July 23, 201113 yr Also showed a prototype for queen amidala mini fig. ABOUT TIME! Padme minifigures are like buses. You wait 12 years and two come at the same time. She looks good. I like the dress/gown piece.
July 23, 201113 yr Actually, the main ingress/egress hatch was intended to be in the back. The rear has the reactor and ion engines, the hatch has always being in the top. Tie Fighter Drawings May the Eurobrick be with you always !
July 23, 201113 yr Finally a new TIE Fighter! I do like on the wings they have a mixture of studs and smooth pieces which looks quite nice. Though the connections between the cockpit and wings kinda looks unfinished Im sure they will be able to improve it in due time. The minifigs are really great though. The Death Star Trooper looks amazing. The helmet has incredible detail and just from him I already want to pick this set up. New astromech design! It looks incredible. Im so glad Lego are giving us variation for the droids in the new piece. Queen Amidala is another fantastic minifig. The skirt design is incredible and should transformed for normal Lego use in another Lego set. Im so glad Lego are giving us these new minifigs that we have wanted forever. I can't wait to see which set Queen Amidala shows up in. A Theed Palace playset? Or her shiny ship?
July 23, 201113 yr Now those minifigs, Tie pilot, Death Star trooper and black astromech might they be linked to the Tie fighter ? So do we soon start a 2012 rumors page eh ?
July 23, 201113 yr The rear has the reactor and ion engines, the hatch has always being in the top. Tie Fighter Drawings May the Eurobrick be with you always ! There is a hatch in the top, but it's not the one normally used for getting in and out. The primary hatch is on the middle of the aft face of the fighter. It is circular, includes the stern window and is hinged at the top. Within the cockpit, at the bottom left and right of the window there are pneumatic piston devices which are part of the mechanism to open and close the hatch. There is a handgrip above the hatch off to the port side; this aids a right-handed pilot exiting the craft. On the TIE's exterior, the hatch hinge mechanism is prominent on the upper aft part of the hull above the window.There occasionally appear to be one or two optional secondary hatches for entry or exit from a TIE. The circular section on top of the cockpit bulb is sometimes shown to open by either splitting into left/right parts, or by a hinge at the back. In the comics, the top hatch is often used for the launch of an ejection seat; this may be its original intended purpose. Looking at it from the inside of the cockpit, (in the films) there is no obvious sign of a top hatch; what ought to be the joint area is a nondescript surface with a couple of dark pipes. It's true! Personally I'd say the rear hatch makes more sense than a top hatch, because it wouldn't exactly be easy to climb into a fighter through the top... especially since they're stored on racks.That being said, I think having only the front open is an improvement over older renditions... now our TIEs can sit open without looking like they've been ripped in half. Not only that, but the 'drawings' you have provided are from the Essential Guide, which is a secondary source and a pretty inaccurate one at that. Edited July 23, 201113 yr by fallenangel309
July 23, 201113 yr Hatches everywhere, top, front, back and underneath ? The pilot climbs down a ladder into the cockpit, as the Tie fighter is launched from a special rack set up......like they have no landing gear like X-wings or Y-wings. I wonder what the doctor has to say about this ? Plus I think this discussion is starting to go off-topic and we don't want to upset 'KimT' now do we ! Edited July 23, 201113 yr by lightningtiger
July 23, 201113 yr New TIE fighter actually looks good. Well, not that good, but it's ok. New astromech and Padme's prototype look great, but I hope LEGO will make atromech with head that can spin in near future.
July 23, 201113 yr I think you're grossly over estimating the price. $50 is Bounty hunter gunship money. I'm guessing 24.99 (30.00 at the most) I think 50$ are more realistic. It is quite big compared to the older versions und it includes 4 minifigs, 3 of them featuring a new piece. The bounty hunter gunship has the same amounts of minifigs. The TIE easily consists of 400 parts, so actually the gunship's price range is perfect for this set. I really like it, though. At first glance I thought it was a new UCS, the detailing is really nice for a "normal" set and the figs are great. Compared to the new Naboo Starfighter, this is actually worth the money... Edited July 23, 201113 yr by Emperor
July 23, 201113 yr so wie know four 2012 sets: 9490 rebel trooper bp (possible number) 9491 imperial bp (possible number) 9492 tie fighter and 9499 naboo royal starship (possible vehicle) only 2 regular sets are left and 2 exclusives.
July 23, 201113 yr Don't forget about clone wars sets. I think the battle packs will be clone wars like the last two years, and we'll probably get a 50 dollar clone wars set, along with a 25 dollar. Than the rest OT.
July 23, 201113 yr I wonder what the doctor has to say about this ? I know better than to contradict fallen on these matters. Don't forget about clone wars sets. I think the battle packs will be clone wars like the last two years, and we'll probably get a 50 dollar clone wars set, along with a 25 dollar. Than the rest OT. Highly doubt that. The bulk of the wave, or at least a good chunk of it, will probably be Menace sets. That's supported by the Amidala minifig. If TLG continues their pattern, we're getting OT BPs this year, and if not, I'd think they'd be Menace BPs. (not that's it's certain, but it's an educated guess)
July 23, 201113 yr Don't forget about clone wars sets. I think the battle packs will be clone wars like the last two years, and we'll probably get a 50 dollar clone wars set, along with a 25 dollar. Than the rest OT. What are you talking about? Are the Hoth Battlepacks from CW ?
July 23, 201113 yr We got the Rebel Trooper/Stormtrooper BPs at the beginning of 2008, and the Hoth BPs at the beginning of 2010, so its quite likely that we'll get some ROTJ BPs this coming wave. But I feel like a Phantom Menace BP is unlikely, since the Battle of Naboo set sort of fills that need. So my guess is the TIE fighter, some set including Queen Amidala, two ROTJ BPs, and probably one more Phantom Menace set, one more OT set, and two or three CW sets.
July 23, 201113 yr Thank you very much for the pictures of the new TIE Fighter, MightyMegs and for the set news, nrg! Finally a new TIE Fighter! Imo it looks quite ok - only perhaps a bit thick with the one stud wide grey markings. I personally don't like the new helmet of the Imp. Trooper - imo the last one fit much better and the new one is too detailed. It's a pity that they include a regular Imp. Trooper and not the Admiral from 10221 or another new kind of officer. But the new droid looks . Although I hope that it will be "only" 40 Euros, I fear that the TIE will be 50 Euros (like the TIE Defender), don't you think? It's great that we get some Endor BPs! I assume that they'll include: Imp. BP: -speederbike -one or two Scouttrooper -two or one Stormtrooper -one Imp. Trooper or some kind of (new) officer (hopefully a black-suited one) Rebel BP: -tree -new Ewok -Endor Luke -two Endor Rebel Troopers What do you think? I can't imagine that there'll be more OT sets coming out in January - but for sure there will be some in the summer wave. I can confirm at least two more (very supposably non-exclusive) OT sets for 2012 - but please don't ask me for more info (I haven't seen any pics and I promised to not tell more). Klaus-Dieter
July 23, 201113 yr Although I hope that it will be "only" 40 Euros, I fear that the TIE will be 50 Euros (like the TIE Defender), don't you think? Unless there's some sort of base and all those minifigs are in the TIE, I think this set is much smaller and should be much cheaper than the Defender. I can confirm at least two more (very supposably non-exclusive) OT sets for 2012 - but please don't ask me for more info (I haven't seen any pics and I promised to not tell more). It's good just to hear that we're going to get more OT sets. With the 3D release and CW still going, you never know if one day a wave will come out with no room for an OT set. Though if all the OT stuff we've seen so far is in the sole January OT set, I'll be happy. Edited July 23, 201113 yr by Brickdoctor
July 23, 201113 yr The larger size of the Tiefighter doesn´t bother me since me and my kids already own 2 of the older versions for playing with. This new one will look great in my displaycorner. And I do agree the pricing will be at least $50/Euro50. I don´t think Lego will have a hard time selling these. I´m a little concerned about the lack of Stormtroopers in recent sets. You can never have too many Stormtroopers.
July 23, 201113 yr While the TIE and Amidala look great, that Death Star Trooper doesn't appeal to me. Primarily because of LEGO's ridiculous new trend of making helmets sit way too far up the head! They better fix that soon!!! Thanks for pics and info!
July 23, 201113 yr While the TIE and Amidala look great, that Death Star Trooper doesn't appeal to me. Primarily because of LEGO's ridiculous new trend of making helmets sit way too far up the head! They better fix that soon!!! Thanks for pics and info! Actually, that hieght looks fairly accurate to me.
July 23, 201113 yr That Tie is certainly a big departure from any previous models. I really was expecting the old Tie with a new colour scheme and the same wobbly wings. I wonder if this version fixes that issue, and will the other Tie variants be released along the same design cues as this one? It's design almost seems to be a bit too chunky to be carried over to an Interceptor, although it could work for the advanced prototype. As for the minifigures; Well they are always interesting to see and I am quite impressed with the new helmet for the DS Trooper. The previous one was wrong, being a AT-ST pilot helmet in black. And finally a new Amidala. And this time as the queen, something we've all been waiting for for a very long time. With all the costumes the queen had in the movies, a whole boxset could be released. Another Padme is long overdue and will be a most welcome addition to my collection if released next year. Theed Palace playset, anyone?
July 23, 201113 yr I am glad to finally see the Amidala minifig finally released (in all her glory I might add). And loving the new astromech head too.
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