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sorry mate, can't watch your review untill I see the movie myself, thanks for mentioning spoilers! I think I'm seeing the movie soon... I hope.

Posted (edited)

Ah man, I saw this movie last Wednesday, and it was EPIC!

Definitely better than RotF, and even a bit better than TF itself.

Without spoiling anything.. Michael Bay did a terrific job at lowering the humor level (which I felt was very forced, in RotF) or at least just make it better. The story was perfect as well, really intense, keeping me at the edge of my seat again. Altough in some ways it was a little more violent than I'm used to (for example the scene on the highway, where you actually see people die, and it's not just implied any more) I thought it those kinda scenes were awesome. :devil:

Now, I feel I can't say much more without spoiling, so I'll stop for now :tongue:

But I really recommend it to everyone who saw the previous films as wel :thumbup:



Edited by CF WeaZZel
Posted (edited)

The movie was epic. The best of the 3 by far. Much more dark toned than the first two, better writing and and story. So many plot twists...

Warning, spoilers people! If you haven't seen the movie, then don't continue...

-Sential Prime being a tratoir was epic writing. I wish i was totaly surprised, but some jackass on the TF forums spoiled it from reading the book in a thread title!

- Ironhides death on the otherhand wasn't expected. At all. Sad to see him get offed, but at the same time, it proved just how Bad S.P. was. Speaking of S. P., Lenord Nimoy's voice was beyond epic! I don't think anyone else could have fit the bill better.

-The dreads freeway chash was incredible. I love how they ran at full speed throwing cars around. Very cool.

-Wreckers were awesome. Loved their voices. Do wish they had more time though.

Overall i'm very pleased.

Edited by Rufus
Spoiler code inserted & space removed
Posted (edited)

I have only one thing to say:


Okay, two things: please, for the love of Primus, somebody give us a transformers movie that reaches the quality of the Beast Wars or Animated cartoons, or maybe even War For Cybertron. I've had enough of Bay and his TINO (Transformers-In-Name-Only) explosion fests. He should never be allowed to touch the franchise again.

Edited by Zarkan

I've had enough of Bay and his TINO (Transformers-In-Name-Only) explosion fests. He should never be allowed to touch the franchise again.


somebody give us a transformers movie that reaches the quality of the Beast Wars or Animated cartoons

Question: When did you first see the cartoons?

Smart money is on during your childhood

Seeing the film on Wednesday, will obviously post opinions after. (I wasn't a fan of the first one and didn't see the second is there anything I should know plotwise from the first 2 other than giant robots and not Megan fox is now Megan Fox?)


(I wasn't a fan of the first one and didn't see the second is there anything I should know plotwise from the first 2 other than giant robots and not Megan fox is now Megan Fox?)

Nope. The plot of this one makes perfect sense without seeing the other two, to me anyway. I had tried to block out all memory of the second one anyhow, and this one made perfect sense.

Oh, I might as well share my thoughts on the movie. I never knew anything or cared about Transformers before seeing the first film, so I don't have any bias of 'did they trash the characters' or whatever. I liked the first one quite a lot when I saw it, and even on repeat viewings. The writing was good, the characters were well thought out, etc. I can't say I cared much about the Transformers, and Megatron was your typical big evil bad guy, but besides for the end battle being a tad too long, it was above highly enjoyable, even a good film to me.

The second one was complete trash. The writing for the humans was so, so bad, and they completely ruined Megan Fox's character. What made her good int he first film was that she was both attractive and had legitimate things to do; all they gave her to do in the second one was be a typical female character and just generally look hot for the camera. I can't even remember the plot, other than they came and restarted Megatron in ONE SECOND. Why the hell drop him to the bottom of the ocean if they can restart him in one freaking second? Ugh…

After that second film I didn't want to see the third, but I was dragged into it. Maybe it was my exceedingly low expectations that made me think it was tolerable. The humans were written pretty well once again, the plot made sense, John Turturro was once again funny rather than annoying, and Sentinel Prime was fairly cool. One of the touches I liked the most was Megtron. They had him because they had too, I suppose, but at least he didn't factor into the battles again. I thought his nomad design was well done. Still, the film was far too long, and in retrospect some of the beginning sequences with Sam were unnecessary. At least they were enjoyable. If they make a fourth film, which they probably will, I will have to make sure to go in expecting a film as bad as the second, or I will come out disappointed. With absolutely zero hope for an enjoyable movie, though, Dark of the Moon turned out fairly well.


I really enjoyed the film, I have only just got back from waching it with my friends for my birthday :purrr:. The action was almost non-stop and fantastic, alot of fun watching it. Though even when the bullets arent flying its sill a really good film.

I dont think I can sum it up as you guys so I wont, but I just think that with the quality of the second :sarcasm_hmpf: then it might be a good idea to forget about it for a little while as you watch the film.

Thanks, CB .....Back to LU!

Posted (edited)


I really liked this film. It was much better than ROTF, and just felt more.....well put together. It wasn't a perfect film, but what is? I do have to say that continuity is sort of screwed up between all three films, and when you realize that sentinel prime is a traitor, it makes the escape of the Arc scene sort of senseless. Also one of my favorite thing is that near the begining when the two sidekick robots are watching star trek, one of them says "Oh, I've seen this one, Spock goes crazy." Oh my god! Foreshadowing in a Michael Bay film!

All right: Things I like: No Twins, Soundwave Revealed, Lazerbeak, Reoccuring human characters done well, The Historical moon mission.

Things I don't like: Hairy Transformers, Characters with no intro, Anonymous decepticons, Too many crazy guys, Tentacles, The decepticon war machines

Edited by Rufus

All right: Things I like: No Twins, Soundwave Revealed, Lazerbeak, Reoccuring human characters done well, The Historical moon mission.

Now I gotta disagree with that. I wanted the twins. Reason why;

In the orignal novelization, the twins really only were seen driving with the other autobots, and their last scene was when sentinal shoots ironhide. When he shoots at bee, Skids was supposed to jum infront and be the one shot. Skids then corrodes and tells mudflap "I was supposed to be the smart one and protect you, and i failed, im sorry" then dies, and mudflap goes and attacks sentinel, but dies as well. Thats how the twins would have been in it. And it would have been a great scene, but because fans were so stuck up about the twins "racism" he decided to cut the scenes with the twins in them. Gah.


Wow I'm actually surprised to hear very positive views of this movie in this thread, because I personally find it not enteraining at all and was a complete waste of time of money for me. I'm no expert movie critic and just an average movie goer so the way I judge a movie is if I got "entertained" after I watched a certain film, and sadly after watching TF3 I felt "empty" and did not enjoy even one bit of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Transformers-hater, I actually liked the first movie so much that it is up to this day one of my top entertaining movies I have ever watched, but I just didn't find that exciting and thrilling element on this one. This one was excruciatingly-long with a dragging storyline, the action scenes were not up to par with those in the two previous films, and I find the humor very "forced" and corny most of the time. And believe me I'm not the type to be overly too critical of movies, I even consider myself the "shallowest" movie buff around who can be entertained by mediocre flicks, but I'm sorry to say (and feel) that TF3 just didn't make an impact on me like I would've wanted it to have.

(And just to be sure that I'm not going nuts, I even asked my family and friends who saw it and good thing they had the sentiments as me, so I wasn't alone in my views of the movie.)


Ruined Forever? Hardly. As long as Transformers remains popular, there will always be a chance for the franchise to redeem itself. Sadly, the reality is that its far more likely for a Transformers' related production to stink than it is for it to be awesome. Bay's "movies" are an excellent illustration of this.

Question: When did you first see the cartoons?

Smart money is on during your childhood

You'd be wrong, cause I didn't really even watch cartoons when I was young. I'm not really a hardcore Transformers fan either, as I don't buy the toys and only really like the two shows I mentioned. However, as I've stated before, I see that there's so much potential in this franchise, and for the most part its been wasted in legions of lame cartoons, bad movies, and less than stellar video games.


Wow I'm actually surprised to hear very positive views of this movie in this thread, because I personally find it not enteraining at all and was a complete waste of time of money for me. I'm no expert movie critic and just an average movie goer so the way I judge a movie is if I got "entertained" after I watched a certain film, and sadly after watching TF3 I felt "empty" and did not enjoy even one bit of the movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Transformers-hater, I actually liked the first movie so much that it is up to this day one of my top entertaining movies I have ever watched, but I just didn't find that exciting and thrilling element on this one. This one was excruciatingly-long with a dragging storyline, the action scenes were not up to par with those in the two previous films, and I find the humor very "forced" and corny most of the time. And believe me I'm not the type to be overly too critical of movies, I even consider myself the "shallowest" movie buff around who can be entertained by mediocre flicks, but I'm sorry to say (and feel) that TF3 just didn't make an impact on me like I would've wanted it to have.

(And just to be sure that I'm not going nuts, I even asked my family and friends who saw it and good thing they had the sentiments as me, so I wasn't alone in my views of the movie.)

Kiel, you got my support! I fully agreed with your views and you have helped to summarise mine. I just felt there is no "wow" factor... I just can't grasp what it is, but I am just disappointed... I know my girlfriend enjoys and being a G1 Transformers cartoon watcher and a big fan Transformers movie 1 and 2, I just think this is disappointing.


I've said this elsewhere, but the Transformers movies should really be called "The Adventures of Sam Wickity and his Robotic Friends," as the reality is that the Transformers are expensive CGI extras in a series absolutely loaded with humans and human-related plots. In Bay's eyes, the humans - and especially the United States military - are the real stars, while most of the robots are simply there to play role of alien invasion fodder. That's why we see Megatron, Starscream, Blackout, etc. get killed by humans, flipping DEVASTATOR get nailed by the US Navy's Deux ex Machinagun, tons of sections devoted to Sam's job, love life, and wacko parents, and a host of potentially cool scenes between Autobots and Decepticons cut short for the purpose of focusing on what the humans are doing. As far as I'm concerned, these movies are Transformers-in-name-only, more so than almost anything else that has ever carried the label.


and for the most part its been wasted in legions of lame cartoons, bad movies, and less than stellar video games.

I must disagree with the cartoon statement. Yes it may have been ruined by some bad cartoons like armada and cybertron, but Transformers Animated and Transformers Prime have been as highley appreciated among the fandom as cartoons since Beast Wars and G1.

Posted (edited)

I enjoyed this film, but not because it was an amazingly written (or acted) film, because I went in to watch a ridiculously violent robot war, and for that reason, it deserves 5 stars. :laugh: Sadly it fails in most other areas of critique. :tongue:

Edited by The crazy one
Posted (edited)

I went to watch it a few days back, I liked it but dont think it was as good as it could have been. When I saw the first one, I was on the edge of my seat with a huge grin from ear to ear for the entire film! A boyhood dream finaly realised on the big screen and that soooooooo familiar sound when they transformed, I very nearly wet myself :laugh:

Whilst this film wasnt going to be as special as the first I still would have liked more Transformers as has been mentioned, way too much human screen time for my liking.

What really annoyed me was when( spoiler alert!)Ironhide gets killed and not one person, human or otherwise, bats an eyelid!!! One of the main guys gets frazzled and nobody seemed to notice :sceptic:

Edited by charlieboy

What really annoyed me was when( spoiler alert!)Ironhide gets killed and not one person, human or otherwise, bats an eyelid!!! One of the main guys gets frazzled and nobody seemed to notice :sceptic:

Yeah, but with that being said, nobody batted an eyelash when all of Chicago is completely annihilated, all that anyone cared about is that Shia rescued the girl. Maybe the city had been emptied for cleaning.


Okay, because I dont know how to do the spoiler on this damn awfully confusing thing, here it goes.


I wanted to say more about the film. First off, I am gutted that Ironhide died, and so early in the film. The fact he wasnt mourned was also depressing, and the manner in which he died was not great, as dissolving into nothing is quite an unfavourable way for such a legend to die. But, I can see why he was chosen to die so early, as he is the only big character to cause a shock, but not so big as to be a big alteration in the story. For example, Ratchet dieing wouldnt have been as dramatic, but loosing Bumblebee would rip a hole in the story, and as Ironhide is the logical target in Primes absense, it worked.

Secondly, the Wreckers were very cool. Not enough screen time in my opinion. They were genuinly hillarious. Irish and Scottish Autobots!

Wheelie and Brains were actually quite enjoyable to watch, and hopefully they lived.

Mirage and Sideswipe were awesome, and Ratchet and any other Autobots were cool.

Sad about Que dieing. He was quite cool, and his death was so sad.

And now, the outburst, WHY WAS STARSCREAM KILLED BY SAM?!? Oh my god I almost flipped when that happened. My favourite two characters get the worst deaths. Also, why so much human stuff? There was so little Optimus or Megatron or Shockwave. Really dissapointed.

Overall, the film was really enjoyable, and so I reckon 3.5-4 stars out of 5 is about right.


Saw it today, excellent I would say, though not awesome.....why ?

I call it the George Lucas theory, let me explain.....take either this film or the HP7 part one and look for the ideas from any of the SW movies. Either from actions taken by characters or the darkness of scenes.....how characters are two faced and at the right moment show their true colours.

Not to spoil it, I will only say is this last film ? :wink:

Plus why haven't the humans got better weaponary ?

I still enjoyed the film, but it was too predicable and was everyone shooting bullets and/or laser blasts I had a hard time telling....for bullets do run out ! :blush:


Micheal Bay ripped off his own movie :roflmao: What a douche!

Actually mate, he didnt have a choice. That is the scene where the idiot woman got herself hurt by debris because she was where she shouldnt have been, and sued paramount or Bay or one or the other I dont really remember, and Bay was no longer allowed to film there. Since that highway is the same detroit highway that the island had, it was simply replicated. I mean, it's a tiny detail, unless you had seen the island you never would have known.

But of course, filming WAS a major issue with this movie. bay said he wasnted to amke a scene with the wreckers ona race track, and you know all the stuff that would come with it but the only place he could get to, to film, denied his request, and so there goes that scene.

And if you woder why bay didnt just CGI the stuff he didnt have, it's because of 3 things. 1, he needs to have a foundation to work off of, 2 his computers are better than rotf(nimated devastor melted the insides of a computer) but still can go down, and 3 its very costly.


Actually mate, he didnt have a choice.

In which case he should have just cut the scene. It's not like the movie would make less sense with out it. :laugh:

It's really sad.


In which case he should have just cut the scene. It's not like the movie would make less sense with out it. :laugh:

It's really sad.

Well, that was Hatchet's death, that kind of was important:p At least for people like me who are big fans of the dreads and were angered by their death.

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