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This is absoluetly amazing! :wub: :wub: :wub:

LOTR, then pics, and now this, it's a Christmas miracle! Speaking of Christmas, I'm shocked no one's commented on the Advent Calender...Darth Maul in a red and white hoodie! :wub:


Somethings just don't go through the everyone, these are probably the most preliminary sets can get. So the need for asking silly things such as why Anakin has a red lightsabre and stuff like that is not necessary.

Besides the fact. Jabba's Palace appears to have a really low piece count from what I see. A big empty room and a tower :sceptic:

:blush: Sorry. I thought that was a good question at 12:30 AM. :blush: I will not sleep-post anymore.

I still do not remember if Dooku or a Tactical droid were ever on the Malevolence.

Thanks for finding the picture of the new sets, although they are preliminary, they look awesome!

Together with the new LOTR my wallet is going to bleed dry.

Although I hoped Jabba's Palace to be bigger, and of course with a Rancor, I see Boushh might appear in it and Salacious B. Crumb and also Oola :cry_happy:

Simply amazing.

Wow, pics! What a nice holiday surprise!!

--JABBA's PALACE: I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with the overall size and piece count of this thing. I was worried it was going to be some huge monstrous $150USD set that would cater only to the most dedicated SW AFOLs... Oola looks great, interesting to see what they'll do with the Salacious Crumb, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the paint job for Jabba-- the other two monochrome Jabba's in my collection look so unfinished. Obviously, though, the crown jewel of this set, at least for me, is BOUSSH!!!! Thank you so much Lego!!

--As for the remaining fig, it's a great mystery to keep us hanging on. If you look at the silhouette of the fig, its head almost seems to be oblong, and sticking out on either side with rounded edges. If I had to guess from that clue alone, I'd suggest REE YEES.

--SKIFF: Wow, what a cheap way to get a new Boba Fett! I've already got the Lando, so I suppose this double could swap out a POTC head to become a new guard or something. I was pretty pleased with the Sarlacc from the Sail Barge set, and that trans-blue mouth seems a bit strange, but we'll wait for better pics to pass judgement. The real concern here is WEEQUAY-- it's really hard to make him out, but it appears that they're using a "Shahan Alama" fig from the 8128 set as a placeholder. I'm not much of an PT or CW guy, but from what I understand from some casual research, Alama is a Weequay as well-- but I hope the skiff guard has the traditional garb from ROTJ, and not a red pirate's hat.

Nice, reasonably sized sets here that should satisfy any OT collector-- nice job TLG!

These are some nice looking sets the new sub looks just like I expected it would. Thanks for the pics.

Edited by LEGOMAN132

I know they're only preliminary, but the NEW tags next to the figures seem a bit odd. The silhouetted figure in the Jabba set doesn't have a New tag, but the old Han seen in Slave I does have. The same New tag is with Luke and Boba Fett. Maybe they just have double-sided heads.

As for the silhouetted figure it might not say New as it might appear in another set first. I thought it was Hammerhead by the shape of it. Maybe there'll be a cantina set as an exclusive!

I agree on that. I think that the LotR license will be at least as successful as the Star Wars license.

I don't think so, It'll Be better than Indiana Jones but not as good as Harry Potter. Just my personal opinion. Unless It'll be like Prince of persia or Pirates of the Caribbean

Those look pretty legit *oh2*

Some look really nice...

What makes we hesitate is that there is another new Han, why not use the one from Slave I? :look:

Han was all wet/sweaty and kinda blind... So hopefully a double-sided head!?!

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I saw a picture of the KOTOR vehicles, but the Repuclic Fighter presented is not the right one.

It concerns the Republic Starfighter:

More info in this link

Thought you should know :classic:

Yeah, I stand "corrected", that was my initial collaged image guess on the (then-rumored) Republic Starfighter even before the prelims surfaced. Thanks for pointing that out and linking the correct starfighter. :thumbup: Though I got all the figs right. :tongue:

Well, since I don't plan on getting into the KOTOR sets or anything else EU, I'm not excited about those, but honestly don't even know what/who I'm looking at. Another starfighter? No thanks, already have too many. Gungan sub? Nah. I think there is another AOTC set out there with the Amidala headpiece that was published months ago. Hoping her starship is made all chromed out.

Being older than most here, I am a OT guy, was 6 when ROTJ came out, so I was very excited when the rumor of the new palace came out. Color me underwhelmed. I was honestly hoping for a big one, but I am very pleased with the minifigures(though they will definitely push the price up ala Endor set). Lots of new characters and molds there. I sure hope there there is the possibility of the pit below to add on later, one can only hope. Guess the rock monster that we have now will keep filling that role. Not sure about the new skiff, but will probably get it.

EDIT: I will get the Advent Calendar again though. It was a big hit this year, though I was kind of hoping that next year would be a Superheroes Calendar.

Edited by LegoDad

I am all over the new EU sets! Must have the girl Jedi and trooper dude! :wub: Wow. All of the sets look pretty good, but it does look like CW sets are slowing down now. That's good for me, more money for Lord of the Rings sets!

Have we seen any photos of the Battle of Hoth game? I found a link here. I apologize if it's old news, which it most likely is.

Anyway, next year is going to be a great year for LEGO. The amount of PT and OT sets are quite pleasing! :laugh:

Edit: I also thought that TLG wasn't going to create anymore EU sets. Guess I misheard something!

Edited by Parrothead Rasmus

WOW *oh2*

Those are amazing! Especially the SW: TOR sets, I'm definitely getting those :wub:

I'm not sure if it's Malgus, though that comes with the Fury. To me, his minifigure-head is not gray enough (and I didn't see a respirator-mouthpiece).

But honestly I don't really care who comes with it. Though it would be cool if it was Malgus :devil:

Thanks for the pictures, people!:sweet::thumbup:



Wow! Talk about being caught off guard, these sets are well, okay...

I'm really happy to see more Episode 6 sets but Jabba's palace looks to small, the minifigs look great but I was really hoping for two levels and with luke in the desert skiff, which looks like an incredible set, it really elimimates the need for a rancor which was what alot of people really wanted.

On the other hand, the new Gungun Sub looks great, much sleeker than the old one with our Queen included with it and I think I'm the only one who really likes the new Malevolence, it seems pretty big and it comes with a couple of good minifigs and hopefully Ashoka is redisigned and that Palpatine is really Obi-wan redisigned. Again I also really like the Desert Skiff, a good way to get Boba,Lando and that wonderful looking Sarlacc

I don't care much for the old republic ships,I mean they look nice but I really don't know much about the old republic so it lowers my interest. Aswell as the the Jedi starfighter, I already have Tinn and I could care less about Even Pille.

Not a Bad Year, do we have any rumors on the two Limited Edition sets for the Summer wave

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I'm not sure if it's Malgus, though that comes with the Fury. To me, his minifigure-head is not gray enough (and I didn't see a respirator-mouthpiece).

But honestly I don't really care who comes with it. Though it would be cool if it was Malgus :devil:

I think it's Malgus, and the probable reason why he doesn't have the respirator-breather thingy is because it is based on the young Malgus on the "The Return" Cinematic Trailer of the game (below), where the Fury also appeared. :wink:

I don't like the skiff.

The Palace looks good.

I don't wanted to Delta Jedi Starfighter, i don't care.

The Old Republic sets looks cool! I really want to see the minifigs.

Gungan sub: pfff... I don't say anything...

Malavolence: ehhh... why not a Trident Drill or a Droid Control Ship?

Calendar... Worse than the first I think.

Loving the prelim pics for the winter wave. As far as prelim pics go I like having them for any sets and then compare to final images. Interesting to see the evolution. 2012 will definitely be the end of the world since I will no longer have any money due to SW, LOTR, Dino, and misc City sets I want...oh yeah Super Heros too! Damnit! I for one am very happy with what I see in the Palace. I don't have the original and welcome this version. Even from the prelim pics it is better than this 2011's Hoth. What I'm most surprised with is lack of discussion here about Boushh :excited:*oh2* . After reading so many threads about SW Lego and numerous mentions of wanting this character only a couple people have mentioned her. I can't wait! Looks like an awesome time for all fans of Lego.

Now all we need is Grogall to provide his minions with better res prelims so we can all drool for 6 months. We don't even have 2011/2012 Winter release yet

Edited by ETAV8R

Ok my opinions on the summer sets

Jabba's palace: a shame, better than this years echo base still a Shame. Got minifigures though.

EU sets: never seen them before can't comment

Jedi starfighter: like the new cockpit, good sized set

Gungan sub: I don't like the Gungan sub, it is not an Important vehicle, why rehash? I think Amidala will be In a "limited edition" set later in the year

Skiff: good chance for minifigures seems good

I was really hoping for a better build, the palace has so much potential. Looks like figs is where LEGO is focusing once again in 2012.

What I'm most surprised with is lack of discussion here about Boushh :excited:*oh2* . After reading so many threads about SW Lego and numerous mentions of wanting this character only a couple people have mentioned her.

Boushh is a male bounty hunter who died before RotJ. We aren't getting Boushh, we're getting Leia in a Boushh disguise. There is a difference, albeit a slight one.

Well now it is all complete.. :vader: Even though I normally don't buy anything from SW, the Fury looks just aweseome, and I loved ye olde Republic back in the days...So that is one for my wishlist. Now if only City pics would come up :grin:

Boushh is a male bounty hunter who died before RotJ. We aren't getting Boushh, we're getting Leia in a Boushh disguise. There is a difference, albeit a slight one.

Talk about nitpicking, everyone here knows what I'm talking about.

As far as Queen Amidala goes I bet Lego has something up their sleeve. Just think how all the Super Hero fans were surprised with The Funhouse. The more regal looking mold we saw pics of will probably be in something more grand than the sub.

Just noticed on the left side of Jabba's Palace it looks like another Han in carbonite.

Edited by ETAV8R

I really like the Skiff, even if only for the minifigs (cheap Boba Fett, woohoo!), and the Old Republic starfighters, which both look fantastic and very well-designed. I'll wait to see final pictures of the Malevolence before I make my final decision on that set. Like the skiff, I think I'd only be interested in that for the minifigures - currently, that is.

The rest, I'm really not that sure about. I think the only saving grace of Jabba's Palace in particular is the range of fantastic minifigures included. While it's good to see another CW Jedi and a new Delta design, I'm not really interested in either that set or the Gungan sub.

The new Advent Calendar, on the other hand, does interest me. I like the fact that a B2 (or B2-HA?) is included. The Santa Maul looks interesting, to say the least...

My opinions so far on the summer sets:

Skiff: Looks okay. The mini-figure selection is excellent, and it will be a great way to get that Boba cheap. The skiff so far doesn't look too good, but I know the Sarlaac will look different in final images, so I won't comment on that.

TOR sets: I was hoping it was a joke about these sets when we originally got news. No such luck for me. They both look decent, with every mini-figure being new. However, they probably won't sell well, just like previous EU sets. I might just go for both anyway. We'll see.

Saesee Tiin's starfighter: For me, this looks by far the best of the wave. Lego making Even Piell is great, new Astromech is nice, might have preferred it to be Adi Gallia's starfighter, but whatever. Starfighter looks pretty decent too. Would have liked to see a villain like Osi Sobeck in this set though.

Gungan Sub: I actually quite like this set. Two new Padme's in as many years after a long time is great news. I find it interesting that Lego already fells the need to re-design Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Gungan Sub looks pretty good so far.

Advent Calender: Actually looks worse than this year's one, in my opinion. Although, I quite like the idea of Santa Maul :laugh:

Malevolence: This ship is going to be awesome. I'm super-stoked for this one. In comparison to the ship, I feel let down by the mini-figure selection. I don't need another Dooku, Grievous, Anakin & Battle Droid. It will be interesting to see which Tactical Droid Lego include, as there wasn't any Tactical Droid's ever aboard the malevolence. The fact that this Ahsoka is "new" is very interesting, which means it may not stick true to the story arc, and will instead be season 3 Ahsoka. Had I chosen the mini-figures, I probably would have replaced Anakin & Battle Droid with CW Padme & a Firefighter droid.

Jabba's Palace: You know, while many express how they love this set so far, I'm not too convinced. What I do like, is how almost all of the mini-figures are not any of the main heroes. The overall build and set doesn't impress me so far, but the mini-figures will be really good. I'll decide depending on final images.

As a whole: This wave doesn't do it for me. It is looking better already than the January wave, but there are still many aspects to be improved on. We haven't seen anything from CW S4 or any phase II clones this year. Unless there will be an exclusive S4 set, we won't see any until mid-way through S5, which is a terrible marketing choice by Lego. I would much rather have seen a couple of CW sets replace TOR ones, because after finishing the game, people will probably forget about it, unless there are more TOR games. And TCW sets we do have, just aren't impressive except for the inclusion of Even Piell. The OT sets look ok, but I think they would have worked better with the ROTF 3-D release. As of now, I will definitly get both CW, Gungan Sub & Desert Skiff.

The TOR sets are amazing. Seriously, 2 EU sets in one wave? As far as I know, that's never been done before, and that just makes those sets all the more awesome. Glad to finally see TLG naming sets accurately, too. Darth Malgus looks great. Him and Bastila Shan really make the TOR sets for me, probably will be getting multiples. The rest of the wave looks pretty meh to me. Skiff w/ Boba is nice, and having Oola in the Palace is more than I hoped for. Otherwise, this wave isn't really doing it for me. :sceptic:

Edited by Darth Nihilus

I think it's Malgus, and the probable reason why he doesn't have the respirator-breather thingy is because it is based on the young Malgus on the "The Return" Cinematic Trailer of the game (below), where the Fury also appeared. :wink:

I have thought about that, actually. So in retrospect the only reason why I'm not sure it's Malgus is the skin color on the minifig. But since it's all prelim and anything, who knows :sweet:

If it is Malgus though, I hope they do his armor properly, it's awesome.

I'm also glad to see they added Satele Shan, T7-01 (I assume, it might also be a generic astromech from that era) and the Repbulick Trooper from the 'Hope' cinematic trailer, really cool :classic:



Edited by CF WeaZZel

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