May 1, 201212 yr PoTC needs more sets with King George's soldiers. Of course, King George's soldiers don't sell sets like Jack Sparrow does, so I doubt we will see them any time soon. I agree that the PoTC sets have better parts, more detailed minifigs, and are all around better quality than the classic sets. I just prefer the classic series because of the great Imperial Soldier sets.
May 1, 201212 yr I honestly prefer the Classic pirates. I think a lot of people on here obviously grew up with them and there simplistic, yet effective designs. Somehow, the sets of old seem the better made and thought out. I am not keen on POTC, partly because I hate the flesh figs and also because I feel that the latest stint of pirates, just weren't around long enough.
June 3, 201212 yr For me this is difficult to answer. With regards to: Quality of design - both Classic and POTC quality is amazing, not forgetting there's over 20 years time difference. I love all of the ships in the line and, while QAR is spectacularly detailed (in my opinion, it's the most beautiful of all the ships), the BSB/SES will always be some of the best sets Lego has ever designed. Playability - the classic Pirates win for me. The sets were better designed for this. But AFOLs don't care about this. (Do they?) Detail - POTC wins with detail, with the introduction of dozens of new piratey elements. However, the classic sets did well with the more limited number of elements and used them quite creatively. Minifigures - The classic figures now look so painfully simple compared to POTC. This doesn't make them worse though, in my opinion. With regards to yellow v flesh - In my Lego world, all living figures are yellow. Therefore, as flesh appears a paler version of Lego-yellow, all the flesh coloured figures are "simply" reawoken ghosts. This is how I integrate them into the classic Pirates world. (My QAR is kitted out with lots of glow in the dark plasma pieces to give it the impression it's travelled forward in time!) Compatibility - I have recently modified Forbidden Island by adding a black BB hull to complete the wreckage. The new pieces are very welcome and completely complimentary.
June 4, 201212 yr Growing up in the late 80's and early 90's, I loved the pirate theme once it first hit the shelves. I would always get the smaller sets on my birthday. Then after about two years of saving up with my older brothers, we got the Black Seas Barracuda. We loved it. I will always have that spot in my heart for classic pirates. I do enjoy the new POTC though with its more realistic/detailed ships.
June 10, 201212 yr I like POTC as they tend to be more detailed. It's like saying whether you like Lego HP or generic wizards.
June 10, 201212 yr Hi everyone Well guys, I don't want to be rude, but I think that the POTC sets are not really good, and I can't understand how in the world can someone consider that theme very interesting, if that person knows something about Classic Pirates. I thank God the winner option are Classic Pirates, but nearly 50% people voted for the other options. Can't believe it. The reasons why POTC are far worse than Classic are evident looking at the sets, if we consider the number of minifigs, pieces contained, variety of sets, etc. Ok, there are some new minifigs, some new pieces, etc. Nothing really important. However, that's not the main reason I think POTC doesn't rocks at all. The main reason is that these theme is absolutely unplayable, because is unstructured. Let's check it out... what we got? A bunch of sets, representing some scenes from the four movies, most of the sets have nothing to do with the others, etc. There are no complete factions, only three or four british soldiers, three or four indians, etc. No bases, no armies, etc. What makes a theme playable? A logical structure: Different factions, with their own "armies", ships and bases. Like Classic Pirates have. You know other examples: Castle, Star Wars, etc. POTC are a bunch of isolated sets, "look-at-me-but-don't-play-with-me", with a lack of possibilities to create new adventures (except making the movie scenes). Excuse my ortography, english is not my native language. Thanks everyone. I totaly agree! If we for a moment forget that we are AFOL, end remember why we love our LEGO so much? For me it is the possibillity to change and make new adventures with the same set. That is very hard to do with POTC, because these type of sets represent ONE scene in a movie. Therefor there is a "right" and a "wrong" way to play with the set. It is a imagination killer! ... in my opinion.
June 11, 201212 yr I find it hard not to disagree myself. I really like the quality of the minifigs and both ships look nice, but the set pieces that make up the other sets aren't that impressive. They're good prop pieces if you're going to slap something together yourself but only so so compared to some of the fortresses, islands, and other things that some of the old classic sets had. I do like both though, as a fan of the movies and as a fan of pirate themes in general. I hope we get new sets for both in the future.
June 12, 201212 yr The set designs are (in general, not all of them) better in classic Pirates (as well as the 2009 release), and yellow minifigs are heaps better than fleshies (which I don't tolerate at all). But one thing PoTC really has going for it is the color scheme, which is endlessly better than the yellow/white (sometimes added weird blue and even green colors) they used back in the "classic" times. And the fact that they finally added land structures, carts and horses with PoTC is another plus there. But like others mention, the biggest problem with the PoTC sets is that they aren't so much sets as they are simply scenes. Big difference, though I think this is only the case with the smaller PoTC sets. The big ones are pretty good.
June 12, 201212 yr I voted "I like them both together" which is only partially true. I do like both versions, but for different reasons. I do not mix "fleshie" with yellow. I think both options bring about something special, but I would prefer if everything was the same to bring about a bigger world that is more cohesive. The classic pirates had some great sets (but as a child, maybe they were just great because of my young perception?) and POTC had some nice new ideas/colors now that I'm an adult. I do agree most of POTC, like any licensed theme, is going to showcase scenes from shows instead of using your own imagination. But some of the scenes were pretty neat. I got the entire line for Christmas last year and they have been nice parts packs.
June 14, 201212 yr Classic Pirates of course. PotC has some fantastic parts (Windows, "swordholders", hats, the clobe...) but there are to many named figures. I would like to have more normal soldiers/ pirates! Who needs n army of Jack Sparrow, erm Captain Jack Sparrow?
June 15, 201212 yr I have to say Classic Pirates, I am predominately an army builder, so while there are some interesting parts and torsos in the POTC, I need to get back to my Redcoats.
June 18, 201212 yr Classic Pirates of course. PotC has some fantastic parts (Windows, "swordholders", hats, the clobe...) but there are to many named figures. I would like to have more normal soldiers/ pirates! Who needs n army of Jack Sparrow, erm Captain Jack Sparrow? Agreed! Let Pirates stay a theme, era, period whatever. And lets PotC stay its own separate thing til interest/ money or whatever runs out
June 24, 201212 yr I like both. I like the POTC theme because it has some nice, detailed ships, and because of the great minifigs. Seriously, who doesn't love the Privateer Barbossa torso and legs (with either flesh or yellow head)?
June 24, 201212 yr Seriously, who doesn't love the Privateer Barbossa torso and legs (with either flesh or yellow head)? With a yellow head, he's probably my favorite pirate minifig of all time. I wish more of the POTC minifigs didn't have any flesh on their torsos, he's sadly one of the few exceptions.
June 24, 201212 yr Well, over the past few weeks I've had a lot of changes of taste, and I came out of it preferring licensed themes and fleshies over in-house themes and yellow-skinned figs. The same holds true for pirate themes. I prefer POTC over Classic Pirates. The flesh figs seem more detailed, realistic, and more "alive" in some way. The sets themselves look more life-like and realistic too. Arr mates, time to go look for POTC sales!
June 24, 201212 yr Classic Pirates hands down, mainly cause of the soldier minifigures. In this case, originality > licensed theme.
June 24, 201212 yr Both! I love Classic Pirates and in some way prefer them to POTC, but without the latter we wouldnt have pieces like the rum bottles, the sword holders, the black prefabs, or a host of other pirate parts as noted by other posters in this topic.
June 24, 201212 yr With a yellow head, he's probably my favorite pirate minifig of all time. I wish more of the POTC minifigs didn't have any flesh on their torsos, he's sadly one of the few exceptions. I would have liked Norrington's torso (here, just scroll down) from The Mill to be fully clothed, because it would look great for a pirate (Maybe Bart Roberts or someone who was more "Proper").
June 25, 201212 yr I would have liked Norrington's torso (here, just scroll down) from The Mill to be fully clothed, because it would look great for a pirate (Maybe Bart Roberts or someone who was more "Proper"). I agree. The non-peg leg Barbossa would have been great as well for a pirate. And Angelica's torso. And Will Turner's. And the coach driver's. And... well, pretty much all of them. Oh what could have been...
June 25, 201212 yr I suppose you could paint the chest or do some decals, but I'm not at all good at that...
June 26, 201212 yr Sorry Classic Pirates but I have to vote for POTC. The ships in POTC look so cool. Look at the QAR, look at the BB. There is a huge difference in the detail of the ships. Even if you compare the BOB or SES (which are both better designed), the QAR is still miles ahead when it comes to looks. I agree, I love the ships. They are so cool and fancy and detailed
June 27, 201212 yr I myself voted for the Classic Pirates. POTC has some good parts though I must admit. Edited June 27, 201212 yr by PhaTic
June 28, 201212 yr Classic pirates of course! Even though my only ship is the QAR, I still think the classic feel of CP is what makes it great. Every time I get a classic pirate set, I feel in love with the set from the very beginning, because if you get a imperial set over £10 you will already have a decent regiment of soldiers. I also love yellow figs, which is why one of my classic pirates now captains the QAR.
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