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I don't know about R2 fitting, the wing(s) would have to be pretty thick.

I'd imagine that just the head would go on, like in the Imperial V-Wing. A full Astromech was included, but only the head could go onto the ship.

I've probably watched Episode 3 at least five times, but I've never noticed a green Jedi Interceptor. It seems a little odd, but I hope that's a signal that they might release more Interceptors. Another Hyperdrive ring would be nice, even if it was the same one that was released previously.

After re-reading some of these rumors I started wondering something (And would be very thankful if Mirandir can clear it up a bit :tongue:). Are these "new" concept sets going to be put together? And in which sense? Are they something more in the vein of the smaller Jabba's Palace sets in the way that can be "connected" or are they similar to the Jedi Defense ones where neither went "together" but complemented each other thematically? Sorry if the questions and/or example are a bit messy but it is really late right now and it seems like I need some sleep :laugh:.

Edited by darkrebellion

For the Gree set an ATAP is unlikey as it is a minor thing that we got not that long ago (I don't want one as I got one for £20). I think maybe wookie tree house :sceptic:

Mirandir said Gree is in a CW set, not ROTS, so that rules out anything from Kashyyyk.

More than likely he's just thrown in a random set/vehicle he never was with, or with characters he was never with either. It's how Lego tends to do characters in CW line now. Throw them in random sets...

After re-reading some of these rumors I started wondering something (And would be very thankful if Mirandir can clear it up a bit :tongue:). Are these "new" concept sets going to be put together? And in which sense? Are they something more in the vein of the smaller Jabba's Palace sets in the way that can be "connected" or are they similar to the Jedi Defense ones where neither went "together" but complemented each other thematically? Sorry if the questions and/or example are a bit messy but it is really late right now and it seems like I need some sleep :laugh:.

It's a good question but I'm not sure it would do justice to Jabba's palace. If it only has one minifig at a time with each set then it wouldn't sell very well I don't think.

Can you imagine a kid taking a small box up to his mum and dad saying, "I want this one Gamorrean Guard with a handful of bricks, so that i can fit it to this other pile of bricks i got with Bib Fortuna."

Just don't see that happening, I think we're more likely to get something like a miniship on a display stand with an associated minifigure. I could be barking mad though.

Gree might appear in a set like this:

Set Name - I can't think of one..... maybe you can!

Minifigures - Nute Gunray, Faro Argyus, Assajj Ventress, Ahsoka, Luminara Unduli (maybe), Gree and 2 SBDs.

Set - Comes with A prison cell with a table inside, a small corridor and a Separatist Boarding Craft.

Price - $89.99 AUD

This is just a guess NOT a rumor.

Thank you very much for this information, Mirandir! :classic:

a new X-Wing with a new pilot and a new droid sounds great!

Hopefully there even will be a small transport vehicle and a small base included.

The only thing which is bad is that TLG doesn't include Biggs Darklighter in this set.

I'm really looking forward to pics of this and the other OT sets.


I've probably watched Episode 3 at least five times, but I've never noticed a green Jedi Interceptor. It seems a little odd, but I hope that's a signal that they might release more Interceptors. Another Hyperdrive ring would be nice, even if it was the same one that was released previously.

Hasbro had a green one released. http://www.rebelscum.com/ROTS05TRUfighter.asp

Not outstanding but a nice look.

The set sounds interesting but I find it strange that it includes only three real figures. R2, Sec. Droid and Mustafar droid (whatever this is supposed to be) are brickbuilt, so they don´t really count as figures. A set with only this few figures for 39,99$ would imply that the starfighter is much bigger than previously (the fighter was included in a 20$ set and was still to small to be included alone). I don´t really see the JSF getting a Grievous Starfighter treatment. At least not a well done.

Gree might appear in a set like this:

Set Name - I can't think of one..... maybe you can!

Minifigures - Nute Gunray, Faro Argyus, Assajj Ventress, Ahsoka, Luminara Unduli (maybe), Gree and 2 SBDs.

Set - Comes with A prison cell with a table inside, a small corridor and a Separatist Boarding Craft.

Price - $89.99 AUD

This is just a guess NOT a rumor.

I see this with a few less figures and the seperatist craft alone. This way it sounds like a 25$ set.

But Gree was also in the Battle of Geonosis during the episode Weapons Factory. If they go after story he could also be in a seperatist super tank or a republic artillery gun OR something from season four. But as someone said before, it is more likely he is thrown in at random.

@ Mirandir: I would just like to know if there are any more Navy Troopers besides the one from the TIE to be expected from this wave. After all this years since 2008 expecting a BP with them an getting it denied through the new two side-BP concept I would just like to know if I now have to bricklink them for 10bucks each or if there is any possibility in some smaller set.


Hopefully there even will be a small transport vehicle and a small base included.


Oh yes, perfectly agreed. A 'place' the respective vehicle belongs to was a great plus about some older sets (Imperial inspection being my favourite in this regard). I would highly welcome this for the upcoming X-Wing, too. :wub:

Hey Mirandir have you got the set numbers for the two battlepacks?

???? Endor Battle Pack

2 Rebels, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Scout Trooper

???? Clone Wars Battle Pack

2 Commando Droids, 1 ARC Trooper, 1 ARF Trooper

9492 TIE Fighter

Death Star Trooper, TIE Pilot, Imperial Officer, and R5-J2

9493 X-Wing

Luke, R2-D2, Porkins, and R5-D8

9494 Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor

Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, Nute Gunray, Mustafar Droid, and Security Battle Droid

I think Dastan's would work just fine; no need for a new mold. Though if they make a new, better mold, I won't be complaining.

Yeah, I agree. I guess "different" would have been a better word choice than a "new" hair piece. Dastan's style would fit perfectly.

I think it is more likly to get gree in a geononsian set like a CIS super tank or an republic cannon

Gree may have an episode with him in the upcoming season 4

but I think it's more likly to see him in a republic cannon with a clone gunner,gree and a battle droid or geononsian for 30-40$

This new ROTS set sounds great! I knew that LEGO was going to come back with ROTS Anakin and Obi-Wan soon. Does anyone know if the new Anakin has a double sided head (one as Anakin, and one as Vader), and does he have new hair?

This new ROTS set sounds great! I knew that LEGO was going to come back with ROTS Anakin and Obi-Wan soon. Does anyone know if the new Anakin has a double sided head (one as Anakin, and one as Vader), and does he have new hair?

Well Mirandir says he will have one normal Anikan face and one "evil yellow sith eyes" face. And I don't know if his hair will be a new mold, but it'll definitely be different.

Mirandir said Gree is in a CW set, not ROTS, so that rules out anything from Kashyyyk.

That depends on what planets are shown in S4.

Remember that clone stun tank rumour? Maybe we're getting that now with gree!

The Stun Tank 'rumor' was just a member claiming to have a source posting lists of whatever people wanted most.

9674 Naboo Starfighter and Naboo Pilot

9675 Sebulba’s Podracer and Sebulba

9676 TIE Interceptor and TIE Pilot

9488 ARC Troopers vs. Commando Droids

9489 Endor Rebel (x2) vs. Scout Trooper & Stormtrooper

9491 Geonosian Cannon

9490 Droid Escape

9492 TIE Fighter

9493 X-Wing

3866 Battle of Hoth (LEGO Games)

Thanks to Jedi News

Edited by Mr Man

Thanks for that. :classic:


It’s that time of year again… we have cracked open the escape pod, retrieved our astromech droid and downloaded the secret plans. The following list is merely rumours of sets that are expected to be released by LEGO in 2012. Until they are officially confirmed, it’s merely a rumour list. So read on, and let the speculation commence...

There will be a new range of ‘planets’ sets. These will each include a hollow planet, a buildable mini vehicle and a mini-figure.

9674 Naboo Starfighter and Naboo Pilot

9675 Sebulba’s Podracer and Sebulba

9676 TIE Interceptor and TIE Pilot

Notable on this new list if that the battle packs will now mix heroes and villains into one box…

9488 ARC Troopers vs. Commando Droids

9489 Endor Rebel (x2) vs. Scout Trooper & Stormtrooper

9491 Geonosian Cannon

9490 Droid Escape

9492 TIE Fighter

9493 X-Wing

3866 Battle of Hoth (LEGO Games)

Peportedly the Geonosian Cannon will include a Commander Gree mini-fig, whilst the X-Wing will include Jek Porkins as well as Luke. Presumably the ship will have changeable decoration like the last one (making it specific to either pilot).

So we were right about the MINIs in the collectible sets. I do wonder what 9490 Droid Escape will be. Escape pods?

We're getting a LEGO Star Wars Game! :excited: Here's hoping for a coming range of Star Wars microfigures.

2012 is shaping up to be pretty exciting for OT fans.

EDIT: Oh, and I think I owe Mirandir an apology for thinking his lists were fake at one point. Not that it's totally confirmed, but they're evidently not that ridiculous after all.

Edited by Brickdoctor

Interesting news, a copy paste for those too lazy to click the jump,

"It’s that time of year again… we have cracked open the escape pod, retrieved our astromech droid and downloaded the secret plans. The following list is merely rumours of sets that are expected to be released by LEGO in 2012. Until they are officially confirmed, it’s merely a rumour list. So read on, and let the speculation commence...

There will be a new range of ‘planets’ sets. These will each include a hollow planet, a buildable mini vehicle and a mini-figure.

9674 Naboo Starfighter and Naboo Pilot

9675 Sebulba’s Podracer and Sebulba

9676 TIE Interceptor and TIE Pilot

Notable on this new list if that the battle packs will now mix heroes and villains into one box…

9488 ARC Troopers vs. Commando Droids

9489 Endor Rebel (x2) vs. Scout Trooper & Stormtrooper

9491 Geonosian Cannon

9490 Droid Escape

9492 TIE Fighter

9493 X-Wing

3866 Battle of Hoth (LEGO Games)

Peportedly the Geonosian Cannon will include a Commander Gree mini-fig, whilst the X-Wing will include Jek Porkins as well as Luke. Presumably the ship will have changeable decoration like the last one (making it specific to either pilot)."

All and all, I theres nothing that really catches my eye. It's a good thing to because now I can make room for Superheroes!

edit:Damn, brickdoctor beat me to it! :hmpf_bad::laugh:

Edited by sok117

Wow! Sweet. Awesome. The list isn't amazing, but the OT sets are great. And the Geonosian Cannon sounds sweet. And the battle packs are must-haves. Okay, maybe this actually is pretty awesome. :tongue: So wait, are we getting 2 ARC troopers? Cool. I hope they are properly done with all the accessories and such.

And no news on the SE sets. Huh. But the "Planet" sets sound ridiculous. They seem like kids toys. :thumbdown: Oh wait, that's what they are! :tongue: I'll probably still pick them up if they are well designed.

Edited by brickbuilder

I wonder what droid escape will be. I hope it's not a set based off one of those awful C-3PO and R2-D2 CW episodes! :sick: what do you guys think?

I wonder what droid escape will be. I hope it's not a set based off one of those awful C-3PO and R2-D2 CW episodes! :sick: what do you guys think?

All the OT sets are remakes, so it's probably the Tantive IV escape pod on Tatooine.

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