October 12, 201113 yr The question to ask yourself if you're in favor of re-releasing sets like 10179 is "when does it end?". Where do we draw the line on which popular sets see a re-release and which ones don't? There are plenty of sets out there, Star Wars and otherwise, that command a high price on the secondary market. I don't think we should put too much stock in thinking that Lego will eventually put these sets out there again. I missed out on getting 10179 the first time around, and I'm perfectly fine with that. If someone wants a rare set enough, they'll find a way to get it.
October 12, 201113 yr Do we re-release cloud city with printed Boba?? Edited October 12, 201113 yr by hockeyboy89
October 12, 201113 yr Do we re-release cloud city with printed Boba?? That one I don't see happening. Perhaps a redesign, with the playset completely rearranged and printing the limbs of the new Boba, but not a re-release.
October 12, 201113 yr I was asking to prove the re-release issue......next we'll work for a new Maul bust or Yoda
October 12, 201113 yr If TLG is to continue the star wars licence then they prob will have to re-release UCS sets, not the exact same design set but updated models like the standard issues because as it was pointed out before there are a lot of young people who are coming into money that were unable to buy them, These people would gladly pay for these sets not to mention us older guys and gals who missed out the first time or just want more!!
October 12, 201113 yr Alienating some customers, and indirect ones at that (since TLG didn't sell anyone a Millennium Falcon for $1000 or more; anyone who spent the really huge bucks on it got it second hand), while pleasing others (the ones who would buy the reissue, obviously). Should just point out here that the RRP in australia was $979, and shipping was ~$100 from memory so your point isn't entirely correct. And to drag this off-topic, why on earth did TLG include leia and obi-wan as mini figs in this one? Obi had snuffed it before leia arrived, so really one of them should have been swapped out to mimic either the death star or tatooine escapes. Edited October 12, 201113 yr by qvack
October 12, 201113 yr Should just point out here that the RRP in australia was $979, and shipping was ~$100 from memory so your point isn't entirely correct. And to drag this off-topic, why on earth did TLG include leia and obi-wan as mini figs in this one? Obi had snuffed it before leia arrived, so really one of them should have been swapped out to mimic either the death star or tatooine escapes. Because they're all in the general area together right before Obi-Wan dies. It also lets you play out all the scenes from Episode IV with the Falcon.
October 12, 201113 yr You are truly one of the more reasonable voices I have heard when it comes to this debate on whether or not Lego should venture out to do rereleases of these sets Thanks for the kind words. I'm honestly somewhat surprised the secondary market value isn't higher. I think it's possible the secondary market value would be higher if the economy hadn't plummetted to the earth's core a few years ago. There are probably plenty of AFOLs and/or Star Warriors who've been laid off, given pay cuts, seen their 401ks erode, etc. that probably got their priorities shifted a wee bit away from "fancy ultraswanky Star Wars LEGO sets" toward such trifles as "food and shelter" starting not too long after this set was first released. (Then again, it's possible that if the economy hadn't tanked the set would've sold even better in the first place, and stayed in production longer, so that secondary market prices wouldn't have had time to rise so high yet anyway - perhaps it would even still be available new, the way the Imperial Star Destroyer had been around for more than half the lifespan of the theme by the time it disappeared. It's kind of remarkable that the Millennium Falcon, the most expensive LEGO set ever, did so well as it did considering the financial chaos that manifested itself not long after it landed on shelves - perhaps a testament to the set's desirability, I'd guess.) Should just point out here that the RRP in australia was $979, and shipping was ~$100 from memory so your point isn't entirely correct. No, indeed, not entirely correct if we're talking about any currency referred to as "dollars"; I was talking about US dollars, but I should have specified such, especially given the distinctly non-US-centric nature of EB. Mea culpa. That said, my actual point was about people who paid above LEGO's standard price, whatever it was in one's country (i.e., ones who bought it on the secondary market), as opposed to some specific number that fluctuates with one's currency (even if I worded it suboptimally), so I think my point stands. And to drag this off-topic, why on earth did TLG include leia and obi-wan as mini figs in this one? Obi had snuffed it before leia arrived, so really one of them should have been swapped out to mimic either the death star or tatooine escapes. "Snuffed it" - really? Is that how you so blithely dismiss the felling of the mighty and noble Jedi? No respect, I tells ya... Leia and Kenobi (and Vader, Han, Chewie, etc.) were all in pretty close proximity to the Falcon and to one another during that scene, so I don't think it's too great a stretch. Moreover, it can also be seen as representive of the ship's complement of passengers and crew on both her arrival at and departure from the station, which I suspect is the actual thinking behind the minifigure selection. For me, the bigger question is why Artoo and Threepio aren't included, since they (like Han, Chewie and Luke) are on board on both trips. It's partly for this reason, in fact, that what I'd really like to see even more than a straight reissue of this set would be a totally new, truly ultimate Millennium Falcon - one that not only matched or surpassed 10179's exterior detail and authenticity, but also had a full interior and a huge range of features, including working lift and top hatch, cargo space, smuggling compartments, concealed surface defense blaster cannon (with some of the moving features being motorized or pneumatic), illumination, alternate parts for the undercarriage refitting between the battles of Yavin and Hoth, etc., including a full complement of minfigures of pretty much all the characters who were aboard her at any time or just outside during the movies, in all their "looks" (so, several versions of Han, Chewie, a few versions of Lando, a few versions of Luke, a few versions of Leia, Artoo, Threepio, Obi-Wan, Nien Nunb, the rebel gunners, the Imperial scanning crew and stormtoopers, Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, Lobot, Cloud City security forces, etc.) and perhaps a few characters prominently associated with the Falcon in EU lore (Vuffi Raa, Bollux, Blue Max, etc.). After all, if you're going to pay a fortune for a set, why wait for it to be discontinued and increase in value when you can just have TLG issue it at a colossal price to begin with? Edited October 12, 201113 yr by Blondie-Wan
October 12, 201113 yr So I've posted a lot in this thread, but not really about the secondary market value of the Falcon, mostly towards how to build the Falcon by piece mail. Figured its time i add my 2 cents about the crazy prices on the secondary market. I find it a little crazy how some people want to complain about the insane prices ($1500+) of the Millenium Falcon on sites such as EBay or Bricklink. I know it sucks that they could go for so much, but like many people said, the UCS line, much likes its name, is a Collectors series. Yes it does suck that some people probably bought 2 or 3, heck maybe even 4 or 5+ of these sets when they were out only to hold them for resale purposes. But that is one way to collect Lego. Some people collect them for fun and rip them open and play with them the first chance they get, others keep them boxed for their own keeping with no intent to resell, others treat Lego as an investment. I am an avid baseball card collector as well. So many times people will scoop up so many cards of a highly touted prospect or rookie and sell them a year down the road for quadruple the price. I've realized that everyone collects in their own way. I find this topic somewhat similar to buying a house, or a car(which was mentioned earlier in the thread as well). I'm currently in the market for a house now. When I meet a seller, I know that the seller is most likely (barring some sort of special circumstance where they need to get out asap) the seller is looking to make a profit on his/her house. Should I tell him it is wrong that he is trying to make a profit because there are so many people in this world who don't have a house? Same goes for vintage cars. I recently came out of my dark ages about a year ago. I missed out on so many great releases: Cafe Corner, Market Street, Town Plan, Eiffel Tower, and the UCS Millennium Falcon just name a few. Not once did I sit here and complain that the prices are too high. I did not sit here and hope the Lego company would re-release the set so that I can buy it at MSRP. Now I am not trying to sit here and say that I am better than anyone who though different because I am not at all. Just trying to show that these secondary market prices have a huge effect on me as a Lego collector. All a re-release would do is make these sets less "amazing". Yes I know it is hard to make the Millennium Falcon anything but amazing but if everyone single person in the entire world had one, there would be nothing special about owning it. If everyone owned a Cafe Corner and a Market Street, what would really be so special about them? Part of collecting is having something limited that not many other people have. When the Millennium Falcon/Cafe Corner/Market Street etc were all in stores, everyone had the same chance to get them and they didn't. There were many times were I remember going into a Toys R Us or KB Toys and seeing the Batman Lego on the shelf but did not buy them because I was not a Lego collector at that point in my life anymore. Do I regret it? Absolutely. Am I going to complain about the people who did buy them 5 years ago and are now selling them at such a price that I can't really justify buying them? Not at all. Sorry for the rant, just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this topic as it seems like a lot of people here are involved in it.
October 12, 201113 yr All a re-release would do is make these sets less "amazing". Yes I know it is hard to make the Millennium Falcon anything but amazing but if everyone single person in the entire world had one, there would be nothing special about owning it. If everyone owned a Cafe Corner and a Market Street, what would really be so special about them?Part of collecting is having something limited that not many other people have. Well, that's one of the differences between your way of collecting and many others', I suppose. I for one would be delighted for absolutely every LEGO fan who wanted one of each of those sets to have one. It wouldn't take anything away from my enjoyment at all.
October 12, 201113 yr Well, that's one of the differences between your way of collecting and many others', I suppose. I for one would be delighted for absolutely every LEGO fan who wanted one of each of those sets to have one. It wouldn't take anything away from my enjoyment at all. I think some people care too much about feeling like unique little snowflakes.
October 12, 201113 yr Well, that's one of the differences between your way of collecting and many others', I suppose. I for one would be delighted for absolutely every LEGO fan who wanted one of each of those sets to have one. It wouldn't take anything away from my enjoyment at all. They still can. There isn't one SW set that you can't get on the aftermarket. TLG can only make so many sets a year. Every reissue means a brand new UCS set doesn't get made for a ship no one owns. I'd rather the line move forward rather than back. I'm not opposed to the idea of, once the SW contract is set to expire for good, releasing a new UCS Falcon, bigger with a full interior for an insane price as a last farewell to the line. Until then, keep the new sets coming.
October 12, 201113 yr They still can. There isn't one SW set that you can't get on the aftermarket. There might not be any SW sets unavailable on the aftermarket, but I'd bet there are more than a couple for which there aren't as many copies in existence as there are people who'd like to own it. If there are, oh... let's say five million LEGO Star Wars fans who want a particular X-Wing set or whatever, and TLG produces only two million copies of that set, then obviously at least three million fans are going to miss out. I was saying I'd be fine with every single person being able to have a copy of every set he or she wants; if a set is nice, it doesn't kill my enjoyment of it for it to be super-abundant. The existence or nonexistence of thousands or millions of other copies of a set doesn't really have any bearing on my appreciation for the construction details, parts selection, color palette, inventiveness, etc., or my inability to appreciate those aspects if I don't manage to get the set myself. I do get that some people get off on having something just because no one else can, I really do; I'm just not one of them, that's all.
October 13, 201113 yr They still can. There isn't one SW set that you can't get on the aftermarket. TLG can only make so many sets a year. Every reissue means a brand new UCS set doesn't get made for a ship no one owns. I'd rather the line move forward rather than back. I'm not opposed to the idea of, once the SW contract is set to expire for good, releasing a new UCS Falcon, bigger with a full interior for an insane price as a last farewell to the line. Until then, keep the new sets coming. Very well said, StoutFiles. I agree with all of that.
October 13, 201113 yr Should just point out here that the RRP in australia was $979, and shipping was ~$100 from memory so your point isn't entirely correct. The set was expensive but it wasn't that bad. I don't think hyperbole is helping anyone here. The thing was selling at Kmart for $750 during the mid-year toy sale, even on this board (Aussie Bargains thread), members like me were discussing it. And no, it wasn't some incredibly rare, limited toy like a Turbo Man. The Kmart I visited (fairly late in the day, mind you) had several in the back that weren't reserved, and it seemed to be a nation-wide thing. Again, $750 isn't cheap, but it's a hell of a lot easier to swallow than $1079. I think some people care too much about feeling like unique little snowflakes. Comments like this are incredibly trollish. Edited October 13, 201113 yr by Strand
October 13, 201113 yr The set was expensive but it wasn't that bad. I don't think hyperbole is helping anyone here. The thing was selling at Kmart for $750 during the mid-year toy sale, even on this board (Aussie Bargains thread), members like me were discussing it. And no, it wasn't some incredibly rare, limited toy like a Turbo Man. The Kmart I visited (fairly late in the day, mind you) had several in the back that weren't reserved, and it seemed to be a nation-wide thing. Again, $750 isn't cheap, but it's a hell of a lot easier to swallow than $1079. Taking one sale price hardly gives a fair picture of what most people in Australia would have paid for it. Neither of my local kmarts had any at all, let alone for $750.
October 13, 201113 yr Comments like this are incredibly trollish. sorry, i did have second thoughts about it. i'll be more careful in the future and listen to that little voice that says "prolly shouldn't post that". I wasnt meaning to troll.
October 14, 201113 yr Argh the order I thought would be hassle-free has turned out to be the only one I've had issues with. Just received my lego replacement parts package, with a huge tear in the back which has been re-taped. Naturally I didn't notice until after I'd signed for it, when I was walking back inside and noticed a part on the outside of the package stuck to the tape they'd used to repair it. Open it up, and half the parts are gone, including one whole bag and most of the smaller bits :( At least I had this one insured, so here's hoping that there's no hassles with the claim.
October 14, 201113 yr Sorry to hear that, qvack. I'm having some issues with my final order as well. I placed my BL order from a seller in Denmark, and it arrived with more than half the pieces missing. That was two months ago, and the problem still hasn't been resolved yet. Needless to say, I'm getting very anxious to get my pieces and start building...
October 19, 201113 yr Comments like this are incredibly trollish. Hm, you think so? It didn't seem that way to me, but then I'm probably biased. Anyway, back to the topic... I do desperately want one of these, but with the price escalation I don't know if I could bring myself to buy one even if I had the money - given the aftermarket markup I'd be afraid I was getting a cobbled-together set with faked parts, though others here seem pretty sure that wouldn't happen. I'd really like to believe them, but...
October 20, 201113 yr Author I'd say the cheapest and safest option right now is to build it yourself. It was a fun process getting all the parts.
October 24, 201113 yr I'd say the cheapest and safest option right now is to build it yourself. It was a fun process getting all the parts. After reading your posts, I think I'll go ahead and pull the trigger on this. Just for a rough estimate, am I looking at spending around $500 US? Which parts would you recommend ordering through Lego rather than BrickLink? I went ahead and made a wanted list like you suggested and now I guess it's time to start ordering each set of parts. Sorry to ask so many questions - I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.
October 24, 201113 yr After reading your posts, I think I'll go ahead and pull the trigger on this. Just for a rough estimate, am I looking at spending around $500 US? Which parts would you recommend ordering through Lego rather than BrickLink? I went ahead and made a wanted list like you suggested and now I guess it's time to start ordering each set of parts. Sorry to ask so many questions - I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Parting a set out will run you around $800 in the U.S. if you go full authentic and pay a lot for the set's radar dish and sticker. Read through the whole thread and it will point out what you can do about order replacement parts vs. Bricklink vs. Lego Pick-a-brick.
October 24, 201113 yr Parting a set out will run you around $800 in the U.S. if you go full authentic and pay a lot for the set's radar dish and sticker. Read through the whole thread and it will point out what you can do about order replacement parts vs. Bricklink vs. Lego Pick-a-brick. Sounds good, thanks! After watching a few go through eBay outside of my price range it's nice to know I'll still be able to build one!
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