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Oxus, are you trying to say that the set should be released again because it's gone beyond the $1K mark?

It seems like a pretty moot argument to me to complain about the current secondary market price. There isn't anything we can do about that, as it's simply a result of current supply and demand for the set.

Actually my main point is it's a shame that such an amazing and collectible set is no longer available for a reasonable price. I'm more lamenting that fact than anything.

Actually my main point is it's a shame that such an amazing and collectible set is no longer available for a reasonable price. I'm more lamenting that fact than anything.

I think you will find that is the exact reason right there why it's so expensive, because it is such an (amazing and collectible set). :cry_sad:

Actually my main point is it's a shame that such an amazing and collectible set is no longer available for a reasonable price. I'm more lamenting that fact than anything.

There are people who do not think that it's reasonable to pay $400, $500, $600 or whatever for a Lego toy. These people usually are not very impressed by the argument that a certain set contains 5,000 pieces. Thus, I wonder what your criteria for "reasonable" in this concrete case is, and the answer I'm tending to give is the amount of money that you own and that you are willing to spend. If you don't want to spend the money to afford the item that's fine, it is your personal decision. Lamenting about facts, however, doesn't make any sense, simply, well, because they are facts.

Edited by Brickadeer

Reasonable as in similarly priced to comparable sets.

Again, I do not understand how this transformation solves the problem: If its "comparable", it is equally "desireable", "rare" and therefore equally "unreasonable expensive".

Good news, I just received the parcel from TLG. I didn't open it yet as I am at the office. Finger crossed for the levers actually being light bluish grey and not black. I'll let you know later tonight.

There are people who do not think that it's reasonable to pay $400, $500, $600 or whatever for a Lego toy. These people usually are not very impressed by the argument that a certain set contains 5,000 pieces. Thus, I wonder what your criteria for "reasonable" in this concrete case is, and the answer I'm tending to give is the amount of money that you own and that you are willing to spend. If you don't want to spend the money to afford the item that's fine, it is your personal decision. Lamenting about facts, however, doesn't make any sense, simply, well, because they are facts.

From the context, I interpreted Oxus' use of "reasonable" to mean "affordable."

If lamenting facts doesn't make any sense, then when does lamenting anything ever make any sense? That doesn't change the fact that regret, disappointment, etc. are themselves facts of life in the human experience. I'm pretty sure everyone here is aware 10179 was around a while and knows how much its MSRP was in one's own country, and is also well aware of how supply and demand work, and the resultant effect on 10179's going prices on the secondary market since its discontinuation. That doesn't mean we're supposed to rejoice over it. If people are unhappy about missing out, they're unhappy about missing out, and it doesn't make any sense to chide them for their lamentations; you might as well chide everyone who was ever disappointed or upset about anything that ever happened.

I should also note that in not all cases is it simply a matter of one's "personal decision" whether or not to spend the money; the simple fact is that not everyone could afford to buy the set when it was new, let alone now, regardless of how much they may have wanted to.

I don't begrudge those well-heeled fans who've been able to get this set their good fortune, but I also don't think it's unreasonable for those of us who haven't been able to get it to wish we'd been able to, and to hold out hope for either a straight reissue of 10179 or an even better, more definitive Millennium Falcon set.

Again, I do not understand how this transformation solves the problem: If its "comparable", it is equally "desireable", "rare" and therefore equally "unreasonable expensive".

I can see you are the type to really nit pick anything I type =P. By Comparable I mean it's MSRP on release compared to other sets like the 10221 and 10030 sets.

Anyways I've said my piece...it's an awesome set that I would love to own. I just wish it didn't currently cost 2-3x what it originally did.

I can see you are the type to really nit pick anything I type =P. By Comparable I mean it's MSRP on release compared to other sets like the 10221 and 10030 sets.

Anyways I've said my piece...it's an awesome set that I would love to own. I just wish it didn't currently cost 2-3x what it originally did.

I'm sorry in case I should have hurt your feelings. But this is not about "nit picking", it is simply that I don't understand what you are unhappy about.

I probably would have paid EUR 500,00 for the set 2 or 3 years ago, but I didn't have the money. Today, I would not spend that amount of money on this set because I do no longer find it as awesome as I did 2 or 3 years ago. If I were to spend EUR 500,00 for 10179 I'd miss newer sets for EUR 500,00, which is something I don't want. You may have a different view on this issue. I respect this view, but I simply cannot share it.

From the context, I interpreted Oxus' use of "reasonable" to mean "affordable."

If lamenting facts doesn't make any sense, then when does lamenting anything ever make any sense? That doesn't change the fact that regret, disappointment, etc. are themselves facts of life in the human experience. I'm pretty sure everyone here is aware 10179 was around a while and knows how much its MSRP was in one's own country, and is also well aware of how supply and demand work, and the resultant effect on 10179's going prices on the secondary market since its discontinuation. That doesn't mean we're supposed to rejoice over it. If people are unhappy about missing out, they're unhappy about missing out, and it doesn't make any sense to chide them for their lamentations; you might as well chide everyone who was ever disappointed or upset about anything that ever happened.

I should also note that in not all cases is it simply a matter of one's "personal decision" whether or not to spend the money; the simple fact is that not everyone could afford to buy the set when it was new, let alone now, regardless of how much they may have wanted to.

I don't begrudge those well-heeled fans who've been able to get this set their good fortune, but I also don't think it's unreasonable for those of us who haven't been able to get it to wish we'd been able to, and to hold out hope for either a straight reissue of 10179 or an even better, more definitive Millennium Falcon set.

I appreciated reading your answer a lot :)

My personal view is that we may lament over our mistakes and be unhappy about the situations they may result in. Remembering our unhappiness with our own decisions may help us to make better decisions in the future. If it was not his decision not to buy the set (for whatever reasons), I do not understand what there is to regret, because he made nothing wrong. I apologize if I should have roused your anger.

A couple of years ago I read Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and at some point I thought that it would be pretty cool if I could fly. Now, there is a difference between thinking that "being able to fly would be pretty cool" and "lamenting about the unability to fly". The point is that due to everything we currently know about the universe we live in flying is beyond the capacity of the human body, and I'd go so far to consider this a fact of human life that is beyond our power to change. Measured by this criteria, I'd consider it to be unreasonable to lament about this fact.

Oxus is unhappy since he can't afford 10179 for what he considers to be a reasonable price. He directly or indirectly locates the responsability for his situation within (a) the traders who demand high prices and (b) Lego who discontinued the production of 10179 and therefor the availability of 10179 for a reasonable price.

Whatever the causes of these actors are that led to their decision, I find it equally unreasonable to lament about their decisions and the situations they led to because changing them is equally beyond one's power as flying or making the human body able to fly, and that's why I'd call it "unreasonable".

Simply being unhappy with the situation that one doesn't own a set is something totally different, because this situation can be changed. But, as Oxus points out, he is not willing to pay the price. And that's why I'd say that his current situation is the result of his own decision.

Edited by Brickadeer

You make good points. For the record, I do intend to buy the set at some point, probably through sourcing pieces from Bricklink. I just cannot afford it right now with a college student's income!

Look if someone really want's it then why don't they do something stupid like I did. Get a personal loan, problem solved :thumbup:

Look if someone really want's it then why don't they do something stupid like I did. Get a personal loan, problem solved :thumbup:

Key word right there. :sceptic:

Good news, I just received the parcel from TLG. I didn't open it yet as I am at the office. Finger crossed for the levers actually being light bluish grey and not black. I'll let you know later tonight.

So did you get black levers or light bluish gray levers? I ordered them months ago, received the black ones, and when I called customer service, they told me the light bluish gray ones were discontinued. I'd love to know if they're still being made.

So did you get black levers or light bluish gray levers? I ordered them months ago, received the black ones, and when I called customer service, they told me the light bluish gray ones were discontinued. I'd love to know if they're still being made.

No joy, I did get light bluish gray bases and black levers. Well they might still be useful if I can find gray levers somewhere.

I also got the black mast rigging instead of the brown one. Do you know where that goes? Is it a visible piece? Boy, these pieces I ordered sure are strange :) I'll post some pictures of the pieces I got later tonight.

Another question, can you request the sticker from TLG? Which option do you have to use? I had a look on bricklink but prices are outrageous! They start from 50£ for an adhesive? ...

@ Oxus

I wholeheartedly agree with you.

@Brickadeer, I wholeheartedly understand your point of view, and you do make some very good points! However I find there is a certain flaw with your logic.

We are humans, and humans are prone to having emotions. Some express them more, some less, this is what makes us all unique.

In your logic, it is basically unreasonable to ever get upset over anything that has the remotest chance of being changed.

Example of why I have literally just been made upset.

I just went to Ireland to go for a medical test so I could get a medical licence to be able to go on a course to become a pilot (coincidence to your post ^_^). However, it was not for the fact of my previous eye operations, nor from my left and right broken wrists I suffered previously, but from my lack of ability to blow out enough air from my lungs in the ventilator test. If i failed due to the eye ops, or the wrists, that would be unchangeable.

I can expand my lung capacity by certain exercises.

Yet is it unreasonable of me to be upset at the fact I did not pass a simple test which would have given me the go ahead to then go on the pilot course? I know the emotion will pass, and I understand to look at everything positive, and I am, but my emotions can't help me feeling upset about this (not least due to the extra cost of having to go back to Ireland at some point!).

I havn't gotten the MF, I'd like to, and am upset at the fact I missed the opportunity to get it at retail price. If they re-released it, I am in a better position to get it now. If they do not, well, I am not going to grudge over it. I have chosen to put my current lego money towards building a minifig scale sized AT-AT which. But I do not feel it unreasonable to feel a slight bit of upset at the memory of knowing I missed out on a good set...

No joy, I did get light bluish gray bases and black levers. Well they might still be useful if I can find gray levers somewhere.

I also got the black mast rigging instead of the brown one. Do you know where that goes? Is it a visible piece? Boy, these pieces I ordered sure are strange :) I'll post some pictures of the pieces I got later tonight.

Another question, can you request the sticker from TLG? Which option do you have to use? I had a look on bricklink but prices are outrageous! They start from 50£ for an adhesive? ...

Hi Avenger,

I've ordered both light bluish gray and old light gray levers from Bricklink. In my opinion, the old gray doesn't look too noticeable since they are so small. The mast rigging goes in the back of the Falcon, over the trans-blue tiles. They are visible parts, so it'll be up to you if you think the black is good enough. I was able to get those from Lego before they were discontinued. I've heard of someone else (it might be on this thread somewhere) of someone painting it gray and they said it looked pretty good.

The sticker sheet is a licensed product, so you won't be able to order it from Lego without having the instruction manual (unless you get lucky and get a customer service rep who doesn't ask you for the number in the back). I haven't yet decided what I'm going to do about the stickers, but currently I am stickerless.

Good luck on finding the rest of the parts you need!

Avenger - I got the gray riggings from Lego before they ran out, but at this point I would suck it up and pay the $80 for a pair from Bricklink if I were you. It's too much money for two parts, no doubt, but it feels a lot better paying $80 for two highly visible, large, rare parts than it does paying $120-$180 for 60 stupid light bley levers. For the levers, I'd think that pairing light bley bases with old gray levers (both are readily available) would be close to unnoticeable. But you're going to see those riggings. Also, since I started following this thread a few months ago, I've noticed the prices on all of these parts increase substantially - I think the riggings were $25 back then. If I dropped ~$600 on all the other 5000 or so parts and was stuck with black riggings, it would just eat at me and I'd eventually break down and end up paying even more for them later. So I don't know... sell a kidney or something and shell out for the riggings. They're not getting any cheaper and even with the scalper's prices you'll still be paying a lot less than the ~$1200 market value for a complete set.

Yeah I agree with both of you. As a matter of fact, I have inquired about the shipping expenses of two light gray boat riggings among the only six (!) remaining in the bricklink-world. Two of them are in Hawaii (makes sense :) ). I'll probably end up buying the special dish which goes on top.. I believe that to be the proverbial cherry on top so it does not make sense using a plain one. They are expensive but luckily it seems they are more abundant.

I have a couple more questions.. I was going over the rare pieces that I am still missing. On bricklink it says I need this:

75535.gif x 41

this seems to be even rarer than the boat rigging. However I wasn't able to find it on Lego's lost parts service. They show a different piece (which is also listed as an alternate part):


A similar problem with this other piece:


this is called a "Light Bluish Gray Bar 6.6L with Stop Ring (Patio Umbrella Stand)"

however, a "6L" is also listed as an alternate part. Which ones do I need and where do they go?

this seems to be even rarer than the boat rigging. However I wasn't able to find it on Lego's lost parts service. They show a different piece (which is also listed as an alternate part):


My falcon came with only those anyway, and they can easily be turned so the slot in them isn't visible if it bothers.

A similar problem with this other piece:


this is called a "Light Bluish Gray Bar 6.6L with Stop Ring (Patio Umbrella Stand)"

however, a "6L" is also listed as an alternate part. Which ones do I need and where do they go?

Mine actually came with a mix of these, they're used as greebling and for the laser cannons. Again I'd probably go with whatever is cheapest as it's not going to make a great difference in the long run.

Definitely go for the Technic connector with the slot; it was officially included in 10179 after the first run I believe. Same goes for the 6L "Umbrella stand" piece, it'll save you money.

I bit the bullet and ordered the light grey boat rigging. May my bank account forgive me for what I've done..

So there seems to be only 4 boat riggings left in the world.. But I'm sure, that somewhere there's a dusty old 10179 box in some shop that the owner is waiting to get rid of.. :D

I posted some pictures of the first bricks I received here.

my solution to all our problems: find a way to paint something bley :)

Wow, I had no idea those had become so expensive! I'm extremely glad I started my build of 10179 back when I did. It looks like it was just in the nick of time.

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