But when I saw the price, I thought I was never going to get it. But when I was in a toys store, I just couldn't resist. So without futher delay, let's go to the review:

On the desolate surface of Geonosis, Clone Commander Cody and Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi prepare the Clone Army for another assault on the Separatist droid factory. Suddenly, they spot a Geonosian Starfighter speeding towards them. Can they defend themselves against the Geonosian pilot, armed with a powerful turret-mounted cannon and proton torpedo launcher? You decide!

Set number:7959

Set name:Geonosian Starfighter

Sub theme:TCW

Minifigures:Geonosian pilot, commander Cody and Ki-Adi-Mundi

Retail price:$29, 40E



reference pic and info

The box:



Nothing special just your regular Lego box, wich shows the features on the back.

the manual and parts:


Just your regular manuual, and the 2 pieces that weren't included in the plastic bags. My manual didn't came with a cardboard to protect it. But it wasn't damaged at all :classic:


... :angry:


It has a nice selection of parts, especially some dark brown and light brown parts that are really usefull in MOC's. Thought 155 parts doesn't really make you happy at this price range.


The brown parts are new to me, there are 2 of them in the set. The cockpit we've seen before. But it is new to me. And also a fimiliar printed pieces, with brings me to no stickers in this set. I'm very happy with this.

the minifigs and weapons:


Some of the ''special'' parts came in little bags.


This is the reason many people (not me) will buy this set, the minifigs. We have 3 in this set, which 2 are exclusive to this set. Commander Cody, is the same as in the gunship. And I must say, he still does look really nice. It is a nice figure to have. Next is jedi master Ki-Adi-Mundi, he looks very cartonisch, but it is from TCW so what doe you expect. He has a new pieces, which you can put on his head to make him look as he does. As the last one is the Geonosian, I will talk more about him, when I do a compare with his precessor.


the side, Here you can clearly see the edge between the head of Ki-Adi, and the other half of his head.


All the figures have backprinting :thumbup:


Cody just has a regular clone face. And Ki-Adi his head is just ugly, i know he kinda looks like TCW version. But I think he is even more ugly the the mandalorian from the battlepack.


Here is the compare between the new (left) and the old (right) geonosian.


The new geonosian, has nicer printing then the old one IMO, but his head mold is :thumbdown: The neck just looks unnatural, and trust me it does look better in pictures then in real life. I'm not sure if this is suppose to be the zombie version. The box says that it is an regular geonosian pilot.


The colour of the new one does look more like the real geonosian, but I think the colour of the old one looks better in Lego.


Cody just has your regular grey arc gear.

The build:


nothing special here, just some pictures






Looks like there is going to be an actual place for the pilot to sit, in this version


The final ship just looks amazing, it looks very sleek.


nothin special with the spare parts.

The Complete set:


As you can see there are not much studs showing, it reall gives that sleek feel to it.


A nice place for the pilot to sit.


He actually fits in really nice.


From the side, the ship looks really amazing IMO, I just love the front gun



The back has nothing special, just the same ingine design the old version used.

The features:


Wow, the front gun can move sideways. this is amazing :sceptic:


nothing special on the back...


..wait... it has a special compartment.


It can actually drop a torpedo, when you lower the hatch.

Compared with the 4478:


For my full review on the 4478 Geonosian Fighter, you can click here


As you can see the new one uses the same basic design as the old one, but it's bigger, and it has some nice tweaks.


IMO the new one is a HUGE improvement over the old one. It just looks more sleek, and realistic. The cocpit is also a great improvement. And the overall size is just bigger.


Price:2/10 It is just a shame, 155 pieces for $29, it's a total rip-off.

Parts:7/10 It has some nice brown parts, but nothin really special.

Minifigs:6/10 For many people the reason to buy this set, but the only figure I like in this set is Cody, the other ones just won't do it for me.

Swoosh factor:9/10 You can easily grab it and fly it around.

Accurate:8/10 It just looks suprisingly good compared to the real ship.

Overall: 6,3/10 It is a nice set, if you like the ship like me, if you just want the figs you can better bricklink them. I strongly advise every one to buy this at the normall price, It's just not worth it. There are so many better sets for the same or lower price (sw an non-sw). You should nly pick this one up in a sale, because you just get to little for your money IMO.


Hope you enjoyed reading this review.


Edited by KielDaMan

Thanks for the great review. I do like the design of the ship, and there's Cody fig in the set. Just love it. :wub:. But the price is :thumbdown: like you said. Maybe I'll consider to buy only 2 of this set :hmpf_bad:.

Posted (edited)

Great review Blackknight112! Ki-Adi Mundi doesn't look good from any angle, but I guess loyal fans have to pick this up to complete their Jedi council. The price is a bit high, but I guess we're all used to that by now.

Edit: Oh I see there's a member here who goes by the name Ki-Adi-Mundi. I guess now he'll have an official avatar to use. :classic:

Edited by Donut

Thanks for the review Blackknight. The set looks fairly decent; however, except the figs, there's nothing too spectacular.

Why isn't this frontpaged yet?


Thanks for this review. I'm debating getting this set. There are quite a few pieces I like, but the price isn't that great, Ki-Adi is :sick: , the Geonosian is :sick: , and I have a Commander Cody already. I'll probably wait for a good sale.


Thanks for this review. I'm debating getting this set. There are quite a few pieces I like, but the price isn't that great, Ki-Adi is :sick: , the Geonosian is :sick: , and I have a Commander Cody already. I'll probably wait for a good sale.

You can buy the set, and then sell teh figures, that will reduce the price per part. It really has some great pieces for MOCing.


Thanks for the review Blacknight112

I really like the comparison pictures with the older set, it shows how much more 'less angular' TLG was able to design this one. The ship really is great (the price... :hmpf_bad: ).

As for the minifigures:

Commander Cody is fine (not much you can do wrong there), but for me just another clone - a step above droids (okay, kill me now clone lovers :devil: ).

The geonosian's face from the front is awesome, but that fat 'neck' really stands out as you say in your review. Maybe LEGO could have done a better job with a rubber mold (such as Plo-Koon). Nice print though. With some wings from the original set the figure looks pretty good though.

As for Ki-Adi-mundi, even with the funny top piece, I still really like it. If you look at the figure from a slight distance, the 'crack' between the two pieces isn't all that noticable and the printed orange lines help to hide this. But a complete mold would have done the figure more justice.

All in all, a well designed ship, and some minifigures that aren't quite as good as they should be for this price. If I didn't like the ship so much, this would be a pretty weak set. Considering that so many rehashed sets have such amazing figures, LEGO seems to have messed up with this one.

If you want it, wait for sales...


I'll be buying this, I need Cody still. I never got the Geonosian fighter, so this is new to me. But, wow Ki-Adi, noes up there on the ugly list. Right next to Ani and Palpatine.


Thanks for the review.

I like the new ship (but as someone else stated i prefer the previous cannon) and i like the new figs.

Even Ki-Adi who looks like a junky jedi. I want him.

The price is too high but i'll take one as soon as i can afford and then wait to get a second later. They'll fit well next to the Solar Sailer.


How would Ki Adi's extra large forehead piece look on older non-CW Ki Adi minifig?

Like other, I'll wait for the sale, the price is just too high, I could get a regular 300-pcs set for the same price.


How would Ki Adi's extra large forehead piece look on older non-CW Ki Adi minifig?

Well, we can never know for sure, since this is the first Ki Adi minifigure that has ever been released. I suppose some people might be able to whip up some customs or find another minifigure face that looks appropriate, though.

Great review. I don't buy Star Wars sets, but I am very happy with the quality of this one. I figured I'd share that the brown pieces you couldn't identify are aircraft parts introduced last year in set 7206. One of them is also used in this year's Speedboat set, demonstrating that they are not nearly as overspecialized as the 8-wide airplane nose piece that predated them.


Thanks for thwe great review!

The set is quite a bit bigger than the old, one which is good.

If you have one to hand is there a chance you could post a picture of the new geonosian with the old geonosian wings on him?


Thanks for the great review! I have to say, I cannot wait for this set to be released in the US. Other than the incredible frigate, this is my most anticipated set this summer.

I do like the Geonosian figure though. I think it looks really accurate to the CW series, so IMHO Lego did a good job with him. Ki-Adi though is rough, I don't think it portrays him well at all but that's just me.


IMO the new one is a HUGE improvement over the old one. It just looks more sleek, and realistic.

If such thing can be said about a fictitious vehicle :laugh:

Thanks for the review, I had no idea how much better this set looked compared to the older vision, the size, cockpit, and colour consistency all have been improved dramatically, I really like the overall sleekness as you mentioned, can't wait to get this one! But I think the minifigures could've been improved, I'm okay with the genosian, but he needs wings, and there should be two of him. Also, I think they should've included the commander who was actually with Mundi in the episode, his name escapes me though. And Mundi, looks, just okay. Oh well, can't wait to buy this! :sweet:


Wow, um this set sucks

What parts of the set do you not like?

And I agree with mutley, can we see the cw genosian with wings?


I think the Geonosian is awsome but his neck is a little too long but much better than the previous vesion. Now with Ki Adi Mundi I think he is quite acurite aginst TLG Clone Wars figures. His head shape mimics the real head shape but all Clone Wars faces they are horrible and this takes this figure down a notch IMO. Gerat set and will be getting this, aslo good if you missed the privious Commander Cody fig.


Thanks for this review Blackknight! Personally I think it's a pretty good set considering I missed the previous version and no matter how poorly-received the Ki-Adi fig is, it is still a Ki-Adi fig which I appreciate TLG for giving us (I'd rather have this than none at all). This is also a cheaper way for others to get the non-keychain Cody fig so it's all good for me.

Also, I think they should've included the commander who was actually with Mundi in the episode, his name escapes me though.

I concur, I wish this would've included Commander Jet (with that nice new helmet mold) instead of Cody, but I guess that's too much to ask for 3 new figs in a small/mid-sized set.


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