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It was pretty exciting when they debuted in 2001. They had the joints of the Throwbots / Slizers (and RoboRiders), but didn't suck, as there was actual character design going on. A look not too unlike japanese anime type mecha.

That was helped by the feverish mask-pack collecting. Mocers bought them in massive quantities to get them in different colors, while kids collected them also just for the sake of collecting them all.

So, the first year, while still having some awkward looking larger sets, was pretty badass.

But in my opinion, every year since then has had major flaws.

Gone were masks in all different colors.

Gone were the battery operated sets.

Then came really AWFUL masks in limited colors.

And every set had those AWFUL Bohrok legs.

Ridiculous "play features" were introduced, which worse yet, adversely affected parts... pieces otherwise symmetrical were gouged just to fit them in.

The "collectibles" were no longer masks that could be used imaginatively in mocs, but deteriorated into nasty little blobs of plastic.

After awhile, most sets were just overflowing with giant "silver" weapons... which unfortunately were really lacking in the connection point department.

2005 showed promise, but was still plagued with giant, wonky, unusable parts for mocing.

Electronics were there, but the batteries weren't removable, (unless you were clever).

The cheesay gimmick was actually neat... BB ball shooters.

There were steps in the right direction, but it wasn't quite "right" yet.

But here's 2006.

No wide assortment of mask colors again, but man... all the rest.

--electronics (STROBE LIGHTS, no less!), with removable batteries.

--LOTS of trans parts, and a generous amount in the sets that have them, not just one socket connector.

--glow in the dark elements that aren't just painted on, also in a decent supply for the set that has it.

--GOOD looking figures, not the runty, insect-like monstrosities of the recent years.

--Playsets have minifigs with arms... and those arms are the PERFECT replacement for the system minifig "mecha-fingers" every mecha builder has had to suffer through year after year.

--More violent action in the story? YES.

--"Tool" weapons that can't help but be seen as guns? YES. No more pointlessly insulting tools this time, these guys are going to WAR. They always were, but now they look it.

It's like all the whining I did on other Lego sites was actually being listened to. :-D

The only thing they could do to make the line better is have motorized sets, a fully-trans action figure, and the masks available in more colors than one.

Am I off my rocker or do you agree?

Is not this particular year of the line the BEST since 2001? Is it not perhaps the best period?

I agree.The sets were starting to be a little retarded in 2004 and 2005,but this year is definiatly going uphill.

I also agree on the return of mask collecting.But,i read somewhere on BZP that Greg Farshtey said that mask collecting MIGHT be returning around 2007.

Kahgarak is pleased. *y* *sweet*

Here is what a non Bionicle fan thinks: Its the first year of Bionicle in which I will actually buy MF sets ;-)

So my answer is a definite YES !! (waiting to see what '07 holds ;-) )


The only thing I don't like and never really have are the two tone colored parts. I don't mind them in things like the viking dragon wings as the two tone is a nice effect for those. But the ordinary parts with two tone are not alwas easy to use in MOCs. They work great in the set but not as well as a plain color part would. Not a big gripe though.

My favorite parts come from the guys with transparent lids on the canisters. They have plenty of hard plastic parts in great colors. The new Piraka seem nice to in that sense but I haven't actually held any of the new sets in my hands yet.

Each year has its faults though and I do have to say that this years stuff is looking better than anything they put out before. Especially the toa. Also the Zamor spheres are the coolest extra yet, even better than masks I think.

Not the best ever. 2001 was the best ever. However, 2003-2005 were a wasteland.

This year, the Piraka are cool, the Voya Nui Matoran are cute and fun, and Axon and Brutaka are excellent. I don't care much for the look of the Toa Inika, but they have good construction.

The worst ever were the Toa Hordika and the Visorak. No interest at all. Those actively turned my kids off Bionicle, and they haven't really returned to it since, which is kind of sad.

  • Author
The worst ever were the Toa Hordika and the Visorak. No interest at all. Those actively turned my kids off Bionicle, and they haven't really returned to it since, which is kind of sad.

BIGTIME. Like what I was saying about compromising symmetry for function... you take a Visorak shell... it has this giant CIRCLE imprinted on it's back and you're like "No prob, I'll just hide it with more parts"... but then you look at it head-on, and there's this freaking NOTCH cut out of one side of it's face for those zip-strip things.

Unforgivable. lol

And yeah, the 2-toned Inika, Hahlii and Kongu... I pop them out of the can, but immediately put all the swirly parts right back into the can and close it.

THAT'S the last I see of them... unless I need to cross a distance later that's hidden inside an enclosed moc.

But still, best year ever.

I also agree on the return of mask collecting.But,i read somewhere on BZP that Greg Farshtey said that mask collecting MIGHT be returning around 2007.

Kahgarak is pleased. thumbup.gif satisfied.gif

Wow, man. I remember arguing about the loss of that.

I wonder if Greg passed on that info to Lego himself. If he did, much love. Collecting those $2 mask packs were an exciting time.

Maybe you'd get a second mask in a certain color that'd get you thinking "Cool! Now I have 2 to make shoulder pads!".

Or you'd get a trans and feel all special, since only like 1 in 12 masks had that.

And unlike later "collectibles" (pffffft), they had actual building parts inside... a most important thing indeed.

It was a good time.

I'd prefer it if they weren't using the big Piraka torso's in the bigger sets. The Technical designs of 2005's Titans were much better. I hope this is improved in 2007. Plus, I don't see the need for the lame Inika heads/masks. Plastic woulda been fine and made them much, much better. And they're a bit too much like the Piraka. And I'd prefer more classic swords (2001-style), instead of a gimmicky light-up feature. Just makes the sets seem too childish. Though I can see how MoCers would like this.

Storyline-wise, Bionicle is as good as ever.

Next year, I hope the titans aren't made as lazily as this years. Though I still like this years...just the build to them, that's all. BTW If you could try change my opinion, I'd muchly appreciate it....

Anyhoo, my 2006 Bionicle shopping is done. Got the titans, Matoran, Piraka and Inika. That's enough for me.


  • Author
I'd prefer it if they weren't using the big Piraka torso's in the bigger sets.

I agree and I don't. At first, I despised them, but I came to realize they serve a financial purpose.

If you put an Inika together, it's pretty much a head, arms and legs... and a big, goofy-megablocks torso.

It's good in that littler kids get an action figure without getting confused, but it's practically color-coded for mocers, saying "Replace torso with custom body".

I dig these new heads, in comparison to the last few waves. With the 2001 masks, people were always trying to think of what they could poke through the eye holes for mocs.

These being rubber, it allows a bit more play. And the holes are large enough for quite a few options.

As for the green domeheads they all have... they're kinda' cool. They may only come in 1 color, but they have many a moc use.

The swords have a very cool effect... the only bad thing to say being there's really no connection points for adding clear parts (as light piping around a moc).

The Technical designs of 2005's Titans were much better. I hope this is improved in 2007.

I dunno. They had better building parts, definitely. But they looked a bit on the fugly side. Though I know what you mean, the new ones being a lot of <insert that tiresome argument> parts. I still think there's alot of good mocing parts though. And they have a large, dynamic look to them. Quite a far cry from the lame as hell spinner arms of 2005 and the bare-bones garbage of the first movie.

Hm, I see what you mean. But, y'see, I don't moc...at all, so I'm seeing them as sets, and not parts packs. I can see that they'd be great for mocing, but as sets...they don't do it for me right now.

I didn't find the 2005 titans too ugly...apart from Keetongu. And Sidorak was too thin to be a big leader guy...Roodaka was okay though. *sweet*

Anyways, I think the different buying purposes affect opinions on sets. I judge mostly the set, while you judge mostly the parts. ;-)

I heartily agree with your points here guys. I was blown away by the original Toa. Tahu was just so brilliant. Like a fusion between Lego and an action figure. Whilst the Bionicle franchise has been consistent, I don't see the point of stuff like the Bohrok Kal, the originals were ok enough. I guess it was their version of 'Nuvafying' the villains, but it just didn't work. Although I didn't get the Metru, Hordika, Visorak or Vahki, it doesn't seem like I was missing out on much. But this year TLC have got it just right. Thrusting me back into Bionicle with the great Piraka; only cool action features this time around, light up eyes of evil, zamor launchers of cool, and flip weapons of brilliance.

Then came the Inika, which I swore to myself I would only purchase one of, the cool as ice-pun not intended :-P-Matoro. The package arrived, I ripped open the package and built him with super speed. He's beyond awesome, mega posable and a strobe sword of justice. The flashing lights hypnotised me into buying more, now I possess Hewkii, Nuparu, Hahli and Matoro.

Normally, I would curse Lego for draining me of cash like this, but this year's Bionicle are so wicked, I don't think I care anymore ;-) .

The sets have improved, so have the mfs. The story and bookcs, the new comic artist, they're all awesome.

But we need a new kind of treasure, not some mask again.

Years (Best at the top, worst at the bottom) In my opinion

1. TIE-2006 and 2001

2. 2002

3. 2005

4. 2003

5. 2004

I agree!

2005 really turned me off to Bionicle, with the freaky mutant Toa, the loads of spiders and the playsets with the one-piece figs. The titans were good though.

This year has been like a reboot for the line. With the darker storyline and the wierd canister sets.

But, I'd like to see a better collectable than zamor spheres. :-|

I'd prefer it if they weren't using the big Piraka torso's in the bigger sets.

With the 2001 masks, people were always trying to think of what they could poke through the eye holes for mocs.

Yes.I used to add scopes to my Pakari masks.Pakari Olda eye-holes are VERY good for MOCing,as axles perfectly fit through them.

Scale of 1 to 10... (10 best, 1 worst)



8 1/2-2oo6









'o6 rocks!

'o1 rocked-er!

1. 2003

2. 2006

3. 2001

4. 2005

5. 2002

6. 2004

Something inside me wants to say there was a better year in there...but I can think of nothing to dispute the argument you made in your first post...so yeah, I have to reluctantly agree, best year ever deino.gif

1. 2003

2. 2006

3. 2001

4. 2005

5. 2004

You forgot '02. *sweet*

I'd say the sets this year are a definate improvement over past Canisters (not the Bohrok, but the rest certainly). My second favourite would probably be 2004, as it had some very cool 'titan' sets, and revolutionary Toa with neck, elbow and shoulder movement. The story was intriguing also, and a big change from hero's to rookies who didn't quite know the ropes. It was good fun.

I'm looking forward to the resolution of this years fantastic story!

  • Author
I'm looking forward to the resolution of this years fantastic story!

Everything was so fantastic, and clearly such a large budget was approved that I wonder if this was the LAST story!

Hahaha haha ha ha ha... ha... ...ha... ...heh...

...hoo, boy. That's a hell of a thought. :-/

Nah. No way. Right?

Maybe instead of just an island it moves to a "mainland". A whole new world with all new elements and characters. Or instead of a large new land perhaps another island emerges out of the sea.

I don't think LEGO will drop the bionicle action figure type line until it is barely profitable. They do need to keep it fresh and expanding though.

2006 is the first year of a 3 year story ark - that's until 2008, fact fans!

I believe (not sure),but i believe that the 2007 location is an underwater world,the part of Voya Nui that sank into the ocean during the Great Cataclysm.

In a word? No.

This is the single worst year EVER for Bionicle. It does, IMHO, make 2005 look like the shining crown of set building and story writing.

Lets look at the characters, first:

The Matoran Resistance members have... nothing

The Pirakas personalitys are bland stereotypical villians

The Inika are simply betrayals of their Matoran characters. Gone are the flaws that made past Toa cool and hence leaves us with this bland group of Toa with so much power its hard to play with.

Next, lets talk Powers.

Each Inika has eye lasers, a mask power, a zamor launcher, some kind of gun-weapon and then their elemental powers. These powers, particularly the gun-weapon, are so incredibly powerful that theres almost no point in playing with the sets since they'd just kill each other in about three minutes. And these are just the TOA! Take a glance at the Matoran - It would appear that Greg and the story team think that the only way to make a character interesting is to gob powers onto them.

Next up: Storyline

Gone are the days of yore when storytelling was actually a signifigant part of Bionicle. It really started in 2005 and has fully matured now: Sacrificing a good story for pure Inika vs Piraka Shoot 'em up Blow 'em up. It fits with the bland characters since in this story you dont need more then bland characters because the story is bland. "Blow up Piraka, rescue the Toa Nuva, get the Mask of Life, and rescue the All American Rejects". There it is, 2006's entire plot boiled down.

And that reminds me - Bionicle Music. Apparently composers like Justin Luchter (MNOLG) and Nathan Furst (Movies) were simply too revolutionary in their ideas for unique Bionicle music. So, of course, Lego has now contracted the All American Rejects - the most UN-Bionicle sound in music possible, unless you concider raggae or maby punk.

Moving on... Collectibles. While granted, hordes of Krana and Kraata werent ideal, at least they were INTERESTING. Now, for the past 3 years we've had... ammo. The disks were rather lame, Rhotuka just sucked unless you really like shooting things 40 feet away, and now we've got... plastic marbles. Lame.

Now, for the Grand Finale... Sets. The sets are without doubt the worst abominations to ever carry the name "Lego". Yes, the Doomtoran are cute, Yes, despite the giant cheesy silver weapons the titans are pretty good - But its the Inika and Piraka that matter here (And the re-use of the Great Ruru over and over again). The Inika masks are just plain TERRIBLE - They look like some kind of weird cross between a mutant frog and an alien dipped in battery acid while being microwaved. They dont look like Toa, they dont look like the "Good Guys" and they're ugly as all bobert.

WORSE then the front of the mask is the BACK of the mask. Always it has been a mask on a head (Exept for the Hordika, but at least they had an excuse) Not this time! Now, the "head" is a cheesy peice of glow-in-the-dark plastic. Yey. T_T

Well, in all honesty, I must say the HEADS are the worst part of the Inika. The bodys are.... OK, But still big, blocky, and horrendously ugly. They, just like EVERYTHING else 2006, retain nothing anyone could even begin to regard as the real Feel and Spirit of BIONICLE. They are now gimmicky plastic toys with a gimmicky plastic story to appeal to kids who love gimmicky plastic stuff.

And, if you've read this far... Trust me, you dont want me to get started on the Piraka - The "Gang on the Loose", the "Gangstas" who are stereotypical villians and annoying in the utmost degree.

So, No. 2006 is a base betrayal of all that has called itself Bionicle. I say this not because I hate bionicle, but because I loved it - and 2006 has killed any interest in persuing this love for Bionicle any further for me.

- Helden

Uhm....have you read any of the books this year? The Piraka are more original than you think. Sure the sets aren't the best, but the story is still there, and it's tying into all the other years, too. The Inika don't have eye lasers, either.


  • Author
WORSE then the front of the mask is the BACK of the mask. Always it has been a mask on a head (Exept for the Hordika, but at least they had an excuse) Not this time! Now, the "head" is a cheesy peice of glow-in-the-dark plastic. Yey. T_T

Umm. Did you actually get any of the new sets?

The Inika heads don't glow in the dark. At all.

I'm split in two on your overall appraisal.

As far as story goes, all the movies they put on cds and dvd and junk... none of it is still as cool as the original online game from like 2001.

The Tohunga characters, with all their wit and humor in movement...gone forever I'd say.

In the movies, they were SUPER annoying. I was expecting them to say stuff like "radical" and "totally tubular" while jumping on skateboards & blaring boomboxes.

So, their lack of presence in the current series was welcome. They've been "dead" for years.

But I'm not a man of story, I'm a man of parts.

Yeah, the heads leave alot to be desired, as do the bodies, as do the swirly-colored, useless-to-moc-with armor in 2 of the sets... but there's alot of other good stuff. FOUR joint beams in each Inika? And the armor bits are a little better than in recent years, WAY more able to be used in mocs.

The heads, while far from the awesomeness of the 2001 plastic masks, at least have room for more customization than all the years since 2001.

You can actually put stuff through the eyeholes this time. It might not sound like a big deal to you, but to me, it means the mask isn't just a mask.

Music? Bleh. I approach it the same as I do the story. Don't care. Nothing compares to the 2001 online game.

One could complain about weapons all being swords, but think back to 2001... who was the coolest Toa? Oh, Kopaka, with his sword. EVERYONE made at least 1 moc holding that sword I think. :-D

It's only logical that it'd be emulated further on down the line.

I know what you mean about the gimmick sets.

In 2001, it was impossible to go into a store that carried Lego and NOT see mask packs falling off the shelves. It was great.

But even though the collectibles since then have increasingly sucked harder and harder (well, the spinners were the worst), Lego has at least had the decency to hide them within the confines of shop@home, with few exception.

I have yet to see any of the poopy plastic marbles where I buy Lego. Thank goodness.

I never saw the silly rhotuka spinners there either.

I THINK I saw those worthless Kraata tubs there for 1 week, in super-small quantity.

So, it's good to know they're not allocating time and money away from the sets in that regard.

To each his own though. I miss the smaller pieces used in the titan sets of 2005, but at the same time I don't miss the illogically butt-ugly set designs or some of the super-worthless <insert that tiresome argument> parts.

It really started in 2005 and has fully matured now: Sacrificing a good story for pure Inika vs Piraka Shoot 'em up Blow 'em up. It fits with the bland characters since in this story you dont need more then bland characters because the story is bland. "Blow up Piraka, rescue the Toa Nuva, get the Mask of Life, and rescue the All American Rejects".

You mean in comparison to the years before it, where things that were clearly weapons were constantly called "tools", where the showdown of their first movie against the big, evil enemy was... a hockey game?

I'll take mindless violence over insultingly veilied, politically correct violence ANY day of the week.

Edited by JINZONINGEN 73

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