Posted July 30, 200618 yr Usually (at least here in America), the Continental soldiers are pictured in brilliant blue, white, and red uniforms, but from what I have researched... they were mainly brown or tan or some other not quite so brilliant color... so anyway, here are what I was originally working on (remember usa.png?) the American Continental... Navy? American Continental Commodore: American Continental Lieutenant: American Continental Marine: I may update the captain at some point... hope you like them... I'll have pictures whenever I get my camera back!
July 31, 200618 yr Usually (at least here in America), the Continental soldiers are pictured in brilliant blue, white, and red uniforms, but from what I have researched... they were mainly brown or tan or some other not quite so brilliant anyway, here are what I was originally working on (remember usa.png?) the American Continental... Navy? American Continental Commodore: American Continental Lieutenant: American Continental Marine: I may update the captain at some point... hope you like them... I'll have pictures whenever I get my camera back! i reaaly like the commadore... alot of times they did wear a green like that, when wet looked blue! but since the continental congress could barely afford food let alone uniforms, uniforms of many military men were made from all different materials, the hope was for blue, but as you have states that want to be more independent, colors got varied. However the other two remind me of the french! :) which is ok, they helped us alot. I am wondering if we even had used some of their uniforms in our "navy" but overall, love the custom torsos... not daring enough for me to do this... well maybe i am just would hvae to buy a bunch of bad figs... ::checks bricklink:: hehe keep up the good work! ::edit:: what torsos would people suggest for some of these custom uniforms, and what kind of adhesive is used to stick the uniforms on... and heck is there a certain paper used?
July 31, 200618 yr Author If you use basic "Avery Sticker Project Paper" basically any torso works, though printing that's not quite to the edges helps. just put them in Microsoft word, and line them up... tutorial:
July 31, 200618 yr Looks good, what program do you use for making decals? never knew it, could ya tell me mate?
July 31, 200618 yr Author I use Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, I used to use photoshop, but it was on my old computer, and Fireworks was the only Mac compatible program I had, not to mention I actually own the license to it... *whistles*
July 31, 200618 yr I use Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, I used to use photoshop, but it was on my old computer, and Fireworks was the only Mac compatible program I had, not to mention I actually own the license to it... *whistles* cool... ill make my slave make some... i mean my fiance. thats what graphic designers are for right? shes a mac head too... i am trying to figure out if anyone had grey uniforms durring the period... because i seem to have alot of grey minifigs that coudl be converted...
August 10, 200618 yr Governor I use Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, I used to use photoshop, but it was on my old computer, and Fireworks was the only Mac compatible program I had, not to mention I actually own the license to it... *whistles* I use Fireworks too! On a Windows based computer though. Actually I was using it on a Mac today and there wasn't a whole lot difference. Anyways, do we have any pictures of actual or replica uniforms? Or put another way, what did you base these designs Mr Matthew?
August 16, 200618 yr Are these uniforms of real design or are they fictional for i have never seen these kind in the history books.
September 9, 200618 yr Will AdmMatthew ever address this issue? I searched for various sites and images but haven
September 10, 200618 yr Governor I suppose Mr Matthew will address the issue if he ever returns to the forum and posts! :-D Maybe we scared him off or maybe he's just been busy. I suppose if we really really reeeeeally wanted to know we could send him a PM and ask him to provide us the with answer.
September 12, 200618 yr Will AdmMatthew ever address this issue? I searched for various sites and images but haven’t been able to locate anything. It appeared this man will not check this thread in the immediately future unless someone gives him an alert for him to do so. If we send him a Pm then he might not receve for he might not have email alerts for pms. Maybe we need to send proper email like his hotmail or isp email.
September 13, 200618 yr Governor Well yes, that's a good point but sending a message to his Hotmail or ISP Email account could be seen as spam as might end up in his Junk Email Folder. Then again it might not...
September 19, 200618 yr Eurobricks Emperor I think maybe I try to send him Pm if he does not answer us soon. It's very normal that someone disappears from the forum for some time and then returns. I myself was on a 1 month holiday in the month of July. So it probably looked like I had disapeared. I'm not in favor of sending emails to ask for a response unless its really urgent.
September 27, 200618 yr I think maybe I try to send him Pm if he does not answer us soon. It's very normal that someone disappears from the forum for some time and then returns. I myself was on a 1 month holiday in the month of July. So it probably looked like I had disapeared. I'm not in favor of sending emails to ask for a response unless its really urgent. I'm not sure about this. Mr. Mathews has pledged himself to the pirate forum, so he owes the pirate fanatics the respect to notify us when he leaves (unless it's an emergency, like death for instance, but let's hope he hasn't made his last breath just yet! :-P). Maybe we need a shore leave button to identify pirates who will be away for a while? How does Mister Phes plan to address the issue of dormant pirate members?
September 27, 200618 yr Eurobricks Emperor I think maybe I try to send him Pm if he does not answer us soon. It's very normal that someone disappears from the forum for some time and then returns. I myself was on a 1 month holiday in the month of July. So it probably looked like I had disapeared. I'm not in favor of sending emails to ask for a response unless its really urgent. I'm not sure about this. Mr. Mathews has pledged himself to the pirate forum, so he owes the pirate fanatics the respect to notify us when he leaves (unless it's an emergency, like death for instance, but let's hope he hasn't made his last breath just yet! :-P). Maybe we need a shore leave button to identify pirates who will be away for a while? How does Mister Phes plan to address the issue of dormant pirate members? That's a good idea to have a standard way to indicate that you will be unavailable for some time (e.g. long holiday, ...). But I see that AdmMatthew was last active on 23rd September 2006 - 04:16 AM. That's not so long ago....
September 27, 200618 yr Governor How does Mister Phes plan to address the issue of dormant pirate members? I'm thinking about starting a monthly newsletter. But only for users interested of course, however I'd still ask the dormant pirate members if they were interested. This way they could be informed of all the really good stuff without having to check the forum everyday.
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