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Hello Eurobricks, long time now see! In my absence, I have discovered possibly the greatest cartoon, no, greatest SHOW ever... MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!

No, your obviously thinking "Why does he watch a show for little girls?" My answer: BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME! The Plot: AWESOME! Characters: AWESOME! Animation: AWESOME! Fandom: AWESOME!

So, any fans here besides me?

If you not a fan, all episodes can be watched here. So, get ready to hate yourself for watching a girls show!

Edited by Emperor Claudius Rome

My friend actually compared this show to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for an English presentation. Although I don't watch it often, I've seen enough (10 minutes) to tell that the animation is actually pretty good, as are the characters :grin:

BTW, this channel has some episodes in 1080p :thumbup:

Edited by prateek

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This was too good to pass up.


I started watching this, got 10 minutes in and realised I was enjoying it.

I turned it off in shame and embarresment.

E: Rewatching it. It IS bloody excellent. Every opinion I have ever had is now completely invalidated.6hh5m.png

Edited by simonjedi

Hey! you too? :laugh:

I think it's a big virus of the Internet. It was shown to me by a friend and I found it great (especially when you compared it to the quite silly 80's show). I now go more minutes to Equestriadaily.com and ponibooru then Eurobricks. Don't worry! My mind is full of ponies and I love it, but I will never leave Eurobricks and Lego.

By the Way, there are no so many adult people watching Friendship is Magic, I think there are more adult fans than children. :wacko::tongue:

My little pony: Friendship is Magic made My little pony 100 % cooler and this thread makes Eurobricks 20% cooler. :grin:

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Hey! you too? :laugh:

I think it's a big virus of the Internet. It was shown to me by a friend and I found it great (especially when you compared it to the quite silly 80's show). I now go more minutes to Equestriadaily.com and ponibooru then Eurobricks. Don't worry! My mind is full of ponies and I love it, but I will never leave Eurobricks and Lego.

By the Way, there are no so many adult people watching Friendship is Magic, I think there are more adult fans than children. :wacko::tongue:

My little pony: Friendship is Magic made My little pony 100 % cooler and this thread makes Eurobricks 20% cooler. :grin:

I'm glad this forum is more open to Ponies! Other ones, kinda shunned me a bit.

What is up with this show? It seems to get a lot of adult fandom. I mean, for a show with ponies that's surprising.

It even seems like it has a larger periphery than Phineas and Ferb if you go by the amount of threads in the internet in which this pony show appears. But that would be crazy. I would find the idea of a ponies show getting more mature fandom than P&F a total aberration against the whole universe. I mean, it has ponies in it!

Edit: Seems I won't be trying this out, liking the ponies show seems to be correlated with having a sense of taste completely incompatible to mine.

Edited by vexorian

What is up with this show? It seems to get a lot of adult fandom. I mean, for a show with ponies that's surprising.

I've just watch some and it's nothing to rave about really.

I'm glad this forum is more open to Ponies! Other ones, kinda shunned me a bit.

Yeah I know... er wait they shunned you over pink glittery ponies?? How could they *huh*.

:laugh::iamded_lol::rofl: (A chance to used some new emoticons as well.

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What is up with this show? It seems to get a lot of adult fandom. I mean, for a show with ponies that's surprising.

It even seems like it has a larger periphery than Phineas and Ferb if you go by the amount of threads in the internet in which this pony show appears. But that would be crazy. I would find the idea of a ponies show getting more mature fandom than P&F a total aberration against the whole universe. I mean, it has ponies in it!

It's actually a lot better than Phineas and Ferb.

I've just watch some and it's nothing to rave about really.

Yeah I know... er wait they shunned you over pink glittery ponies?? How could they *huh*.

:laugh::iamded_lol::rofl: (A chance to used some new emoticons as well.

Any insults you throw here are nothing compared to other ones I've gotten.

It's actually a lot better than Phineas and Ferb.

Not really :grin:

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Not really :grin:

I could never get into it, it was always to me like "WOOOOO A LOTS GOING ON AND IT'S LOUD AND EVERYTHING IS FLYING AROUND WEEEEEE!"

It's actually a lot better than Phineas and Ferb.


What is up with this show? It seems to get a lot of adult fandom. I mean, for a show with ponies that's surprising.

Because unlike a lot of shows aimed at kids. It has good animation, well written (and funny), and jokes that appeal to all ages.

Can we get a Bronies tag?

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Because unlike a lot of shows aimed at kids. It has good animation, well written (and funny), and jokes that appeal to all ages.

Can we get a Bronies tag?

We should if there are a lot of bronies here.

I suppose it was only a matter of time before the ponies reached the far corners of the Internet. Personally I think the show is pretty good, and one of the reasons I watch it is because I find it hilarious that I'm watching it, and I'm watching it cause it's hilarious. I don't watch it religiously, and I haven't seen all the episodes, but it is a lot better then some of the other shows out right now.

I could never get into it, it was always to me like "WOOOOO A LOTS GOING ON AND IT'S LOUD AND EVERYTHING IS FLYING AROUND WEEEEEE!"

I actually really dislike phines and Ferb, mostly because of the reasons stated above, but also because I find a lot of the humor dry, save for the evil guy, I think they should've just made the show based off him and the platypus.

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I actually really dislike phines and Ferb, mostly because of the reasons stated above, but also because I find a lot of the humor dry, save for the evil guy, I think they should've just made the show based off him and the platypus.

I could occasionally get a chuckle out of Doofensmirtz or however you spell his name, but It never clicked with me.

I could occasionally get a chuckle out of Doofensmirtz or however you spell his name, but It never clicked with me.

same here, and I like to think I gave it a fair chance, I've watched at least 6 different episodes, and I didn't really like any of them.

I'll be honest, I nearly crapped myself laughing when I saw this topic. But it's funny to see you guys have the balls to watch it. Congrats. :iamded_lol:

Not making fun, being serious.

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I'll be honest, I nearly crapped myself laughing when I saw this topic. But it's funny to see you guys have the balls to watch it. Congrats. :iamded_lol:

Not making fun, being serious.

Join us, dude. It's awesome! You'll love it. We all love it. Become part of the herd. Resistance is futile.

Join us, dude. It's awesome! You'll love it. We all love it. Become part of the herd. Resistance is futile.

*Resists futily*

That is the perfect avatar by the way. :rofl:

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*Resists futily*

That is the perfect avatar by the way. :rofl:

Thank you, but don't resist.

What's next.......Care Bears ? :rofl:

Oh, well to each is there own......don't forget to Brick On.....or ride your ponies ! :head_back:

You shall be assimilated into the herd! Resistance is Futile!

I hope I scared nobody. :tongue:

Personally I find Phineas and Ferb not that bad and I quite like Fairy Odd Parents, but I like the fun in FIM much, because it has sometimes back references to other shows/cartoons/movies and personalities, like the A-Team, Loony Tunes, Lord of the Rings, Benny Hill, Karl Lagerfeld and Anna Wintour from VogueMagazine (the Devil Wears overpriced rubbish).

Ofcourse the adult fanficmania about would not be the adult fanficmania if there are not many crossovers with other Sf, horror and comic ideas, movies and even things not appropiate to talk about on this child friendly site. :facepalm:

A Male Pony is by bronies discoverd as being the 10th doctor of Doctor Who, because he looks very like that actor and had a hourglass on his flank.

It actual began when a background pony in the first episode was wrongly animated and had strabismus or squint eyes. This was picked up by some adults who saw this and told it on 4Chan/co (comics and cartoons) most people rant about why you would watch a silly girlsshow and why they would put a squinteyed pony in it, they still watch the first episode to see the pony and they liked it and talked with others about it. The pony got the fanname Derpy Hooves and got from the fans a daughter Dinky.

Lauren Faust, the creator of the show was in the eighties fan of the first show and had some ponies form that time. She had created her own personalities for the ponies she had and made some 5 years ago paintings of them and placed them on DeviantArt.com. It got quite some positive reactions and Hasbro, owner of My little pony, asked her to write some ideas for a new ponyshow.

She decided it must not be to pink and lame because the last decade everything for girls was pink and lame. ( Why must all lego for girls be pink and purple :wink:) So she made it with better character development, better stories and many jokes references to other things parents would like to see when they watch with her child. And maybe a brother would like it too.

Even on DeviantArt.com there were some discussions about the lameness/coolness FIM and when there was some trol who rant at everyonewho liked a stupid show for little girls, he got a personal message from Lauren Faust herself a.k.a. Fyre-fly, where she totally dismanteld his childish behavior.

The last episode was on the beginning of may and now people all over the world wait on season 2.

Sometimes it reminds me of lego getting back on the right way around 2004-2005.

It actual began when a background pony in the first episode was wrongly animated and had strabismus or squint eyes. This was picked up by some adults who saw this and told it on 4Chan/co (comics and cartoons) most people rant about why you would watch a silly girls show and why they would put a squinteyed pony in it, they still watch the first episode to see the pony and they liked it and talked with others about it. The pony got the fanname Derpy Hooves and got from the fans a daughter Dinky.

See Avatar


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See Avatar


Indeed. Bronies are gonna Take over EB. Now all we need is to get an Admin to become a Brony!

I don't watch many children shows anymore, no spongebob or anything like it, just star wars, and comic book shows, save for superhero squad which is stupid IMO, other then that I mainly just watch sci-fi channel, and commedy network, but other then that, I can watch FIM, and still enjoy it.

Oh, and I love the idea about the avatars! It will be funny to see how many we can get to change their avatars :sweet:

and to all the non-believers, give it a chance, but try not to do it when your parents are home, I think my parents would rather catch me watching porn on my computer then my little pony :laugh:

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