Posted June 16, 201113 yr This set immediately went on my list as soon as it was confirmed. If you've been following my reviews, you would know that I'm a HUGE fan of the Clone Turbo Tank. I also thought it would be fitting since I started my Academy experience with a clone turbo tank review that I should end with one too. This seemed like a no-brainer to get. As it is this was given to me for my birthday, it was a great gift! And since this is my 9th review in the Reviewers Academy, I'm now a teacher! So let's get rolling! (pun intended. ) Name: Clone Turbo Tank Set Number: 8098 Pieces: 1141 Price: $119.99 Ages: 9-14 Minifigures: 6 Theme: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Year Of Release: 2010 Bricklink Peeron Brickset S@H Review Gallery Loaded with lasers, cannons and missiles, the Clone Turbo Tank rolls through Separatist opposition, as seen in Star Wars™: The Clone Wars.Stop the ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane™ from sabotaging it with the forces of Anakin Skywalker™, Ahosoka™ and Jedi Knight Aayla™. Box: So we start with the front of the box! The first thing that notice when I look at the box is the new logo of Rex against the stormy sky. This is some of the best logo work Lego has done for any of the Star Wars boxes. We also have the normal photo editing showing an action shot of the tank, and a small box devoted to the minifigures of the set. The back of the box has the usual are showing off the guts of the tank. We also have the usual battle poses, and ads for some of the other sets from the current wave. From the pictures on the back of the box, my general idea of the play functions is that most of them are for younger children. But we'll see how they are once we've gotten it built. And on the top of the box we have the usual 1:1 art for the set. Since this set is so large though, it shows all of the minifigures. Do note that the clone is a x2 meaning that there are two of them in the set. The names of the characters are also listed below their respective figures. (I do hope you know who they are!) I find it somewhat odd that Ahsoka's lightsaber hilt has been put on backwards! Probably just an accident but still different. Manual: There are two manuals, each sporting the box art. Together there are about 150 pages, so they're quite large but they get the job done! In this set I didn't have a problem with them being bent up but I guess I just got lucky. Yes Darth Vader has made a return! I'm sure some of you remember when Revenge of the Sith came out and the sets had this art. Some other sets have over the past six years have had this too. I was rather fond of it but it is a bit tiresome. I don't like how the artist drew the picture, the proportions are off, but, it's supposed to be that way. This is also starting to become a bit more normal. Lego has started putting the functions pictures at the back of the manuals and I for one, am fine with it. It'll help all of those little kids who get this when they want to play with it. We also have a very nice, rendered, poster for the first wave of the 2010 sets, showing off the ARC-170 and the droid Tri-fighter. I can see why some people may not like it, because it is a rendering, but I like the feel of it. I really like the flying aspect of the picture and the visual effects. On the opposite side from the ARC-170 poster, we have this wonderful poster for the summer 2010 wave. Now of course the first in-accurate thing I notice here is that Anakin is fighting General Grievous. As we all know, at least I hope you do, Anakin cannot see our friend the general till Episode III. Other than that this is just as good looking as the other poster. Minifigures: Here's a front shot of the minifigures. Two of them are new, Aayla and Bane haven't appeared in any other sets yet, and the others, Anakin, Ahsoka, and the clones have appeared in several, if not every, The Clone Wars set. Bane wouldn't be exclusive to this set for long, he would later appear in Cade Bane's Speeder set. No mis-prints here, all of the printing is top notch as usual. I was actually surprised a bit when I figured out that Aayla Secura's body color was medium blue! I thought it was going to be sand blue. And a back picture. As you can see only Aayla and the clones have back printing. From this picture you can also get an idea of how far down Aayla's head tails go down on her back. I'm really happy with how far they go down. I've removed Aayla's and Bane's head gear so you can see their backs better. Aayla's print is a continuation from the front which makes her much better looking than Ahsoka. Now onto the minifigure comparisons. Here we have Lego's Aayla and the animated one. She's very accurate and I'm quite happy with the way Lego has designed her. They've even gone and done two different colored arms to mach the real one. And now onto Bane. The first thing I notice here is that the real one is much skinner. Now with minifigures, this isn't too big of a deal considering that they're all about the same size. Apart from that I'm also very happy with this figure. The hat size is about right as well as the torso print. Parts: The new/interesting parts for this set include, a 1x3 tile, a 2x4 tile, Cad Bane's new head gear, one of the new wheels, and the funny little fountain piece that has appeared in some other sets, but never in this color. I really like the size of the wheel and can see it being used for a variety of things. All in all we got some very cool new parts for this set. There are a lot of extra pieces! Nothing super special, but nothing that's worthless either. I, and I’m sure many others, can never get enough cheese slopes and Technic "T" bars. The Set: So we'll start with a comparison. Both have the unique ten wheels, bit Lego's version is missing the drive shaft that I think is a very vital part of the tank. Since this is The Clone Wars version, it doesn't have the watch tower but that's only a minor difference as the tanks design can change over time. Lego's has all of the weapons and lights like it should, Lego's is also very gappy, which is something I'm not too happy with. Thankfully there aren't too many gaps. And the shape of Lego's is almost perfect compared to the real one. For the front view, we have a wonderful somewhat menacing cockpit look. Here we can see all of the front lights and the skinny supports for the wheels. I do think that this is a bit too angled to the front section though. Here's a side view. You can get some sense of how long this tank actually is. You can also see most of the wonderful greebling Lego has done for us. I would like to see a main drive shaft that would hold the wheels here. That would make it look a TON better. And a back view. Here we can see the smaller back cockpit and the blaster cannon on the top. Really a bit of what we see from the front of the tank though. This is one of the two more noticeable gaps. This is right behind the rear, at least what I call the rear cockpit. Unlike the AT-TE, which has a TON of large gaps, this one is quite a bit small. And here's the other gap right above the front cockpit. This one is here because it opens the cockpit, which we will discuss in just a moment. This is the little command base that the tank can carry. It's very cute if you ask me. It seats two minifigures, and reminds me of the one in the Clone Gunship with those curves. The little "armory" that the tank has. This is not at all what I had expected to see in this. But it does store the guns in a much better way than many of the other Star Wars sets. When I first saw the pictures I was stunned that no one else had noticed the new AT-RT! I immediately liked it and couldn't wait to get the set. It's much smaller than the last AT-RT Lego made and I'm glad they re-visited it. Here we can see how it attaches to the tank. Those little green bit slide into some yellow ones that keep it attached to the tank. While it's not a very good way to do the seat I'm happy with it for now. Functions: Of course all of the sides can open up to reveal the innards of the tank. And deploy minifigures, an armory, a command base, and an AT-RT. Not too shabby at all. Though I think most of us would rather that it came with a little army of clones so we can have a huge battle! So, we'll start at the front with, what I call the front, cockpit. It seats two pilots, that have two control sticks, and a nice control panel to drive the tank. Very, very spacious, unlike the last one which only sat one in the front. Now to the middle compartment, the left side, well on my tank, deploys the command base. A simple slide system allows it to be easily removed and put back into the tank. As you can see, the AT-RT sticks into the compartment a ton! Since the AT-RT stick in this much it makes you wonder how much room is left inside there. (My guess would be none! ) So now you know why Lego didn't show troops inside the middle compartment. Here we see the middle compartment empty. Sadly, there's little room to put a whole "army" of Clones to deploy into battle. I do understand why Lego went this way though, they had to leave room for the AT-RT and the command base. Though it looks as if you could fit about five or so men in there. Those little "compartments" hold the extra ARC trooper gear. A very convient little storage spot for the extra parts that I wouild love to see Lego do some more. What I find most interesting, is that the where I would put the engine, Lego has put the "armory" in the spot for the engine! This is one of the most confounding aspects of the tank and I find it rather frustrating that Lego has gone for playability over accuracy. We've finally made it to the back of the tank! Here we find that the back cockpit, again, seats two minifigures quite comfortably. As Lego has done with many other large models, they've built a very convenient handle that makes carrying this tank much easier, though the wheels tend to swing around a bit when you move it. You can also turn the tank by leaning it, like the last model. If it didn't turn it would be a drag to push around on the floor. I also have very fond memories of driving the older model around, so it's somewhat sentimental to me. And since we can't have a Lego Star Wars set without flick fire missiles, here's a picture of the latest addition to the missile army. I like this one though. I can't say why but this one actually works in my mind. Comparisons: Now for the most important comparison, comparing it with the last version. They're about the same size, but the newer version is a good bit blockier, but I like that feel. There are some things that are a bit larger too. And here's a comparison with the flagship set of last year, the Venator. As you can see, the Venator is a good bit larger than the Clone Turbo Tank. (Please excuse the missing parts, again. ) Final Thoughts: So now that I've built the tank, while I'm still very happy with it, I am also a little bit disappointed with it. I would like to have seen quite a few more clones, and maybe a little speeder for Bane. I'm very disappointed with the what Lego has done with the undercarriage of the tank. It would have been much better to have made it much meatier, but Lego has to make this able for the little kiddies to build. The minifigures are great, as well as most of the design of the tank. This is still an amazing set that I'm very glad to have gotten. Ratings: Playability: 10/10 As this is a larger set Lego has built a lot of functions into it. I could chase one of the Seppies tanks around with this for quite some time. Design: 8/10 Now as I pointed out before, I feel that this set is a bit lacking in some regards. But it still resembles the real one enough. Price: 8/10 This is one of the flagship sets for the Star Wars line so it comes at no surprise to me that it's $120. I feel that the price is justified with how large it turns out to be. Minifigures: 9/10 Now I would have given a 10 out of 10 here if Lego had included just one more new minifigure in the set. As it is though, they are all great figs. Parts: 10/10 There were quite few new/unique parts in this set, that I'm quite glad to have gotten. Total: 45/50 A 45 out of 50 is a very very good score for this set. "Checkout the larger model!" (Referring back to this.)
June 16, 201113 yr Excellent review MB! The overall quality is truly what we've come to expect from the RA, so congratulations for now being a Teacher! As far as the set goes, I've never been a fan of this right from the start, primarily because of its various inaccuracies that will just entail a major overhaul of the design of the vehicle itself on my part if I ever decided to get this. Unlike the RGS and AT-TE which can be improved with minor modifications.
June 16, 201113 yr Excellent review. I enjoy the content of this set pretty much. Not only the characters are appealing, this is a second chance for me to actually own a clone turbo tank. I am glad I have gotten this.
June 16, 201113 yr If you moved the pin on the carrying handle, can a dropship pick it up? The ship comes with AT-OT and can carry AT-TE with the same pin modification.
June 16, 201113 yr Nice review, Masked, and congrats on receiving the Gold Badge. As for the set, I think it's one of the better high-priced CW sets we've seen since '08, but it still doesn't feel complete. I think, as you said, adding the gearbox thing would help a lot. The axles look really flimsy to me. Not a big fan of the AT-RT, either.
June 16, 201113 yr Thanks for this outstanding review! And congrats for being a teacher now. Good job
June 16, 201113 yr Fantastic review, you really deserve that gold badge. I like the comparison shots between the new set and the old one, very nice work!
June 16, 201113 yr A very nice review Masked Builder oh and the sets quite good to . Well done on your gold badge. Is it possible to have ether a comparison pictorial or review between the two tanks please .
June 16, 201113 yr Author Thanks for all of the praise guys! As far as the set goes, I've never been a fan of this right from the start, primarily because of its various inaccuracies that will just entail a major overhaul of the design of the vehicle itself on my part if I ever decided to get this. Unlike the RGS and AT-TE which can be improved with minor modifications. True treu. But since it's a Clone Turbo Tank, I had to get it. If you moved the pin on the carrying handle, can a dropship pick it up? The ship comes with AT-OT and can carry AT-TE with the same pin modification. Yes it can. While I don't have the dropship I know I've seen pictures in other reviews... As for the set, I think it's one of the better high-priced CW sets we've seen since '08, but it still doesn't feel complete. I think, as you said, adding the gearbox thing would help a lot. The axles look really flimsy to me. Not a big fan of the AT-RT, either. Thanks BD! Really? I must admit that I'm surprised that you like this one.... Yeah that is one thing I don't like either. Hey, does your second pair of wheels fall off from the set? Mine does at times. Nope. Maybe you put it together wrong... A very nice review Masked Builder oh and the sets quite good to . Well done on your gold badge. Is it possible to have ether a comparison pictorial or review between the two tanks please . Thanks! I suppose.. What are you looking for?
June 16, 201113 yr Thanks! I suppose.. What are you looking for? Just a general comparison of the build techniques the interiors, the stability, the figs that sort of thing without having just to read two reviews. You don't have to it's just nice if someone has both sets I like seeing TLGs evolution etc. Oh my above compliment was mainly a complement on your review but the set is quite good too .
June 16, 201113 yr Thanks BD! Really? I must admit that I'm surprised that you like this one.... I'm looking at piece count, price, and type of pieces, and the selection for the money seems better than the RGS, AT-TE, or Venator. (and better than the Twilight's MSRP) I said it was one of the better high-priced CW sets, not of all the Star Wars sets. It can't compare to some other sets I have like 8038 and 7662.
June 16, 201113 yr Author I'm looking at piece count, price, and type of pieces, and the selection for the money seems better than the RGS, AT-TE, or Venator. (and better than the Twilight's MSRP) I said it was one of the better high-priced CW sets, not of all the Star Wars sets. It can't compare to some other sets I have like 8038 and 7662. Ah I see. Yeah I see what you mean by one of the better The Clone Wars sets.
June 17, 201113 yr Excellent review MB. Thanks for sharing. It really does the set justice. This is one of the few expensive/high end Lego sets I have bought and not been disappointed with in the Star Wars series. The tank is alot of fun for kids and adults, and I think it makes a great centerpiece of any SW collection. I like it alot more than the EP III tank too, I think TLG did alot better with the wheels and lines of the vehicle compared to the old one. Edited June 17, 201113 yr by Cpt. Dan
June 18, 201113 yr As far as the set goes, I've never been a fan of this right from the start, primarily because of its various inaccuracies that will just entail a major overhaul of the design of the vehicle itself on my part if I ever decided to get this. Unlike the RGS and AT-TE which can be improved with minor modifications. Wait, really? I had always thought this was one of the better sets of recent times, accuracy-wise... I think I'm missing something.
June 18, 201113 yr I finally got this recently, I really like it. But, as was mentioned, I would of liked an inclusion of more clones rather than the AT-RT, weapons rack and the command module. They should've made it like the Brickmaster books. I like that one more than this, although the one with the CTT isn't all that bad, I think.
December 3, 201212 yr Thanks for an awesome review masked Builder, You really have highlited the key elements of this set. I love the fact that there are many minifigures and lego has really added in little extras with the command module, At-RT and the weapons rack. i always find I am losing my weapons! I just wish it could have been designed a bit better. But a great review and I look foward to more form you
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