February 12, 201213 yr Licensed figures have always shared faces. Remember Luke and TPM Obi-Wan back in the day? Classic Leia and Mon Mothma? More recently there's Bruce Wayne and Superman, Snape and Admiral Piett, Indiana Jones as a brittish soldier and Endor trooper... and don't get me started on the old Bruce Wayne face... Looks like they're not giving much importance to character faces nowadays.. Satele shan and Black widow got really mad with TLG and denied the offer, so they decided to hire wonder woman as both characters. Now she's getting the triple of cash! Good for her! How fun is that? Queen Amidala and Oola are super Edited February 13, 201213 yr by Otherworld
February 12, 201213 yr Mmmmm! Not so many pics of the Fury though... Has anyone been able to decipher what the orange spiky thing is in the Gungan Sub? (An opee egg?) I wonder if the numerous new brick separators will actually be appearing in the sets they're placed next to. Both 9499 and 9515 have one next to their displays. EDIT: Sorry, wrong set number Edited February 13, 201213 yr by Oddibossity
February 12, 201213 yr It will be more reasonable to buy the whole set even if you want just the figs. Boushh, gamorrean, oola- 25-30$ each S. Crumb- 20$ Jabba-30-35$ others together-20$ Those are my predictions. 150$ + shipping=just for figs 120$=all that + 717 pieces. Your estimates sound about right. I really just want the figs but I know I'm going to end up buying the set since that option will come with the bricks.
February 13, 201213 yr Pictures of the Summer 2012 Star Wars sets can be found here: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hothbricks.com%2F2011%2F12%2Flego-star-wars-2012-la-seconde-vague-devoilee%2F
February 13, 201213 yr but atrociously overpriced sets aside i am quite happy with the desert skiff after seeing the piece-count and 4 new figures i was expecting it to be somewher in the €35-€45 price range also with the republic strike fighter it turned out better than i thought it would
February 13, 201213 yr Has anyone been able to decipher what the orange spiky thing is in the Gungan Sub? (A Giant Gooberfish egg?) There's something similar visible in the storage area of a bongo in the Incredible Cross-Sections, though it isn't labeled. Why in the world Gungans would need to carry Tetrapods around with them is beyond me.
February 13, 201213 yr *snip* Is this picture old news? Wouldn't say it's old news but news broke about this Darth Maul minifig this morning. Edited February 13, 201213 yr by Sir_Basil_Ashton
February 13, 201213 yr Wouldn't say it's old news but news broke about this Darth Maul minifig this morning. Give it a week or two and that will be at an ebay near us. lol Edited February 13, 201213 yr by legolandia
February 13, 201213 yr just saw from bricks to bothan's pictures that malgus figure those sith troopers that ship €100!? will have to wait for sales
February 13, 201213 yr What a treat to wake up and be showered with hundreds of pictures from the toy fair, and not just SW, Marvel and LotR as well The fury interceptor just went up on my wishlist, Malgus and the sith troopers just look amazing, the printing and the helmets look so good and Malgus has a proper respiratory accessory which can be used for Darth as well Nothing new on the palace which haven't seen before but a nice close up of Bib's face, interesting they have gone for the scary fang look, he would make a fearsome tag team with the new Gollum figure. I wonder if TLG has designed the trap door in anticipation for a up and coming Rancor partner set featuring the trainers, Luke and another Gamorrean?
February 13, 201213 yr Selected highlights from FBTB photo coverage, or a few points of interest others don't seem to have mentioned yet: Malevolence with the flaps down: Not having played the game, I found it interesting that this feature on the Republic starfighter was rather reminiscent of a similar function on the Aurek. The cockpit of the bongo seats three, although it appears to be quite a tight fit: Included in the Advent calendar are a micro Sheathipede and MTT, as well as a new gonk :
February 13, 201213 yr For $25 the Skiff isn't that bad, but Jabba's Palace is way too much. Max $90 IMO. And what is with these crappy minis? Lego should just hire Legostein if it's going to continue like this. And according to Brickshow's video, the Mandalorian Fighter is Walmart Exclusive. Edited February 13, 201213 yr by prateek
February 13, 201213 yr WOW nice pics finally. I am very, very , very disappointed in the Clones Wars Padme . She looks terrible and barely recognisable at all. At least TLG has given us a very, very, very good looking Queen Amidala though, even down to her stern unemotional facial expression. The Skiff is looking so detailed, its amazing. I am liking this set alot. I think all the others will have to grow on me.
February 13, 201213 yr It seems that only Pre Viszla is not finished. All of the other new figs are. His helmet is on backwards.
February 13, 201213 yr Overall, I'm very impressed with Jabba's Palace, the Desert Skiff, and the Gungan Sub. These and the planet sets are the only ones that really interest me since I've never been into CW or EU. The minifigures are excellent, particularly Queen Amidala and the figures from Jabba's Palace. Still hoping to see the Palpatine's Arrest set soon- hopefully it won't be long since we've seen the other retailer exclusive set. By the way, what's up with the Ree-Yees figure in the Jabba's Palace set?
February 13, 201213 yr WOW, thanks for the show pics. That made my night. Jabbas Palace, Skiff are no brainers. I love the Sith Troopers, the guy with them, and Queen Amidala, will Bricklink or Ebay those. I'm not into TOR game stuff, but the figures for them are really cool, the ships, not so much. CW Padme is very unfortunate looking, but wasn't buying that anyway.
February 13, 201213 yr [quote name='sealslip3' date='13 February 2012 - 04:32 AM' timestamp='1329103929' post='1202973'Still hoping to see the Palpatine's Arrest set soon- hopefully it won't be long since we've seen the other retailer exclusive set. By the way, what's up with the Ree-Yees figure in the Jabba's Palace set? The "mystery figure" turned out to be "no figure." Anti-climatic but there you have it. With all this new Jabba stuff and ROTJ's 30th anniversary coming up I have this sneaking suspicion that we could see a new Sail Barge in '013 so maybe Lego could placate our alien lust then. But in the present I must say I am very excited for these new sets. Kudos Lego!
February 13, 201213 yr Wait! I just saw the box picture that has the silhouette labeled Ree-Yees. Interesting. I remember some press release saying that we would not get any other figure, Lego must have decided that making was not cost-effective or something. But if we get him and Lego just hasn't molded him yet, by all means that would be neat. Still a damn fine set overall. Edited February 13, 201213 yr by Fighter of Frizzies
February 13, 201213 yr The only thing I wish was we would have got pics or more news on the UCS B-wing or R2-D2. Edited February 13, 201213 yr by John31388
February 13, 201213 yr The only thing I wish was we would have got pics or more news on the UCS B-wing or R2-D2. I don't think these sets have been released for show yet I'm itching to see how Pre Viszla will turn out, only hope he gets the '2012 detail' treatment and stand head and shoulders over the standard Mandolorian
February 13, 201213 yr Its a shame there's not many shots of Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan. I noticed both come with different facial expressions compared to last year and it would've been interesting to see if they had double sided heads as well.
February 13, 201213 yr I don't think these sets have been released for show yet I'm itching to see how Pre Viszla will turn out, only hope he gets the '2012 detail' treatment and stand head and shoulders over the standard Mandolorian Well we know that Pre Vizsla will have leg printing as it says "deco" written in marker on his left leg. By the way, does anyone know when we will get official images of all the sets. (with the white background around the pictures.)
February 13, 201213 yr The Skiff also looks very good and I'd be interested to see how many figures can fit on it. Though my gut is telling me that a lot of the brown parts should have been dark tan, better color uniformity and the like. As it is a weather-beaten desert ship I suppose it is not a huge problem. I'm just nit-picky.
February 13, 201213 yr Wait! I just saw the box picture that has the silhouette labeled Ree-Yees. Interesting. I remember some press release saying that we would not get any other figure, Lego must have decided that making was not cost-effective or something. But if we get him and Lego just hasn't molded him yet, by all means that would be neat. Still a damn fine set overall. Are the Alien sets still being made? I assumed they chose Ree-Yees because that mold had potential for the alien line. Otherwise they should have chosen someone that was a little more important, like Max Rebo.
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