December 19, 201113 yr It's always a pleasure to dive into this forum. I usually think I am already such a nerd to know some things about SW but here I feel like the mainstream-wannabe. Funny. The OR sets look really sweet, too bad the game isn't coming out for PS3. Such a shame, honestly. The CW sets are a little boring, the skiff is OK and it's funny how it should work together with the palace, figure-wise. The palace itself is nice and a lovely display piece, but I am not sure about the tower. Modding time this shouts out for me.. Still, looks like a nice set and I have to say, I didn't expect any Rancor pit, that thing would have been the size of the Death Star. And the price. Wouldn't like that.
December 19, 201113 yr I would much rather have seen a couple of CW sets replace TOR ones, because after finishing the game, people will probably forget about it, unless there are more TOR games. And TCW sets we do have, just aren't impressive except for the inclusion of Even Piell. While I agree with you that there should really be some Phase II CW sets, you're incorrect about TOR ending. It's an MMO, which means that if it's a hit, it will go on and on for some time.
December 19, 201113 yr While I agree with you that there should really be some Phase II CW sets, you're incorrect about TOR ending. It's an MMO, which means that if it's a hit, it will go on and on for some time. That's why I said the word "unless". And like you yourself said, it has to be a hit to go on for some time.
December 19, 201113 yr Ahsoka in the Malevolence has the NEW! sign next to her! Even though it shows the old fig this means we're probably getting a new Ahsoka. Hopefully they give her dual lightsabers. There's also a "new" sign next to the Tactical droid, "new" signs next to Boba Fett in the Skiff, and next to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon in the Sub. That's kind of odd. Are all of those figures (which have appeared recently) actually different? Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon do look a bit different (thicker beards?) but I can't tell for any of the others... ]I saw a picture of the KOTOR vehicles, but the Repuclic Fighter presented is not the right one. It concerns the Republic Starfighter: Ah, so that's what it's based off. I don't like the current version of the ship. It's way too red and not streamlined enough. Normally I don't complain about accuracy, but hopefully the overall shape will be improved on. The same is for Saesee's Starfighter. I'm not sure why they changed the design, because I liked the old one.
December 19, 201113 yr Smart move on LEGO's part dividing the Jabba's Palace characters between the palace itself and the skiff. I hope to see how Bib Fortuna turns out. The Old Republic ships look awesome, but what really grabs me are those gorgeous figs. And I can't even see them yet.
December 19, 201113 yr Now all we need is Grogall to provide his minions with better res prelims so we can all drool for 6 months. We don't even have 2011/2012 Winter release yet Why is it always my fault? The new star wars sets 9488, 9489, 9490, 9491, 9492, 9493 will be available in the third week of january. 9494 and 9495 will be available first week in February! The sumer set will be available starting September! Edited December 19, 201113 yr by grogall
December 19, 201113 yr Jabba's Palace is one of the worst SW sets ever. But it's only my opinion. All of these sets look so... poor. No new parts, nothing interesting. It looks too simple!
December 19, 201113 yr I think this new line will make many AFOLs very happy. We've got Malevolence, a new bongo, and a new Jabba's palace. As far as minifigures go, we've got Padme (I think), Oola, Boushh, Salacious Crumb, Zuckuss (I hope), and Even Piell, all of which have been desired for some time. Z-95 and a T3-like utility droid? Do you mean to say that there exists a chance of these two popping up in future sets? I was actually about to complain about the fact that there was yet another 'new' Delta-7B until I took a second look and noticed... the new dome piece! The entire cockpit area has been redesigned! I was bouncing up and down when I saw the pictures of the summer wave, worse than a 3 year old kid who has discovered a secret stash of chocolate in mum's cupboard. I am over the moon that we are getting Malevolence and the rest of the summer sets look out of this world.
December 19, 201113 yr I've tried my best to figure out the minifigs for all the new summer sets. Forgive me if this has been posted before. 9515 Malevolence: Tactical Droid, Ahsoka Tano, Battle Droid, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous 9499 Gungan Sub: Qui-Gon-Jinn, Jar-Jar Binks, Padme Amiddalia/Queen of Naboo, Obi-Wan-Kenobi 9516 Jabbas Palace: Han Solo, Bib Fortuna, Gammorean Guard, Chewbacca, Oola, Leia as Boush, Zuckuss, B'omarr Monk, Jabba the Hutt, Salcious Crumbs 9498 Saesee Tinn's Jedi Starfighter: Saesee Tiin's, Even Piell, R4-C9 (astormech) 9500 Fury Class Interceptor: Darth Malgus, Sith trooper, different sith trooper 9496 Desert Skiff: Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Weequay Skiff Guard, Disguised Lando Calrissian 9497 Republic Striker Starfighter: Satelle Shan, Old Republic Astromech, Old Republic Trooper
December 19, 201113 yr Jabba's Palace is one of the worst SW sets ever. But it's only my opinion. All of these sets look so... poor. No new parts, nothing interesting. It looks too simple! Well, none of us can really say that yet.....these aren't really final if you look closely at the box arts for SW and LOTR. By the way, could the queen in her red dress be in a UCS style ship perhaps later...much later in the year.
December 19, 201113 yr Wow, pics! What a nice holiday surprise!! --As for the remaining fig, it's a great mystery to keep us hanging on. If you look at the silhouette of the fig, its head almost seems to be oblong, and sticking out on either side with rounded edges. If I had to guess from that clue alone, I'd suggest REE YEES. It's not going to be a Hammerhead is it? Ithorian I mean. Maybe it's wishful thinking but one can hope.
December 19, 201113 yr I've tried my best to figure out the minifigs for all the new summer sets. Forgive me if this has been posted before. 9515 Malevolence: Tactical Droid, Ahsoka Tano, Battle Droid, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker, General Grievous 9499 Gungan Sub: Qui-Gon-Jinn, Jar-Jar Binks, Padme Amiddalia/Queen of Naboo, Obi-Wan-Kenobi 9516 Jabbas Palace: Han Solo, Bib Fortuna, Gammorean Guard, Chewbacca, Oola, Leia as Boush, Zuckuss, B'omarr Monk, Jabba the Hutt, Salcious Crumbs 9498 Saesee Tinn's Jedi Starfighter: Saesee Tiin's, Even Piell, R4-C9 (astormech) 9500 Fury Class Interceptor: Darth Malgus, Sith trooper, different sith trooper 9496 Desert Skiff: Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Weequay Skiff Guard, Disguised Lando Calrissian 9497 Republic Striker Starfighter: Satelle Shan, Old Republic Astromech, Old Republic Trooper Ah, remember they can change the figures, they did that with the Jedi Shuttle.
December 19, 201113 yr Jabba's Palace is one of the worst SW sets ever. But it's only my opinion. All of these sets look so... poor. No new parts, nothing interesting. It looks too simple! Of course they all look too simple- they're prelims! Just wait till the first official pics come out, then you'll see all the new stuff. Jabba's palace, I can easily tell, will be HEAVILY altered before the actual sets are released. So don't worry!
December 19, 201113 yr I have to say that some sets look interesting while others are reasonable, but not special at all. The Malevolence looks interesting, not because I'm a big fan of this ship or the CW in particular, but unlike it's counterpart(?), the Venator, the Malevolence looks more realistic and less child-centered. As for the others sets, the Gungan sub looks nice, but I'm just not interested in. Saesee Tiin's Starfighter looks interesting too because it seems a little longer that the previous Starfighter we've seen, and it looks like they used SNOT for the cockpit part. Jabba's palace looks very moderate. It comes with parts I'm not interested in, the figures are though, but they will never be the main reason for buying such a large (and most likely expensive) set. The Fury Class interceptor is the most interesting one for me. It just has a great look, comes with very nice figures (as far as I can tell) and is part of the EU. It will most likely become part of my wanted list. Talking about wanted lists, so will the Desert Skiff most likely be wanted. The Republic Striker Starfighter won't I can tell you. The Advent calender perhaps, but probably not, as it looks very Phantom Menace oriented. Edited December 19, 201113 yr by Hollander
December 19, 201113 yr I think the mystery figure in the new Jabba's palace might be an Ithorian. The silhouette looks kinda like it in my opinion
December 19, 201113 yr Why is it always my fault? The new star wars sets 9488, 9489, 9490, 9491, 9492, 9493 will be available in the third week of january. 9494 and 9495 will be available first week in February! The sumer set will be available starting September! You've got to be kidding me? Third week of January... you sure you have your facts right? Cause I really doubt LEGO is going to wait that long to release there best theme. I'm putting my money on that by next week (after xmas) we'll see them in the USA & UK LEGO Shop@Home site for sale. --David Edited December 19, 201113 yr by legoboy12345678/David Hall
December 19, 201113 yr It's not going to be a Hammerhead is it? Ithorian I mean. Maybe it's wishful thinking but one can hope. I don't recall ever seeing any Ithorians in Jedi, though that wouldn't stop the designers from sticking one in. (Still waiting for Roron Corobb to show up in THE Clone Wars...) I wouldn't be surprised if it was something obscure like Elom, Whiphid, or Chozo Ishi Tib. I still think it's likely to be Zuckuss.
December 19, 201113 yr If Jabba's palace changes a lot in the final product, then it will be the first SW set that I EVER buy. :) Edited December 19, 201113 yr by Otherworld
December 19, 201113 yr I'm quite surprised that so many people dislike the new Jabba's Palace. This is the old version. Of course, the new one is before slave Leia, but other then that the new one looks so much better! Edited December 19, 201113 yr by ceroknight
December 19, 201113 yr I'm quite surprised that so many people dislike the new Jabba's Palace. Agreed. It looks great to me too.
December 19, 201113 yr Ah, so that's what it's based off. I don't like the current version of the ship. It's way too red and not streamlined enough. Normally I don't complain about accuracy, but hopefully the overall shape will be improved on. It's just because it is not based on this ship but on the one I show here, which is red and accurate then :
December 19, 201113 yr I think the mystery figure in the new Jabba's palace might be an Ithorian. The silhouette looks kinda like it in my opinion Oh my god, I would kill for an Ithorian. They're easily my favorite alien.
December 19, 201113 yr I'm quite surprised that so many people dislike the new Jabba's Palace. This is the old version. Of course, the new one is before slave Leia, but other then that the new one looks so much better! Like in the old one, Jabba can barely fit in his own palace, what else to say.... Han in carbonite like drying outside....
December 19, 201113 yr Hi guys, I've tried to enhance the pics available in the videos of LegoPictureHQ : And yes ! Hope that the mysterious minifigure is an Ithorian !!! :D
December 19, 201113 yr Does anyone else see Han Solo's head on the bottom left corner of Jabba's Palace?
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