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I think that sums up the topic pretty well. People had heightened expectations (some were really weird, too, like maybe it would include a kraken or something) of what they'd be getting, so what they actually get is a huge letdown, even if it's no worse than many of LEGO's ships in the past.

How about instead of imagining what you want it to look like, you imagine a LEGO Pirate ship. Now make it black and add a couple more sails and some new pieces.

I mean really, it's no Imperial Flagship, but it isn't horrible.

I can't speak for everyone else, but after the QAR, which I really like, I expected the Pearl to have more style than the photo showed. I just feels like a too-simple build. I still look at the my QAR and notice cool details and interesting things about it, but I really doubt I would do that with the BP. I know its a smaller set, but there's still no there there.

Edited by gotoAndLego

I can't speak for everyone else, but after the QAR, which I really like, I expected the Pearl to have more style than the photo showed. I just feels like a too-simple build. I still look at the my QAR and notice cool details and interesting things about it, but I really doubt I would do that with the BP. I know its a smaller set, but there's still no there there.

You're right about how there seems to be fewer details, but the image doesn't give a good indication of what the deck (or lack thereof, I suppose) looks like, what the wheel area looks like, or what the inside of the cabin looks like. Really all it is is a side shot, and a blurry one at that. Plus the QAR had all the bone railings and stuff that definitely wouldn't fit the Pearl.

Edited by Bfahome

I actually think they should do it to the same price/piece count as the QAR. For $20 you could have epic battles that don't start out feeling slanted due to one ship being cheaper and smaller.

I don't actually think they are all that different in size. They both have the same number of sails. If you consider that the cabin of the BP takes up the space of the rear two cannons of the QAR, they are probably almost the same length as well. The major difference is the enormous backside of the QAR, which isn't going to affect much in a battle anyway.

And besides, who doesn't prefer a slightly uneven sea battle? :pir-classic: It's not like there aren't examples from history of the smaller ship/fleet winning...

And besides, who doesn't prefer a slightly uneven sea battle? :pir-classic: It's not like there aren't examples from history of the smaller ship/fleet winning...

I second that!

And besides: I am no expert in licenced themes. But to me it seems that Lego goes a long way in preserving the classic pirates style in their POTC line. I think that if you're a child and want to play with the Imperial Flagship and this BP then it fits perfectly. Its not the most accurate representation but then again I think most of us folks would find somethin' to nitpick If they made a 1:1 Lego scale Black Pearl :pir_laugh2:

Well, LEGO's obviously listening, so maybe they'll notice the comments and add some more detail. It seems like, as it's named, a prototype. It's not coming out for a few months, so with any luck it'll recieve a detail treatment as much as that of the QAR.

Having re-watched the films recently I noticed the masts, the bowsprit, and the figurehead are all a whitish-grey colour (NOT BLACK!)

If LEGO changed these colours to say a light or dark grey I think that would break up the black-glossy monotony of the set and provide significant change to the overall look.

Hope they hear my suggestion. :pir-sweet:

Well, LEGO's obviously listening, so maybe they'll notice the comments and add some more detail. It seems like, as it's named, a prototype. It's not coming out for a few months, so with any luck it'll recieve a detail treatment as much as that of the QAR.

This is what I was talking about. Heightened expectations. It's the main problem here.

You can't expect them to change a set this late in the game, especially based on the whims of a handful of people posting on the internet. Even if it isn't coming out for a few months, parts have to be molded, boxes and manuals have to be designed and printed, and sets have to be shipped around the world. I'm guessing that process takes more than just a few months. So I doubt it'll be getting any major detail added between now and then.

You can't expect them to change a set this late in the game, especially based on the whims of a handful of people posting on the internet...

I agree, but what if the reason The Black Pearl didn't come out with the first wave was that they decided to redesign it?

I don't know the backstory to the leaked image, but is it possible it actually dates from the time other preliminary images for sets like The Cannibal Escape were first revealed? If so, the fact that it didn't appear with them could suggest it's having a redesign.

Of course, I always (cynically) thought the main reason The Black Pearl didn't arrive with the other sets was that they didn't want to take sales away from the Queen Anne's Revenge. Given the latter's expense in Australia, I talked myself out of buying one and to instead wait for The Black Pearl, for which I have far more emotional connection than Blackbeard's sword remote controlled vessel.

I agree, but what if the reason The Black Pearl didn't come out with the first wave was that they decided to redesign it?

I don't know the backstory to the leaked image, but is it possible it actually dates from the time other preliminary images for sets like The Cannibal Escape were first revealed? If so, the fact that it didn't appear with them could suggest it's having a redesign.

What would they be redesigning it from, though? Unless the focus groups suddenly changed their mind after it was prototyped, it's probably going to look the same or almost the same.

Also, I'm pretty sure the BP image is new, because if it was originally in the retailer catalogues with the other POTC sets the picture would've been all over the internet already. Or am I misinterpreting what you're saying?

Of course, I always (cynically) thought the main reason The Black Pearl didn't arrive with the other sets was that they didn't want to take sales away from the Queen Anne's Revenge. Given the latter's expense in Australia, I talked myself out of buying one and to instead wait for The Black Pearl, for which I have far more emotional connection than Blackbeard's sword remote controlled vessel.

That's not cynical, that's realistic. Having two $100+ ships out at the same time would more likely than not divide the sales between them, whereas releasing them half a year apart lets people forget they spent that much money before. LEGO is a really cool company that does a lot of nice things, but they still need to make a profit. It's just good business.

I agree, but what if the reason The Black Pearl didn't come out with the first wave was that they decided to redesign it?

I don't know the backstory to the leaked image, but is it possible it actually dates from the time other preliminary images for sets like The Cannibal Escape were first revealed? If so, the fact that it didn't appear with them could suggest it's having a redesign.

Of course, I always (cynically) thought the main reason The Black Pearl didn't arrive with the other sets was that they didn't want to take sales away from the Queen Anne's Revenge. Given the latter's expense in Australia, I talked myself out of buying one and to instead wait for The Black Pearl, for which I have far more emotional connection than Blackbeard's sword remote controlled vessel.

As much as I would like to agree I have to point out that the minifigs all look finalized. When we saw the preliminary images of the other POTC sets none of the minifigs looked in any way close to the final designs and prints. So, I have to disagree with you on that. This photo is a picture of Lego's latest or, close to latest, prototype. What I am hoping is that Lego does do a second and third wave and that I can get more of the Black Pearl crew. If they do not do that than I think I will pass up on this ship. :pir-sceptic:

Edited by Jack Bricker

I was really hoping that this ship would contain lots of the important charecters so that I could get them all in one go without spending money on the terribly overpriced small sets. Personally, LEGO should've replaced Bootstrap with Elizabith. Granted, I only saw the movies for the second time a year or so ago, but I don't even remember Bootstrap.

I'll get it. I'm not really unhappy with it. Maybe I'm boring, but I'd buy this before QAR. Though I'm getting increasingly tempted to get QAR. :pir_laugh2:

Has the price been mentioned yet? That's a major contributing factor for me.

At the Toy Fair in New York earlier this year, it was mentioned that the Black Pearl would retail for $99.99 in the US

I cleared out my hobby room for a pirates MOC, because of the new POTC sets and I am really looking forward to the Pearl. No complaining on my side:

1) it has 200 pieces more than Brickbeards Bounty, so it should get more details (and I already like this ship)

2) 6 great minifigs, including three new ones, Davy Jones and two of his crew members.

3) A 7th minifig if you include the damsel on the front of the ship, which doesn't look too bad from this side.

4) I don't woory about the sails, holes or no holes, black sails rule!

5) Two or three more cannons for the collection, is fine by me.

6) Nothing to complain about... let it soon be November.

Having re-watched the films recently I noticed the masts, the bowsprit, and the figurehead are all a whitish-grey colour (NOT BLACK!)

If LEGO changed these colours to say a light or dark grey I think that would break up the black-glossy monotony of the set and provide significant change to the overall look.

Hope they hear my suggestion. :pir-sweet:

Yes your right, the masts would look a lot better in grey.

However no one has noticed that the figure head is supposed to be bronze!

At the Toy Fair in New York earlier this year, it was mentioned that the Black Pearl would retail for $99.99 in the US

I have no idea how LEGO® append its arbitrary Australian prices, but if the QAR is anything to go by, expect an additional AUD $80.00 on top of the US $99.99.

So Australians beware! You're about to pay AUD $189.99. for the Black Pearl set this November.

If anybody can explain why Australians are taxed more, considering our dollar has been at parity with the US dollar for over 6 months now, I'd be grateful thanks.

I can't wait to get this Black Pearl. I don't really mind if the ship isn't grandiose and really detailed. With these black hull, mast and sail pieces, it will be easy to MOC a bit in order to get a better ship. Anyway even if the Queen Anne's Revenge is great, I will probably do some job on it soon in order to get an upper and a lower deck since it's really hard to move the minifigs at the bottom of the ship like that, with the sails in the way and everything. I will probably try to do something similar to the Imperial Flagship for the QAR, and probably for the BP too.

So I don't really care of the dull design. What I don't understand is why we don't get Anamaria and/or Pintel and/or Ragetti and/or Marty and/or Cotton and his parrot and/or Jack the Monkey. I mean, OK they put Davy Jones to increase the playability with at least one vilain. But they should have kept Maccus and Bootstrap for the Flying Dutchman and replaced them by some of Jack's crew. Then we would have been able to do scenes from the Dead's Man Chest and from the Curse of the Black Pearl. But how do you want to do a scene without Davy Jones now? Hard to sail a ship with only a captain and two crew members... So I definitly wish we get these missing characters in another set (Tortuga???)

Nothing can be completely removed from the internetz :pir-grin:

But it can be from this thread.

how does the ship looks like and where can i find it?

I'm sure a quick google search would yield you some results, but out of respect for TLG and to preserve our good relationship with them, the preliminary picture will not be allowed to be posted or linked within Eurobricks.

I have no idea how LEGO® append its arbitrary Australian prices, but if the QAR is anything to go by, expect an additional AUD $80.00 on top of the US $99.99.

So Australians beware! You're about to pay AUD $189.99. for the Black Pearl set this November.

If anybody can explain why Australians are taxed more, considering our dollar has been at parity with the US dollar for over 6 months now, I'd be grateful thanks.

First off I think you ment to say $179.99Au.pirate_wink.gif

As to why we pay more here in Australia it has to do with our standard of living and minimum wage not how our dollar is doing on the stock market. TLG sets it's RRP base on local economy not global, basically what people will pay in that region.

I may be wrong here but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

So with our strong dollar your best bet is to buy from the USA or just cop it sweet.

First off I think you ment to say $179.99Au.pirate_wink.gif

As to why we pay more here in Australia it has to do with our standard of living and minimum wage not how our dollar is doing on the stock market. TLG sets it's RRP base on local economy not global, basically what people will pay in that region.

I may be wrong here but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

So with our strong dollar your best bet is to buy from the USA or just cop it sweet.

Thanks for the correction.

I understand completely how most prices on imports are set in Australia, but it seems immensely raw to hike the price, with some LEGO® sets double the US price.

I think you mean the currency exchange, as opposed to stock market, but this is no reason to maintain exorbitant prices such as this :pir_bawling: . Other global companies have reduced their prices on merchandise in Australia amidst the Global Financial Crisis, including Apple who is notorious for 'never' dropping their prices.

If someone can provide an online market like Ebay where I can get these sets at the USD that'd be fantastic. I've tried BrickLink and Ebay, that both have arbitrary prices, and often ridiculous shipping prices; Barnes and Noble frankly have the worst customer service (including cancelling orders oddly), and the LEGO® shop won't allow you to buy from a store overseas :thumbdown: .

Tell me your secrets :pir_laugh2:

Yes I did mean the exchange rate, cheers.

I've bought most PotC sets from Bricklink ,

Isle of the dead 4181 and Fountain of youth 4192 shipped for $42 Au from USA (deboxed)

The Mill 4183 and Cannibal escape 4182 shipped for $87Au from USA (deboxed)

Local buys

QAR 4195 $148 Au from Big W (not on sale)

The captains cabin 4191 from Target $18Au (on sale)

So back on topic I expect to get The Pearl for around $150 Au locally.

Very disappointed with the minifig selection for this set.

Makes a 'Flying Dutchman' set seem less likely. :pir_bawling:

After looking at the older pics of QAR I noticed they changed the minifigs from the prelim pic to the actual set. So hopefully the same will happen for Black Pearl, however the QAR pics had minifigs that seemed like fillers, so maybe not...

This is up for preorder in the UK for £75 with free shipping..... seems a good price, what do you reckon?

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