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Unfortunately, all I can think of them changing is the cockpit to the front.


I'd be suprised if they brought out another X-wing, seeing as they have only just stopped 6212. I would have thought they would have left it a couple of years before bringing out a newer version.

With the X-wing being so popular, the idea is that The LEGO Group wants a toy rendition of the craft available on the market at all times.

My thought is we should wait till evidence before conqfirming, I don't think the new battle pack style is true or good as it's is harder to make storm troopers/droids outnumber clones/rebels. A new x wing is likely though to fight the new tie :sweet: This one needs snot or wings nore like the new tie

Edited by Jedi master Brick

Could have guessed that new R5 mold wouldn't just be in the TIE set. I love the way Mirandir is leaking us stuff little by little. I await the next morsel of information with bated breath. I feel like these rumors are so dramatic! :classic:

Edited by Commander Keller

But is anything of that in the realm of reality of which TLC would create? No.

But is anything of that in the realm of reality of which TLC would create? No.

The point is, 6212 is a terribly outdated design. It's badly in need of a complete revamp. And with only two minifigures and a $60 price, it sounds like that's exactly what we're going to get. :sweet:

Good point. You mean 4 minifigures, right? At least with the extra 100(?) pieces, they could create a much better model, I'm just hoping that it doesn't look TOO awkward next to 6212. Sorry I got a little mean in that above post though, kinda late here, need some sle.... <snores>

The point is, 6212 is a terribly outdated design. It's badly in need of a complete revamp. And with only two minifigures and a $60 price, it sounds like that's exactly what we're going to get. :sweet:

Is this Fallenangel looking forward to a x-wing :wacko::laugh: . I don'tsee why Lego are changing the battle pack format in th uk they remained number one sellers for at least a month this year

Good point. You mean 4 minifigures, right? At least with the extra 100(?) pieces, they could create a much better model, I'm just hoping that it doesn't look TOO awkward next to 6212. Sorry I got a little mean in that above post though, kinda late here, need some sle.... <snores>

Like battle droids, astromech droids don't use minifigure parts, so I don't really think of them as minifigures...

You were right, though, in saying that we're unlikely to see anything resembling psiaki's X-wing. Perhaps it would be more realistic to expect something like this or this, or maybe even this... anything really. Mirandir did say that it was sleeker than the last rendition, so I'm thinking something along the lines of BaronSat's.

@Jedi master Brick: After 7 years, wouldn't YOU look forward to a redesigned X-wing? :wink:

EDIT: While we're on the subject of X-wings, an AFOL on the old FBTB forums by the name of "Duckman" made a very sleek, compact X-wing for a display... related to something called 'Fully Brick Models'. It had an open-air cockpit... has anyone come across pictures of it?

Edited by fallenangel309

A new X-Wing makes perfect sense as there is a new Tie Fighter coming out. kids want to recreate the battles afterall.

People have been mentioning about Ep.1 sets coming out in summer to conincide with the theatrical 3D release but isn't the release date in February??

If it were February then that would be perfect for the January wave as the toys would already be in stock in most stores.

I think if this is the case then we can expect no more Ep.1 sets after January, as it would be a little pointless.

I think it's scheduled release is the 10th or 11th of Feb

Edited by Vindice

@Jedi Master Brick: After 7 years, wouldn't YOU look forward to a redesigned X-wing? :wink:

I look forward to it too, my old one is chucked in a draw broken somewhere :laugh: . The x-wing desveres more than 6212

The x-wing desveres more than 6212

It may in the AFOL mind, but a very, very large number of people young and old are more than happy with 6212. There has been so much biffo between my lads since one of them got this for their birthday that it's threatening to derail my reborn meglegomania. Can't wait to see the new version, but. The TIE fighter looks mint.

It may in the AFOL mind, but a very, very large number of people young and old are more than happy with 6212.

:sceptic: Eh, to each their own...

:sceptic: Eh, to each their own...

Indeed. Don't let that sentiment temper your dissection of the new version though.

Interesting news on the X-Wing if it's true! Sounds like a OT set that I might just have to buy. Wonder what the Porkins mini-figure will look like?

I'm still a bit sceptical of this though, not because of the aparent new battle pack way, but of Commander Gree getting made. Like, Gree's hardly appeared in the show. Wolffe would be harder to make and appeared in his armour later than Gree did, so releasing Gree now just doesn't make sense. Gree's only had two appearances on the show, one of which he wasn't even listed in the episode guide! And his one proper appearance where he did something was all the way back at the start of season 1 of the show. :sceptic:

I wonder what the EP3 set is though if it doesn't contain any Clones?

Edited by commanderneyo

I'm not sure why $50 seems like the popular price guess for this new TIE fighter. (Very nice set, by the way). It seems a little absurd to think that they'd price it $20 higher than the very recent TIE Advance.

$30 or $40 seems like a much better price for it, IMO.

I'm not sure why $50 seems like the popular price guess for this new TIE fighter. (Very nice set, by the way). It seems a little absurd to think that they'd price it $20 higher than the very recent TIE Advance.

$30 or $40 seems like a much better price for it, IMO.

It's probably the 4 minifigure that come with it. It may also have a higher piece count.

Well the price will be determined by a number of factors with weight being a key factor. Don't forget a reasonable number of minifigs which seems to be a common theme in most SW spaceships nowadays even if you can't fit them all in.

I'm comparing it more to the BH gunship and T-6 shuttle so that sort of price looks reasonable.

:classic: Love the idea of an X Wing remake. A good new droid will complete the set nicely. The BP if true are a change from the existing design. The usually have only the one faction in each BP.

Hopefully the new Gree will be phase 2 clones. If so that would be a great set.

I'm not sure why $50 seems like the popular price guess for this new TIE fighter. (Very nice set, by the way). It seems a little absurd to think that they'd price it $20 higher than the very recent TIE Advance.

$30 or $40 seems like a much better price for it, IMO.

The size of the new TIE shows why it can't be 30$ like the Advanced... there are completetely new figs and a complicated design (SNOT isn't that usual, after all), don't forget that. I guess the part count is 300-400 parts, you can't expect to pay less than 50$ for this after sets like the T-6...

The point is, 6212 is a terribly outdated design. It's badly in need of a complete revamp. And with only two minifigures and a $60 price, it sounds like that's exactly what we're going to get. :sweet:

It'll surely be better, but the price per part ratio will likely be higher as well. Just keeps going up...

Good point. You mean 4 minifigures, right? At least with the extra 100(?) pieces, they could create a much better model, I'm just hoping that it doesn't look TOO awkward next to 6212. Sorry I got a little mean in that above post though, kinda late here, need some sle.... <snores>

I don't think we can really expect the parts-price ratio to be the same as 6212's. LEGO sets have changed since '06.

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