Posted July 1, 201113 yr Hello all, I'm happy to present my latest castle/fantasy MOC: The Market District: I figured you can't be a true castle MOC'er if you haven't built a town, and so here is my take on a classic tradition : Story While traveling the “Via Tasher” that spans the Kingdom of Leon, travelers pass through many bustling towns and villages. One of the most beautiful and wealthy is His Majesty’s town of Lev; a market town built on a major crossroad, drawing in traffic and trade from all across the Kingdom. Even the most noble and fierce heroes have to shop for provisions. Asparuh the warrior and his party of companions have stopped in Lev to resupply and rest as they pursue the minions of Count Vlad the Vampire. Inns, food, entertainment and supplies are a plenty in Lev if the price is right.[/i] Overview: Asparuh the warrior and Vanek the dwarf. Whoever said that a good adventure is limited to fighting dragons, killing orcs and saving damsels? The tax collector Regent always blushed when he saw the nice ladies from the "Gentle Maiden" tavern... Jim the Butcher and Son. Ah the dynamics of the family business. Guarding the Tax Collection Bureau Some of Omurtag's best smiths come to the surface to make a little coin; humans are suckers when they hear "Dwarven-made" The Minotaur's Head Tavern; a less-than-reputable place for less-than-reputable business. Of course there are a lot more photos on MOCPages! I hope you like it, please feel free to comment and let me know if you like the idea of the traveling adventurers.
July 1, 201113 yr Is nice for a change to see our heroes on a quiet town. Not fighting for their lives. Very lively and great scheme of colors on the market, and it has a lot of detail where you can stare at it, the poses of the minifigs are good, but the selection of faces is really good. Keep making these awesome MOC´s By the way what does the blonde hair pieces represent next to the tavern? Greetings.
July 1, 201113 yr There are so many fantastic details it's hard to pick out one. The shingles, the stonework, the wattle and daub, the SNOT curtains, the bushes, the sausages hanging in the butcher's stall, the stained glass windows... it's all breathtaking. Wonderful work.
July 1, 201113 yr how did you make the tavern window (the red and green one) It looks awersome. you sir are a true Moc'r Thanks for showing us
July 1, 201113 yr Excellent creation. Lots of different details in the building and the balconies are really nice.. Head selection and minifigures are all nice and unique. Good backstory too. Oh and the roof tiles!
July 1, 201113 yr This is simply fantastic. I love all the small details, and I'm happy you gave us close ups of the details. The roofing looks awesome, and I love the street. Now if only there were some pirates involved.
July 1, 201113 yr Really nice! Sometimes I think you have time to much, wish I had the time to build that many bacauze you keep on posting incredible awesome mocs! It's really super, the rooftiles, the glass in the building, the scenery, the story; its complete!
July 1, 201113 yr Very nice MOC. I like all the details you added into the scene. So much character and action. Well Done.
July 1, 201113 yr Just gobsmacked mate, this is a work of art, and to think I was planning on trying something similar soon, guess I don't have to worry now Love the roof shingles, the paving, the angled buildings, the market stalls, it all just works so well together.
July 2, 201113 yr Is nice for a change to see our heroes on a quiet town. Not fighting for their lives. Very lively and great scheme of colors on the market, and it has a lot of detail where you can stare at it, the poses of the minifigs are good, but the selection of faces is really good. Keep making these awesome MOC´s By the way what does the blonde hair pieces represent next to the tavern? Greetings. I'm pretty sure that those blonde hair pieces represent hay. Beautiful MOC I would buy it if it was a set.
July 2, 201113 yr This is simply amazing! The detail is just astounding! I can't even begin to figure out the techniques behind some of it, like the red and green windows. It'd be cool if you did some tutorials on how you built some of this. It's truly great to see more peaceful town settings, something LEGO doesn't do very well.
July 2, 201113 yr This is stunning beautiful, some of my favorite details are the street and the close attention you paid to the timber detailing in your walls! It truly looks like somebody took an old English village and shrunk it into Lego. Well done indeed good sir!
July 2, 201113 yr how did you make the tavern window (the red and green one) It looks awersome. you sir are a true Moc'r Thanks for showing us I think it's just stacked red and green 1x1's stacked together and placed on a row of cheese slopes. I didn't have the time to try it out yet, but i figure someone else will do that before i post a confirmation (busy job!) Really impressive MOC i must say, cool techniques, i really like the overall theme!
July 2, 201113 yr Sirens-Of-Titan! You did it again! As I went in and out of detailed description of appraisal concerning your MOCs so far, this time it's me just saying this: You, sir, transcended MOCing and went to create art! A threedimensional painting done in LEGO! This medieval market is simply beautiful. Nothing more to add here. Yours truly, Cutty
July 2, 201113 yr Very Impressive, makes me want to do something similar. Realy liked the market. Jealous of all your brown!
July 2, 201113 yr Wow, this is fantastic!! I love all the angle techniques your've used, must have taken alot of time! Well done and keep it up! CF
July 2, 201113 yr Author Thank you all for the overwhelmingly nice comments and thank you ISC for front-paging this! To answer a few questions about techniques used: The hairpieces: My way of doing straw; this way it has more texture than if it were brick-built. (And to distinguish it from the stucco) The glass window: I piled a whole bunch of 1X1 plates on top of one another aligned horizontally and simply tilted that about 45 degrees. (That's the big idea, it's a bit more elaborate with the anchoring, and with other things getting in the way but if you can get that concept everything else is just on a case to case basis) The road: It's actually a 6X6 plate that has been turned so that it fits in a space 8 studs wide. The plate is then overlapped with another 6X6 plate diagonally, on and on for the full length of the road, and then the sidewalks are put a stud in to cover up the jagged edges and give the appearance of a smooth 6 stud-wide road. The roofs: Believe it or not these were the most elaborate technique used here; The roof is done in the usual way I've been building cheese-slope roofs, but the house actually has a side made almost entirely of tan cheese slopes that help to anchor the roof in place. It can actually come of without a problem as the only thing keeping it in place is gravity. I may post a a few pictures as visuals to highlight these but that really is all there is to it. Once again thank you, i'm happy that people like these, and will keep building more adventures for the characters.
July 2, 201113 yr This is simply detailing at its best - from the unique slanted pavement pattern to the realistic woodwork of the structures - everything is just uniquely-designed and intricately-executed. Yet another impressive creation SoT!
July 2, 201113 yr AWESOME MOC with fantastic details and action a plenty ! I could imagine Time Team digging up the foundations of these buildings in oh say 700 or 800 years later ! Just AWESOME work 'Sirens-of-Titan' !
July 2, 201113 yr A 'Spot-On' MOC, and what makes it great is not its shear size but rather the smaller details that give everything life - the hussle and bussle of a market scene. Very well done!
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