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I paid mine, 750 euro, it was the last in the Netherlands. I was glad to pay it because I really wanted the ship.

I was planning on ordering the falcon, but on Lego's own site, and when I checked in the morning, it was still available an dlater that day, when I wanted to place my order, it was gone. :(

So I got lucky an online retailer in the Netherlands still had one.

As someone who doesn't own the Falcon, I hope they don't rerelease it. UCS is supposed to be for collectors; it's not a collectable if they reissue sets. One and done is how it should be. This rewards both collectors and people hoping for new ships to get the UCS label.

To me, this is ultimately how I see it. As a collector, I bought this set. Paid a solid $700NZ Cash (which was a very good price over here - Retail was $1000). I'm glad I did, and proud I did. But do I think others deserve the same right? No. I had to pay an absolute killing for my 10018 Darth Maul Bust, because I didn't get it at the time. It's the way the game is played.

These sets are all collectors items, and UCS sets are prone to sky-rocketing in price after they're sold out. It's just what happens. The collectors paid the price for it. If you're a collector, you've got to pay what it's worth. I don't see what's in it for anyone to re-release the set just to be put on clearance again. Sure, you may save a few dollars, but it ultimately destroys the value all the proud collectors put on it. Should they have waited and bought the set now, to save the $50 inflation by waiting a few years? I think not! People who bought it did so as collector, because it's a collectors item. If you claim to be a collector, I'm sure you'll find a way to buy it, without ruining the pride of all the other collectors.

Sorry to sound like a bit of a snob there :tongue: - It's just the way I see it. I have the same view of them re-releasing the UCS X-wing 7191.. I hope they don't :classic:

Edited by Legoman

Well, people are probably bitching about the price because TLG discountinued a set that was still flying off the shelves.

One point is being disgruntled because you have to dish out unbeliavable sums of money just because you decided, years later, that you suddenly liked a set long discountinued after its sales trickled to an end.

Another point is having to pay just because TLG discountinued without any sense a set with still consistent revenues, thus creating an enormous black market.

I had to pay a lot for my Blockade Runner, but I was glad to since it had been discontinued for years. I would have probably sent a bomb to TLG's headquarters if they had killed its page at shop.lego without reason while it was still flying off the shelves.

If the resale concerns are there for a re-issued set, why not go the direction of the Legends line, and put a new number on the box. effectively killing the MISB issue. As far as the loose sets, regardless of whether you had an original, pieced one together thru BL, or put it together from a re-issue, the price would have to stabilize.

Since I don't have one, I can't speak on what could change, but would a USC MF 2, with some changes to the overall design be made? We all know they have had no problem going back and modifying standard SW sets.

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However, you must take into account that many UCSs are bought with the precise intention of reselling them at a higher price in the future.

Re-releasing the MF would scare away that kind of buyers. Unfortunately, losing a fixed percentage of sales on every UCS is something TLG would probably never be too keen to do... :hmpf_bad:

Now this is something that is quite intriguing... Curious where Lego stands on this, for all we know there is a specific group of folks who are responsible for growing the "re-sell" market which I would imagine is quite huge. If that's the case they may be quite happy that there's such high demand for this set. If I was the CEO the main company goal would be to get as many playful hands on my products as I possibly could, especially something so amazing as this set.

Well, people are probably bitching about the price because TLG discountinued a set that was still flying off the shelves.

Yes, I think your 100% correct. As eluded to in my post above, this is exactly what Lego wanted. Otherwise flooding the market to saturation or close to would have made more sense IMO.

Cheapest on Bricklink is around $850 second hand, no so bad sitting here in Australia when the set was about $800 AU new from Lego. Hate Aussie prices :hmpf_bad:

would a USC MF 2, with some changes to the overall design be made? We all know they have had no problem going back and modifying standard SW sets.

It would probably be better to sell it under the Legend logo as previously suggested. People would be going to BL the different parts anyway, so it would be easier to just sell the original with a different number. Also, the Legend seal would inspire customers to buy it since it meant it was so popular it had to be sold again (something the TLG would surely repeat at least 9 times on its description).

As a relative newcomer to the UCS game, I too am resorting to the BL part by part method to get this set. At the moment, Im after the Falcon, the ISD, the DS2, and Darth Mauls bust. Yep - thats right, 4 UCS sets concurrently. You should see the excel spreadsheet Ive created to do this! When I first started this mammoth task I knew that it wouldnt be a 2 week mission, but Im planning this to take at least 18 months to order all the parts - and thats fine. At current prices, it will cost me just over $1200 NZD to get all the parts I need for all 4 sets.

A few things though -I did a inventory of all of my spare / existing parts, and discovered that I already had 37% of all of the parts required already. Thats a great start! Ive also been studying the online manuals, so am making a few colour substitutions for those parts that are structural and unseen. This too helps immensely. Im not intending on buying manuals (why bother when Its going to be a once built display piece?, and I can take or leave the UCS plaques (I can always make custom versions).

I figure that this way, I can order a whole bunch of pieces every few weeks, take advantage of various BL sales (one seller here in NZ had 40% off parts, so I picked up several hundred that I need there), and just take my time. There are several pieces that are quite rare and hard to find, but thats OK too. I just want to make it clear though, Im not intending on selling these sets on at a later date, but simply want them cos they look cool, and I didnt really want to spend approx $3500 NZD to get these sets, especially when I have a quarter of the parts already. The NZD is at a 26 year high against the greenback, so its a great time to be Brick-linking:) I just need to be patient.

Edited by harmacy

I was lucky enough to get the UCS Falcon new & sealed off ebay for £290 about one or two weeks before it was discontinued :sweet: . How I ended up with it is a bit of story in itself but probably not that interesting and certainly off topic. I've still not had time to open/start building it but my hope is that I will build it with my daughter, display for a while, then dismantle and put back in the box. When my son is old enough I'd like to do the same with him (he'd better be a Star Wars fan!).

I still watch these on eBay occasionally and last week I saw one go for £994. Although I would never want to sell it, it's nice to know that 10179 is increasing in value and I find it comforting to think that if I find myself in the shit I've got something I could sell.

If TLG were to do a re-issue or release a different version and therefore lower the value of the one I have, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. I believe the value would eventually go up again once the new version is discontinued. But as I said; I doubt I'd ever sell it, but, I'm pretty sure my missus thinks otherwise :hmpf: .

Edited by Praiter Yed

It would probably be better to sell it under the Legend logo as previously suggested. People would be going to BL the different parts anyway, so it would be easier to just sell the original with a different number. Also, the Legend seal would inspire customers to buy it since it meant it was so popular it had to be sold again (something the TLG would surely repeat at least 9 times on its description).

There's discussion here on why Legends failed and why TLG isn't going to do it again.
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After my last 20hrs of scouring BL for parts if one could find a set for $800ish I would jump on it. I have been trying my hardest to build this thing but the "entrepreneurship" is also extending to BL forcing the prices of some special pieces through the roof. Can't do it for under $500 never mind under $600. I think I suck at this. If anyone has any tricks let me know. Been running into lot limits and strangely high prices etc.

well as someone who is currently looking for this set, i can say that it is absolutely unaffordable (for me anyway) at the current prices.

i am not the sort of person to hide an unopened set away, i would much prefer to open and build it.

in saying this, if i had have bought a set before it was discontinued, my story would probably be different :laugh:

i have considered going the individual bricklink route but i dont think i have the patience.

i will continue to browse ebay in hope....

There's discussion here on why Legends failed and why TLG isn't going to do it again.

Aw, didn't know that. Thanks for the link!

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i have considered going the individual bricklink route but i dont think i have the patience.

i will continue to browse ebay in hope....

If you care about the model and not the collector status then the BrickLink route is kinda fun...

If you don't care about "Light Bluish Grey" then you can really build it cheap... It's that darn color that costs all the $$$$

so i finally manage to part out the falcon and manually enter all the different qty needed for each parts... it took me 3 hours.. :(

i tried to search by store based on part list and i like to know once i added a list of parts to a shopping cart will it remove it from my wanted list? this will definitely aide in finding the rest of parts from other sellers.. or is there a better way to work around this?


so i finally manage to part out the falcon and manually enter all the different qty needed for each parts... it took me 3 hours.. :(

i tried to search by store based on part list and i like to know once i added a list of parts to a shopping cart will it remove it from my wanted list? this will definitely aide in finding the rest of parts from other sellers.. or is there a better way to work around this?


cant help you with your question but interested to know approw how much it costs to buy this set in parts?? definately an option i am considering.

Edited by bensl

I am currently reconstructing this set using BL because the price of an original box is way too high. Here in Europe it's between 1000€ and 1200€ :sceptic:

This set has 5200 parts and I found a thousand of them in my own Lego stock. In fact, few parts are costing a lot, and you can ask Lego Customer Service to send you a lot of them for a reasonable price.

In fact, on a french forum like this one, we are doing a contest called "Crafting its 10179 Millenium Falcon for the poor" :laugh:

The winner is the person that builds this set for the lowest price, taxes and shipping included. Some made a 600€ one, but I think I will do better (I'm currently at 250€ for half the parts, hope I could finish it for 500€).

But it's also a way to laugh at indecent seller's faces.

I was EXTREMELY fortunate and bought mine straight off of Lego S@H's Canadian website back around May 2010 for under $200 Canadian shipped to me. Lego was having some sort of Lego Star Wars sale (I think it was their annual sale from what it seems) and for us Canadians, instead of what I suspected was supposed to be 30% off for numerous products, they made it 70% off instead. Absolutely a HUGE price error. I read from others that it seemed that Lego did as much as they could and honoured up to 2 UCS Millennium Falcons per an order for as many people as they could.

I've only opened the box just to see what was inside; everything else like the pieces itself are still in their bags, instruction booklet and sticker sheet are all untouched. The idea of selling it has crossed my mind a few times whenever people bring up how much I can fetch for this thing but I don't think I will. As a Lego fan, having this set is just unbelievable. I intend to build this thing when I get the chance...if I ever find the room to both build and display the thing.

In fact, on a french forum like this one, we are doing a contest called "Crafting its 10179 Millenium Falcon for the poor" :laugh:


I was EXTREMELY fortunate and bought mine straight off of Lego S@H's Canadian website back around May 2010 for under $200 Canadian shipped to me. Lego was having some sort of Lego Star Wars sale (I think it was their annual sale from what it seems) and for us Canadians, instead of what I suspected was supposed to be 30% off for numerous products, they made it 70% off instead. Absolutely a HUGE price error. I read from others that it seemed that Lego did as much as they could and honoured up to 2 UCS Millennium Falcons per an order for as many people as they could.

I remember that. I think it nearly made up for ten years of cheaper LEGO Star Wars sets in the US.

This is truly a fantastic set and I'm really impressed by you all who actually tries to get it piece by piece... I wish you the best of luck!!!

I'm one of the lucky ones who's got the set... Still not built, the monstrous and heavy box is lying under my bed. As soon as (had it for over three years now...)I can figure out where to display it I will build it with great joy :classic:

I got mine as soon as rumors started that it will be discontinued soon. Building it or not wasn't an option and I had no need of a big box lying somewhere in my house.

Who I am kidding? I just couldn't resist to the siren song, finding where to display it came after and it got an premium place right in the middle of my living room :wub: No way I'm selling it!

About building it piece by piece, a lot of them are very common and some hidden pieces can be replaced by other colors without damaging the look like the 1x16 Technic bricks with holes. Only the sticker sheet and the boat mast rigging can be a problem to limit the price but I think the latest can be obtained with the customer service at low price if not free (yes they do that sometimes).

About building it piece by piece, a lot of them are very common and some hidden pieces can be replaced by other colors without damaging the look like the 1x16 Technic bricks with holes. Only the sticker sheet and the boat mast rigging can be a problem to limit the price but I think the latest can be obtained with the customer service at low price if not free (yes they do that sometimes).

Ok, so after reading this thread (over and over), I took a look down the parts list on peeron. The parts are doable, even the rigging piece only lists about $0.30 US on BL. The sheer volume of some of the parts is staggering, something like 110 3 X 6 wings (right and left combined). Think I may start doing some inventorying of parts this week, and see if I can some close to knocking out a percentage of the list. Looks like holding to 8480 shuttle may pay off for the technic parts.

I am the poster child for needing to to this "on the cheap", so I hope to be able to give the folks on the french forum a run for their money.

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Ok, so after reading this thread (over and over), I took a look down the parts list on peeron. The parts are doable, even the rigging piece only lists about $0.30 US on BL. The sheer volume of some of the parts is staggering, something like 110 3 X 6 wings (right and left combined). Think I may start doing some inventorying of parts this week, and see if I can some close to knocking out a percentage of the list. Looks like holding to 8480 shuttle may pay off for the technic parts.

I am the poster child for needing to to this "on the cheap", so I hope to be able to give the folks on the french forum a run for their money.

I am 98% done, some really difficult pieces to find that are just not for sale in a manageable quantity. In respect to your rigging piece, you will see that Light Bluish Grey is going to be the thorn in your backside. Supply and demand is alive and well in BrickLink. We need to order some parts from Lego as suggested in a post above and take care of that.

Light Bluish Grey......ahhhhhhhhhhhh I see it in my dreams.

If you are an AFOL into SW, there are 2 sets you can not miss... 10188 & 10179 ... but you'll never know it until you get them :sadnew:

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